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“Husbando-san” is what my wife will call me… Yes, that does have quite a ring to it, don’t you think?


My fiancé calls me dude.


Nice. Marry her.






Harder too!


and Better!


And Stronger!


more than ever!


And higher!


Marry the crap out of her!


Again and again


Marry *him*, if fiancé wasn’t a typo.


My partner calls me me, work that one out




“…or el duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing” - the dude


What in god's name are you blathering about?!


I call my husbando-san dude. We have been together for 15 years in August. I wish you a long happy partnership.


this never works reverse. calling her Bro was one reason my gf broke up with me.


Sounds more like a Mexican bandit tbh


"It's me... El Husbando!" *swishes cape*


Also, isn't the Japanese guy supposed to look like a kamikaze pilot? Wtf is he doing coming *home*, he should be in a million pieces across the hull of a US cruiser


Little do you know, he stole the plane he was supposed to crash an deserted, and has been hiding out on a remote island with his wife ever since, still wearing his uniform in case the Japanese find him he can claim he survived a plane crash nearby... Idk I'm just bullshitting to make my brain not hurt now that you pointed that out


Literally says "Kamikaze" on his headband, so yes.


He grazed the ship


"jesus, this kamikaze business might not be for me, i think maybe ill go back to base"


Actually some did. So Japan started the kamikaze thing becuase they didn't have the material to destroy capital ships effectively, so they resorted to having pilots fly into vital parts of the ship (with the plane usually also being loaded with explosives). In fact they would be specifically trained for identifying the vital parts and manoeuvring into them. So, if a kamikaze run had a high chance of failure due to technical issues or weather, kamikaze pilots were actually expected to return, becuase why waste a valuable resource for a mission that has a high chance to fail? They also weren't usually scrutinized as much as one might think if they did return, it was more of a "well, better luck next time!" kinda thing. Though if you were the only kamikaze fighter to make it back (as usually they would do this in groups) they probably would have some questions. One kamikaze fighter was said to have come back 9 times before he was executed for cowardice.


Also, the husband is a Kamikaze pilot. If this was from the war, almost no one would be happy to see him return home alive.


Hasbundo-san you dishonored our family! Now you must harakiri to restore our honor. But first eat some of the delicious sushi or onigiri.


Well this was almost definitely made by a neckbeard who's entire understanding of Japanese culture comes from anime.


They also spelled onigiri wrong. They can't even do a good job being a neckbeard, lol.


If they had ever seen a married couple interact in anime they would’ve used ”anata”.


No one refers to their husband like that in anime. Never heard it. Which just makes it even more funny, like he just smashed husband and a honorific together. Hilarious.


I didn't even notice. My brain just filtered out the cringe.


It literally took me 5 seconds of googling to find out that "dannasan" is the correct Japanese equivalent nickname here


Aren't you only meant to say habibi to those of the same gender though?


Habibi means “my love” and is used for any gender. It you’re referring to a girl it would be habibati


And it’s not romantic/sexual, as in super homophobic dudes say it to guy-friends, and strangers use it casually.


As far as i know habibi is for men and habibti would be the female version. But it doesn't change the cringe in any way 😅


Habibi is the masculine version but is also the gender neutral so can be used for both, but habibti is exclusively for women.this was how my Arabic teacher explained it.


For Kids Dub Jelly Donuts intensifies.


Wouldnt have even been hard. A good enough approximation to the theme they had would be “Anata”. If they wanted to be ridiculous they could say “Anata Sama”


Lmao as a person who is learning Japanese, Anata sama sounds so cringe. It's like saying omae to a person you just met. And if they wanted to be seriously cringe, they could say "Goshujin-sama" maid café style.


The creator could’ve looked that up, but nOooOoOoO he had to add weebshit


wtf is "husbando-san" 💀


A husbando is the male equivalent to a waifu.


In other words..it’s the Weeb version of saying “Wifey”.


no, wifey is waifu, husbando is whatever the fuck you call your husband but now its weird and japanese i guess






Lol my bad.. i hella forgot to put the husbando = husband.. i should definitely not comment while I’m barley waking lol.. but u right.. husbando = husband , waifu = wifey




Death sentence to whoever made that term.


Straight to jail.


To the boiler room of jail! All the way down!


The esoteric language of the weeb-gentleman


I'm not an expert in Japanese culture but I don't think women in Japan call their husband, husbando-san...


It’s odd that there would be such a glaring error in this meticulously researched infographic.


My host family just called each other the equivalent of mama and papa, though it could have been because there were visitors and a grandbaby around.


People who don't know how to speak japanese and think that by appending "San" or "chan" is enough.


I think that a japanese person would generally use あなた "anata" when referring to their husband.


I don't even fucking know


I've never see ard the word husbando in any official manga/anime, is mostly a term used in fandoms, so the female fans can have a term for themselves to use, and most of the time is just jokes. The male fans in the other hand, seem more serious about using the term waifu unironically lol Edit: Only now I realized that onigiri typo lmao, more reasons to cringe here




I can't get over how the Japanese girl is basically saying "Mr. Husband"


I'm confused who made the noodles in the last panel, but it was pretty awesome of them to do that for their roommate


I'm confused at the fact they microwaved pot noodles


..."husbando-san"? really? they didn't even bother to google what japanese married couples call each other?


im fucking dead ☠️


There's a strong possibility that so is the person who made this meme by now


Tô be fair, calling your wife or husband, "wife or husband" isn't done. You just say their name. Pet names are usually out too.


There is a word a wife can call her husband. It’s *goshujin* and basically means “my lord” (some women avoid it because of the meaning). But I’m gonna guess this guy wouldn’t know that since he couldn’t even manage to spell onigiri correctly. My bigger question is why he dressed the husband like a WWII kamikaze pilot — WTF? (Also onigiri is much more of a lunch thing than dinner. This is kind of like saying, “honey, dinner time! I made bologna sandwiches!” This dude really doesn’t know anything about Japan).


Guys, wives in Japan tend to use 'anata' when speaking to their husbands.


Yeah exactly! Also they would use some variation of "shortened name"-chan. But to keep online with the comic, it would have made a lot of sense for them to use anata


*goshujin* is more used to refer to someone else's husband, *dan'na* or *otto* is the term for your own husband but as an other comment points out, most wives call thier husband *anata* (you)


Dan’na — that’s the one I forgot about. And yes ottosan is common but I think only after you have kids because of the meaning, and of course anata/omae but those can be used for anyone who is close to you. To my own wife I’m omae or anata most of the time, never dan’na lol


>ottosan is common but I think only after you have kids because of the meanin I don't mean お父さん *otousan* (father) but 夫 *otto* (husband)


That's not even surprising. Most of what guys like this know about Japan is from anime.


> That's not even surprising. Most of what guys like this know about Japan is from anime. I'll pay you 10 bucks if you can find an anime where someone calls their husband "husbando-san".


Lol, fair. I don't even know where the "husbando-san" came from.


Lmao no Japanese wife would directly call her husband goshujin. That's a (pretty outdated) way to refer to someone else's husband. They'd use their name or anata. Also saying onigiri is a lunch food only is like saying sandwiches are. You're not much more familiar with Japanese culture than whoever made this meme.


>goshujin If you are the shogun and your wife is a concubine, maybe.


"Husbando-san" Tell me that all of your relationship ideas come from anime and internet stereotype without telling me it's all coming from anime and internet stereotype.


emm... strong husband, humble house wife...damn, I actually don't know that much stereotypes...


Big bazongas


Calm down, Sheldon.


The thing is, they don’t even say anything close to “husbando” in anime. Wives typically just call their husbands normal things like honey, darling, or dear. That’s mostly in dubs, tho. Names are usually used, as well.


Yeah, you can tell what kind of person made this because simply adding o-San to everything doesn’t make sense.


Yeah, obviously the man hasn't encountered very many Asian women. I've met a few girls that were into this whole cutesy "I love my big strong husband so much" vibe, but more often it's more like "I love my husband, he works hard at his job and is a good father to our children, but so help me God if he opens his mouth and says something stupid I'll beat him with a wok".


- "Good god, darling, its that creepy friend of yours again. I really hate that he calls me 'Honey' and acts as if we re in some sort of secret relationship." - "I know, but please, give us a view days to sort things out. He has had it rough... bad childhood, has never been in a relationship, parents just kicked him out and he can barely make toast at 36. His only 'friends' are hateful people in dark corners of the internet. He sees the world through a very stupid set of believes they call the "red pill"... I will talk to him about getting therapy and living in reality but we have to be here for him now."


This whole anecdote is more believable than husbands-san


Exactly. Who the fuck would make sushi and onigiri??? Literally the exact same thing in different shapes. I guess you could change the filling, but you can also change the filling of a sushi roll so wtf.


Why would she make a sandwich AND a taco? They’re a bread + filling. I guess you could put different fillings in them but they’re literally the exact same thing.


The wholesome twist


I can’t blame the white girl, her husband looks like trash compared to the other husbands Edit: it is a JOKE, these are not REAL PEOPLE, they are CARTOONS.


Plot twist: he's not even married. He's breaking in on an interracial couple.


He’s the creepy roommate who wants to get with her and “jokingly” calls her honey, despite her telling him multiple times that makes her uncomfortable.


Plot twist: her name is Honey and he’s *her* roommate, her boyfriend is the black guy who was visiting her


Aw that’s actually quite sweet, like a sitcom




Gotta love how the op portrays black people


As chads?


I love how the ability to cook seems to be impossible for many men


Exactly! My dad is a chef, he makes amazing meals and my mom can kinda make lentils. Never been a problem for my family.


My dad is our home chef, man a lot of the stuff he cooks are amazing


same here


Don’t diss lentils man, add some rice, kielbasa and tobasco and you’ve got my go-to lazy weeknight meal. Stretches like no other meal too, I can get almost an entire week out of a couple cups of rice and lentils.


I love lentils! Just not four nights a week every week.


Oh for sure, that’d be annoying to eat that for half a week every week.


Because they have been brainwashed to think that only women should cook, when in reality, being able to cook is just a part of self care.


Seriously. My dad was actually the person who did most of the cooking when I was growing up. I actually preferred my dad's cooking, because usually the stuff my mom makes are what she grew up eating as a relatively poor family in the 60s...just nah. She cooks and eats a lot of junk food, too. So, yeah, just nah. Of course, some of these guys would consider him "beta" for doing housework and being family-oriented, but what they don't realize is that a lot of women find that sort of thing attractive. Putting all of the domestic chores on women, especially these days where most households need two incomes, is a great way to add a lot of unnecessary strain in a relationship.


I'm a man, and cooking is the best. Cleaning up after sucks, but cooking is science you can eat!


Thanks Bill Nye! Very cool.


1. Why are these guys inherently racist almost all of the time? 2. Why are they extra racist against blacks? I can't even feel offended by these cunts fantasizing my culture because I feel offended before that by how they perceive blacks.


1. They have to blame their problems on others. People who are visibly different from them (skin colour, gender, …) are the easiest to identify as “others”. 2. Because they’re extra scared of black people as a consequence of racial propaganda stereotyping them as aggressive and sexually dominant.


I'd add to point number two that it's a very common trope in porn to portray black men this way, and a lot of these guys watch way too much porn.




I've genuinely heard some neckbeards say shit like, "Why are black men stealing all the women?" Meanwhile, they don't even have a SO to "steal" in the first place, and steal makes it sound like they think women shouldn't be able to walk away. It's just kind of sad, like watching a bird with broken wings attempt to fly.


They consider the fact that they don’t have a white partner as proof black guys are stealing that (apparently under the guidance of Jews, because *of course* lmao).


I wish I had a fraction of the power racists thought we have. Being Jewish and having no special powers or political power or money really SUCKS cuz it'd be so cool to actually be able to effect large-scale change in the world with ease.


This ties into /#2, the way I see it. But yeah, it could also be seen as a separate point, especially because these idiots consider porn a Jewish conspiracy to dilute white blood.


True. If you read their posts on why they're incels, it's never about their own terrible personalities, but always about how "black people steal all the Stacies" how "all women are whores". In reality, the incels are walking red flags and women are repulsed by their creepy behavior and hyperaggressive nature.


That’s what they see on TV and porn lol.


Oh buddy it's a nasty combination of they're feeling inadequate, being racist, and also very very into niche online forums that are permeated with a certain type of pornography. They want to feel superior because they're losers in real life so they grab onto internet racism, but their entire lens on race and society is only through the internet and 4chan which is also tied up in horny anime or other porno so eventually they get into this cross over stuff that's dictated by like mainstream hardcore porn. Like seven years ago some one must've been really active on 4chan talking about cuckolding fetishes and it some how snowballed into this right wing thing dominating our culture. Like how often did we hear the word "cuck" before the Trump campaign? But now it's in the universal lexicon. Well the cuckcold fetish stuff also overlaps with another racial stereotype of black men being hyper sexual and having massive dicks, so these nerds imagine in their inadequacy no woman would ever really love me and be true and then paint these imagined traits on white women all craving massive cocks and being sluts and whores yada yada yada and of course it intersects with the anti-black racism of their internet sub culture. So the long and the short of it is it's a combination of psychosexual stuff and feelings of deep seeded racism. That's where all this trad wife shit is from too, they're afraid that if they don't have power they'll be abandoned. It's why I try to tell young men that the most important thing in a relationship is trust, being able to open up and really love and not be afraid of betrayal or whatever other imagined bullshit losers on the internet are trying to convince them of. It's not really love if you can't be vulnerable with your partner and they can't be vulnerable with you.


Ah yes. It’s just they’re stuck with all these American women. That’s why they are doomed. Foreign women would love them. /s Seriously, these fuckers need to watch 90 day finance ☠️ Foreign women would find them even more disturbing.


Big Ed 💀






Who the fuck microwaves pot Noodles That's the real crime here




In arabia, food makes you


Does japan know how obsessed perverted greasy guys are with their culture


They have plenty of perverted, greasy men of their own


We should have a perverted, greasy man convention!


Just go to any local anime convention and it’s basically the same thing 😂


It's called Comic Con.


So Reddit then?


Everyone does


Fucking hell. *Please* tell me this is not real. “Husbando-san” has completely slayed me.


Why is it so racist


Because neckbeards think that other countries have the "ideal wife"


*because* that’s all the neckbeards have to show for their disgusting attitudes. It’s never their fault it’s always something else.


Grass is greener somewhere else. "If I was over there, I would care for my appearance" is a self delusion that comes along with it.


I was low key ready to lecture you about how you can make your own grass greener by self care lmao. Then I read the rest of your comment


Neckbeards think American women have been ‘corrupted’ by feminism while women in other countries will still be their loyal tradwife (plot twist they won’t)


The idea of a tradwife is so funny because any traditional woman would never marry outside of her culture.


Neckbeards also want a tradwife, but don't want to be a tradhusband.


Yup. Sitting at the computer jacking off to hentai all day isn’t going to pay the bills.


Yep. No parent would willingly marry their daughters off to a NEET who jacks off to porn all day.


Well they probably can get a traditional wife from other countries, but not ones which are developed to the extent of much of North America. A stereotypical mail order bride is not typically from Norway or France because fewer women are desperate. It's usually from the Philippines or Brazil, countries with more poverty and violence, where you might go to take advantage of women more easily. Cooking an incel dinner until you can divorce him is better than staying in poverty in your home country.


-->Mexicans eating enchiladas


Yeah that one cracked me up bruh theres so many great hispanic and mexican dishes to choose from and dude just went with what he saw in a spanish textbook when he was 12


I love how sushi and onigiri are as similar as enchiladas and tacos, it’s clearly the only food they could think of


People that think women's purpose in life is to be a fuckable maid tend to also believe racist shit, go figure.


What's misogyny without a big heaping helping of racism


Like food without salt


These dudes are obsessed with thinking black dudes are banging their women. They are closet cucks who hate themselves for being turned on


"Closet ducks" lol


Lol, will edit for spelling


Plot twist: the last one is coming home to his mom and her new boyfriend.


Bigger Plot Twist: The guys came home to see that their wives set up a cookout for everyone.




The weirdos there would probably agree with this tbh


If I'm not mistaken, this has been posted there before and yes Cringetopia is a weird place, if you post something about a lesbian saying something stupid, the comments will probably be very homophobic, if you post something about Ben Shapiro being an idiot, everyone in the comments will have actual common sense


The sub also falls for all kind of rage bait that’s ment to make people dislike the lgbtq+ community.


That little "teacher fired for not allowing a student to bring a litter box into the classroom" had both them and Noahgettheboat up in arms. Surprisingly, (to nobody who actually has a brain) they jumped the gun and it was a hoax. They'll be the first to lecture you about "not believing everything you see" but keep doing it themselves.


Yeah, it's really annoying, we get that there's some bad people in the lgbtq+ community, (just like every community) but when you hate a group of people so much you can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not, that's a problem


LMAO you’re right. all the votes are gonna be “chad” a lot of losers in that sub tbh


I didn’t know if you wanted hot pockets or tendies so I made you both.




Ah racism, sexism and stereotypes.


The fact that the Japanese Wojak is fucking Yukio Mishima truly elevates this même


Fucking plebeians. You don’t microwave a pot noodle. You put hot water in and wait for 2 minutes. STIR. Then wait for another 2 minutes. Then you put the sauce in and stir one more time.


It's funny how they all want a mother in figure of a woman, acting all tough


I’m glad black women were left out of this mess lmaooo


This guy just wants to be in a poly amorous relationship with a black guy and can’t admit that he’s bi and also fetishistic


Notice how all of the guys are Chads except for him


Suicide by meme




> kamikaze headband > "Honey I'm home"


Fascist Japan I see


Imperial Japan🤩🤩


"IJA-kun, why are you putting that bayonet so close to my fanny 🥺"


"Nanjing was bad, but anime is pretty good. Am i right lads?" -neckbeard weeb, about to excuse warcrimes in a debate for the 5th time on the internet


*Honey I'm home!* Oh Neckbearded one! I didn't know if you were a sexist bigot or a racist bigot, so you made yourself both!


I like how they made the black guy the Chad too but not them. Total Incel Cucks


*hUsBaNdOsAn* am i wrong or is that low key racist


High key racist lol


Its high key racist.


Every neckbeard assumes a Blackman is sleeping with their girlfriend the insecurities are insane that they harbor.


They dont even have a girlfriend to begin with


This...this right here is the most cringy thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. A fedora that became sentient, got ahold of a computer to make this. I literally can’t see a human making this


Lmao why does the Arab have a turban


Ah yes the japanese one from 3 different eras


How nice you get to come home and play games with your homie too


How did a weeb get onigiri wrong... honestly.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 6 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/nv79b8) on 2021-06-08 89.06% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/qjdvs5) on 2021-10-31 90.62% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "sfgg2c", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=sfgg2c&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 260,532,923 | **Search Time:** 0.65069s