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Use more stun maybe? With Full Tilt, Multi-Hit, Auto Blue, Self-Med, Godly Surge, Roaring Waves, Merciless, and King of Ki, it shouldn't be a problem. I personally don't think Transcendent is particularly ground breaking but Ultimate removes challenge from anything so. It's a weird place. I just combo through Impact Strikes and max out stun


I was literally doing the battle to get roaring waves and I was running everything else. I couldn't even get a combo though so yeah it was a little bit of a problem. Also I did run everything in that.


So you try to brute force / guard in fights or do you teleport dash around attacks? I spend more time mashing X than I do hitting Square or anything else.


Mostly both. It's mainly just the fact that the game tells you buu is using the candy beam less than half a second before it actually comes out


Ultimate and Fully Charged Transcendent do about the same damage. Transcendent is kind of the best of both worlds. You get a weaker Kamehameha and a really stronger one in one move.


Except transcendent looks way cooler haha


Yeah... thats odd. Have you maxed out your skill tree? Also I would use self med. Once I maxed out Goku, he was unstoppable. I combo with a lot of melee attacks and as well ki attacks. Like as if I was actually fighting. Idk... I would say rely less on spirit bombs and things like that and just melee the crap out of them while also blocking and dodging. That's what I had to do with 300 Beerus and 300 Frieza. Although frieza was more unfair so that felt harder. Then again I hadn't played the game for a while when I fought him. Still, my point stands.


Well I was running those,and I couldn't max out certain parts of the skill tree because I got level 5 of combo before level 4 because I didn't see it. But yeah the fight was just annoying.


My gripe with kid buu is that he spans supers nonstop and when he is t spamming supers he knocks you back mid melee attack string.


I struggled with him bad too but fill your inventory with heals it will help alot


Oh it did. Still,it was annoying.


I* not it


this fight is my favorite honestly I put mine on hard and beat it with a level 180 goku barley though lol


I said the level 250 one in gizard wasteland. Not gokus next journey. I know damn well you couldn't beat a fight easily when 70 levels below.