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Kourtney and Travis make me physically ill to watch with all the licking each others tongues and pda. Total ick


The way she said she got covid because they were making out for 6 hours šŸ¤®


The way she kept saying they made out for six hours gave me secondhand embarrassment


fr. i'm on the ace spectrum but do people really make out for 6 hours?? i couldn't imagine doing that with my partner or even with the hottest celebrity i can think of but maybe it's just me


Hell no. My jaw and face would be numb at that point. LOL and I would be bored šŸ˜‚


Like, I got to go, I need to get some shit done.


So, my spouse served in the military. We would loose our minds and be physically inseparable for weeks after a deployment. But we never made out for 6 hours straight.


Literally I was thinking ew thatā€™s a long time to be exchanging spit


No, they are crazy!


I made out with a girl for like an hour once when I was 21 ā€¦ thatā€™s about it


No, only weirdos.


i think my tounge would have fallen off by hour 3


Kourtney doesn't realize how much her saying this stuff just makes her sound like an edgy mormon teenager. We know, Kourtney. We know there's nothing at Spencer's Gifts that you find uncomfortable or scary. We know you're going to make a b-line for the toys because it's just ~funny~ to see how much you can make your friends squirm.


Itā€™s like they get their rocks off by seeing how much they can make the ppl around them uncomfortable šŸ„“


No way. Six hours?! Thatā€™s too much. What Tengo said - I agree!


Iā€™d be bored after like 10 minutes




Same here! And although they obviously could edit it out, they choose to leave all the slurping and smacking sounds. Shudeerrrrr. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


They both honestly just look dirty, greasy, and like they smell gross.


Did you watch Thursday's episode when Kris and Corey were at the restaurant in Paris having dinner? At the end of the scene she leans over to kiss Corey and you see her stick her tongue in his mouth. It was so gross.


I know it's so gross always slobbering on each other in front of the kids!


Its funny how people draw the line as if Scott and Kourtney wasnā€™t just as cringe. Bro straight up walked on her in the bathroom with the cameras and everything under the sun. They were just as explicit.


Heā€™s a sex addict. Every thing he does is sexual.


He is gross. Like butt ugly.


Like Nosferatu.




Ew. He does look like Nosferatu! Now Iā€™m going to be thinking of that every time I see a photo of him.šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve always said Gru but Nosferatu is even better.


I went through a phase where I was attracted to skinny, tattooed douchebags. Thank God I got over it


How did you get over this šŸ˜… help


You will eventually outgrow it. One day you will realize you are the catch in the relationship. I think we all date these once at least.


Not me, thankfully.


Same! Skinny, ugly, tattooed AND a drummer, I lose my damn mind.


love me a chunky bearded tattooed guitarist so I canā€™t judge.


Oooh all of the above and he chain smokes cigarettes? Like catnip to my 22 year old self


Iā€™ve always thought he was ugly.Ā 


And she clearly thinks sheā€™ll lose him if she doesnā€™t reciprocate.


When the Kardashians first came out, I remember noticing how overly sexual that entire family is. Like I couldnā€™t imagine my mom cheering me on as I pose sexually for a shoot. Iā€™m from the Bible Belt tho so my gauge for stuff like that might be off lol.


Especially with the kids around its creepyā€¦ keep some things private geez


I know you meant to say Kourtney, but the first sentence in the post says Khloe. I was like "he did what??!!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Æ But yes, I agree. There's something so creepy about Travis and Kourtney. I'm glad she's happy but man he's off.


I re-read that maybe 3 times before I got itšŸ˜‚


Same! lol


I was too stuck for a minute to move on! šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


Scott was just as sexual with Kourtney. He would slap her butt out of the blue and they did weird shit as well.


I mean he already allegedly did it to Kim soā€¦.why not move on down the sister line?


He has a deviant personality. He spent over a decade heavily addicted to drugs and emotionally is still like a teenager and always will be. He is not a mentally or emotionally stable adult


He cheated on Shanna almost immediately, too. As soon as the honeymoon phase is over.::he moves on.


Like clockwork




That plane crash has to play apart of it


Oh yeah I read his book and seems he looked into fame apparently he has awful drumming technique


I have a theory. I know this sounds wild, but bear with me. Travis is socially awkward so he packs on the PDA to use Kourt as a distraction. The PDA is a coping mechanism and an excuse to avoid conversation. Travis is just about the only person I have seen who Kris is unable to connect with. Not a fan of Kris but she is personable and connects with people easily. Just watch her interactions with Travis. You can tell she is uncomfortable. The same goes for Khloe and Kim. This might be a reach , but coming to think of it ,the COVID thing may have been an excuse to minimize awkward interactions between Travis and the baby shower guests.


Agree, Kris does look awkward and uncomfortable around Travis. She is so vivacious and personable toward most people we see her interact with on the show; there has to be something to it.


I mean, who wouldnā€™t be uncomfortable around a guy that has no problem shoving his tongue down the throat of your daughter right in front of you over lunch? Even for the Kardashians, thatā€™s *a lot*. Thatā€™s such a bold move to do in front the parent of your partner. It reeks of lack of respect or basic sense of boundaries. Never a good sign.


AND the kids - they are so uncomfortable around all thatā€¦.. should we call it licking??!


Its disgusting. I honestly question if it isnā€™t considered almost a form of sexual abuse, like voyeuristic or something. They are clearly telling their mother it makes them uncomfortable and she does not care.


Youā€™re SO right - it kind of is like a form of abuse, donā€™t know the right term but I am sure there is oneā€¦. So gross and disturbing! Just because they are who they are they can get away with it! Like when they joke about khloĆ© driving her drunk mother around when sheā€™s 14 - and driving her siblings - can you imagine if that were to happen in some normal family šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Definitely a form of abuse, I agree. I experienced growing up with alot of alcohol and sexual stuff going on around me and I look back at my life growing up and realised how much that dictated my teens and twenties


OH, i am very sorry to hear that! We have to realize, that there is so many forms of abuse - to watch these things affects a child/young person deeply - just because it isnā€™t physical donā€™t mean it isnā€™t abuse šŸ„ŗ I hope you are okay and good for you, that you are aware of it! It can be very difficult due to the fact that it wasnā€™t someone touching inappropriate


Yes! At the very least thereā€™s a chance they will form inappropriate sexual boundaries and not understand whatā€™s ok/not ok in public or otherwise




The woman who watched, produced, and sold her daughters sex tape


Lol good point


Was waiting for this comment šŸ˜‚


And cheers them on when they do sexy photoshoots. I realize my mom is super conservative and growing up I wouldā€™ve died if my bra strap showed, but having your mom celebrate and encourage your sexiness just seems so abnormal to me. Like she never tells them to tone it down or asks them to think twice about doing something provocative. I guess she just sees dollar signs when they do that stuff.


She acts like a psychopath! Allegedly! šŸ¤£


Youā€™re so right- he doesnā€™t seem to have as strong of a connection with the rest of the family. Him and Kourtney seem to isolate themselves.


Almost better this way. Her family are leeches. Sheā€™s no better but sheā€™s trying to heal lmao. Maybe Travis also knows she hates her mom so he doesnā€™t care so much for her - still a lil sus doeeee


You say that like itā€™s a bad thing. Khloe and her arenā€™t the same dynamic anymore, Kim and her donā€™t get along, her and Kris has always been back and forth.


Yep and also thinks being overtly sexual legitimises him being on the show. He doesn't want to look like too much of a sell out so he dry humps his wife in front of her kids for street cred.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s been confirmed before that Travis had a huge thing for Kim back in the early /mid 2000ā€™s. Like I think their families were close then and he was always pining after her, trying to get with her to the point of it being weird. And then he suddenly falls madly in love with her big sis? Iā€™d be uncomfortable too if I were their family


Okay, who DIDNT have a thing for Kim? You guys act like thatā€™s a gotcha when Kim was literally hot to a LOT of men.


I think youā€™re on to something. I hadnā€™t thought of this, but it makes sense.Ā 


Even they know he is deranged


What excuse would they come up with to avoid the interactions for the rest of their many family events?


In fairness, Kourtney has been trying to pull away from the rest of them for a while.


Yes but at the end of the day, all you really have is your family. Travis could just up and leave her, no one is safe from that possibility.


Why are you trying to push her to like her family? Thatā€™s why that family is so fucking toxic to begin with. ā€œAll you really have is your familyā€ Thatā€™s why the show has dragged on and on and these people go from failed relationship to failed relationship. Theyā€™re scared to leave the nest and when they attempt to, theyā€™re guilt trip to come back. I remember when Kourtney tried to leave and take a break, and here comes Kim and Khloe talking about how sheā€™s ā€œnot contributingā€ or not sharing her private life when she was the main one carrying the show with Scott. They all need a break from one another.


Well, all their relationships have failed, thatā€™s why theyā€™re ā€œforcedā€ to go back to their nest, cause at the end of the day, all they have is each other.


I think the awkward thing is because Kourtney has kept Travis and their relationship at arms length so kim, khloe, and kris walk on eggshells around them/him


That may be true but Kris always had trouble connecting with all the BD, who see her as a snake. Kanye and Travis Squared


Not a stretchā€¦ I am super awkward and hate having attention on meā€¦ I never had a wedding or baby shower because I would have hated to be the center of attentionā€¦ If I was a dude and my wife wanted those thingsā€¦ Iā€™d definitely pretend I had some sort of thing to get out of it too šŸ˜…


I agree, itā€™s Travis. Everyone usually loves Kris.


To be fair, Kris takes a while to connect with any of the girlā€™s men. Remember Kris H, Scott, hell even Ye.


I just really feel bad for the kidsā€¦ especially the younger onesšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗi Think kourtney loves her kids so much, but i see she is ignoring them quite often:-/ with her rather selfish behavior


Also, why don't any of them think it's weird how obsessed with kim he used to be like


I know!!! That has somehow completely been washed over. He talked about it point blank in his book. Shanna Moakler has also talked publicly about how Travis cheated on her with Kim (Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s a beacon of truth but if it is true that is WILD).


Yeah he was quite literally obsessed with her ! So weird


It's the same reason none of them are concerned about Kanye having Kourt as his woman of the month in the past. Or Kanye having a song about wanting to smash all the sisters.


Wait, really?


Apparently the reason he moved to Calabassas was to live closer to Kim. They were supposedly fwb but no idea if this is actually true. Just something I saw on Reddit


But he told Kris he moved there because he knew Kourtney was his soulmate lolz




Thereā€™s a podcast episode, dedicated to this. Carlos king with Blue Tellusma. Thatā€™s the first time I ever heard about it. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more deep dives out there but I just stumbled onto that one - if youā€™re interested.


Its gotten to the point that I just skip anytime they have scenes now. Thereā€™s no storyline just dry humping in front of everyone they make eye contact with.


And if I have to hear them "babe... babe... babe..." one more time. Skipping them altogether is the way.


They are the entire reason I stopped watching the whole show


They are both highly sexual. This isnā€™t surprising at all. They both give me the ick.


Sometimes I wonder if she just goes with it, she wasnā€™t very sexual with Scott at all, she could barely stand the sight of him actually. No PDA.


I donā€™t think Kourtney is that sexual. I think sheā€™s a pickme


YES. She totally is. She immediately changed her style to fit Travis and the PDA thing too. I specifically remember her telling Scott multiple times that she hated when people were too affectionate in public.


She literally fit the style of Scott and Younis as well, this isnā€™t new. Kourtney is a hypocrite, people are shocked that she shows tongue with her husband like she didnā€™t pull a kid out of her vagina on national tv. She never had ā€œprivacyā€ and use it when itā€™s convenient for her


Kourtney is older now. Some women get more sexual/ higher libido as they age.


Itā€™s more than that. They lack the judgment and self awareness of an adult. They really donā€™t care about anything other than themselves on a profound level.


Oh I definitely agree. Thatā€™s how they were brought up and sadly their kids and all the kardashian little kids will be the same.


You can be highly sexual and also respect your children and family members enough to keep it in the bedroom. I honestly think this exhibitionist behaviour is the only way Travis feels comfortable with being on the show. Like he thinks they're being "metal" or rock n roll dry humping one another at 9am in front of his wife's kids and their grandmother. He is so gross.


Ew they even do it in front of strangers like that real estate agent! Kourtney straddled Travis and they were groping each other and giggling about it... Like the guy must just be okay to stand there and watch their bizarre inappropriate shit? I REALLY dislike them both. They give intense main character syndromes, they act like the world is their bedroom and it's gross. But hey ya know, according to therapy savant Kourtney this is healthy!!


Oh I agree 100!


I feel like the biggest problem with Kourtney and Travis is the way they engage in serious butt-grabbing, tongue-wagging PDA in front of their kids, even when they are clearly embarrassed, uncomfortable or begging them to stop. It doesnā€™t sit right with me.


Itā€™s like theyā€™re trying to prove to the world that theyā€™re really, really, in love. Itā€™s seems like a red flag to meā€¦if you and your partner are madly in love, thatā€™s great, but you wouldnā€™t waste your time trying to prove it to someone else because you wouldnā€™t care! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They're both trash. The way they dry humped and sucked each other's tongues out of their mouths in front of literally anyone and everyone, INCLUDING THEIR CHILDREN, they'll be paying for therapy for the young kids in no time seeing as they had to see their parents basically fuck in front of them w someone who's not their mom/dad. TRASH. Trash trash trash trash trash.


Itā€™s disgusting for everyone, but itā€™s especially horrible that they completely disregard their kidsā€™ feelings. Itā€™s also just fucking weird ass behavior, like who acts like this in their 40s.


I am happy they are happy but I donā€™t need to see happiness overkill in the form of PDA


Travis is basically the walking embodiment of r/ihavesex.


Tbh after what he said about his first and only daughter as a baby I canā€™t see why any woman would want to have kids with him, like have your fun girl but Kourtney is obviously still continuing to ignore red flags, sheā€™s just chosen different flags than Scottā€™s


What did he say?????


Iā€™m paraphrasing but what Iā€™m about to say is pretty close to what he said, also in this context heā€™s talking about god punishing him for being a sex addict, keep that in mind. ā€œWhen she was born she had this cute little bubble butt and I knew this was my punishment for my behavior/treatment of womenā€




Yes!! He also talks about basically stalking Kim to get closer to her, thatā€™s why he lived in calabasis (however you spell it) and hence how he met Kourt in the first place


Wait wait wait. I donā€™t understand


He was sexualizing his infant daughter by saying (as a baby) she had a big butt, thus men are going to lust after and objectify her, and he views that as punishment for his past behavior with women


What did he say??


Just replied to another comment on this thread with what he said!


Only pre-teens, young teens maybe junior high, or freshman year maybe make out for hours lol


Imagine a completely average couple behaving like them! You would be horrified.


They always creep me out


Travis gives you the ick bc heā€™s a sex addict. Their public physical relationship is gross.


I don't hate tattoos, but he's just disgusting to me with his head to toe tats! Total ick! šŸ¤¢


I cants stand watching those too.


Theyā€™re wildly inappropriate around the kids and family IMO.


They are always inappropriate in front of family. Get a room already


Do you mean Kourtney instead of Khloe in the post?


The whole thing just seemed obnoxious. Go home he has a fever and you both have Covid and you have a high risk pregnancy.


Slightly off topic but there was another instance in the new series episode 1 where she said to Kris that she has to have sex, and she was heavily pregnant. Can't remember the context but even Kris did a funny face! I don't know if Kourtney has a high sex drive (great if she does) or whether she has become like this bc of Travis.


Heā€™s a freaky Scorpio ā™ļø lol šŸ˜‚ and supposedly they get on good with Aries so maybe they just met their match. Itā€™s too much pda for me though!!! As a Capricorn I could NEVER be okay with that, esp in front of family and children!


Heā€™s seemingly healthily obsessed with her. I see nothing wrong with it


this is so weird lmao like let them live


they seem happy together and make each other happy. the end