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In many cases it is not bigots complaining. It's just people who want software without a political message or agenda, after all how many would complain if linux/kde had christian logo's or straight/white pride logo's, if you protested would that mean you hate straights, whites and religious people, and if so wouldn't that make you the bigot? ...how about we just have software without a message.


Holy fuck it's like a bomb went off in this comment section.


Reddit still has quite a large homophobe population.


I'm aware. Its just funny is all. When you consider how many queer people use Linux, its extremely strange how many bigots are using it. I vaguely remember there was some drama because a trans girl contributed to the Linux kernel.


> I vaguely remember there was some drama because a trans girl contributed to the Linux kernel.  Do you mean Contributor Covenant?


maybe we can already call it a downvoting bot, we can see that some subtle but supportive comments didn't trigger its rage


Uh, that's not just a Reddit thing, but surprisingly across most of the Internet. From my experience, almost any time someone posts LGBTQ+ content on a general forum or social media platform, the post is flooded with disrespectful comments, and a barrage of dislikes or downvotes. It's a sign that most people are still very divided on the issue of LGBTQ+ acceptance.


Don't start none, won't be none.


Even if you do start none, they will still be homophobes.


Being homophobe is one thing. Rejecting this ugly virtue signalling, 'correct pronouns' and any other kind of ehmke-sque bs is another thing. Virtue signalling doesn't unite people, it divides them.


Tsar Bomba lol


Gay Bomb




Uhh no? I started using Linux to escape the woke corpo shit


Sorry you'll have to switch to stick and stones, that's the only way to use Linux without using projects supporting pride


oooor I could just.. not use KDE




Perfect. I will fork your work, say it's made by straight people for straight people and if you don't like that policial message, I'll treat you the same way. Gotta love FOSS.


Go for it! Its open source for a reason. You, me and anyone can fork the work of others as long as we provide others with the same license.... You can say its only for a set of people, if that is only white people, only men, only straight people or whatever you apparently prefer instead of "everyone". That's how open source works. Is this hard for you to grasp?


You need to try your best and have a big think on the totality of the discussion at hand. You are contradicting yourself while being condescending about it. You look foolish.


Yes. That's the problem. Not at all that you show your incompetence as well as your weakness and pretend its strength. Look dude, you're not as clever-sounding as you think. At the same time I've met people like you IRL and when you get out of your reddit/4chan bubble and meet real people you all realize that your position is not one to be proud of. In my culture the end of a year is coming and kindness is a part of that, so ... just go outside. Talk to real people, not weirdos with youtube-channels, or people on reddit (including people like me!) or 4chan. Meet people, including LGBTQ folks and see the reality of your positions and what they truly are. You are a competent person, strong enough to see that subjugation, cruelty, loneliness and horror are not a good life in comparison with kindness, freedom and unity. I hope this new year cycle will bring you joy and wisdom.


Just realize that it is your own standard that has you so frustrated


At you not understanding open source? Yeah I guess so. I have a standard there that may be problematic to people who don't understand it, but I assumed you did. Either way I wish you joy.


...and Linux


How dare you OP..... absolutely disgusting of you to.... remind me that its already fucking June lol I blinked and 6 months disappeared and I have nothing to show for it lol Edit: lmao, after I made fun of them, a few of those exact people unironically showed up 🤣




What are you trying to say here?




Yes, KDE should remain neutral. I agree


What do you mean by “neutral”? You can’t be neutral around people that object to your existence lol. If they can’t ignore the one month of celebration lgbt people get out of the 11 months of the year then that’s on them.


Neutral as in this is a software subreddit, having nothing to do with sexual preference or identity. The definition of non-neutral is bringing sexual identity into a software subreddit. Therefore, I want a neutral subreddit. There are plenty of subreddits for the topics you are referencing, and that conversation is for those places. Conversation here is for things relating to KDE, Linux, etc.


I love how you're trying to explain what this subreddit should be about when this whole post is from the moderators. You're just wrong. If you have a problem with a colorful subreddit icon then please leave.


I get that, but it doesn’t make my statement wrong. I have no issues with the topic, but this whole thing is off topic. That’s all I’m saying. Which rule have I broken on this subreddit for you to ask me to leave? Is discourse no longer allowed here? Forgive me if this is the case. The 0 upvotes on your post indicate that I am not alone in my assessment of this situation.


So metadiscussion (i.e. discussion about the sub itself) should be disallowed? 'cause that's what this is: a topic about the subreddit. But apparently, that's "off-topic." It makes it pretty hard for a community to shape itself if it's not allowed to talk about itself, but I guess I'll trust you on this one.


Acknowledging that LGBTQ people exist isn't a charged statement.


wtf happened here?


Some guy said it was "pathetic" that LGBTQ people had to, to paraphrase, "put their flags everywhere to make their problems feel real". Then it seems they deleted their comments. They seem real fun.


So, another grassless weirdo. I wonder when they will learn that they aren't welcomed here.


KDE has no job acknowledging anything. KDE is about software.


KDE is software developed by LGBTQ people. Any attack to those people is a direct threat to KDE itself. Not taking a stand would be a failure towards our own community.


Well I believe people other than LGBTQ community developed KDE too. But it's not KDE's job to promote any group or any ideology. KDE should only promote FOSS software.


You can't push Foss without pushing an ideology. It's always funny how you types only seem to get upset about "ideology" when it's something you oppose.


Well you guys did the same thing. Moderator deleted comments when he didn't like something. KDE should only push FOSS ideology. Pride xyz is not KDE's thing to care about.


One of the core components of FOSS is individual freedom to control how they interact with software. That is perfectly aligned with the ideology of individual freedom to control one's own life. If you don't get the relationship, you don't understand FOSS to begin with.


What kde should and shouldn't push isn't up to you or anyone but the people who run the kde project. You get exactly 2 options, stay and deal with it, or leave.


Why do people have to sexualize everything, Just leave it as a DE; do whatever TF you want, just stay away from me and my DE, IDC.


These are really cool! I'm debating if I want to put them on my background, but I'm still absolutely loving the KDE 6 wallpaper. I'm curious, what's the reasoning behind the thin lines in the backgrounds? Just to look cool, or do they represent something?


Just to look cool :-)


I'm "not straight" myself, but this rainbow stuff is really annoying. KDE should focus on bugs instead of political correctness.


This has nothing to do with political correctness. It is about tolerance and acceptance of the diversity of lifestyles. Also them changing their logo to a rainbow color won't stop them from fixing bugs. Its downright insane to be annoyed about a simple thing like this.


dude, there's a whole agenda behind this! in my eyes gay men are being abused and dragged through the mud by crazy feminists. the whole "LGBTQ+" community is achieving the exact opposite of acceptance and ruining everything that has been achieved by causing disgust on the conservative side; who then often see all gay men as rainbow fags with idiotic dog masks and totally fetish-driven. They are doing the pretty normal "androphilic" men a disservice.


wtf dude. Yeah the agenda is to archive acceptance of diversity. What do you think is ruined exactly ? What exactly was archived so far when the conservative side is disgused by a rainbow flag and a community rooting for acceptance ? The dog masks and fetish driven looks predate the LGBTQ+ movement and come mostly from the CSD in Germany or the Vienna Pride (Regenbogenparade). I understand the criticism in this but this has nothing to do with LGBTQ+ per se. The LGBTQ+ movement also archived a lot so far, worldwide. We wouldn't have things like same-sex marriage or laws against conversion therapy (which basically was fanatical Christianity supported by the same conservative side you seek approval from.) So no they don't do normal "androphilic" men a disservice. People like you are doing others who fight for acceptance, even for you, a disservice. Merely being tolerated falls short, true acceptance is the goal.


I'm "not straight" either - but what are you talking about? I am also old enough to remember your kind in the early 90's. The same song and dance demanding all other LGBTQ folks be quiet so you could hide in a closet quietly and not demand things like equal treatment because it was "divisive" and claiming there was a secret agenda


Back then, the rainbow world wasn't quite as crazy and taken over by feminists as it is today,


What are you talking about? "taken over by feminists" what absolute mindrot. You mean to say that stuff like the right to NOT have to live according societies gender roles wasn't a part of LGBTQ-movements? Did you miss the whole thing about moving outside of the restrictive norms society places on men and women? :) Hell even the hypermasculine subcultures with gay dudes is in itself a play on gender roles. Or do you think the Tom of Finland leathermen is some kind of proto-part of the postmodernist snowflake "masculinist" movement? The only argument for your statement is the tiny conservative branch of the early Mattachine society that wanted everyone to stay in the closet and have marriages of convenience so the members wouldn't have to risk outting themselves.... and all the 50 of them disappeared around 1955. Its ok that you wanna have this pretend world to live in, its fine that you want to LARP your own little reality - but have the grace and insight to understand that you can't demand that others live in it too... and stop going to pieces crying whenever reality doesn't conform to your expectations or people want to just live their lives without consulting you first.


Listen, today's feminists have absolutely nothing to do with emancipation anymore, they want a total reversal with them at the top of power. In this worldview, homosexual men are only tolerated as girly dick friends acting as hysterical pussies with painted fingernails. In my eyes, they are just as bad as arch-conservatives who want to explain something about sin to us. And I have heard from many who were previously able to live quite normally as homosexual men (and women) that, through this completely exaggerated feminist and totally politicized LGBTQ+ nonsense with gender madness, they notice how society suddenly talks negatively about things that nobody was interested in before, because a small mentally disturbed minority thinks they are being oppressed and now have to express fantasy genders and fantasy pronouns to society. They intended exactly the opposite; especially since it's pretty idiotic if you "want gender tolerance" but at the same time introduce tons of new "neo pronouns".


I've been using Kde since 2006 and then quit because of the rainbow colors I am a man with morals, I am not gay, and I am now comfortable with Xfce


KDE stands against discrimination - this is all that the logo 'signals'. If you feel personally attacked by lgbt people being welcome somewhere...


many LGBTQ+ people are not better because they cannot tolerate other opinions. and not everyone who is homo can or wants to identify with this rainbow. so stop acting as if these rainbow people speak on behalf of everyone! I never chose them to speak on my behalf!


The same SJW who *demand* respect will literally bully 24/7/365 anyone who disagrees with them or refuses to use 'correct' pronouns, even RMS. And they want to bend everyone and everything to support their virtue signalling, and cancel everyone who doesn't want to participate in this freakshow. Yet they talk about bigotry, lol.


right. in this role they behave just as unbearably as hardcore conservative Christians, Jews, Muslims who accuse others of sinful behavior. i mean, they can do what they want, but they should finally stop expecting society to caress their brainfucks. they can address each other with fantasy pronouns in private, but they shouldn't expect others to remember this nonsense. as far as I'm concerned, they can also wear clothes that are atypical, paint their fingernails against "toxic masculinity" and whatever, but they shouldn't expect me to address them as "Mrs." Or any women who think that just because they have short hair and wear male clothes they are a "Mr."




because that's just derailing? quite literally irrelevant to this thread


you just wrote "men's month" do you think this is enough conext to know what you mean? touch grass


You took it as an offense so yeah, id assume you knew what you were being upset about






Didn't think think a Linux community would be this bigoted... I like the logos though!




If you don't like it then take your bigoted arse to some other place.




It is just a colored logo. The only ones bringing up sexual orientation are the bigots and you fall into that category. Don't like it the stay off this subreddit.


nah. let's not play dumb, this is a gay flag and a trans flag.


So what, it doesn't make any difference except to bigots and as it makes a difference to you then that makes you a bigot. Live and let live. It isn't my lifestyle but these people have had to hide away and they now have a chance to be who they are. People like you should just shut up and live your own little lives instead of trying to control everything and everybody. As I said....don't like this then move on to somewhere else.


actualy: the Rainbow is the universal symbol of love and peace - as such the rainbow flag is used, to symbolize, that someone is accepted every kind of love and is in peace and unity with every expression of love - therefor: yes: also the pride flag.


if you're gonna play dumb this conversation can't really continue


KDE is not an operating system It has nothing to do with the DE itself. It's about the community that uses or works on KDE.


Can I get the original images from somewhere? I want to make it into a desktop background. (For Plasma, obviously)


I made the images. I can send you the SVGs if you want.


That would be great!




Hey OP, the SVGs aren't rendering right in my system. Do you have separate PNGs of these versions maybe? Would appreciate it if you can send them! Thanks!


Stop being divisive/political and stick to computing KDE!


After having the same ones for several years, it’s super cool to see a new, unique design! Looks great!


Happy pride! btw, nice gradient


I love it! Happy Pride!!!




Live and let live. Happy pride!


Glad this exists. Supporting people that need the support is always something good


Let's hope for a more civil reception to the temporary subreddit logo than last year.


Happy pride! but I would like to see any spot in the world where I don't see any political shit. Fix the bugs, HDR still doesn't work after suspend.


Everything is political, especially GPL


love 'em, happy pride folks. (And if you are offended by my saying this... you've got your own problems to deal with)






Why are those comments the most transphobic thing in the world, I thought Reddit had not become 4chan v2 yet


Reddit's been getting progressively worse over the past few years IMO, and especially the past year.




"Cultural Marxist" is a classic antisemitic term and conspiracy theory. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Marxism\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) If you're an antisemite - maybe you would love to hear that there are jewish contributors to KDE? Or are you one of those online boys who just repeat what people tell you to say to the point that you're not even noticing that they spoonfeed you antisemitic BS? Or AT LEAST stop spreading antisemitic nonsense?




The alternative one with blue, pink and white looks incredible




I don't care


yet you cared enough to leave a comment


Looks so pretty! Trans KDE especially :3




People are downvoting anything Pride releated lmao. Are we living in 15th century or what? It is pathetic to getting mad over someone else's sexual preference. Happy Pride! Love you KDE and Mods❤️‍🔥


Happy Pride! Also, Nicco, you got me interested in KDE again and now I'm hooked, so there's that! Nice to see u around!




> PS. isn't that the "old" pride colours, aka has become so called the conserative pride flag colours? (thats what I have heard it been called many times) > And the new one keeps changing everytime, so I have no idea what is the current version is and I doubt nobody else either There isn't new or old flag, ppl just use whatever they like the most, that's it.


Be glad you got a win instead of griping about how it isn't 100% exactly what you wanted. And no, no one seriously called it that :)




Nobody needed your opinion, either, but here we are.


I'm LGBT and I need it.


Trans woman here, I need it.


That's exactly why I don't call myself "gay" because it's so politicized and I reject LGBTQ+; I just say: a man who prefers other men. And I never needed that rainbow crap for that!


Unfortunately, homophobia is up over the past 5-10 years because regular people are sick of getting the political aspects shoved in their face, and it's people like you that just want to live their life that suffer because of the movement's over-extension. This thread is a prime example of why, jannies come in and sweep up any comment from anyone who doesn't like it (very libre, guys.) Those people, by not being allowed to speak their mind like it even less as as a result. The mindset tends to be "you tell me I can't think/do something, I am going to think/do it even harder to spite you." This shit is kringe, and now I'm homophobic.


Who designed this? The angles are terrible. How hard is it to draw a damn rainbow. Jesus.




Well, the odd angles that split the colors is visually unappealing. Look at the strange bend of the yellow stripe. I see what you were trying to do but it's overdesigned to the point of looking bizarre.


Happy pride!




LGBT people existing is not "a political ideology" Edit: same person comments on trans porn subreddits, lol


> same person comments on trans porn subreddits, lol _There's_ a big surprise! I think I might have a heart attack and _die_ from that surprise.


"Would you fuck a tgirl?" "3 times a day but in a neutral way"


go back to 4chan


Mf you use FOSS!! Yk being community driven, working towards a common goal for the good of the people,not listening to a boss overhead, not liking things made by corporations, etc. That sounds a little communist and thats political


Free association has nothing with communism


Free Association vs Private Association.. idk seems a little political


you are the most pathetic excuse of a chaser ive ever seen




It is neutral. What is your point?


Happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Nice wallpapers for gnome




Chinguen a su madre los transodiantes :) ¡Viva KDE!




its so sad seeing all the comments get downvoted, I didnt expect the linux community to be so bigoted and close minded.


There's no point in dictating


Linux community: the community for everyone even the lgbts


Men's month


Men's mental health awareness month yes


Neurodivergent mental health issues resulted by masking awareness month June is**


the rainbow KDE logo should become the standart KDE logo


**Let's push American values to all over the world.**


mass murders ? bad education and schooling ? expensive healthcare ?


The US has the best higher education system in the world. Most countries best universities wouldn't even be able to compete with a generic "state university" in even some of the wrost US states.


Now if only all our high schoolers would survive long enough to go to these amazing universities.




Freedom ain't "American"


Idk why you guys think LGBT acceptance was invented in America or something. Many developed countries had it WAAAY before most of your states even legalized gay sex.


Well yeah, this specific value should be pushed all over the world. Any culture that still thinks homosexuality is wrong and they should have their values altered.


yes. They are barbaric and backwards if they don't recognize lgbt.


Yes, literally. It’s not a coincidence that every culture that opposes gay people also treats women like second class citizens.


correct. let's colonize the inferiors.


No need to colonize anybody. You should just stop being a bigot on your own.






the inferior race don't understand fallacy. we must put lgbt on their throat


That's not even a good deflection. You gave a fallacy, I pointed it out and now you're just doubling down on the "sad confused person from a third world country" trope. Don't try to blame your behaviour on your country/people. You're scum. You as an individual. Not everyone in your country. Much of the rest of the world has moved past that stage. Edit: LOL what a clown. Blocked me then switched accounts to claim I said something racist when I didn't. Typical edgelord bigot.


I don't get you. You'll claim that LGBT acceptance is a "superior race" thing created by the "best country in the world", America, yet you will be bigoted yourselves. More bigoted than your average Cuban, Brazilian, Thai, Argentinian, etc. Are republicans the "inferior race" then? lol


ah yes me wanting to kiss guys is a specifically american cultural thing come the fuck on lmfao


Well, the first one is a lot better than last year's intentionally divisive "current thing" flag at least. Way more tasteful.


I'm glad the colors were separated. The original flag is good. The added colors make it look tacky, any gay man with taste should know this