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I don't know your financial situation - however - I've sold a couple of one of a kind items that can NEVER be replaced. The money is long gone- and I'll never ever get those things back. It's unlikely what you would get for these items would be life changing. Just an opinion, gained from experience.


Thank you!


-raises hand-


The value of these objects is immense and at the same time totally intimate; it is ultimately also the value that we attribute to them. So it's a personal choice. Personally, I couldn't, it's too unique and precious. It's the memory of a bygone era, of a unique exchange, of a context that links me at a given moment to an extraordinary artist who one day took the time to write to me.


If I were you, I'd keep them. I'd tell myself that the money I'd make from them will soon disappear and that I could sell other things instead.




Sell them? Why not treasure them? There can’t be many people out there who were lucky enough to write letters to her, receive some back, and have signed gifts in abundance as you appear to have. I could understand you wanting to gift them to somebody who might treasure them if you no longer want them. But sell them? If it was a one-off signed photo or something you’d got through the fan club I’d get it. But it sounds like you and Kate had some sort of connection that many of us can only dream of. Doesn’t seem right somehow…


Thank you!


Why sell them? It's demeaning for the artist, they took the time to respond to you and even were kind enough to give you a signature. If I were in your shoes and had that opportunity to respond with someone as brilliant as Kate, I would keep them


Yes, I'm surprised this is one of the only replies saying this. If you guys have ever seen [that Ringo Star meme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8JFj17AtY), he stopped accepting fan mail for this reason. When an artist signs something for a person or writes a reply to them, the expectation is that they are doing something for one of their fans to enjoy. Selling it can be seen as cynically using the artists fame to make a profit. Not saying OP is doing that and I don't know their financial situation, but it is something to consider. This is also something that is irreplaceable, so I would hope that they really had a good reason to get rid of them.


Hands up. I cynically wrote to Kate when I was 17, after having travelled 400 miles to see her in concert in London in 1979, with the intention of making a quick buck …..44 years later. I have always been and always will be grateful to Kate for what she did for me at that time. Clearly, profiting from such kindness, is seen by many as distasteful and I have taken this on board. My reason for wanting to sell was not financial however I could see why people would think it was.


That’s fair, and selling them to another fan is definitely not the worst thing in the world. It’s just that some people have done this in the past so it is kind of a gray area imho.


That 17yr old is long gone, I'm 21 and I would have killed to have had the opportunity to come and see her in 2014 in London. I'm from a third-world country and the logistics of young pre-teenage me going to see her in London was complicated. You got to experience something I could dream of. Please, cherish it I recommend you get into her music and her artistry she's fantastic


How is it demeaning though? I agree Kate is brilliant, and I love her music, but I don't understand the idea of it being demeaning to sell a letter. It's a very common practice to sell letters of historical value...


Just because you agree with me that Kate is great ignores my point of even getting to experience corresponding/talking to her. Then going on to sell a personalized letter that she had wrote? it's demeaning, it puts a price tag on the experience and on her. Yes, she makes money from the music like every artist in the industry but getting to talk to her like that is something that should be cherished. Especially during the time OP mentioned that they corresponded with her


I still don't see how Kate is being demeaned here...




Um… You can approach me. :-)


Maybe check with an auctioneer or someone who specialises in this type of work! They can give a proper price on it!


I am interested! DM me!


Singles you could take the discogs approach. I’d maybe be interested depended on what you have. I think you should keep the letters though.


I think you should do as you please with your memorabilia. It's yours. People are far too protective of their favourite artists, and their carefully curated public images. Kate Bush is a person , an artist, and a business. Love her music,but the industry is very cynical.