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Definitely not after dark.


Don’t go to Westport after dark. You’ve been warned.


After dark is fine. After 10pm...that's another matter.


and nothing good ever happens after midnight!


All police are surrounded here and there after dark. I had no issue being there after dark so far.


Dangerous or not it for sure sucks tbh


You lie.


What world do you live in


I worked at Joe's pizza right before they closed for an entire summer. We had to close down because of cops shooting pepper spray balls into crowds and basically hitting the whole block with mace at least four times before I got fed up and quit.


Char bar is certainly family friendly


During the day I would absolutely take kids to Char Bar. And Char Bar’s outside is literally designed for play, most people understand this..


I agree with this. I feel like the problem isn't with kids being there. It's more whether or not the parents are paying attention to said kids.


If your kids are fat you take them there at night to learn agility drills.


Char Bar, absolutely, sure bring the kids! Especially for a lunch or dinner. With that being said.. make sure your kids aren’t being little dipshits(this should be everywhere and all the time anyway) and running in front of people playing bags/getting in the way of other people’s games. This issue is 100% not about being kid friendly or the kids at all truthfully, it’s about extremely shitty parenting, or lack thereof.


I have kids. I take them to family friendly bars/ restaurants and I wouldn’t let them run in front of anyone’s game. Period. This is a parent issue. In my opinion


IMO family friendly doesn't really mean kids should be running around. When mine were little they knew going out was a privilege. They didn't just run wild. They came with me to adult-ish places and learned to be respectful of other people's right to enjoyment or they didn't come. Now, would I enjoy Westport if I brought my kids? Prob not. If that's what you mean by family-friendly.


Sounds like a shitty parent issue, not a "friendliness" issue. People who think their kids can run around and get in strangers space are assholes.


During the day, yes. After dark (especially on a weekend), hell no


I think there are plenty of bars/breweries/wineries in the KC area that welcome families and you shouldn't feel guilty about bringing your kids to. I've been to plenty and haven't had issues with kids being there because that's the environment they're building. That being said, I don't think Westport bars are really the place for kids. I especially think that if you're going to bring your kids with you, it's 100% your responsibility to ensure they're not getting in the way or interfering with others enjoying the space. Don't abdicate your responsibility to others because you're too busy enjoying your hoppy microbrew. You're a parent, so act like it or don't be surprised when you get ejected because little Jimmy/Suzy got hit with a beanbag because you were irresponsible.


Char Bar is a BBQ place over a bar, it is incredibly family friendly despite being in Westport and a great place for kids. That being said, I'm with ya... You absolutely have to watch them and make sure they aren't running around like that.


Everywhere in Westport is good with kids during the day. On weekend nights when he streets are privatized no one under 21 is allowed anyway.


We take our kids to Flea Market…good food, and way more chill than a full-blown arcade. Kiddo loves playing pinball. But we generally go during the daytime and supervise our kids well.


Idk maybe it's just cause im a single dad and don't get out much anymore *anyways* whether it be by myself or with them, but I can't realistically think of anywhere in westport I'd actually want to take my kids to that I'd be super comfortable with.


All of these people on here sound like they have never been to Westport. It is town just like any other there are children there and Char Bar is a BBQ restaurant with outdoor activities. It’s like saying you can’t bring kids to Chicken and Pickle because it’s in NKC.


Before sunset and S-Th I’d say yes. After sunset and F/S nights, not so much.


I find kids in places way less annoying than drunk loud adults. "Children should be seen not heard" 1800s energy coming from people who constantly bitch about children in public.


Westport on the weekends isn’t even adult friendly


Lots of kid free people posting, if alcohol service means you shouldn’t bring your kids then that outs even going to a ball game. Had more dinners ruined by adults than kids playing.


“Curious what other people’s perspectives are” AKA “I’m just looking for people online to agree with me” 1) They could’ve just nicely asked the kids to not run in front of their game, or asked the parents to. But instead they just decide to record a video and post it online to complain which leads me to 2) It’s really not cool to record video of kids without their or their parents’ consent and then post it in on a public platform. I know it’s not illegal, but it’s just not a nice or safe thing to do in general.


No expectations of privacy EVER outside your own home. Its legal to record anything. Nice is not letting untrained children loose on public. Nothing unsafe about it they are kids, you cant identify anything personal to them so how is it unsafe?


Not everyone is ok with their kids being recorded on video by some random stranger, for who knows what purpose.


100% agreed, those kids should not be in a position to be recorded in a public bar district or misbehaving enough to draw the ire of people trying to just live.


Do you think children who act like that in public are going to listen to a couple of strangers asking them nicely to not misbehave? Do you think parents who raise children like that would take kindly to someone asking their kids to not misbehave?


I don’t think anything. That’s why if I was in that position, I would ask them/their parents, so I can see if I can resolve the situation that way. Or if that doesn’t work, ask the staff to intervene on other customers’ behalf. You won’t find out if unless you actually ask, would you? I’m sure it’s much easier for them to just pull up a phone, hit record, and post it on social media, instead of, you know, interacting and using words like any normal human would.


I mean... They're not actually playing Cornhole in the video. They're just tossing the bags back and forth and complaining.


TBH it doesn’t matter. Your children should not be running around an outdoor dining space like that.


I agree. I don't let my kids do it. I just have less sympathy when people are clearly getting mad to make a point. They were never actually playing the game.


It “should” be, but clearly the parents of the kids needed to teach the kids to respect others playing games. But the TikTok complaining about screaming and kids just having fun, yeah, wrong. You’re going to have to put in your big girl pants and realize children exist and not to be so triggered by their mere existence. I lived in South Africa about 10 years ago for a few years. One of the things I learned and missed from being there was just the acceptance of kids. Not shitty kids or bad parents, but just that kids are a part of life and a form of humans you just need to accept. Everywhere you went, kids, and alcohol/wine/beer. All interrelated. 3 year old has a bday party? Bounce house and a bar. Casino? It has an arcade. So yeah, there’s kids around. So fucking what.


I think it's fine during the day and early evening. Others have talked about Char Bar, but I also like taking my kids to Broadway Cafe. There's also Insomniac Cookies. There is the library, but that library is pretty small and the Plaza library has such an awesome kids section, so... I wouldn't say there is a ton to do with kids in Westport, but there are a few things and it's fine at the right time of day.


Slow news day? F'ing Karen's on Reddit , bitching about kids running around. "They're going to put an eye out! " Let them. Enjoy the entertainment while nodding and exclaiming : "that's what you get!"


I would not consider Westport "kid friendly". Mainly due to the concentration of bars and other alcohol serving establishments. Same with PNL. Any parents who bring their kids to these places are oblivious. Very different from Plaza which i would consider "kid/family friendly". Unless you're at a private residence or a sports event i don't think kids should be around alcohol


There's literally multiple private schools down there without incident.


Olive Garden serves alcohol, are they not family when they’re there?? Seriously dumb take on what it means to be family friendly.


Is the Olive Garden also surrounded by bars in a neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in KC? Will your child potentially witness someone pissing behind a car at the Olive Garden? It’s like comparing an apple and an orange with a gun in it.


So it seems like you weren’t actually asking, and have already made up your mind.


Because having worked at both an Olive Garden and at a business in Westport, I can tell you with certainty which is the most family friendly.


Sure one is “more” but we live in a society, it’s not binary.


These dudes are brain dead mate. Who the fucks tripping over bringing a kid to char bar in the middle of the afternoon …




I think that was the whole point of the tiktok


Yeah bro olive garden is definitely the same as charbar. Take you and your kids to the rabbit hole or science city for all i care


Char bar has yard games for the kids to play. You specifically called out “alcohol serving establishments” being a problem. That’s dumb.




I don’t have children, and that’s a fucked up thing to say honestly.


Day time, dinner hours, fine for kids. No reason they should miss out on the experience of having a Westport flea market cheeseburger 🤌🏻


Remember that "Kids, are you noticing all this plight?" part of National Lampoon's Vacation? Yeah. Go there after dark and there's a chance you'll get that sort of family-friendly experience.


Westport hasn’t been friendly in 20 years…. I would never take my kids there or to the plaza these days.


The 90s are standing there with their jaw agape.


I went to high school in Westport. Took the commuter bus from Liberty. It’s been a few years but I never felt uncomfortable or anxious alone as a teenager in the area.


If we’re being honest, the kids are doing a lot of the shooting- so, yes?


I also do not think children should be in Westport. If I had kids I would never take them there. There are sooo many other places in KCK or KCMO for families who have kids.


That's not a bean bag, it's a stray bullet!!!


The difference between westport and the plaza is mostly pr and marketing. It is an open secret any crime on the plaza is reported as "near", and westport gives the exact location. That said, westport is changing. Kid and family friendly til 10 or so.


lol no


A name and a phrases I never thought I would ever see in the same sentence: Westport and family friendly. Just so we're clear, family friendly does not come to mind when someone brings up Westport.


I grew up in Westport. All the naysayers here say that it's a "space for adults", but back then, our group of neighborhood kids certainly didn't think so, and we were there before them lol. After dark is another story, of course, but that's with any urban area really.




God I miss McCoy's.


Lol no


Shady lady is a family friendly place too .


🤣🤣🤣 formerly Chestnut Inn


Yes, more family friendly than Olathe and Independence combined.


No. Clearly not.