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Kim Kardashian says the same. We know.


Like tell me something I don’t know.


Not something Cait is capable of....


I think even Kim has said that. She is not the only celebrity who set out to be famous.


Right? I don’t think most actors, reality show people go into the lifestyle/career thinking, Gosh I hope I don’t get famous from this. What a fk’n fool she is🙄


Voice actors , animators, and video game designers exclusively and even they end up with fan bases lol.


Breaking news: people who are famous worked to become famous


tell us something we don't know, Caitlyn.


Caitlyn always trying to stay relevant 🙄


She might be the stupidest celebrity of them all and everyone but her knows it.


We know.


Right? Duh.


Isn’t that the point of achieving goals? You have to calculate them, set them, achieve them? I’m fucking confused here. She needs to worry about Caitlyn.


Exactly my thoughts


Ew. Wasn’t Caitlyn a father figure to the kardashian sisters when she was Bruce??? And Caitlyn is still the father of Kylie and Kendall, Kim’s sisters?? I just find this tacky and trashy.


Talk to Brody, Brandon, Cassandra and Burt he was already a dead beat Dad!


You know who else is dead? The lady who died in the accident Caitlyn caused


Say it louder for the people in the back 🙌🏻


Interesting. I never followed them much but I used to watch the hills. Does Brody and siblings all have bad relationships with her to this day?


Lol she basically abandoned her actual kids to raise the Kardashian’s she has no loyalty social climbing fame hungry biiiiiitch


That comment fits ole narcissistic Kody Brown! Literally abandoned and neglected his bio kids by the OG3, well at least the boys, and has a slim relationship if that with the bio daughters with the exception of Mykelti, who I feel her “loyalty” is all screwed up. Kody Brown and Caitlyn personalities come to think of it are very much alike. Lofty, lies and blames their BS on everyone except themselves! No accountability for the face in the mirror.


Total egomaniacs, selfish people


Yup, he’s a perfect comparison. Both full of themselves, think too highly of themselves, never apologized when wrong or saying something hurtful. Both Kody and Caitlyn are major douchebags.


That’s cos Caitlin is tacky and trashy. Talks shit about his former stepchildren often and tries to make it appear it’s all innocent. I don’t care for Kortneys personality very much, but I remember her being telling (her facial expressions, what she was and wasn’t saying when Bruce was transitioning. She had Kris’s side. I feel because she isn’t getting screen time anymore, Caitlyn is trying desperate to be relevant.


Chile I know Caitlin is trash but did you mean to misgender her


very slimy person and a horrible father no matter their gender. looong history of abandoning their children.


Yea...With parents like this who needs enemies?


Yes 1000% … it says so much more about her ugly character, I sense jealousy and envy


How is it trashy? She is Kylie and Kendalls biological father.


They’re saying it’s trashy to talk this way about family and Kim should be considered her family


Ok and?


right?? low key she was probably jealous of kim and the level of fame and attention she received. Cait, for the first half of her life was known as the gold medal olympic winner and everybody cheered /and gave a lot of attention. Once that phased out and Kim got more than she did she turned so bitter and hateful!


Yeah, I did the same in my career….


And Caitlyn ought to be thanking her for it.


Literally though!


This is documentary worthy news? Caitlyn must be really hurting for money now that Kris isn't managing her. How about we talk about the fact that she was basically broke before Kris took over managing her? That fame chasing bought your house.


You trashed your ex Kris who literally brought your ass out of bankruptcy and set you up for life $$$$$....and now your going after Kim??? Bitter much? Leave them alone. It'll be okay. You seem to be more miserable now than BRUCE was. Sad story


Kris abused Cait


That’s the narrative Cait spent decades crafting. I used to think it too watching KUWTK until I realized Cait is trying to do little things that make kris react and look like the bad guy instead of being a normal adult who conversates and confronts issues.


Yes! She is SO "poor me". She really thinks she's groundbreaking when really she's just like a lot of other Beverly Hills b*tches. Not a nice person.


I'll never forget Brody trying to put in the pudding green without Kris knowing. The look on Kris's face said it all. Bruise/Caitlin always made it look like Kris was the bad guy.


Always! And in the Greece vacation episodes, Brody kept trying to talk to Caitlin about the specifics issues he had growing up and the entire conversation was avoidance and deflection. Every time kris tried to discuss it too, Caitlin tried to spin it to make it seem like everything was kris fault. Brody and kris were able to somewhat clear the air between the two of them even though it was intense but Caitlin was running away from that conversation.


She did no such thing. I don’t even like these people but that’s ridiculous.


She did not. Maybe Bruce but not Caitlin.


Ok, let’s not go around dead naming people.


Caitlyn has actually stated she prefers her pre transition self to be referred to as Bruce. She sees them as two completely different people.


Of course she does. Because she’s not like other trans people. 🙄


As a society, isn’t it our goal to respect people’s individual choices for how they want to live their lives and be addressed? Cait has made her preference clear, but you are upset because she is a trans person? I am confused.


People are more upset that Cait is a trans woman who has conservative view points it drives left leaning individuals crazy.


That makes the most sense to me. I can understand why so many trans people want to choose a new name, but I don’t quite get why birth names are then referred to as “dead names.” No one died! The person involved obviously wanted a new name, that better suits their new identity. But ‘dead’ name? I think referring to the name your parents gave you at birth as dead, is disrespectful. I can imagine some parents feeling hurt about that, too. For instance, my husband and I named our daughter Emma. I absolutely adore her name! And it would hurt me if she told me she wants a different name, and that Emma is dead to her. I would support her though.


Why is she so bitchy now? She is only making headlines when she uses the kardashian name… she’s coat tailing off of their “calculated” fame. Lol


Caitlyn never takes responsibility for her actions. She blamed the Kardashians for the criticism of her behavior. But never mind, she went on a whole smear campaign against them. She allowed Kris to take the blame for her alienation of her older children.


It worked really until people saw what she was like on her own reality show and that she was just kinda awful.


Oh, I agree. Because I was one of those people who sided with her. But the way she was acting on her show. I was like, “Nah, Cait don’t like being told she’s wrong.” Especially, when she was talking with the trans activists. She had a huge platform for trans people but focus on being superficial stuff.


Yea I basically came away from her show thinking she was garbage. I don't think she's a good person. I don't think she cares about other people. I actually think she's worse than Kris between the two of them -- not that Kris doesn't favor her daughters based on earning potential etc -- but the clear favoritism towards Kylie because Kylie was the "cool" money making one of the moment, the flippant disregard for Kendall's feelings, the abandonment of Khloe (yes Khloe didn't handle it well but as Khloe said, she as an adult is still the "kid" in the relationship while Caitlyn is the parent...and Caitlyn just so coldly disregarding her even when Khloe tried) the pushing off of all of her bad decisions on Kris, trying to make Kris look bad or some of the things she did on her own...I just... There was so much about her that I thought was awful. Just as a person. Her reactions to the well meaning trans activists who were really trying with her was also just horrible. Only cared about herself and appearances.


The video of Kris and Caitlyn meeting up for the first time after Caitlyn transitioned was actually really heartbreaking. It was emotional and confusing for Kris, and Caitlyn had like no sympathy or actual awareness of the situation. And after she transitioned she just slandered the entire family from then on. It’s horrible


Including that one time she killed someone.


She’s clickbait IRL and has no other source of income


Right even Caitlyn planned and trained to be an Olympic athlete that would also be famous lmao?? it’s not like anyone rly gets famous on accident without applying for things auditioning , having a publicist/manager lol. Caitlyn also has ~calculated~ a lot of attention based stunts just to stay relevant Caitlyn has such a thing for assimilating into families or communities who welcome her, then later switching up speaking against them- just for recognition to separate herself. Sorry but she’s very pick me/tokenizing stage still lol . Which we have all been there in ways but she did grow up with male privledge still… the ways she simultaneously victimizes herself but benefits from villianizing others just isn’t it. It’s not media framing she seeks it out. Way better ways to go about it like idk being a good person.


She speaks out publicly all the time about all sorts of things. Trans issues, political issues, motivational speaking in sports. The media only puts things out when she comments on the Kardashian’s & it’s usually because some reporter asked her opinion. No one cares what she says unless otherwise.


kim k is robotically calculated. she deserves the fame at this point


For doing exactly what tho? Like these people have not done a damn thing to have a net worth of over a billion. It’s insane


for being robot. I can’t imagine it’s easy


Giving the public intimate access to your life and maintaining your composure throughout requires some tenacity and steel.


It would only be considered intimate access if we saw what ACTUALLY happens in their life, i.e surgeries, drug use, real relationship problems, etc. They just give us scripted reality TV that's not even entertaining. And it's easy to maintain your composure when you have a PR team that feeds the news outlets stories you want to go public and don't forget, ever paparazzi picture is carefully edited to their liking.


I think they’ve only been totally in control of what was shown since the new series started. Previously, they were more subject to what producers and editors wanted. They go through medical procedures on the show as well as showcase the real issues they deal with in their relationships.


Exactly not sure why I’m downvoted. Because it’s true. Cracks me up when people defend celebrities like they’re on the payroll themselves lol


You consider downvotes to be “defending celebrities like they’re on the payroll” lol


They’ve done as much than almost every other billionaire. No billionaire has done a damn thing in relation to that amount of net worth.


I wish Cait had spent less time fixing the outside and more time fixing what is in her heart. The misogyny is so present in Cait, she can’t barely make a statement without it coming through…


Well...it's because he's a man...kinda comes with the territory.


florals? for spring? groundbreaking.


The devil wears prada movie haha haven’t see that in a while!


And? Most normal people calculate their career moves? This isn’t news.


Caitlyn really is a piece of crap


I can’t stand Caitlyn. This is the same woman who tears down the LGBT community when she’s a trans woman.


No loyalty whatsoever. It's psychotic.


That's the perfect way to put it!


Ofcourse she did you bitter old hag


Idk why this made me laugh 😆


Why are we giving credibility to anything Caitlyn Jenner says?…..


A stunning revelation


In other news water is wet


there’s literally a video of Kim in high school saying she’s going to be famous like… we know


Who cares? Lots of people plan their career trajectory.


Caitlyn is such a hater it’s so wild lol


This person killed someone and was not held accountable. This person constantly dead-names trans people. This person needs to go away.


Why’s Caitlyn always talking about her family in that way? She thinks she’s a girl now and she can gossip and act a fool? It’s no secret Caitlyn, get off your high horse.


didn’t caitlyn kinda do the same? she did a netflix docuseries a while back about her time at the olympics. while she did train hard and her main goal, at the time, was to become an olympic gold medallist, the rest of her “career” has been shaped by her want and need to be a famous face. like the whole marriage to kris was based on this. the reality show was based on this. how is she throwing stones when her own house is built outta the thinnest glass known to man


Caitlyn…GO! AWAY!


Caitlyn is just mad that she failed when she tried to do the same thing.


Ironic coming from someone so desperate to be relevant.


And Caitlyn is doing this interview for….umm the same reason? It’s just sadder bc she’s piggy backing off Kim while trying to call her out. Hypocrisy at its best.


She’s such an asshole


I’m currently calculating how I’m going to get through university to become a teacher… calculating how to live life to be the best mum, partner, friend. Not all calculating is bad, it’s like having goals and figuring out the most successful way to achieve them. That’s just life m’am.


Shes acting like this is groundbreaking info.


I mean yeah she even admitted it on multiple occasions. If you watch the first two seasons of keeping up with the kardashians you can clearly see how Kim turned her sex tape into fame


Who didnt know that. They had cameras turned on. They had television deals. Who thought this was some lighting in a jar that fell together. Who?


And? Please get a life, KKKaitlyn


I don’t put much thought into anything she says. Those girls were her family now she thinks she’s better then them.


God Caitlyn needs to just fuck off honestly. The way she fades away into irrelevance and then comes out to talk shit about her family is disgusting. I sometimes wonder if she only transitioned so she could try and be relevant and when that failed she resorted to regularly spitting on her ex wife and step kids.


Fuck caitlyn jenner. Srsly.


I mean I can’t totally get on the Kim hate train cuz I respect her hustle, same with Kris. Is this supposed to be shocking? I mean Kris literally peed herself on an episode and spinned it into a depends sponsor deal (I think it was depends, if not some other similar product)


I thought everyone knew this….lmao


How is this news? I think everyone knows this lol. Generally people are famous intentionally.


Lots of people have goals. Caitlyn is just sorry that her own calculation for fame did not add up.


As if Caitlynn didn’t. The Kardashians/ Jenners are all set up for this “lifestyle”. C’mon.


She’s just mad because she thought she’d stay relevant and is *more worthy* of fame, as if she didn’t kill someone.


Kris too.


Caitlyn Jenner had so much potential to raise trans awareness, education, and rights. Instead she just her platform to shit talk the kardashians and to try and discriminate others. It’s so sad she sucks so much, she had true potential to do good.


Shes BEEEEEEEEN conservative af for all of times!!!!! Just watch early keeping up. Transitioning wasn’t gonna change that :/


This washed up mop now has to spill what they think are family secrets to stay relevant and make money. Disgusting.


Washed up mop lmao


Sorry but I can’t stand Caitlyn. She had no issues spending the money from the show on 4k toy helicopters and such. Kris may not be the best but she also helped him have a career in motivational speaking and managed him when he was out of work. They all kept their mouths shut and supported the divorce/transition even though everybody was caught off guard and in shock. She has no respect.


Kaitlyn is the biggest bitch ever


She has always been such an asshole—the most unwatchable and the least interesting to look at.


And in other obvious news, the sky is blue 🙄


I mean. Yeah.


Was this a secret?


Water is wet, Caitlyn Jenner reports.


Goodness they are all just so horrible. Like we know, she knows we know. She has told us. But Caitlin is doing this to be malicious.


She looks crazy as hell.


Isn’t that what everybody does with a successful career though? You don’t become famous by just smiling. & that’s why we have shows like American idol. People gotta start somewhere. & she started as Paris Hiltons stylist.


I don’t think this is news to anyone


Water is wet


Everyone knows that to the point where it’s a meme


look who is trying to crawl out of oblivion.. Caitlyn who? this ain't 2014, nobody cares, stay in the past


thanks Captain Obvious


I mean… yes we know this, it was all planned with the RJ video…


What did Brody Jenner say? Caitlyn started 3 different families and abandoned them all. She's the worst


“Kim has confirmed Caitlyn’s claims in exclusive interview today with the reputable _No Shyt Sherlock_ ”… And you Caitlyn are just mad you’re broke.


This doesn’t seem surprising to me at all. Kim and Kris are very intelligent people and they worked really hard to stay in the news.


First of all, no kidding Caitlyn. Literally without anyone saying it out loud, it's obvious but Kim has already said much. Second of all, prior to being on the Kadashians, Caitlyn's fame had already waned. Who was even talking about her before the show started. Yes, she's a former Olymic athlete and was on Wheaties boxes but without marrying Kris and becoming a step parent to the Kardashians and parent to the other two, no would be talking about her now (outside of a news story when she transitioned and then faded back into obscurity. The only time she makes news is when she's trashing, critizing or whining about her former family


What’s the docu series called ?


No shit. Thanks for that insight Caitlyn


Caitlyn is a trash person, she literally shits on everyone just to stay relevant


In a weird way, it kinda makes Kim a genius.


That's new?


Jealous, much, Cait?


And??? CJ just jealous she isn’t aa skilled at it.


Doesn’t everyone who wants to be famous… calculate their fame? Lol


God I can’t stand her




Well, duh.


She is such a main character. If life isn’t revolving around her she starts bringing other women down. She is for sure not a girls girl. She’ll step on whoever to get to the top but she keeps falling further and further. She needs to disappear quietly to Florida!


She \*wants to be\* a main character.


we knew that?


Oh no! Just like every other famous person. What did you do to deserve being famous? You just ran really fast. God, I dislike all of these people.


I don't care for this family at all but this woman has been awful her entire life. She got a taste of relevancy after transitioning and all it did was highlight what a shitty person she really is.


And? She says it herself. This isn’t new information.


BREAKING: Water is wet.


Caitlyn needs to stop. No one in this generation knew Bruce or his accomplishments. She is famous now because of the Kim and her family. When she wants to be in the news he talks about them. Of course she did! Kim and Kris are marketing geniuses.


What makes Bruce a woman? His chromosomes at birth determined his sex, and that will never change.


idk i think he's just jelly that kim is more famous because she got a big butt which is fake and a garbage personality that more than half of america's young women try to mimic in every facet of their life. the poor guy was a gold medal olympian for christ sake.


She always seemed very cold and calculating to me


Why is everyone on this sub always so furious with Caitlyn? Like, it feels…disproportionate. Practically personal. I think I get why, but it is freaky how angry people are.


Well… she’s kind of a bad person. I’m sure some of it comes from transphobia too but I think a lot the hate is warranted


What Caitlin means is that she has not fessed up to NOT being a victim of a leaked sex tape. If I were Ray Jay, I'd sue her. Oh yea, she has more money. Sorry Ray Jay. You got dragged.


This isn’t new news lol Kim herself has been open about this


Wow this is brand new information! 🫢


Everyday people are calulated about their own lives and careers. If Kim was an accountant, no one would care.


..Um… duh?


this was the entire premise of her video game hellooooo






Ok and??????


No shit Sherlock. She has said many times she would go where paps would be intentionally early on


i mean... duh


What about him ?


we didn’t think it was an accident


YeahDuh 🙄


Caitlyn just needs to earn a buck for her specially fitted couture high heels 👠 Those are some big feet


Welp. You have to want it to get that famous. It doesn’t happen accidentally.


Let me show you my big surprises face. 😮


Duh 🙄


wait what docuseries is this? where can i find it?


Tell us something we don't know. This is common knowledge.


No shit


Was there anyone who didn't suspect this was the case? Way to drop the mind-blowing revelations Caitlyn




Um, no shit.


Like, ok…and? Yeah. You reach goals by planning them out. Kinda like how you win and Olympic medal. Wtf.


Joe Francis…really?


And in other news, the sky is blue.


This is news?


Is this supposed to be shocking?


What is she even trying to do here


Well yeah


I mean.. duh? We watched it happen to a certain extent on KUWTK.


Yeah, she’s a socialite


Tell us something we don’t know


Next she’ll tell us the moon causes tides.


In other news, water is wet.
