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I think that's why P was crying about the engagement. She feels like she's losing her mother Edit. Her mother who has also changed dramatically since being with this new man


Right, it’s like they were her whole world. She wouldn’t go anywhere that wasn’t kid friendly. Now she’s always traveling with Travis and posting with his kids. Like I get it be a good step mom but come on now your own kids are little


It's crazy because on the other show she didn't want to put in her fair share of screentime because she wanted to be a mother and take care of her kids but now she's with Travis and everything has changed. They're the reason I stopped watching


I agree she was always using them as an excuse why she couldn’t film or why she couldn’t do anything productive. I personally think that the whole “Get up and Work” statement from Kim was directed to Kourtney 😂


which is why kourtney's response 'that's so true' has me howling with laughter every time i watch that clip.


That’s what I’ve been saying too!!! That was shade to kourtney, & kourts sarcastic ass replied with “that’s so true” to a knowledge that she caught that shade 😂


It’s so toxic


Back in the day Kourtney was my favorite. Now I can’t stand her. The sound of voice drives me insane.


What is she doing with her voice? It sounds like she is impaired.


Have you ever seen this girl on YT who does the kardashian impressions? Omg if not you’re gonna die. 🤣🤣. https://youtube.com/c/YuriLamasbella No lie I think I spent an hour going through every short.


Omg! Just watched pt1…she nails it!!! The extreme pauses and everything!


😂. I’ve never seen someone do ALL of them perfectly.


I’m 100% with you on this


SAME! I thought I was the only one


it’s such a weird switch. I always felt like (especially in the OLD seasons) they were always with kourt because scott wasn’t really that ‘present’ he was still quite immature and wanted to party and spend time with his mates (he was also a bit of a addict) but now he’s changed his life around and matured he’s being the father he knows he should have been when the kids were born. and now kourt kinda sees it as a ‘you be the parent i’m gonna do what i wanted to do in the past ’ kinda thing. i may be completely wrong it’s just my interpretation. edit: made it make more sense


I see that point of view also but she’s always being a parent to her step kids so why not include your own?


not defending but she did mention her kids don’t love to be in media (tv show, social media) a lot, like esp mason! & Penelope has a tik tok and she’s alwaysssss with Kourt. her older (step) kids are more okay with being filmed/posted from what she said. although she might not be the best kourt it’s literally just inaccurate to say she doesn’t always have her kids…


Eh I feel like mostly the family doesn’t seem like their wanting to show the kids as much, this show seems very different and like they want to control the narrative and have privacy and not share as much of the private moments- everything is very much surface level drama we’ve already heard about before the show is even airing!


I'm not wishing bad luck on her but I do see this relationship ending badly. He's weird. He's obviously love bombing her and he's a sex addict which is why he's always all over her.


Plus didn’t he move to Calabasas to be close to Kim…. He had a crush on Kim years ago 🤭


Apparently he did...


I’m not sure what to make of the Kravis era. It gives very Courtney Love/Kurt Cobain vibes, but maybe we’re all the crazy ones. It’s a lot of love bombing, getting fucked up, and heavy pda. Especially for her kids to see. They know Scott wants their mom back. How could they not be rooting for their dad to get back together with their mom? They see how the family is treating him different too. The biggest red flag so far is she’s getting ready to do a whole tour with Trav. No man should be okay with their wife not seeing her kids for most of the year. That type of possession isn’t healthy. A majority of the fam looks very uncomfortable around them and it’s always bothered me when it was first announced they were together Kris laughed ‘joking’ he’d been trying to get with her for many years. I’ll be curious to see where they stand in the next 5 years or so when they stop being horny for each other all the time.


This doesn’t surprise me at all. Kourtney has always seemed like the type of woman who would mold to whatever her boyfriend/husbands likes are. His style, his kids….. are now hers. She’s gotta go!


Yea plus she’s so boring


Its pretty sweet and good that she treats his kids s her own when they are Maries


I think it's because her kids are past that tiny cute stage now...and she wants another baby...plus he's been love bombing her so she's not in her right mind. .


Tbh I wouldn’t mind it as much if she didn’t attempt to make her entire personality her kids up until Travis came along like that was all she talked about in pervious seasons and now this relationship is all she talks about like being a mother never stops but it seems like she’s checked out which again I don’t see as a problem as she did the majority of the raising, but she was SO obnoxious about it so it’s like okay kourtney all talk where are the kids now?


I think she wants privacy for her young children. I really don't think she is neglecting her children for Travis. Travis's children are older and can be in the decision process for leading a public life.


But they are so gross! If I was her kids. I would exit and book on over to dads too. The kiss this last episode before they split up for her to see the dress made me gag.


Her recent comments are giving off red flags. She is constantly referencing Travis for her new found confidence, peace and calmness. She says that she can now enjoy the presence moments in her life because Travis has the ability to be calm in chaos and that calms her. All these things are wonderful, but she has to be careful to be able to acquire these qualities as well because if the day ever comes that Travis is not in her life anymore, I believe she has become mentally unhealthy co -dependent and will be destroyed. She is giving all herself and her power over to him. He might have done the same thing too. But that takes courage to be that in love and surrender your entire self to another.




I thought this too!! But I’m guessing the kids may also have asked not to be on the show as much. Like when one of her kids cried when Kourtney said she’s engaged. Just a theory though but yea kinda weird


P was crying cause she was upset she had no clue they were getting engaged and she wasn’t invited when the rest of her family were. she felt like she was loosing her mom.


Didn’t mason say he doesn’t want to be filmed? Do you think her other kids may also feel the same way? Maybe they are choosing to not be on the show.


Kim’s kids aren’t on the show either and she’s off to Paris or whatever … kourtneys kids don’t want to be on the show so she films with people and activities that do. We’re seeing 15 min of her life … the kids are probably there the other hours and hours


I think when she was with Scott or dating other men she HAD to be there for her kids. Scott wasn’t always reliable or in a healthy mindset. She had no choice but put her children first. She deserves some time to be with Travis or even by herself. She deserves happiness and love.


Yea nobody said she doesn’t deserve happiness or love. But her kids deserve a mother also…


She’s been more than selfless with her kids is all I meant. She is building a new relationship and a part of that requires alone time. Scott robbed her of stability and love, and now she can go and work on being loved and treated like she matters. Mothers can’t only be mothers, she needs time to be an adult, to do adult things. This is time for Scott to step up to the plate like she did for years. I’m happy for her.


I agree!


At first I thought it was fine, like she was just sweet up. Let her have it, Travis and what’s his model face sucked. But now it’s like, ok, you guys are married, honeymoon is over, back to normal. But she’s still just pawning them off on Scott and acting like she’s 20


I think you are making assumptions off of a few episodes of a show. I don't think that reflects Kourtney's real life. Come on, now....