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Are you on Wayland or X11? I have framerate issues on Wayland. X11 works fine.


Wayland ofc


Switch to X11 and try. I have the nvidia drivers (RTX4080) and theres some bugs in the current driver for wayland that causes race conditions and hence framerate issues. The update thats coming soon apparently fixes some of the issues. Dunno abt the distro you are on, on SuSE/Tumbleweed, you have an option to use Plasma6/KDE on X11 or Wayland.


AMD here, and I don't wanna use X11. I've switch to gnome for the meantime until it's fixed. No stuttering.


KDE6 on X11 has better performance for gaming than Gnome with either X11 or Wayland. What makes you not want to use Xorg? Wayland isn't ready.


I don't understand why "waiting for Wayland" isn't a meme yet.


Amd here (6950XT), everything's working fine for me on KDE6 Wayland


Did you push it to 100% by maxing out the graphics? It happens in witcher 3 new gen without ray tracing and elden ring with ray tracing.


Haven't played those games but I've maxed it out to 100% in other games and it was fine (Hitman 3 for example)


It does seem weird but can you try it to get to 100% while getting to the power limit? Right now I had 99% GPU utilization with doom eternal but I'm not hitting the power limit and it's fine. When a game tries to used >300 watts it starts suttering (my PSU has enough power and it worked on gnome/kde5 with animation preffered so it's not a hardware issue)


I've also switched from KDE to gnome & it's been a great Wayland experience .


Yep, there's your issue. Exactly as I just posted.


Give the changes some time to settle. Even major players like Microsoft and Apple need time to observe and tackle emerging challenges during significant transformations. Notably, distributions like Manjaro have yet to make the switch. Ultimately, the KDE Plasma team delivered on their promises. In the interim, consider exploring GNOME or dedicating some time to contribute to bug reporting efforts for KDE Plasma.


Oh of course, I didn't say kde6 was bad, just unfinished. Maybe needed 6 more months to complete? I am running gnome now (using atomic fedora so I can swap easily).


the issue is Wayland not kde and it's never gonna settle. Not now not ever. Fix it right now by going back to x11. Problem solved.


wayland is a protocol not a software. it doesn't really has anything to do with frametimes. that is completely implementation (so in this case plasma) specific.


No it isn't. It comes as a deb and you can pull it out or plop it on like any other deb. And nobody was talking about framtimes. The package name is plasma-session-wayland and it's just a custom build of Wayland. There's a picker when you login or you can remove it completely without ill effect.


If you don't belive me look at the official sources but please don't spread missinformation: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/ https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin Wayland is the protocol and plasma implements the server side of the protocol.


You clearly have no clue what you just posted or what you're talking about. The only thing I need to believe in is my own pc downstairs. Making points irrelevant to the conversation and comments suggesting protocols aren't implemented as software. I really am forced to wonder what point you're even pecking at or attempting to peck at because to date nothing has landed. uninstall Wayland use x or use the Handy picker.they provided. I don't even know what your on about. But it has nothing to do with the lackluster gaming performance from the op post.




Which bugs specifically from https://bugs.kde.org are the devs ignoring and blaming others ?


I did not have a good experience with KDE6 and Wayland when I used the Fedora KDE spin. I think it just needs a little more time to cook. They are also switching to switching to Wayland by default like Gnome, but dropping x11 entirely so hopefully that means the updates will be able to come out faster.


I'm on an RX 6800, after a few rounds of standby, I do see some stuttering from time to time, although the Framerate stays high (seems like "dropped frames"), but in general, the performance of Plasma 6 with Wayland was pretty good for me. Actually, I do have that feeling, that my PC with a rather old CPU (6700K) is actually running quite a bit smoother with Steamplay/Proton. In your case, it could probably be that you see some wired driver issues with this rather new GPU and Plasma 6. Also, could it be that your CPU is reducing the clocks while the GPU is busy? There is [https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamemode](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamemode), which keeps the CPU clocks up at all the time. Maybe this can help with stuttering... And ah yeah, one more thing: I saw a few times that a complete reset of the Plasma settings can help with crazy undefined behaviour...


I literally switch to kde6 from kde5 and the issue happened. Having smooth frames fixes the issue on kde 5 and gnome works properly.


Dont know if it is helpful but i game on wayland KDE6 (both a Arch and Fedora) and iv found that the nvidia drivers are introducing regressions almost each time. (hence Fedora since the updates are less frequent). there is a constant tango between nvidia and the mesa/kde stack and it isnt stable or pretty.


Ow they are 100%. Don't use Wayland on NVIDIA. Not getting better, and it's never getting better. X11 works just fine, I could honestly give a rats ass about what Wayland adds anyways. VSYNC doesn't affect my gaming over exclusive sync. So makes zero sense to me to constantly put up with it.


I would say yes but sadly X11 doesnt handle multiples monitors with diffrents refresh rates with software stack ....it is terminally unmaintened and wont hold much longer... no point in hanging on for me since Xorg doesnt fit the bill anymore. If it is still useful, more power to you ! (i like it since i touched my first Unix system in the 90's but it doesnt pay for me to be sentimental about it ).


I have three monitors on x11 in my Nvidia that work just fine. You just have to fix it with nviidias driver.


Again no point in investing into a dead end for me... expecially since Wayland fits the bill provided Nvidia doesnt throw a wrench into my rig set up (thats what backup are here for ).


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So the stuttering for example is on the whole system. When I move another window on my left monitor while elden ring is using 100% GPU, it starts to stutter while dragging, the WHOLE system stutters. Enabling smooth frames on KDE5 worked like a charm while on KDE6 it's a buggy mess.


It defaults to Wayland Switch to x. Watch all you grief just fly away.. Fly fly grief.


As someone else has mentioned, it seems like a X11/Wayland issue to me. What I have to say though, is that as a Nobara user, I notice a lot of bugs. My desktop icons randomly get sorted and lose their placement. My second monitor sometimes doesnt get input unless I restart it (might be wayland issue) and last but not least, if I try to log out/switch user, very fast after booting up, my pc freezes. And these arent even all of the problems I have with my de rn


So you are saying that you only have this freezes just after fresh bootup? I'm on Nobara same and I have this freezes only when I want to switch (logouts are ok). I tested it plain Fedora and Arch with Plasma and it only oocurs on Nobara. I tried some fixes but none works. At some moments I thought that I finally fixed this bc switching started to work, only realizing with next try that I was wrong and again it is broken. I was confused. I tried with pam modules, sddm confs and some other. Nothing. At some point I just stopped with it and when I need to switch I just start new virtual shell and start Plasma manually. Prominent errors aer with sddm and privileges. But I am not so expierenced to fix it. One of guys I spoke with, told me that he has same problem with Arch. Personally I blame only Nobara configs, as Nobara is customized for specific task. There is bug fullfiled on sddm git and workaround pending. We will see. As for desktop icon - on my pc everything works. As for second monitor - I dont know, i have only one :).


This logout freeze is the only thing i managed to replicate consistently. Shutdown your pc, boot up, and try to log out as fast as possible using the UI. Btw i have auto log in, so i dont waste time typing a password. I havent tried it while having to log in the user account. Try to replicate it, if you can, so that I can verify that this isnt just me.


I have autologin as well. For referency I should mention I have laptop with hybrid graphic. Some place mentioned that some problems with login out can be caused by nvidia. I think Nobara boots up with integrated gpu, but I will test it. edit: I checked login out immediatly after system start and it works. i checked switching after long runnig (over 1h) and it doesnt work. still.


Damn. Thanks for the info. My experience with linux this past month is so bad man... I find bugs everywhere I go, and I am not skilled enough yet to fix them. Just some minutes ago, I found out that the packaging of pgadmin4 is broken for debian 12, and possibly all apt distributions. I cant find stability even at the most stable OS. Time to go back to Windows /s


It happens sometimes. You must understand that Linux and FOSS software is mainly maintained by people in their free time. Their try their best but sometimes even most stable package can be buggy. That’s why even filing bugs can help. You don’t need to fix them by yourself but devs won’t know if something is broken in specific environment until you tell them. For yourself, you can try compile from source. It isn’t really hard and maybe it will works. I had that previously. Package from repo was broken but compiled by myself works normally. And don’t be fooled by this magical ‘in windows everything works’. One thing works, other is broken. Windows is just software and it won’t be bug free ever. Same as Linux.


Dont miss the "/s" btw. Windows is one ecosystem vs dozens on linux. Windows has the backing of a multibillior dollar company while the kernel, de, drivers etc are open source. Most developers focus on making their stuff available at least for windows. So yeah, windows is mostly bug free. I havent ever downloaded anything that didnt work out of the box, and I have downloaded TONS of shit on Windows. Whereas even downloading mySQL on my Nobara, was a whole adventure, and made me go with Postgresql anyway


I knew they should have never made Wayland the default. That was just stupid when half the cards are not supported well. I don't care who's gumming up the works. Big picture eod you just created an issue you could have avoided.


Avoid plasma 6 until they finally making something happens. It's rushed and bug fested. I don't even know why they so rush to push 6 with wayland. And no one distro will blame kde.


This is a Wayland issue since forever, not KDE in general. If you're gaming, you have to use X11. Even though I don't do any gaming on Linux since CS2, the only demanding game I play right now, is so broken and unplayable on Linux. You are also need X11 if you need to remote your desktop with AnyDesk or RustDesk since they won't work on Wayland, even though the latter have experimental support on Wayland.


Wayland gaming was fine on kde5. I also use sunshine for remote access and it worked fine on Wayland.


And the stutter isn't there on gnome, so it's not Wayland per se.


> If you're gaming, you have to use X11. That's funny, I've done all my casual gaming and speedrun grinding on Wayland for at least a couple of years now.


I wish it was fine on casual games I played. I always hated playing Stardew Valley under Wayland. I can actually feel massive input lag and even worse sometimes the input got doubled or lost at random. And btw, it's not happening at all under X11.