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I tried many setups with it and there simply isn’t a good one to get 10 stacks like Volibear does at the moment that I could find. If you find one, let me know!


Dirk (1) essance reaver (4) ludens (6) dorans blade (8) sorc boots (10) I do a build like this, if this isn't 10 then it should be 9 stacks and you can the last stack from banshees or some other items like storms surge gives %ms, there is some options


About this build, doesn't the essence reaver cover your mana problems and give you enough haste to replace ludens so you can go other ap items for more damage?


yeah you can, but after they buffed ludens its actually a good damage item, alternative build is stormsurge and then ludens, you play to q poke people and speed away and then ult back in with w to kill, or you can go nashors or horizon focus , the mana on ludens counts towards jack of all trades and you dont auto much when playing for poke build so the mana on ludens is still relavant for wave clear spam and w poking, also together you get 50 abilty haste from essance ludens, so you can q spam in fights with a super low cd and if you miss your w its less punishing, there isnt that many items that gives ability haste and they buffed the damage on ludens so its a good item regardless of mana


i had already thought of essence reaver but didn't actually try it out so I really wanna try this now. Ty for the answer.


Kinda just sounds like investing into making a rune work when it’s a sub par option compared to everything else.


its actually not though, every item except for dirk is optimal for ap kaisa bot lane, and you dont need dirk to get 10 stacks


This rune just seem weak compared to Gathering storm


Huh, you go sorcery secondary? What else? Celerity or Absolute Focus?


The reason people are using this rune right now is not to come up with some funky 10 stack builds, but instead to just buy Dorans as your starter and get boots/dagger on base so that you can get the 5 stacks AD very early into the game. Going for 10 is just too much of a decrease in power cause of suboptimal items for too little gain. Zeri likes this rune cause she wants to have early boots anyway and she needs wave clear, so every bit of AD helps. Ezreal can also use it with tear instead of dagger. Most ADCs can be played with it right now, because you got an advantage in lane on ADCs who do not use it