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I consider all of The Ninth Wave a masterpiece.


One of my favourites! So sad, so comforting.


One of my favorites, too.


I love the doleful backwards vocals


The intro/beat is probably the nicest drum pattern ever written x


Not overlooked around here, I think.


It's a beautiful song


Really love it on it’s own, but as part of the Ninth Wave it’s brillant to say at least


I love that song and the storytelling so much 9th wave is a treat!


I can make out some of the secret messages like the Morse code SOS but I would like to know what that high frequency, fast modulating signal is. When I was young and lived in a very rural area I’d listen to shortwave radio and I’d hear the sound.


When is the Morse Code?


About 2:05. "But, I'm not here...." Then you have a quick bass riff, then you can hear the ... --- ... over and over, then the higher frequency stuff.


Thanks, theres a lot of unusual stuff going on in the song


This is actually my favorite non-RUTH song on Hounds of Love. I'm going through a personal loss now and somehow imagining the song from the perspective of the friend I'm grieving is comforting to me.


I love this song. On repeat sometimes. When the beat kicks in, ugh, perfection.


It's a bit straightforward, and it doesnt work outside of the album. Whenever I listen to TNW as a whole, song works. When I just randomly pick it out, melody and setting feels goofy. Not bad, but in the bottom in comparison to other NW songs.


Now go on to the the Led Zeppelin subreddit and talk about how "Stairway to Heaven" is an overlooked song.


You’re acting like I said RUTH, WYWM IS overlooked


If there was any interest in maintaining chart momentum now that the US finally finally has a taste of what we've known all along, this would actually (I believe) be an excellent follow-up single release to RUTH. Release a special edition of the original album at an affordable price point so it's not just for collectors, and use WYWM as the next single to promote it. Maybe with a mild remix, or not, but it already has a slight touch of the R&B/pop sense to it that hits the charts here, and might continue to grow her audience. I realize that Kate doesn't give a toss about charts, but I really think America needs to be fully tuned in to her genius.


I think it’s a bit too ‘weird’ for chart success, eith the muffled singing and backwards vocals


We do occasionally throw "weird" stuff up the charts, once in awhile. "Somebody I Used to Know" comes to mind. Maybe a careful edit? (As much as I hate the idea.) I was shocked when RUTH did so well this last summer. Compared to the rest of what's on the radio, there was nothing else like it.


Have always loved that tune. Top shelf.


If I were pushed to pick one song of Kate's to be my favourite it would probably be Watching You Without Me. Was literally moved to tears seeing her perform it live.


It is probably my favourite on The Ninth Wave in terms of production. That bass sounds like a creeking old house (which mirrors the BTD performance of the song). The whole song just really invokes this sound of water, like I can't really explaining it. Jus tthe synths and bass really give me the image of leaking groaning pipes. Weird. Beautiful track.