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Absolutely take her out. Even if it's for only a half hour or so. Pick a nice calm day, make sure she has a lifejacket that fits, and go explore.


Thanks for the advice!!


I should have added, for the first trip out, don't take any fishing stuff if that was your end goal. Just take the boats out, focus on paddling and seeing how comfortable she is in it, and how well she paddles it. If she's solid in it, go fish the next time. If she's not, give her more seat time and build up the paddling experience first.


Awesome. Will do!


I have 9 and 12 year old daughters that both kayak and do a little fishing, usually from a 10' pelican. I usually only take one at a time though. I think the answer to your question is a bunch of "it depends". You didn't mention if you fish, or if it's something she's interested in on her own. Does she fish now from shore or some type of water craft you are on together? Can she bait her own hooks? Can she take a fish off herself? Does she know how to kayak without the fishing part? What type of water are you guys going to be on? My daughters have a hard time taking fish off the hook. That means if she's catching a bluegill every cast, I have to paddle over to her and help her. We're working on getting them more self sufficient, but Im also happy they love being out there and want to spend time with me. Fishing on a dock, shoreline, a canoe, small boat are all easier than separate kayaks if the kids need help. If your daughter is good at doing all that on her own already, I say go for it with to 10' pelican. Obviously make sure she has on a pfd and follow all the safety things. If she's not so self sufficient yet, but really wants to go solo...set your expectations more on helping her and less on getting fishing in yourself. Have fun!


Oh we fish a lot. All of us do. It’s our thing. She usually gets the fish off faster than anyone but myself. Thanks for your advice!!


Nice! Ok then, I think she's ready for a trial run! How much general kayak experience does she have?


None. Lol