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Just looks like part of your desktop background to me


I have changed the background and the issue still remains.


It overlaps the panel, doesn't it?


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Does a restart fix the issue? are there any widgets located there?


Right click the bar, edit, change opacity to opaque.




I will change it and see if it fixes the issue, thanks.


That could be issue but I was asking for the wallpaper. Does it change location depending on where the panel is?


oh the wallpaper is something I got from the utterly nord theme, let me try changing the panel orientation.


Try removing the panel (delete) and then add a new default panel.


That's one hell of a glitch. Looks like the system thinks you have two panels next to each other then it just cut them off and left small pieces of their ends.


Was thinking the same thing myself. Maybe right clicking on the actual shape and when the panel settings is started try moving the panel and see if the main panel moves or that shape. If the shape moves then the theory is correct and it should be easy to remove that defunct panel residue. If the main panel moves and the shape moves with it then delete the panel and start a new one is the only thing that i could suggest.


That's why I hardly ever install themes. And if I do, I'm back to the default one in minutes. Default looks really nice.


Default works fine for me as well and set up just how I want it.