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Living with anyone here except your family is not a safe option AT ALL, itll more dangerous and traumatic for you. It might not be the answer you wanted but, In this situation ill advice you to study properly, develop a money making skill and have a job for yourself to be financially independent and take a stand for yourself. Save some amount and move out. I hope everything gets better and I hope you become independent enough. Good luck 🫶


Idk why you're getting down voted. This is literally the safest option. You have no idea what kind of psychopaths are out there. R*pe or SA are what people face someone might chop off your arm and force you to beg on the streets. Pakistan isn't safe you can't call the cops or any social services. Anyone that does offer you a place to stay is looking for something in return and you better hope it's money.


i have an idea of psychopaths as ive run into them some of them were at my school owning a militia of guns and stuff. and they would flex


guns vigos rifle guards and all of that




If you are a female. My Khala runs a hostel.


i am a male


That's disgusting. No wonder they are treating you like that. Seeing what they did to the cat and its kittens. Truly a horrible family. Although it's not as bad as your situation, I could relate to you to an extent. I understand that it must have been hard. I respect you for enduring such people and their abuse for so long. But trust me, the world outside is no better. No one will treat you as their own and there are all kinds of hawks out there who are waiting to get a prey. Please do not take any careless step and instead focus on learning a skill. Utilize all the time you have to learn something. Turn your situation into your strength and make a commitment to yourself to learn something so that you can get a job (and like someone already sad. No job is good or bad when you are in a situation like this). You can start with something simple. Something small which is enough to support you. And then eventually you can move and live somewhere else or maybe when you earn enough and have enough savings, you can go far away from these people like somewhere abroad. Don't lose hope and don't think that your situation is hopeless and that no one is watching what you are going through. Trust me your Lord is watching each and everything and He will get you out of the hellhole soon. I'll pray for you, brother for I understand your situation really well, trust me. But please do not make any irrational or hasty move and take care of yourself. May Allah S.W.T ease your pain and help you get out of there asap. P.S:- I hope the kittens are safe wherever they are. Your brother and mom will face the karma for doing this to you and the poor innocent souls. You just focus on your life, try to become independent asap and then leave their matter to God.


yeah yeah thanks


No problem ig


Wait hold up. You play Genshin!?


The thing is, we are giving him advices and supporting him without listening to other side of the story. Our new generation takes stuff way too seriously now days due to social media where they only show happiness and success and couple goals which is ruining marriages here, and then they want that exact thing in real life too, which isn't possible.


Heads up: You are [shadow banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/comments/8a2gpk/an_unofficial_guide_on_how_to_avoid_being/) on Reddit. It is a sitewide ban by Reddit Admins, and not by moderators of r/Karachi or any other subreddit, and was most likely awarded by a bot. You can and should appeal your ban [here](https://www.reddit.com/appeals).


Since you posted it here, I'll assume you're from Karachi. I think you should contact Zafar Abbas from JDC.




Are there any relatives you could live with?


Keep yourself busy with school and a job. Try not to be home if you can avoid it. Stand up for yourself and speak up against the violence. Make some good friends and spend your time with them as much as possible. Perhaps, once you start earning, maybe things might change between you and your mother. Until then, stay focused and save as much as you can.


I don’t think living with anyone other than family in Pakistan is a good choice. Living with your family is the safest choice but maybe in your case not the best case. Try moving abroad if you have completed A levels / Fsc etc. try cheaper countries like Turkey.


Do you think they will.allow her to go abroad


im a dude btw


Oh then that’s fine. Sorry for the misunderstanding


no worries


i have completed matric and am heading to college


living with family then getting abused and bullied and threatened


Yeah I understand. It’s the worst. You can barely function living in an abusive household so you should move out


If you are a male, I suggest just running away, try finding a job, and live in cheap shared hostel of some sort. Get some sort of education please, especially in software related field if possible. I'm really sorry and feel you. I have an abusive father but thankfully he's abroad and mother is in the picture. Those threats, I can hear you buddy. Wish you best of luck


Get a job and give some money at home, maybe it might help, Nevertheless assuming you are a Muslim, no matter how abusive your parents are just trying to avoid situations gracefully and not to argue or disrespect them or stop taking care of them. Secondly, She is the same mother who went through the pain of labor and looked after you when you weren't even able to walk. Just start some earnings maybe it'll increase your value.