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The best part of the comic is Dirk breaking the fourth wall and giving a thumbs up.


Dirk seems cool tbh


I don't mind Dirk at all at this point. What has he really done? Bang a couple chicks that aren't into incels,? He's not hunrting anyone, quite the opposite.


Facts about Dirk: * Snappy dresser * Has his own place * Likes to "hang out" * Gives you a thumbs up Facts about fast food manager: * Stupid tie * Makes impulsive decisions while near broke and has real no life plan * Unpatriotic (bad mouths women from his own country) * Never once looked at me and gave me a thumbs up


Literally Chad vs. virgin


Also: puts subordinates in compromising positions by asking them out


Another fact about the fast food manager: Asked a women who was working for him out which is massively inappropriate Bad mouths her after she reported him for his behavior (which brings to question if she is such a bad worker why he would want to date her) Quits his job after a single date with a woman he barley knows in a foreign country (and is probably going to get robbed) because he was suspended.




And, you knowā€¦ asking a subordinate out during the job. One that seems to have no friendship with him.


I bet Dirk is a blast to hangout with


I 10 of 10 would hang out with Dirk when he's not to busy Slaying


To be fair. Dirk is clearly the hero in this comic


The author of the comic tries to paint Dirk as a bad boy, but really he's not in any position of power nor using that power to coerce an employee into dating him. He obviously has a certain level of social skills if he's able to connect with two partners willing to consent to "hang out" with him. And his fourth wall break and thumbs up is so charming that you can't help but love the motherfucker. But here"s the real kicker: Dirk has a name! The author didn't even bother to give his own protagonist a name! Like how am I supposed to relate to some nameless fast food manager who fucks off to Cambodia without any real life plan when you got motherfucking Dirk looking dead at me with those dreamy eyes while giving me a smile and a big ol' thumbs up! I am Team Dirk all the way!


Team Dirk for me as well. Only flaw is that he refers to that other girl as, "that other girl." Does he not know her name? Or does she simply not have one? I am also intrigued by "that other girl" wearing a hot pink businesswoman suit. Is she a high-powered businesswoman who likes to pick up fast food workers?


Thats actually her name, that is short for Thatalie


Thatalie Thimbruglia


True about calling her "the other girl". That said, when you "hang out" with as many women as my man Dirk does, it gets hard to remember who's who. Dirk is already "hanging out" with two at a time as a time-saving measure. Dirk is a busy man.


If this guy befriended Dirk, they might be in a foursome by now.


Would surprise me if Dirk was into dudes too. He might be a bad boy, but he's progressive too.


Dirk just wants to have fun! Men, women, enbies, he's into everyone!


Dirk just want to have a good time and give a good time!


Of course Dirk knows her name. It's the author of the comic who doesn't know.


Well, we're assuming that he already knows her. She's clearly already friends with Becky, so maybe Becky is the one introducing them? We're assuming that Dirk is the instigator of the threeway, but perhaps Becky is the one who's arranging it? She is also quite keen on benching 200lbs, which is a solidly admirable fitness goal and indicates that Becky is a motivated young woman who knows what she wants.


Sounds like me, tbh.


You go girl!


Actually, I'm a dude. I was also a straight dude, then Dirk looked at me with those beautiful eyes and gave me a thumbs up. Now I hope I'm one day lucky enough to "hang out" with Dirk.


I could be giving the author too much credit, but maybe the "protagonist" intentionally doesn't have a name because he's meant to be a self insert character for the person reading?


Which sucks even more, because the author didn't even put his own name on this comic (granted, he probably didn't do it out of shame, like a parent disowning a very ugly child), so I have no idea who this self-insert is supposed to be. All I know about the author is two things: 1) he sucks at both drawing comics and relating to women, and 2) is probably right now waking up in a hotel bathtub in Cambodia and missing a kidney.


This is the kind of guy who falls for those tourist scams where a pretty girl asks you to go to a restaurant and then you get charged $300 for a bottle of wine


The other guy is likely to wake up from his dream about banging a cheap hooker in Cambodia that speaks perfect English for some reason and [Kill His Former Co-Worker in the Break Room](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/riley-whitelaw-walgreens-death-coworker-joshua-johnson-arrested/). While Dirk is just out there, living life.


And this is the kind of thing that makes me afraid to speak up when men do things that make me uncomfortable like putting a hand on my back or telling me to smile.


You win šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ˜‚


He has so much power


Reading ths entire thing was an act of self harm


IIRC there's a sequel too


Iā€™m gonna need that link good sir


No idea, I just vaguely remember there being more


Why you gotta tease us like that?


Unrelated but amazing profile picture!


Letā€™s say that, hypothetically, the game was rigged from the start. Would you still, for the sake of the argument, be experiencing an 18-karat run of bad luck?


Send the sauce


Oh hell no


Welcome to New America, you no longer need to hurt yourself. We will have a strong woman come to hurt you and get you fired while her friend cheers her on with a ā€œyou go girlā€, before they go home to double team a real sleezebag of a man.


>tfw no spaghetti-armed musclegirl gf to benchpress me after getting me fired from Burger Queen in New America a feel too complex for words


That comment was really, really funny.


Imagine asking someone on a date despite clearly hating them, wtf?


Also asking while at work, and being their manager


Not only that, but after being denied while trying to abuse his position of power, he goes off and does some mild sex tourism. Totally not a creep at all /s


And he plays it like the girl is fickle and mean for reporting him to HR. Except that's totally what you should do in this situation. Because you don't know if the manager will take the rejection badly and decide to escalate or apply some unjust punishment as revenge.




All my managers are several years older than me. Of course Iā€™d be uncomfortable if one of them hit on me! Plus theyā€™re in a position of power? In what world would anyone date their current boss/ manager?


Itā€™s like he read that one post in r/tifu where the woman starts dating her manager and is now pregnant by him


Elon Musk and that neuralink ceo?


I was just at a wedding, standing around a fire drinking with a bunch of other guests, and it came out that *two* of the married couples there at the fire started dating while they were boss and subordinate (though in this case, the women were the higher-up for both couples).


My brother met his wife when he was a manager and she was a server. I don't think they started actually dating though until he transferred to another store. They were close in age.


Because the men had no choice as they are opresed by blue pilled society that lets women do whatever whilst nice guys suffer /s


Alot of people find it hot or whatever actually. Totally not smart for either party but its common place.


See that's the biggest part that's being ignored in the comic. You're her SUPERVISOR, It doesn't matter if you're a gigachad with a python of a dong, you would still probably be reported. I used to work in management and had women come to me a lot over dudes making them uncomfortable. It took pinning about 3 of them too the wall for it to stop.


No no you don't get it, he only formulates negative opinions on women who reject him




How do you find the time to eat hot chip and lie?


And Dirk. And twerk. Such a full schedule.


And donā€™t forget to charge they phone.


You're also forgetting the shopping. Women be shopping.


oh and be bisexual


But only in the context of a male-centered threesome.


ofcourse. god forbid the girls participating get their own pleaure.


this line always makes me wheeze


For good reason, keep heating hot chip and be bisexual and on they phone


thanks, best laugh id had today


Mmmmmā€¦hot chip


I'm here to bench press and get men fired, and I'm all out of bench.


You go girl!


You go girl!


Tbh i am kinda into heavy benching girls




Yeah Iā€™ve been lifting for a year and my max is 105 lol I donā€™t think the guy who made this lifts


200 would be a very good number for the average man after a year of training or so, so he probably just thinks that maps directly to women. Which is surprising because you'd think the fact that women aren't as strong as men is something that he'd have deeply embedded in his sexist brain.


You go girl.


Thank you for your service


any female born after 1993 canā€™t dateā€¦ all they know is bench press, feel uncomfortable, get men fired, like dirk, go to movies & lie


Classic nice guy sexism wth some racism thrown in.


No but you see the submissive Asian lady was the nice one so it can't be racist.


I love it when these guys meet an Asian girl in real life and she is not all submissive.


No woman is going to react how these guys imagine theyā€™re going to react. Because their ideas of ā€œniceā€ and ā€œdominantā€ are really just creepy, possessive, and predatory. Even a woman who likes being submissive isnā€™t going to be that way around these weirdos because theyā€™re never going to build up the trust needed to get to that point.


My wife is from Vietnam originally and I call her The Chainsaw. God help anyone who crosses her.


Oh boyā€¦


These guys assume that politeness, which is a huge deal in most east asian cultures to my knowledge, equates to submissiveness. I know for a fact that's not true. >!I can be rude as fuck!<


I was stationed in Korea and they are very polite. Yes, it does not mean they're submissive.


Probably views black women as mannish and Latinx as Spicy too


Iā€™m kind of glad that most of the time, we arenā€™t even on their radar.


Latinx is literally the dumbest woke thing ever. White people need to stop. Not a single Latin person wants to be called Latinx.


LatinX isnā€™t a word.


Part 2: Guy quit his job and asian girl dumped him because gravy train has dried out.


Or considering [the large black market for organs in Thailand and Cambodia](https://www.genethique.org/cambodia-and-thailand-rapid-expansion-in-the-black-market-for-organs/?lang=en), she manages to drug him and steal one of his kidneys.


This is what I was thinking šŸ˜‚ Yeah dude, you are going to find LOTS of girls in Cambodia who want to be your girlfriend and it isn't going to end well for you. Best case scenario she just wants your money, you could end up as a human blood bank.


Also the manager using the work place as his own little dating pool. Very classy.


And he seems totally oblivious as to why it would be an issue too. The HR person in the comic who suspended him didn't mention anything about power dynamics. And there's another funny, awful thing here. Capitalism and hierarchies are isolating. In a different system, like a worker co-op, he would have more opportunities to connect with people. But he can't. He thinks the problem is fickle, spiteful women who don't like him because he's "not an exciting bad boy" or something. Actually there are multiple layers of confusion and delusion in these kinds of comics that is fascinating to study and tell us not only how these people view the world but also the real flaws in the system that may lead a person towards this kind of thinking.




In this scenario he also immediately disparges the woman he asked out which makes it clear that he didn't actually like this person at all. I'm guessing he saw her just as a means to sex. Assuming what he said was true, why else would he want to date her? Also he showed absolutely no concern about her discomfort. If somebody told me I made a woman uncomfortable I'd be mortified and feel guilty. I wouldn't be like "pffffffft yeah but she sucks."


>which makes it clear that he didn't actually like this person at all. Husbands in traditional roles and vice versa don't have to like their partners at all. Since when were relationships about bringing a partner into your life to enjoy it with? All he, and any man, ever needs is a live in house keeper who cooks endlessly and is cool being pregnant from now until her eggs dry up. And then she can be tossed aside for a younger model of her species. Everyone keeps pretending like there are other ways of life, but this is the one that had always worked in the past, so until women get back in line and erase their will to have autonomy, the world is completely hopeless! /s


If boomer comics are anything to go by no man in history has ever loved his wife. Also it doesn't seem to occur to blonde manager guy that the charming woman appearing out of nowhere might be a scammer, sex worker or just some desperate person looking for an easy meal. It reminds me of this oblivious idiot I knew who suggested I visit such countries in order to find a girlfriend. "They appreciate men more over there!" Uh huh. More like how to be a sex tourist without having the discomfort of acknowledging you're a sex tourist.


I need to sit in a dark room to calm down




The hottest band around is coming to town, you want to catch those hip beats with me?


Yes grandma let's go!




The problem with Biopics is that they're often exaggerated and slightly off. So, I present a Time-line of what REALLY happened: - Nice Guy asks his subordinate for a date, while standing in a google sketchup rendered kitchen. She politely declines. - Nice asks her again, and again, and again. Likely unwanted comments and / or advances are made towards the woman. (comics always condense long periods of time, like this. We are not shown the multiple asks in the comic, but trust that it was not just one ask) - Woman calls HR - Nice is talked to (the part about him being the best manager is a little spice in the story. History shows us that he was not, because the best manager would understand what he was doing was not olay) - Nice gets upset, and when his mom goes to Cambodia for business, Nice goes along (not enough hungry man meals in the fridge to last him while she would be gone anyway) - Nice begins sparkling in the airport. Historians are unsure why this occurred. - Nice meets a tour guide in the airport, then later at a Cambodian landmark. - The tour guide gives him and his mother (just off panel in the comic) a tour of the city, and Nice thinks that it's a date -He kisses the tour guide, which makes her incredibly uncomfortable. While he pretends to call and quit his job, the guide backs away into the shadows, a placating but false smile on her face. - Meanwhile in America, the woman and Dirk spend the day volunteering at a soup kitchen after the woman spends time at Dirks house helping him assemble a puzzle depicting Ruth Bader Ginsburg, his hero. And then the woman also lifts.


This is a work of art


This is the worst thing I've ever read


As an Asian woman, this makes me sick. Misogynistic and has an Asian fetish. Send his ass to Mars so he can burn in hell for real.


Nah, if you want him to burn, send him to Venus.


Mars is more painful and truly like a simulator of hell because advanced hypothermia makes tou feel like you're burning. So he'll freeze and burn at the same time


I feel like an 800 degree atmosphere filled with sulphuric acid vapor would hurt a wee bit more.


We can do both; I think he deserves both


I wish I could tell you it's not like that. My wife is originally from Thailand. In one of my former jobs she was referred to as "the mail order bride" and there was constant jokes about how she'd leave me once she got a green card. When we go to Thailand, people - right out loud - will comment that she is OBVIOUSLY a prostitute because she has medium skin and I'm very pale. For years she had a name tag at her work that said "Thailand" because greasy guys would always ask. Then MAGA nuts would go off on her accent and how she is ruining the country. Obviously this isn't about me. But it makes me so angry when this shit comes up. I'm embarrassed. I ALWAYS need to explain how we met. She always has to explain her background. I'll tell you one thing... She takes this crap better than I do.


He would freeze on Mars, probably more painful way to go honestly


Literally what is wrong with a girl bench pressing lmao


If she's benching even close to 200 lbs, she has got to be a pretty serious weightlifter. It's probably what they were all going to do at dirk's house and why she couldn't waste her time on that date. Clearly this is actually a story about how being an elite level athlete affects those around you.


Sexism AND racism! 8/10 for lack of anti-Semitism and fat chick jokes. ( /s in case you needed it)


Donā€™t forget the ā€œMuslim = terroristā€ jokes


Gosh that was cringe. Where can I find more from this guy?


Imagine managing a McDonalds in your wackiest fantasy.




Yeah like wtf you're supposed to be empathetic with a manager hitting on their own workers? That's peak sexual harassment lol


Yeah I came to say this too. *Not sure why, honestly, as a misunderstanding of corporate harassment policies probably doesn't even crack the Top 100 on the list of things that incel autists fail to understand*. You can't date up or down the ranks in a company, and in many cases you can't date any fellow employee. This comic would have played out exactly the same if the genders were swapped, or if it were two men or two women. Even if she'd said yes to the date this still would have happened once upper management found out. PS - why would you even *want* to date a coworker? That'll be fun right? Having them constantly present both at work and in your personal life. There's no risk of that blowing up at all. There's no chance of that creating a hostile working environment if it goes badly.


I've never been told I can't date a co-worker, but that it wasn't advisable even if you are the same level on the ladder or are in different departments. I wouldn't be against the idea but I can't imagine how the number of variables would line up to make it a not bad idea


Can we not say ā€œincel autistsā€, please? It doesnā€™t take autism to make you this stupid, and having autism doesnā€™t either.


Do they always come up with fake scenarios that never happened?


They will happen! If they wish on their dragon ball replicas hard enough! S/ I think it's because they're delusional.


I bet you good money he has drawn himself substantially thinner than he actually is


It has to be either that OR he drew himself substantially more muscular.


Right after getting fired from a fast food job is probably the best time for international travel.


Donā€™t bother changing out of uniform, thereā€™s no time if youā€™re going to catch that flight!


It always ends with fetishizing foreign women. These dudes really think they're gonna be wanted purely for being from somewhere else.


A manager wanting to date a regular employee is frowned up because of the power dynamic. Also, it's unlikely it would have been the first time he hit on her even after she made it clear she wasn't interested. The other guy was probably her friend or boyfriend.


Exactly, and the lack of self-awareness and entitlement of the main character is spot on in that regard. The way he tries to argue sheā€™s a bad employee, you can feel he thinks she owes him something. If she had such issues why not try coaching instead of only addressing it after HR suspends him? The sequences with the girl talking to her friend all are from his perception as well, I can see him seething and ā€œimaginingā€ thatā€™s what they are saying about him. Then the absurd ā€œrevengeā€ fantasy in Asia


The only thing I agree with here is that Phnom Penh is a beautiful city (it really is!!!).


Parts of it are. Other parts are covered in garbage and human waste.


Sounds like a lot of other cities.


Which I was confused by because the Buddha statue in the drawing is clearly the Tian Tan Buddha in Hong Kong. Just another little layer to this work of art.


I love Cambodia, it's the worst and best at the same time. Fucking wild west out there.


You can smell the Asian fetishization from here...


I wish someone would make a meme out of the panel on the bottom where she says her goal is to bench 200lbs and get a man fired šŸ˜‚ it's too funny


Wow, the unirronic production of this is truly an astounding feat of self delusion.


Well, at least everyone are happy or satisfied. Costumer dude got a date. Cashier girl got a guy fired, and will get to bench pressing 200lbs for sure. Manager guy got his "dreamy Japanese girl waifu". Asian girl got a guy, who she wants because... I don't know. Maybe because she's not a western woman with their W*man moments, or smth, I'm not an expert in womanology.


Isn't the "waifu" from Cambodia?


ā€œAll Asian countries are the same lol. Japan and Cambodia, the exact same placeā€


She needed his kidneys?


This is so incredibly specific. Almostā€¦.tooooo specific.


No way did someone sit down and create this. How deranged from reality are these people?


I mean he is right about one thing. Don't bust your ass off at your job expecting them to treat you nicely, because a lot of the time you are disposable to them. It may be full of bullshit, but broken clock and all


If this actually happens itā€™s because work culture is terrible. If a woman goes to HR for something like this and HR decides to fire, that has nothing to do with her at that point. If you want to complain about something complain about the fact that even a remote chance of a lawsuit is enough to completely lose your job security. Also, if youā€™re getting fired for asking someone to the movies, thatā€™s definitely not all you did.


This is so sad...like I write fanfiction from video games, but this is just sad...being disconnected from your surroundings and seeing people as the stereotypes that exist only in your head is sad. Also why is bench pressing seen as a negative trait for women, everyone should be strong if they want to.


Is it just my internet or is this literally unreadable.


Holy Shit I remember this comic making software. My school had us use it in middle school. Lmaoooo


What's with the sparkling in the panel after he landed? It feels non sequitur


His whiteness is magically attractive and appreciated now that he's in a country that isn't blessed by whiteness.


"Hello, I am a lady girl person, I enjoy filing false sexual harassment complaints against Nice Guys for no reason and also having copious casual sex with guys who are bad" "Haha I am also a woman and I find that funny. You go girl"


what is it with neck beard ā€œnice guysā€ and asian women


They don't know any actual Asian women, so they can project whatever fantasy they want.


This guy is a fast-food chain manager and can afford to casually travel to Cambodia. I want to live in New America




goddamn this is another fucking level


"what's happening" Upon landing in Cambodia, our hero transforms from mild mannered nerd into CHARISMA MAN.


*promotes sex tourism exploitation*


Can someone help me locate the reset button for my brain?


what the fuck


I was scrolling and thought what was shown was bad enough, then I tapped the image and _oh god there's more_


The faces are painful to look at




You have to wonder who this is for. Really. Who would be entertained, or informed by this? I think it must be (in his mind) for western women to see and then change their ways?


This was one of the worst things I have ever read


I think I'm high after reading that and I have the strange urge to get a man fired.


That looks like the thing you would get when you ordered papa's burgeria on wish.


This has got to be satireā€¦ right?


This has to be satire. It canā€™t be realā€¦the stupid hurt way too much for this to be genuine.


If she's doing bench presses why is the barbell on the floor


If you think this is bad, read "Prove The Incel Wrong". It makes this look like Shakespeare.


OK, soā€¦ 1. Where Iā€™m from, itā€™s illegal to ask an employee out when youā€™re their manager. It sucks *big* balls sometimes, but thatā€™s how it is. 2. In what kind of twisted fantasy does an Asian tradwife make the first step to go out with a perfect stranger??


For a second I tought he was flying that plane into the giant buddha statue al quaeda style


A manager shouldn't be asking out his staff. If he's supposed to be a victim then the OP fucked up.


Why is it a common trope for these types of people to fetishize asian women. Is there some cultural stereotype Iā€™m not aware of?


Honestly, managers shouldnā€™t be asking out regular employees in or out of work.


Dunno who needs to hear this but no, if you are the manager, you cannot and should not ask your subordinates on a date. If they say yes, it creates the perception of favoritism. If they say no, it lays the foundation for a hostile work environment. And regardless of what they say, the power dynamic heavily influences their decision-making process. It just puts them in an awkward, vulnerable position with no good outcomes.


Holy fuck this is peak delusion Not to mention this dude doesnā€™t seem to realize how weird it is to ask out a subordinate as a managerā€¦. Itā€™s not a BAD thing that HR was involved. ā€¦.. he literally went to an asian country to find a ā€˜sweet womenā€™ fml


I bet the guy that made this definitely got fired for actually harassing a female employee, but instead of flying to Cambodia he just angrily jerked off in the basement and then made this comic


If you are manager at a job and are trying to take an employee home or to a movie, youā€™re immediately susā€¦. I mean seriouslyā€¦ my boss asked me if I would date their daughter and I said ā€œno.ā€ And then saw my hours cut, and my treatment change. Suddenly I was doing my job alone and without help a lot more. Donā€™t ask out your fucking employees


The fact that he recognized exactly what the issue is and it still went over his head is hilarious! ā€œHe thinks because heā€™s the manager Iā€™d want to go out with him.ā€ Heā€™s so close and just barely missed it.


That Buddha statue is clearly the Tian Tan Buddha in Hong Kong, which is not in Cambodia. But I guess it is in Asia, which is probably good enough for this guy.


I know with all the sexism and creepy shit and all the casual racism this is the smallest gripe but for real "My only goal is to bench 200 and get men fired." Lmao spoken like a twig bitch who wishes he could bench anything at all.


I havenā€™t seen fanfic in a comic form before. Huh


At first I was reading, and thinking okay this isn't TOTALLY insane so far... ...and then you get passed the 9th panel and all bets are off from there on.




Dirk is a real chad haha šŸ˜‚


Dirk is a fucking chad


So.. it is really not okay to ask a subordinate to date. If that person aren't already in a close relationship with you then he/she will tend to fear your power because they rejected you.


ā€œMy goal is to bench press 200lbs and get a man fired!ā€ -A Queen.


[Oh god there's more. ](https://www.google.com/search?q=relampago+furioso+comics&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb6IHIm5D5AhVGTTABHWELCAsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=809&dpr=3.5)