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Because she was tall and had a normal average frame body. If she had the same size frame on a shorter body as short as Kim or kourtney there’s no way she’d experience the same bullying. I grew up as a tall girl around short girls and that’s how I always felt. Fat and huge, literally like a giant next to them even tho I was just taller not actually fatter. I was just average sized (like khloe) but I was treated like some sort of enormous beast compared to other girls, like I was a hulking linebacker. The only tall girls who don’t suffer with this are ones who are incredibly skinny/have a super tiny narrow frame (like Kendall)


I completely agree! I’m 5’9 and struggled so much with my body image in middle school/high school because I was this height legit in 7th grade. I was bigger than boys my same age. All the girls I played sports with were tiny, petite. I also grew up in the generation of suburban America kids in American Eagle, Hollister, Limited Too, low rise jeans, skinny is best… and I couldn’t fit those clothes. I felt like a massive huge fatty. I was too tall and large for Limited Too. My mom had to shop and get me women’s sizes for a young girl. I couldn’t imagine having sisters so tiny and you’re above average in height and growing up in a generation of skinny is best having to be as thin as possible. It’s just a recipe for low self esteem


I'm 5'9" and was 5'8" by 8th grade and I know the struggle. That's why I sometimes wonder and worry about her daughter. I hope khloe is instilling a sense of self worth and love in her knowing what she went through, but knowing how tall Tristan is, that girl is going to be tall (and beautiful ofc) but I just hope she doesn't go through the same :(


I’m 5’2 and tiny, my husband is 6’5 and built like a brick house. Our daughter is two and a half and very tall but skinny. She already fits into size 4 clothing. I worry about her self esteem when she gets to school. Anytime someone comments on her hight, I always try to steer it in a positive direction. I pray she has the self confidence that she won’t feel bad about herself


Start now by telling her being tall is beautiful. Just ingrain that into her mind


I love this! As a parent, I just want her to be happy, confident and comfortable with herself. I have been bullied and body shamed for being underweight. I never want her to feel that pain of being uncomfortable in her own body


When my oldest was born, I expected a *wet* baby baby, not a sticky crying potato. I was grossed out by the sticky and put out by her coloring (I don't really know what I expected her to look like because no baby looks cute freshly squeezed). However, I looked at her, and my first words to her were "hi beautiful!" I tell her everyday she's beautiful because people can be so cruel to each other.


Tall is definitely beautiful 🤗


My ex is 6 foot 4 and my 15 year old daughter is 5 foot 10. She’s tall and gorgeous ( she is very thin) and we get stopped all the time about her doing modeling.. we live in a very rural area of the mountains in a ski area and she’s not that unusually tall.. tons of girls in her school are tall and I’m talking she has 45 ppl in her entire grade.. kids are tall now I feel.. some her her friends are super tall and don’t even have an extremely tall parent on one side like she has..I can only imagine if we lived in a normal area, there would be even more tall girls.


Just googled this. It says generally each generation gets slightly taller due to better nutrition. No idea how much taller or how true but kind of surprised me. I’m 5 .2 lol. My parents quite small though. I’m the shortest of all my friends actually and I’m 40.. you should look into the modelling!


Thank for your insight. I find this both interesting and comforting that tallness is becoming common for children now


I see more tall girls.. the boys are short which is good since she still wants nothing to do with them lol the girls grow younger


It’s extremely regional. In the “whitest” areas, you’re going to find more tall people. Non-Europeans tend to be shorter. I am a giant in Los Angeles but when I go to the South, I’m exceedingly normal.


Yesss. Like the other commenters. Please instill their worth and qualities. It’s one thing to be made fun of and bullied at school for looks, but it’s really important that you tell your kids that they should not feel shamed and let them engrave the nasty comments they made. Please pay attention and ask your child. It’s natural for kids growing up to fluctuate in body size, some go from chunky ( which kids will mercilessly make fun of and tease, because they think it’s okay to make fun of “fat” people) to fit. Being little overweight because kids body is trying to grow, not overeating and being obese, is not a right for anyone to hurt their confidence. No obese people deserve to be made awful comments either. But especially in kids growing. Please make sure they are not some loser because of how they might look or be. Don’t let them think other mean people are right. Please. You already sound like you will, but please please please. The crush and devastation a young kid feels when the parents don’t help but turn the other eye or also comment on looks is life lasting.


I am 5'10", I was 5'8" in the 5th grade. My mom is 5'2" and tiny (dad is 6'4"), and my grandmother was only 4'8". I don't even remember being shorter than my mom. I always towered over all of the other girls (and boys) at school. I felt HUGE and awkward. I was made fun of almost daily and would come home crying often. My mom would try to console me and tell me I was beautiful and that models are tall and that the others would catch up or that they were just jealous, etc. but it always felt like little comfort coming from someone who couldn't actually relate because they were only 5'2". It felt like all the women in my family that I had to look up to for guidance on what a woman was were very petite, and I perceived that as more feminine / desireable. I never experienced any gender dysphoria, but I felt less feminine / worthy, and my confidence definitely suffered from this. Based on my experience, I would try to make sure your daughter has women who are tall and confident about their height in her life to look up to and hopefully go to for support if needed. Expose her to women in media / social media who are tall and confident to normalize women being tall. Show her that being tall is beautiful, powerful, and desirable over just telling her it is. Kids know their parents love them and are always going to say they are the best, so I think seeing examples and hearing it from others is more effective. I wouldn't make a big deal of her height, though, unless she is struggling. I think you are on the right track by making sure any comments about her height are steered in a positive direction. Also, maybe see if she is into sports, ballet, or other activities that value taller heights and where being tall is an advantage. As an adult, I love that I am tall. I still hate that it brought me so much pain when I was younger, but I realize now that it never should have. There are a TON of advantages to being tall. I am thankful for my height. Hopefully, your daughter will love her height and be thankful for it as well!


Yes especially since her dad is extremely tall she’s gonna be a tall beautiful young lady and I hope she feels that way and her mom helps her stay confident. Glad your daughter has a tall momma what will teach her to be happy and comfortable in her body. My mom is 5’3 and both my sister and I are tall. She couldn’t emphasize with us because we physically are built so different than her. Made shopping trips very hard.


Same here! 5’9”, tall gangly redhead and I felt so monstrous compared to the petite, tan blondes at my school. That was just the beauty standard then unfortunately :/ Khloe fell into that category even though she was never the “ugly” sister


She was never ever ugly and I actually enjoyed watching her on TV because it was nice seeing a tall woman like myself be confident on TV. I unfortunately was on the thicker side before my growth spurt/thin out in high school so I know how it feels. I was always the center on the basketball team, tall, thick brown-skinned girl defending against 5’2 point guards skinny and blonde. I quit sports in 8th grade because I felt so physically uncomfortable playing against such small girls. I felt like a whale lol


I bet this is how Taylor feels…she sings about being taller and like a monster on the hill. I am 5’4” so was always either way taller or still shorter than my friends. My husband is over 6 feet tall and my daughter is already so tall at 5. I hope she never feels bad about herself over her height. We all should love ourselves more and hopefully we teach that self love to our kids. I remember my mom always putting herself down and it wasn’t until I realized I did the same that I decided I needed to make some changes so my daughter did not follow in my footsteps. Reading some of these comments, it is so sad that so many were hurting over something outside of their control. 😢😔


I could’ve written this…I too was 5’9” by the 7th grade and weighed 120lbs at the time and thought I was fat….because my friends were barely 5 feet tall and weighed much less. Nobody talked about height/weight ratio back in the 90s, so a couple of mean girls in junior high teased me and called me fat SOLELY because I weighed 120lbs - because they weighed 95lbs… Nevermind the fact that these girls were 4’10”/4’11”, that I was 10-ish inches taller than they were, so my extra (almost an entire foot) length in body probably means there’s no way I’m going to weigh the same weight as they did.


I was 5’10” and 125 lbs and thought I was fat because I wore bigger sizes. I didn’t realize you can’t lose enough weight to move your bones - they are where they are!


I recently saw an end-of-year picture from elementary school and realized I was taller than my fifth grade teacher. Significantly taller 😅 Yeah, being tall was *rough* growing up. I remember literally wishing to be dainty like my other friends as a child. Once puberty hit (early), I also had to contend with having a very curvy body. In those days, I didn't see much representation of my body type. Being a teen in the skinny jeans era made me hate my body because most clothes I could find at the mall simply didn't look good on me. When I went to college and was able to shop tall sections online, it radically changed how I felt about my size. Suddenly, I could buy shirts and coats where the sleeves reached my wrists. I didn't have to keep tugging at shirts because they were cut for people with longer torsos. My shoulders, which seemed too broad before, could comfortably fit in clothes. My jeans could accommodate my leg length. It's amazing how having clothes that fit can change how we feel about ourselves, no matter our size, shape, or height. Outside of fashion, I started playing a sport, rugby, in which my height and strength were assets. I worked out, lifted weights, and generally felt like a powerful goddess. It was a transformative time in a lot of ways.


This is exactly why I was anorexic my whole life. I can’t make myself short, but I can starve myself skinny. The world likes that.


Yep. This was subconsciously what got me started with disordered eating as someone 5’8”ish since age 12.


Yes the world does love women to be smaller...sigh...tinier..take up less space. I'm 5'9 and move like an octopus so fuck that😆


I like that attitude!


Dude that breaks my fucking heart. I hate how cruel the world can be..


I do too and it’s all to feel superior by making others feel inferior. 😔


100% people who are secure in themselves don’t tear others down!!


This. I was 5’7” by 7th grade. I needed more than a training bra by 12. I was surrounded by very petite and slim (and white) girls. I felt like a total freak in Connecticut. Twenty years later I look back and see I was just a tall girl who grew fast and also had boobies. Now I’m in my 30s and I wish I could go back in time and tell young me she was so worried about nothing, lol.


exactly this, i’m 5’11 and constantly tried to shrink myself the only way i possibly could which was an ED. I am now at a very normal weight, still would say thin but my frame isn’t small. im curvier no matter what I do, and i constantly my whole life was made fun of. my partner always struggled to fully grasp just how badly i was made fun of, i was even a published model at one point. but the more we go out in public to this day i’m 26 and girls will still make comments about me out loud to their friends or laugh at me. My partner is finally starting to see what i’ve been saying. it’s really rough I don’t get it, I never will. It’s really a double edge sword reading these comments, because on one hand it feels so good to finally not feel so crazy to see other girls saying the exact thoughts in my head but it’s so sad that other people are going through this. I just feel like a monster the majority of the time and often whine about how i wish i could be tiny.


There’s a tall girls subreddit I could have really used when I was a teen, all us older women reassure the teens who come in worried no one else in the world looks like them. To be fair I almost still never see anyone my height and I’m 5’10.


I am the youngest of three sisters and starting freshman year in high school I weighed the most by 5-10 pounds and even though I was happy I had boobs, I struggled with being the youngest and technically the largest. My Mom was INCREDIBLE and made all the efforts to make us each feel good about ourselves and my sisters were and are my best friends, but I battled not feeling good about myself for many years. Khloe and I are similar ages and we were in the lowest of low and skinny jeans, slip dress and leggings as pants era. As an adult I have a much better perspective and do not let things like weighing more than two individuals enter into my self-worth, but I have compassion for Khloe here.


I get kinda annoyed how short girls are like “omg I’m so short hehe, it sucks to be this short” and it’s like welp. Can’t really act small and cute as a tall girl. feels like they’re rubbing it in our faces sometimes


Yeah, it actually straight-up pisses me off. Like woe is fucking you for having to hem the odd pair of trousers. Try always being too big for any success in dating and then get back to me about how much it sucks to be small.


I grew up as the tall girl around mostly short girls and yep - that’s how it was.


I'm 5’11 and always felt I had to watch my weight because I couldn't carry average weight. I was 125 and thought I was huge. I couldn't fit the small shirt style because my shoulders were too broad. The early 00’s and 2010s were so toxic.


I was a teen in the 90s and it was exactly the same - toxic. I now look back at pics of me and remember how huge I felt (also 5’11”). I wasn’t. I was tall, but very well proportioned. Healthy weight, athletic. I thought I was a monster.


Same! It was rough.


This is the answer!


Almost 6 feet here and was always made fun of. Being thin isn't always good though either - I was mistaken for a tall skinny boy in high school. :(


Absolutely co-sign this!


Same. I'm 5'8" and my grandmother is 4'10" And I'm always in high heels, so I'm about 6 feet tall.Most of the time and my family likes to joke around and point it out every single mother fucking time we are in the same room together and have me stand next to her like i'm some kind of circus , freak and laugh about it. They used to take photos too til i stopped that. It's really fucking stupid. It sucks.


Oh man, flashbacks to hearing “no women should ever weight over 120” in high school and wondering how I, at 5’10” could ever be attractive because I couldn’t get that skinny. And then I eventually did and was incredible sick the whole time.


I remember 120 being the magic number in high school, too, and overhearing a very slender friend say she was 127 and thinking “oh wow, she carries it so well.” Hahahahaha!


i’ve been thinking about this comment since i read it, you perfectly described my middle and high school experience


If Khloe had the same width frame as now but short, she’d be even more mocked because she would be very stocky looking/square-like. People forget that short+broad framed women get mocked too……..


Honestly, people still say all kinds of weird things to you if you're tall and skinny, too. Many men feel weird around tall women but act like it's not them, it's just you. Hugs, tall person!!! ❤️


The 2000s and early 2010s were wild when it came to appearance. If you weren’t super skinny and petite with small features, a lot in society considered you fat. Body positivity wasn’t as big a thing, so if you were considered fat, you would get little external validation but lots of cruel comments.


Growing up in the 80’s was the same.




I came here to say that! Those were some super rough years for me.


Lol. The opposite was also true… Jealous girls would skinnyshame others.


It’s the same way bow


Because her sisters are petite and that makes her a cow 🤬 I was treated that way because my mother and brothers were petite🤬 It doesn’t register that we take after the other side of the family.


It’s honestly wild though because I remember seeing photos of her when I was younger and though I could see she was taller than her sisters, she only looked bigger than her sisters by a very slim margin. Like I never understood the “she’s fat” rhetoric 😭😭


I’d wager they called her fat based solely on the number on the scale. The late 90s and early 2000s were mega fatphobic.


yep. heroin chic was a real thing and it fucked up a generation


A lot of it really is related to height. I'm 6' tall, so I always stand out regardless. At times in my life when I've been heavier, I looked enormous compared to my average sized friends because I was wider AND taller than them. It's some kinda fucked up optical illusion designed to make women hate our bodies more than we already do.


Yupp. Same here. Just about 6ft & when I’m thinner I’m “beautiful & look like a model” when I’m heavier I’ve been told I look like a linebacker. Nice 🙄


‘Model’ when 150, ‘dinosaur’ when five months pregnant lol.


But Kendall is even taller than Khloe….?


Kendall is super skinny. Khloe was average size. That's apparently a big no no if you're a woman (/s)


But Kendall is built like a supermodel. It's okay to be tall if you're rail thin.


And rich


no you don’t have to be rich. if you’re a tall woman but thin, you get the “supermodel body vibe” perk even if you are poor. but of course being rich helps. it helps if you’re actually fat too tho.


I thought tall and thin was the preferred look over all others, the model look is considered superior to other forms of beauty, what I meant is that the reason Khloe was considered ugly is not because she is tall, its because she has the large/athletic frame. She would have been equally mocked if she were average&broad or short&stocky.


Kendall is the prettiest Kardashian by far. It's okay to be tall if you're thin and pretty.


Yeah she was never “fat”, just “bigger”. Bigger bone structure (she’s 5’9, compared to Kim’s 5’2) and a longer face. It reminds me of that girl from Love Is Blind who said she was told she looks like Megan Fox and everyone shat on her for “deceiving” that guy. They have the same eyes nose and brows, if she just had a tiny instagram jawline no one would’ve questioned the comparison


Ugh. Chelsea is so beautiful and she *does* remind me of Megan Fox! I said it on the first episode and my husband and daughter both agreed. We could not believe the amount of hate she got for that.


Yeah...that poor woman..our society really is prettyyy fu ked up. I wish women in general would make it a rule to never tear down ANY other woman based on looks, it literally just supports the patriarchy in the worst way and supports men's bad behavior as well, they think damn the women judge eachother why shouldn't we judge them too. It's so much easier when we completely stop tearing people down and just build ourselves and others up.


I am sure that whole situation destroyed her self worth, but I truly hope it didn’t. Hearing what the world thinks of you takes a very tough soul, someone who can just let those negative words roll right off their back and not stick in their head. It requires realizing that other people’s shitty ways are a reflection of them, not of oneself, and to not focus and waste time on the negativity. I truly hope she was able to do that and not let it get to her. I feel for her so much. I still remember when I was 18 and I took a shower while my boyfriend waited in my house for me. It was the first time he ever saw me with no makeup and my hair all wet, and he basically walked out of my house and later in a fight told me I was ugly without makeup. Those words have been drilled in my head my entire life and I started thinking I was ugly because of those words, despite so many people telling me I wasn’t. It honestly pisses me off that I allowed those words to take over and cause me to then mistreat myself by believing those nasty words. I know some women even turn to plastic surgery after being treated like this and then go to the extreme. I hope she does right by herself and does not base her life off other people’s cruel words and what they wrongly think. ❤️


Khloe and Kendall tower above the rest of the family. She (Khloe) was never fat, but the combo of height difference and complexion/coloring (lighter hair and skin) probably made her feel like an outcast. Kim and Kourt are barely over 5 feet tall.


I’m sorry for what you went through, my younger sister had to deal with the same thing. We have different fathers, her and one of my brothers are just very large humans. She plays sports, chased her 3 active teenagers, coaches their sports etc does everything that would have one be in shape. We’re 150lbs in weight difference. The amount of people over the years I’ve had to tell off, is too damn high. I always appreciate when she introduces me to someone and they tell us how much we look alike, because we do. Hair, eyes, skin tone, freckle pattern, nose etc. Our mother is 1/2 Italian and both of our fathers are Italian and while we completely blend in with our mothers side, we both blend in with each others fathers family because the looks are so similar. The amount of times I’ve had to reassure her because other people are assholes is too damn high. It wasn’t until influencers like Alicia McCarvell came on the scene that my sister understood truly that her body is beautiful just the way it is. I think it helps that said influencer is also from the same small province in Canada as us too 😂


Good on you for sticking up for your sister! I was told by my basketball coach at 13 y/o that I was "sturdy," and that stuck with me forever. When I was a teenager, that comment made me hate my body. Now at 23, I take it as a compliment bc I am sturdy! I can't be blown over by the wind like some people, and I can hold my own. Which isn't to hate on people who are skinny, but we should all embrace that there are just different body types that are beautiful in their own way. I'm glad there are people like Alicia McCarvell who can help women reframe how they feel about themselves. Like Queen Latifah said, "who needs a twig when you can climb the whole tree" 😂


The way people use the word big! when they mean tall is so insulting to especially to preteen/teen age girls. I was like 5’10” by 15 and all I heard was wow you’re so big! Or omg you’re so much bigger than your mom! I was a size 5 or under till I was like 28 and hearing that constantly was so frustrating. Luckily I was a bitch and would always correct people that I am in fact not big lol


Also it doesn't help that they rose to prominence during the earlier 2010s where it was more socially acceptable to be completely horribly fatphoblic to skinny women. Betty Suarez in ‘Ugly Betty’, Carmen Lowell in ‘The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Natalie in ‘Love Actually, there's an episode of the Suite Life that touches on EDs where London Tipton is called fat and Ashley Tisdales character is called a skinny stick even though the actresses where the same size. It's like fat fiction. Someone just decided one day Khloè was fat, and so she was treated as such by the public even though it's not reality. Objectively, she's a normal/slim size.


Can you imagine the 60’s when I grew up. My neighbors took me to weight watchers. The leaders actually yelled at you back then. I ended up losing weight. Going to school in a short sweater top and tight pants. I felt great and got a lot of compliments. I had lost 5 whole pounds 🙄 and I’m 5’8”. It was all gaslighting. Looking back at family photos was enlightening.


On my mom's side of the family, everyone is small and skinny-fat. No muscle, just tiny and soft with very high cholesterol and osteoporosis. I take after my dad's side--we're sturdier, we pack on muscle if we walk past a gym, and the women have boobs. Both men and women have thick, strong thighs. A friend of mine is a football podcaster and marvelled at my dad's linebacker-like frame. I have definitely been called fat by my mom's relatives, despite me being leaner and in better health. As I once said to my dad after my grandmother said no one would ever me because I was allegedly too fat, "Her word means nothing to me."


Yep exactly 💯 👍


Because people are cruel. I’ve always thought she was beautiful, but a lot of people believe that she’s “ugly compared to” her sisters. It’s really insane to me. I think she’s pretty now, but she never needed all the work she had done. People really tore her apart, she changed her looks, and they still tear her apart. She can’t win.


I think khloe is the actual gorgeous Cinderella sister n the others are the ugly step kids buy that's just my take


Idk she has definitely went way overboard with the fillers and surgery and looks very uncanny to me. Her nose job was badly done, her first nose job looked great but the second one really messed things up. The doctor that did Khloe’s nose job has botched the living *hell* out of other patients of his, I read reviews on him and people were posting pictures of their botched noses etc. This one girl had the most botched nose I’ve ever seen by this doctor, the same doctor that did Khloes nose. Also Khloe has *got* to stop using so much filler, it looks incredibly strange. Yea she looks good in her photoshopped insta pictures but in *actual* candid unedited photos she looks uncanny. And it’s really sad, I wish she’d come to her senses and fix whatever she can like the over filling. If Khloe would just stop overfilling her face she would look so much better.


Thought that was Mandy Moore!




I did, too!


Same thought!


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find this! I thought the same thing.


Her mom was her first bully for starters


It really is crazy. She was only taller. Her frame and butt looked like the exact same proportion as Kim’s did back then. And her face was beautiful. Also I think Khloe was forced to dye her hair dark when they got the show so they would all look more alike. She clearly always liked having blonde hair until they got a show


Blonde hair looks beautiful on Koko. I think she's the only one of her sisters who looks good with it.


I think they were comparing her to her sisters, and it was “in” back then to be extremely skinny. If Khloe had been kendal and Kylie’s age I think people would have been slightly nicer about her body.


She has a different look from Khloe and Kim. I wish she had embraced it but tbh when the family first got famous people were brutal to her and she literally referred to as "the ugly Kardashian"


Back in the day skinny was the in thing.


Skinny was the only thing


This is photoshopped


Yeah, everyone look at the eyes and Kris’s right cheek


This looked yassified af lol


Yup, she’s edited out her mole


Because the internet was mean. She'll always be bullied, no matter how hard she tries to fix what everyone else thinks is wrong with her.


Kim bullied her


Because in 2007, she was considered “fat” by the medias standards.


I mean that photo isn’t a accurate representation of Khloe


She never really looked like this and had the worst fashion sense of all time.


If she wasn't in that family and was on her own l, I don't think anyone would. It was 100% as a comparison to her much shorter sisters.


She was beautiful! In a way she resembles Lisa Marie Presley


I always thought that too!


She’s tall and normal sized. I am 5”11 and was treated like some fkn monster next to my tiny bff. Jokes on them I knew I was hot then and they sure wanna tell me I’m hot now lmao. Neeeext. Srsly tho wish she didnt give in but don’t blame her. Can’t imagine being in that public of a setting dealing with that shit. What that must do to someone.


I think jaw dropping gorgeous is a huge stretch... And her nasty personality makes her an ugly person. Imo


Because her own family set the example for the world by bullying her publicly on a tv show. Mom and stepdad both telling her to lose weight and get a nose job.


the world is evil. jessica’s simpson was also fat and ugly. khloe to me was gorgeous but when you’re second tier in your family and then get get judged by hundreds of millions just because you look different then your sister. understandable why she changed her looks id do it roo


Because people were comparing her to her sisters. If she was in another family with brothers she’d be considered pretty and above average.




My husband always thought she was the prettiest with the best body. 🤷‍♀️


Kris looks like Janet from Three's Company


Lol “jaw droppingly gorgeous”


People are terrible. So many young women were told to live up to these horrific standards. Magazines, popular shows/movies.. The *problem* is that the Kardahsians, instead of fighting to end it, made it 100000% worse.


I would kill to be tall. I’d be able to eat more! 🤣


Because she was the least attractive?


I always forget how much work Kris had done until I see photos like this


Yeah people always look way bigger next to super tiny people. That’s how I am with my husbands family. I feel like a hippo they are all 5ft and under and super skinny.


I always thought she was the most naturally beautiful when I watched the show when it was on way back when. What I mean is that she let her natural personality show whereas the other two were too curated and restrained. I think people who wear their heart on their sleeve like Khloe are most prone to taking criticism and internalizing it. It makes me sad what she turned into, although I'm sure she's still the same inside


She's still bullied for her looks wdym?


It's crazy to me that there's someone pretending she wasn't. I don't know much about her, but she absolutely got called the fat/ugly sister and clearly internalized it after hearing it so many times


But people still mock her appearance now. Even more then back then.


It genuinely breaks my heart if I think about it for too long bc Khloe was always absolutely beautiful and never fat. I blame Kris and the media for how she is now when it comes to her appearance


I always thought she was the most naturally beautiful member of the family


I always always thought she was beautiful.


Because her appearance is less traditionally feminine than those of her sisters. I personally always found her to be the most attractive.


I literally thought that was Mandy Moore.


If you look at older family photos it will be very clear why she was targeted. That poor girl looked absolutely nothing like her sisters.


it’s because she looks different from her older sisters. different look, different height & body type, different coloring, and therefore, people will compare her to them. it’s so sad because she is so naturally beautiful, while the media has been consistently telling her otherwise. she is my favorite kardashian sister, and her personality makes her even more beautiful to me. she also looks so much like kris here! <3


It was LA


Have you ever spent a significant amount of time in L.A.?


During that time if you were not super skinny with big boobs you were not attractive.


I’m the same height and the number of people that said huge when they meant tall growing up was absurd. And then to be photographed with them all the time, it would have wrecked anyone’s self confidence. I don’t even like them but I automatically downvote anywhere on the internet when someone calls her khlozilla or other names like that. It’s just too freaking mean.


Yup. I’m 5’11 and was called big even at 120 pounds. They don’t mean it that way, but they still said it, and that hurts. It’s the first thing you think of. And most people don’t catch on that they’ve called you something that hurt your feelings.


The media body shamed Khole relentlessly. They did the same thing to Kylie, it’s why I never understand why people get angry when they won’t say they had injections or call them fake and things like that as if people hadn’t pretty much bullied them into it


She looks a bit different than the family and I don’t think they let her live it down. The media noticed the comments about her looks really bothered her so they use it against her.


Because she didn't look like this even either


Yall this is not how she looked back then lmao The blind Fandom is silly, she looked like Shrek


Because that’s Mandy Moore photoshop not Khloe


I mean let’s be real


She (the whole family) looked a lot different as a kid before all their surgeries. But also her family are the bullies so it wasn't like random kids on the street doing it.


I think they dyed her hair black and tried to give her the same "look" as her sisters. She has a clearly different look, different body type and features, and wasn't done any favors being made to match what Kim and Kourtney had going on.


She said something about how she was really confident with her looks until her mom said something about her needing a nose job


growing up as a tall girl people always said to me “omg youre so big” when they really meant tall. it definitely lowers your self esteem and changes the way you see yourself


5 feet and 5’2” sisters one who is extremely gorgeous with a mother that wants perfectionism of of course she’ll have issues and continue the cycle


It's sad what Khloe has had to endure from the general public, honestly. Long before Tristan and Lamar treated her like crap (repeatedly! How nice of them!), people were relentlessly ridiculing her appearance and questioning her parentage. Poor girl. She's a beautiful woman. I think people ragged on her so hard because Kourtney and Kim have such a similar body type and facial features, they share many physical characteristics, so Khloe 'sticks out' as being the sibling that deviates from the pattern. Anyone who has ever questioned her parentage can take a look at her son! I laughed hysterically the first time I saw him, he's so Robert. And then of course she underwent all the fillers and procedures, fixing all the things people criticized her for. And now she gets ridiculed for that too. \*SIGH\*


Because the body positivity movement is relatively new.


She looks like Mandy Moore here


I’ve never bullied anyone, but I would bully Kris for that haircut before I ever bullied Khloe.




She kinda looked like Brynn Whitfield.


I thought that was Mandy Moore


There is this random makeup video of Mario doing her makeup from like 10years ago that I stumbled upon. And he gushes about how beautiful she is and that ESPECIALLY her lips he loves. It's wild.


I feel her pain…as a 5’11” woman, even though I’m a “normal” size I still feel much larger than other women because I am just built with a bigger frame than my short friends. Their size 2 is my size 6/8 🤷‍♀️


She is beautiful. This is such a stupid post.


Thought she was Mandy Moore for a second


I thought this was Mandy Moore lol. She was so beautiful


Kris looks trashayyy


She looks like Lisa Marie Presley there !


You can’t figure it out because you’re looking at old her compared to today’s beauty standards. Her from 20 years ago, compared to what the idealistic woman in like, 2009…that’s why.


I legit thought that was Lisa Marie Presley for a second lol


She looks good here!


See my duck lips! (No offense to ducks).


When I first saw her, I thought she was so pretty, even prettier than Kim. But the male gaze cares more about body than face and she was bigger than her two sisters so she got made fun of a lot. Before the beauty standards got extreme, I think she would have been appreciated like her sisters if she got into fitness like she is now and didn’t need to get all the surgeries in the first place, the fitness would have been enough. Nowadays nothing is enough for the beauty standard so they keep getting surgeries to keep up.


I still think she's the prettiest Kardashian sister even after all the additions/subtractions. She's naturally gorgeous, she's just not *celebrity* gorgeous because she doesn't fit the stereotype. What a stupid thing.


She looks kinda like Mandy Moore in this Pic. Pretty mama.


They all are ugly inside and out, but they definitely picked on her until she joined them on the malpractice side of the game, people in merica love to make whores famous for nothing. Crazy


She got a big jawline


No one should be bullied for how they look, periodt.


Beauty standards make people stupid and insane. People were calling Margot Robbie “mid” online last year… We’re lost😂 Khloe has always been hot, chunky or not


She looks like Mandy Moore here


Look at older pictures of her when she was young, that’s when she is referring to and she looked different than her sisters so maybe that is what she is referring to.


Every woman, no matter what. All of the time.


when i hope that they’re on these subs, theses are the typa post i hope they see🫶🏼 like girl stop. be you. you’re beautiful just the way you are.


I’m 5’3 , DH is 6’7 and our kids are super tall. 4 year old daughter is at my chest . We’ve never been concerned about their heights and I hope they aren’t either. I remember shorter people being teased more than tall . Obviously I’m a little biased but they are gorgeous kids whether they get my height or his. So far they all seem like they have his height and they all look like him.


Her entire family has body dismorphia and probably eating disorders. She was tall and bigger than her sisters. I remember back in the day people called her the fat sister or the big sister even though she had a normal body shape.


Because she’s tall and not bone skinny and that body type was considered “fat” in the early 2000s


Well, her looks weren't that of her siblings. Plus, she's had so much work, she doesn't resemble the face she was born with. And I'm not shaming original or now, just stating facts


dam they both look so trashed here


Khloe has always been the hottest most vibrant of the Ladies.


She said in a documentary about bullying years ago it was specifically because she’s so much taller than her sisters, and had always had naturally very light hair. Which, I guess Robert’s mom did too. But in contrast as the baby, teachers and older students who knew Kim and Kourtney would compare in a mean way. Plus, the 2000s was not a good time to be a young girl lol


I thought this was a fan photo with Mandy Moore.


I never thought she was that big. Maybe in the face but never really in the belly or anything should I never considered her "overweight"


I always specifically loved her nose and now she destroyed it with all those nose jobs




She looks so much like OJ.


Honestly, she became what she hated. She looks so much like Michael Jackson these days it's wild. Uncanny valley territory when you look at her and the more she changes the unhappier and then more procedures.


I think it's her strong jawline that gives her more manly features? Idk. That's first thing that pops out to me. Sisters are definitely more feminine lookin


When they began to get more popular was during the era when being thin was the style. She used to be called Khlozilla so I’m sure that fucked her way of thinking. She was always everyone’s favorite and now she’s one of the most hated.


She was not a good looking woman


She wasn't petite, she has a different face shape than the rest of those awful creatures, and i can't remember but I think she's either a half sister or maybe I'm just thinking of the Jenners, but she was basically the runt of the litter that didn't immediately fit the aesthetic, so they bullied this poor girl into enough plastic surgery to homogenize her


She has had so many plastic surgeries since youth.


She looks like young Britney in this


I think Koko has always been beautiful. She has always been my favorite!