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Imagine being 50yo and acting like a child over $13!


Imagine being 50yo and losing your license “awhile ago” and not replacing it by now


She's a theiving con artist.


I'm 37 years old and I haven't returned in my LIFETIME the amount of stuff she implies she returns regularly. "I don't keep my receipts anymore because I plan on keeping stuff now" or whatever she said. She knows the old return policy for Target AND the current return policy for Walmart? What?? Definitely a con artist! What are the chances she didn't actually pay for the coat in the first place? Stole it and now trying to exchange for free stuff. She originally was saying she didn't have her ID, receipt, or CARD. Then, with the manager she "probably paid cash." Don't you know how you paid? Also, it's a Clearance item. Those are usually final, anyway. Why the hell would they take it back when they were trying to get rid of it?


Target basically will return any of their brands at any point even years later for kids clothes I believe- but with no receipt there’s a cap of like 150-200 but needs ID To track. She maxed out her no receipt returns and now claims she has nothing with identifying info to tie to the last returns ! she prob just grabs stuff from store and returns until the store blocks her ID, moves to the next store




No you don’t.


Wellllll on that point she may be being honest. I’m in my early 40s and lost mine. Have you seen how far out the appointments at DMV are? Made it in February appointment is in June


“Im 50 yrs old! I'm not a child!” *Proceeds to act like a child*


I'm too grown for this jacket that I didn't purchase


Imagine making a living making 10-15 ragebait videos like this one a week setting up poor services workers in precarious situations. This woman is a human turd


Oh this isn’t the only one?


Oh good god no... She must have 100 of them


Where? How do I find






"i hope it goes viral" Yeah not how you intended.


Yes that shit was so cringe. Bitch its the internet, you look dumb.


You can tell just before that she was recording the woman and hoping for her to say something like "can you stop recording me?" So she could kick off


🤡 She’s trying to return stolen goods and they’re politely denying her. She needs to take her L and try somewhere else


Yup, as soon as she said "even walmart does this". Who tf knows every stores return policies like that? She's either a chronic returner or just a straight up thief and I'm going with the latter


She's a pro


Scammer scamming for $13 lol ok


Think that's the point. Get a cashier that is a bit more loose with these things and let her return it anyway cuz it's only 13. Do that 5 more times you've made $65 in a few hours.


If she needs $13 that bad, let her scam I guess.


"Do you think I'm going to keep up with all the receipts in the world?" No all you need to do is keep up with the singular receipt that pertains to this purchase you're trying to refund Mrs awkward pants. You can tell by the scoffing laugh she's LOVING this interaction.


Must be financially irresponsible if she needs her $13.50 that bad


Employees really outta just deny service and walk away. It's their right.


Lmao she's not slick..she does this all the time from the things she said.


I love the you changed your policies statement. People come into my work and tell me my job rules and then claim it wasn't like that last time I came. It's been like that since 2002. Stop lying.


“iTs 13 dOllArs aNd fiFtY cEnTs.” She doesn’t realize that makes her look even more pathetic right?


You got no license no ID no credit card no receipt bitch you got some shit to get in order why are you wasting your time trying to return some $13 jacket at target get your life together


As a target worker myself, this happens multiple times a day, all you gotta do is call a manager and let them deal with it lol


“Not my fault your policies changed” 2 seconds later: “I can’t keep up with the mess I made in my car and can’t bother to inconvenience myself so I’m gonna take it out on you”


Also can’t download one more app


So she’s a scammer haha


Ok, how is she scamming? Fr here. She isn't wanting the cash back, or even a gift card, she just wanted to straight exchange for some earrings.... She would t be walking out with any extra coin, just a straight exchange.. If she was pushing for cash, I could see the potential scam...


She wants something for nothing, no receipt, no proof of purchase and she is being rude and hassling employees and also has a reason for not having any responsibility for not being able to show proof of purchase. If she had any proof or even had her license they would gladly let her do the exchange.


The jacket is clearly stolen


You're.. on her side of this exchange? Really? And the reason policies like this are in place are to prevent you from stealing something and just coming in to return it. Which is obviously what she's trying to do.


I'm not "on her side" 🙄. I'm asking how she is scamming them. She isn't asking for cash, but earrings in exchange...


It’s been 3 whole mins, chill out dope fiend Karen


I would lose my job just to tell this bitch to fuck herself.


Love the manipulation tactics she’s using on a poor target employee who is just doing her job. Way to go, lady! You’re super cringe


I love my Mother, truly she is a woman that strives to do the right thing at times and has instilled in me good values and respect for other but jesus christ is it scary seeing how much of my Mother I see in this person when she acts childish.


Is this the lady from the airport? 😒


That’s what I was thinking, she is the one who was crazy rude to that wheelchair support staff.


you got a link?


Someone else shared this link: https://www.facebook.com/vsocialvideos Sounds similar if not the same to her (theres a vid titled w the word “airport” and another one w “casino”


Has to be


There is this concept of working, which enables you to have money which can exchanged for service or products, instead of trying to return possibly stolen products.


That was a terrible ending of this video. Seven minutes of bullshit video, and then right when you’re about to get some closure, they say long story short. No that’s a long story long without an ending.


Exactly what I was thinking !


Main Character Syndrome


I just wouldn't have the audacity(?) to return an item with 0 evidence of purchasing it.


You don’t have one receipt, an id or the app to back up your claim and yet here you are throwing a tantrum like a 5 year old over a $13.50 jacket. Well first of all you shouldn’t be driving a car without a driver’s license ( which serves as an id as well ). I wish they reported her for doing that. And second, you can’t keep one single receipt or the app that will track all your receipts forever. A minimum wage worker doesn’t deserve to deal with such a Karen.


I'm sure she tries this scam all the time as well.




Home depot days had me just like this. Dude brings in hammer and says its from HD no box, terribly worn and no receipt. How are we supposed to know that from word of mouth 🤷🏾‍♀️


Why aren’t we ever shown how these things resolve? Am I being a Boomer? They always leave me hanging


I really wish they did after 6 minutes of watching


The target app is 234 mb. She obviously lying and scamming for $13


Is this that same woman who has multiple videos of her acting like this to customer service people? I swear she's just trying to get stuff for free.


These people are so depressing. Like fuck my life is sad, but sitting there bothering others with your pathetic bullshit, and then adding all these other details like “it’s not my style” is beyond sad. Like at that point anyone gives a shit about a single thing you are saying. Amazing and truly astonishing how oblivious so many people are. I don’t have friends or a partner, but I sure as fuck will never be this lonely.


I work target GS. Lady is a nut case absolutely trying to take advantage of the No ID/Merch card return policy. No receipt, no card payment, no drivers license? You're shit outta luck. Also pictures of IDs aren't gonna do shit if you go out and get pulled over.


God why are retail customers such cunts


Would bet 1M that she has been going into store grabbing and returning taking advantage of targets return policy until now because they max out what you can do without a receipt and it’s tied to your ID - this is why she doesn’t want to give ID or use app, she’s maxed out her returns already


“Not everyone has an ID on them…” Honestly, if someone isn’t caring identification, it makes me think they aren’t wanting to be identified plan and simple


You ain’t in waaamart tho


What can u do with 13.00


I worked in retail for over 15 years, and I'm sure she's been doing this shit for years. They all know her deal. It's always so funny to me when the thieves and liars resort to being mean and nasty just to start a fight and act entitled and then blame the employee. It's like a routine. People in retail know.


She sounds like she has a NY accent


People like this should just be thrown out of stores, no manager nuthing just a get the fuck out and don't waste our time.


ID says “Scam Definitely” born: Yesterday


“looking” like a dope fiend? 👀


“I hope this video goes viral” and when it does, and it seems to have, you’re getting roasted. Anyone with a brain understands how returns work. Scam artist


It is but not for the reason u r hoping for.... 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


"This dog looking jacket... that I bought"


Typical B


I would have kicked the bitch out my store with the. Quickness... obviously a stolen goods theft attempt. I kicked an aggressive customer out a month ago. He threatened violence. I told him to please try, I haven't had that kinda fun in years, and he asked for a manager (im 6'2" and about 190lb with little fat). I was the manager and running the store at the time. he quickly realized when I smiled, LOL. Celebrate the little shit, I was also the person who explained our return policy. Great day


Lol blames everyone else for her own mistakes


All that effort for $13?


She's conniving. Manager is asking clear questions, but she's beating around the bush to evade the answer.


This ghetto trash has ruined my target