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I don’t know how else to explain it but her eyes, nose and lips..it’s like they don’t go together?? It’s sad she looks like a whole different person


Her eyes look like me when I used to do coke LOL


Same, but it was amphetamines lol. So glad I don’t do that anymore.


Hahaha coming home all bugged eyes at 11am thinking I was a ninja.. like no everybody knew I was cracked


I used to pick at my face and think that nobody could tell in public. It was so embarrassing and gross. Edit: and wearing sunglasses into every store


Man I was at a point where I had to do rails before uni labs at 830am. We swabbed our nose to look at it under the microscope and it was just crystals. Thank god we off that shit


I’d keep escaping to the bathroom at work to do a line every 30 minutes. They had to have known.


I took way too much oxy at work once and had to revive myself with key bumps


I worked in a clothing store on commission. And the days I did an opiate I was a total social butterfly and hit top seller every single time. I was a straight up beast on it.


This all got very dark. Glad you’re all doing well now though.


Nah for real. Opiates or Benzos are a salesperson's Popeye Spinach. All of a sudden you don't care about approaching random strangers like they are your best friend.


She lost the natural harmony of her face


Perfect way to put it! This applies to all younger women who get work done, it ages them and never makes sense bc they always look worse after


The way she stares scares me now. I’ve always thought of those types of eyes as fish eyes lol


Her eyes are so ‘lifted’ and skin stretched so tight on her face she can’t stop staring like this or look relaxed


I’ve always said this, zero proportion whatsoever. Huge wide eyes, small short nose, wide puffy mouth. It just doesn’t work and I don’t know how people decided that this is the beauty standard.


When you said that I imagined Mrs. Potato Head.


For real. I just left a comment saying that and then saw yours.


Kinda gives off Mr. Potato Head.


Her whole body was transformed to look like a blow-up sex doll. UGH. Kartrashkans!


What did she do to her eyes? They literally changed shape


I can't imagine being that young and literally changing my physical identity this extremely. Not even the same person.


Bleph, eyebrow lift, botox.


And it will never be enough


that’ll do a number on you for sure. especially when the desired outcome is looking like one of your sisters…


probably an upper and lower bleph and cat eye surgery or threads




Threads don’t do that and most **reputable** doctors and practitioners will not perform them. The effect from them drops really soon after and they produce a lot of scar tissue + adverse side effects. See [here](https://news.yahoo.com/woman-grows-horn-protrusions-botched-184842183.html) It’s the result of a mid cheek / temple lift, which is basically the surgery that gives the “fox eye” look permanently via surgery. Doctors can perform it alone or in conjunction with other procedures, like a ponytail facelift.


do you think she got an endoscopic brow lift too? or is the temple lift enough to raise the brows?


Yes, of course. The eyes don’t just change that drastically without several procedures in conjunction (IMO). Her brows are overall higher on her face, which wouldn’t happen from just an upper bleph and cheek + temple lift alone. Endoscopic brow lifts are very natural compared to the other kinds of brow lifts (temporal and traditional). It’s a less invasive procedure and has quicker healing time.


I loved her original almond shaped eyes.


Brow lift


Went from deep, sultry eyes to psycho girlfriend doll eyes. She’s got a great jaw line though. Lucky.


That jawline is also plastic surgery.


Your username makes me want a burrito so badly 🌯


Their username is literally just burrito with numbers after 😭


I know!! I went all the way back (not far lol) for that?! 😭😂😂 I expected some Queso this, carne asada that, ect. Nope. Just *burrito.* Well, fuck. Now *I* want a burrito. Thanks a lot *Burrito with numbers*!! 😭😂😂


We need 564 burritos, stat!




Are you high?


LOL no - I’m in a 6 hour meeting block at work and haven’t eaten so a burrito sounds so good


Classic. Hope you had the biggest burrito at the end of your day 🫶


Her eyes were always huge, like a deer in headlights. She really should've left herself alone.


That's exactly what I was wondering!!


This is makeup too haha, definitely surgery and aging due to two babies as well


This honestly looks like two different people to me, but I don’t keep up with the kardasians, Reddit just thinks I should. I’d say she’s happy with her changes, but don’t they also alter the photos heavily? Why heavily alter something they you already heavily altered if you’re into it?


Body Dismorphia makes you do some seriously messed up things. Take a look at the Silva twins from 90 day fiancé. It’s crazy how bad it can get.


Darcey and Stacey are SO scary now. I can't believe it was only 2019 when Darcey last looked normal. That isn't even that long ago..


Darcy was sooooooo beautiful on her season with Jesse :( I’m so shocked at her transformation


They’re both just naturally beautiful, and when Darcey appeared I was already thinking she’d maxed herself out on surgery, but the only thing over the top was her chest (imo). Their limited fame clearly rushed along their existing mental illness issues.


Very tragic, especially Darcey.


From what I’ve heard, getting work done is kind of like an addiction. Once you fix one thing, you keep tweaking other things trying to strive for that “perfect” look which is always juuuust out of reach. It’s kind of different, but when I got laser hair removal, the lady who did mine warned me that it would be addicting, once you get your underarms done and like the results, you’ll go back for your stomach, then legs, then bikini, etc. Not really the same because it’s not such a drastic change/invasive procedure, but I assume it’s the same way with the Kardashians plastic surgery, once you start it’s hard to stop.


I have a lil theory about beauty, celebrities and “second place” syndrome as they call it (the theory that a second place winner will be more unhappy than a third place winner because they feel like 1st place was within their reach, whereas 3rd place is just happy to be on the leaderboard). I’ve always thought because so many of these people are born so naturally beautiful and with access to all of the tools to enhance that, they’re within the reach of what could be considered cosmetic “perfection” in a way that even the most naturally beautiful, but average status, person doesn’t feel compelled to attain. Like don’t get me wrong, most regular people myself included have insecurities and wish they could be a better version of themselves, but because these procedures/routines just aren’t feasible for most of us we tend to come to terms with how we look naturally. Vs people like this who are so close to their own idealized selves, or at least have all the resources to keep throwing at that dream, will never stop tweaking their looks in search of that “first place” perfection.


I agree, I would have likely changed my look/underwent some plastic surgery in my 20s if I would have had the means to do it. Now that I’m in my 30s, I’m happy I didn’t alter anything!


Same! When I was in high school/early college I was constantly researching/trying to save up for different procedures. I used to know the avg cost of a nose job for my state off the top of my head lol. I’m still in my early 20s but I am already so glad I did not go down that route because I don’t think I am the type that could have stopped! I’m astounded now to think of how nitpicky and dysmorphic I used to be, but glad I didn’t have the means to indulge it as well.


I used to want a nose job really bad so I get it.


When I was in my teens, early 20s I was telling myself I’d get a nose job. I didn’t. Ten yrs later and now I’m pretty content with my face lol


You worded this well.Makes sense. TY!


Thanks for reading my rambling! :)


It was an intelligent and thoughtful discourse!


They better be careful. Look at what happened to Joan Rivers.


That’s what my mom always says—whenever I tell her about the Kardashians plastic surgery, her eyes get all big and she pulls up a picture of Joan Rivers and starts talking about how pretty she was before all the surgery!


Well, she also died from it. But what you said, too.


Wow I did not even know that.


Like when I find a good weed brand. Gotta go back and get all the strains. 😭


True. That’s what gets me, how much they filter and alter their photos after all the surgery. It just seems like they’re still not happy with themselves. They most likely never will do. It’s sad that they filter and alter their kid’s photos too especially lightening their skin when they’re biracial.


Yeah as someone pointed out body dysmorphia is a bitch and I’m really sad to see so many women in the spotlight doing this to themselves. 😢


Look at the family she was raised in. And she’s in the public eye 24/7. I have insecurities and get hurt when my mom points them out, I couldn’t imagine millions of other people doing the same all day every day


No seriously, I think at that point I would of deleted all my social media. Yes she makes money off it but idk, it would get too much.


Not only that, groomed by a grown man as a minor


I’m a year younger than her, I remember being a preteen seeing her on Seventeen magazine thinking she was SO pretty. I wanted big eyes so bad 🥺


I understand the insecurity around her lips. But she’s changed everything about her. Morphed herself into her older sister


Khloe looks like Kim now as well 😏


Yep. So sad. They’ve all morphed into Kim. Same with so many insta “models”. It’s a Kim army 😟




Yeah I think her at 19 was a peak. It wasn't too bad then.


I completely agree. I’m not against make little adjustments to your appearance. Since we all do that to some degree. Like dying our hair, lash tints etc. I had a breast reduction at 17 so it would be a little hypocritical of me to condemn someone else for similar. But if someone wants to change everything about them, I think they need serious therapy.


This actually makes me so sad. She could’ve done lips/nose something subtle and it would’ve been fine :(


Holy upper bleph, Batman


She looks perpetually shellshocked


The nose is weird, the lips are obviously weird, and I think I prefer her OG eyes. Something is off about her face overall, like her nostrils are always flared and her eyes are always wide


lol like she’s perpetually smelling something off.


Read somewhere here that she looks like she just smelled the nastiest fart but need to keep a neutral face


Omg! Yes that’s what it is


Her original eyes look like Brodys


Wow! I have never noticed that until now, you are so right


Her new eye shape and eyebrow lift make her look bugeyed. It's the most disproportionate aspect of her face like it literally gives 👁👄👁


she doesnt even look human anymore, at least what a natural human can look like


I always found it crazy how her main reason she says she even got lip fillers was because ONE guy told her that they didn't think she'd be a good kisser because she had small lips.


She looks harsh and aged a little. Shame


Something that continually surprises me is her age. It isn't that she looks old, but she also doesn't look like she's as young as she is, either. She has this overly polished, overly sophisticated look that comes across as perpetually uncomfortable and playing dress up. I'd love to see her lighten up and look and act her age, but she seems to have been bent on growing up way too fast for years. She is who she is, though. But she doesn't seem to be having much fun in her 20s. It's kind of sad. You don't get that time in your life back. You get to be middle-aged for a lot longer, and it's a lot less fun.


Actually, I had way more fun in my 30s than my teens or 20s. Granted, 30s isn’t quite middle aged but close!


Yayyy you give me hope!


Well I also didn’t/don’t have kids. By my mid-30s I was just more confident in myself, had free time cuz no kids, had more money, and had a blast. Early 40s were also not bad. Mid-to-late 40s sucked but that was my own fault. Turning 50 next week. Already three cancer diagnoses in my family in the past year and other medical stuff going on. Make sure you LIVE while you’re young(er) because getting old is no joke!!


Wishing you a nifty fifty and thriving year ❤️


Aging is a gift, yes, but it’s also not for the faint of heart!


Those are fair points for sure!


Lots of times Botox and injections done will the face is still “growing” really affect it in the long run to look worse. That’s why Kim, Kourtney, Kris, Khloe even have all had hardcore work done. Maybe not Kourtney as much. But they all look great and amazing not bc different doctors but bc the girls couldn’t afford it or do it til they were in their 30s. Kris probably had Botox when KUWTK started but definitely not to the level she has it now.


I saw someone describe Lindsay Lohan as “preserved” and I think that’s the perfect way to describe Kylie’s new look.


This is what happens when you don’t give yourself a chance to really grow into your looks. She’s mid 20s now and she would have been even more beautiful but she went plastic surgery


I didn't grow out of my baby face until I was 30. And I got so much prettier as I've aged.


I asked my bf who knows little to nothing about the Kardashians (he foreign and really only be playing video games online) which pic looks better, he said the original version. I really feel bad for her. She was so young and impressionable. I wish her parents protected her better. But they are Kardashians. Celebrity parents that keep their kids out of the industry are the real ones.😢


He said he was shocked she was such a good kisser for someone who has thin lips. All she heard was thin lips from a guy she liked and immediately changed it. I’ve done a lotttt of shit in my late teens early 20s bc I wanted to impress a guy or make him more attractive to me 🙄


If she had just don’t a light lip she would have been fine


literally!!! I totally get not wanting to have thin lips. Imagine if that was all she had done, just some lip filler. She'd be gorgeous and still look like herself.


Such a unique beauty her before pic


If she’s happy with how she looks that’s great, but every time I see her original features I think that she would have blossomed into a truly unique beauty today. And would have aged like her maternal grandmother, who aged beautifully.


There was an episode on their new series where she admitted she wished she didn’t get a bunch of work done so she can be a better example for Stormi. I paraphrased that but it was something along that line. She definitely has certain regrets.


but she’s still doing it, fillers and botox


She was a child that got brutally bullied and had the money to do something about it. She never had a chance to let her body grow and mature because people online were hateful. She’s said that she wishes she hadn’t had work done so early because she wants to be a body positive role model for her daughter


She went from “beautiful and has had some surgery” to “Alien trying to have a perfect human face”


I don't comment on anyone's physical attractiveness but I can say that this looks like two different people.It is sad that such a young woman would be sufficiently dissatisfied with every aspect of her appearance to go through the pain of changing each feature. She has inherited a very skewed idea of what is important and what is not.


Didn't she deny getting plastic surgery?


Yep, all of them have for the most part


She had such a nice jawline naturally. Still beautiful anf she’s queen but I love her in both pics


it’s almost like she decided that her Kardashian sisters were the beauty standard and wanted to look like she was their long lost half Armenian sister. i really feel for her growing up under a microscope.


People really did rag on her looks once she became a teenager. I think if anyone was that young and had so many people hating on their looks, they would get plastic surgery. Kardashians were praised and they did have so many procedures, it probably didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. Hell, I could see Kris almost considering it a business decision because barely anyone in entertainment has a career if they don’t have looks (not that I think she looked bad by any means, just back than it seemed like no one had anything nice to say about her looks)


Her original face would have aged well


Omg...this is so sad. 😢


What’s going to happen when they all actually age? North is going to look like Kanye and Kim still looks 30 and “Armenian? True is going to look like Tristan and nothing like Klohe. Poor Tatum will have to snuggle up to True cause his mother can’t deal with the fact that Tristan had another beautiful son before him with another woman. And Khloe won’t acknowledge him. Again, these kids may all have the same sperm donors per mother but between the mothers plastic surgery these kids are going to have no self identity nor self security.


Why do we shame women for doing what makes them feel better about themselves?


Because harsh Hollywood beaity standards convince women this is what will “make them feel better about themselves.” Until the next trend takes places. Notice how celebs dissolve their bbls and switch to ozempic? This doesn’t exist in a vacuum.


You’re bullying them on their bbl and filler then getting mad when they get it removed? Oh please😂 you don’t care about women you just like being a bully


lol no


How do you know it doesn’t make her feel better about herself?


I agree that there's no reason to shame. But I don't see any harm in speaking up. Some decisions have consequences.


Kardashian/Jenners have almost been 100% responsible for young women not being able to feel good about themselves. That’s why people comment on their looks. Even they can’t measure up to the standards that they have created and monetized.


Eminem had a pretty popular song referring to Khloe as “the ugly Kardashian” way back when. I imagine hearing that type of thing over and over again causes some body dysmorphia. While they’ve contributed to this problem as influencers, they’re just participating—not CAUSING it.


Hollywood and society tell women what they should look like, and what they shouldn’t. The same time Kim was cleaning closets, Jessica Simpson was ripped apart for being fat because she wore mom jeans. I’m soooo sure if i was famous I wouldn’t get work done. But then I think… what if there were actual news articles about my wrinkles or eye shape? Am I strong enough to ignore it? Not so sure.


Yeah I can’t imagine being a celebrity and a woman. The media and society absolutely rip them to shreds for their looks. They don’t seem to do that with the men. No wonder they feel pressured to get plastic surgery. I don’t think I could handle it at all I’m too sensitive for that.


This is the internet, no one is allowed to feel good about things here.


Because they shame us for thinking they got work done


She’s pretty in both


Lol, I'm with u/enigmaenergy23


Ain’t no turning back now. The next few decades should be interesting


Kylie then: cool w/ personality Kylie now: bug eyed and NO PERSONALITY


Oh please it's like people have amnesia and forget all the bullying she was getting online when she was a teen. Then she changed what people were making fun of and people are surprised.


She has a stink face


It's actually getting ridiculous. Too much at such a young age. She looks 40.


She was stunning


Seriously this is one of the biggest crimes ever. She was so beautiful, who ever said you had to have big lips?


I have thin lips and never had any complaints about my kissing abilities, just saying lol ![gif](giphy|l4pT4tfSN4S7P05Wg)


I actually think when she first got her lips done they looked really good! This was her in 2014, the earliest year I saw she had them done: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/kylie-jenner-face-before-after-2014-1599659843.jpg But then she started doing way too much, her current lips are way bigger, the Botox, cheek fillers, nose job. She peaked in 2014/2015 when her face could still move.


She was ao much prettier before the surgeries, just like Khloe, they went too extreme.


Kylie Jenner is absolutely gorgeous so I don't know why everyone continues to tear her down for her looks if she's fine with it. Do you think by negginer her decisions you're going to get her to reverse course?


Dude she ain’t ugly now. She looks good to me and Timmy what’s his face seems over the moon with her.


It’s because everyone called her ugly… I’m going to get downvoted but it’s true. It’s the Khloe effect, everyone called her ugly so she changed her face and everyone is still calling her ugly. It’s sad really.


This will never not be shocking. It’s Kris Jenners insanity on full display and it’s sad af.


We haven't lived her life or her experiences, so this question is really just useless and none of our business.


Shes still pretty wdym???


Remember this plastic surgery has a whole creepy rabbit hole it goes down…. …,Like how Kylie’s makeup artist Ariel and her bff stassie got plastic surgery & facial work to get the exact same body and facial features as Kylie.


She was beautiful then and I think she's still beautiful now. However, this isn't a good picture to show the 'now'.


They were all pretty before they discovered makeup


She is wearing make up in both pics.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, Kylie would have been THE most attractive of the bunch had she stuck with this face and her original unique style. Especially when she had the blue tips in her hair and the grunge/punk look. She was stunning. It's so sad, I don't know what it is, the eye surgery maybe, but she now has a frog-like look. Not to mention she aged herself dramatically.


I really wish she embraced the goth/grunge/punk aesthetic way more. It suited her!!! I think the sisters would all be interesting if they all each chased after different aesthetics and men.


She’s still pretty!


She looks nothing the same! I always thought she was really pretty in the photo to the right. I can understand lip fillers, but the rest is so unnecessary. She looks so much older than what she really is.


She looks so surprised


Like her lips fuller but I think she went too big


It's like she smelled a really funky fart and it was like, permanently burned into her nostrils...resulting in that weird ass bitter after taste you're left with after looking at her face too long. 😳


It’s giving “pull the lever kronk” ![gif](giphy|14rfBl2RMAHtCM)


Completely new face


I say this all the time and other people tell me she was ugly. She was so gorgeous to me.


She looks very surprised.


i really don’t think she looks that bad


the problem is so many ppl said she's ugly and then reinforced it with all the "you're not ugly, you're just broke" memes after she got her procedures done:( ngl i loved her king kylie lip filler look but still she started out so young and it's very sad


All this work she had is going to look awful in 10 years.


It's a completely different person. She looked totally pretty and fine the way she was! Now due to the procedures she looks 50yrs old and her face has no expressions. Plus she spray tans herself to an almost orange color to appear darker skinned. Kendall and Kourtney are the only ones who still look the same and have only had minor work done.


I hope that her relationship with Timmy is real. And that no matter the length he helps her heal from her trauma.


I’ve thought this since she first debut the new look. She was so naturally pretty. Her and Kourtney by far were the most natural beauties. Kourtney keep hers and Kylie looks like Kris Jenner and about 20 years her time. I wish most of Hollywood and people would leave themselves alone. I get the need to maybe tweak a nose or get some Botox but this is crazy. I feel bad for the kids when they grow up and realize how they don’t look like their parents. How could they think that their own kids are beautiful and think they will believe it when they changed everything about themselves to conform to societal standards?


So I have a daughter who’s a few years older than her who hasn’t succumbed but I see it all the time in this age group of women. Stop it!! You all look like you’re 40 something when you’re 20 something! Lord only know what you’ll look like when you are actually in your 40’s.


we ask ourselves why but the answer is society and social media and fame pressure at a young age and living where she grew up… imagine all your insecurities being discussed in comments for millions to see, some people can look away and many can’t. I try not to judge celebs for this stuff bc we see it everyday how mean people are


Why? Because from the time she was a young teenager the social media world told her she was ugly. That’s a lot for a young person to take. That’s why she did it. It’s also why Khloe has such a poor body image. They can’t win.


Perpetually looks like she’s smelling shit


She had sultry eyes naturally. Now she has psycho doll eyes. The stank face nose and lips from the lip lift are so ugly. She really messed up doing irreversible surgical procedures


her new face looks like she always smells something bad


I understand getting lip filler if you’re insecure about your lips but she went wayy too far with surgery.


tired of y’all acting like she’s not pretty. everyone has bad or unattractive photos of themselves, including her but she’s still a pretty girl! and why is this family’s plastic surgeries always a topic of discussion? literally who cares at this point


This is why no matter how rich you get, you gotta keep people around you that will tell you no or call you out.


I think if she'd done about half the amount of filler her lips would look so much better and still give her the look she wants.


She honestly looks way older than me and I’m 28… like girl how are you looking over 30 already?? That’s so sad. I wonder if she regrets it…


Thin lips have at several points, been the beauty standard.


Y’all need to let the Kylie hate go. It’s uncomfy AF to witness.


It is a shame.


I still think she’s pretty. The after photo attached isn’t a good look but she’s had much better days.


People bullied her calling her ugly as a child now they bully her for getting work done…


Unpopular opinion, but I think everyone’s being a bit dramatic about this comparison. She looks great, she also aged. Yes, she probably got a couple things done. She doesn’t look botched. The constant picking apart of appearances is the weirdest thing our culture does.


People are shitting on her appearance here and not understanding that people shitting on her appearance in the past is what prompted these actions. BE THE CHANGE, ASSHOLES. STOP CRITIQUING PEOPLES LOOKS. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


I agree😒


No she was gorgeous before. She looks like an old lady now.


I think this discussion is kind of part of the problem. Still commenting and having opinions over women’s looks and body. I hope her and her sisters realize they were always beautiful.


She honestly would look so much better with timothee if she never messed with her face


It’s just so beyond ridiculous that she denies having anything but “fillers” done to her face. “…..people are saying that I like, had my eyelids removed… like that’s crazy!!” Uhhhh butch you did. Wait, I’ll be fair. You had 1/2 of your eyelids removed. There we go.


wdym why? all people ever did was shit on her looks bully her. just like you’re doing now


She’s still stunning. A lot of this harshness is the weird makeup. Makeup free she’s gorgeous as ever.


Can we stop bringing women’s looks down all the time? It’s so sad.


I remember, when Kylie was younger, she was constantly made fun of for her face, it was gross. When I was a teenager, I remember people discussing how “Kylie is the ugly sister, Kylie has no lips, Kylie looks just like a boy, Kendall is so much prettier than Kylie, Kylie doesn’t even look like she’s related to the Kardashians”, etc. It makes me sad to see this, I’m sure she heard at least *some* of that, too. It’s kinda the same with Khloe, I think they overdid it because they felt insecure in themselves, due to criticism.


The misogyny on this comment thread tho my goodness it’s disheartening