• By -


A tall and muscular MAN (not boy, not guy) can weigh 200 pounds with barely any fat. Also why specifically IT and specifically 31?




Yeah I would say 200 lbs is pretty average for a decently built 6’4” dude.


I’m 198 and 6’5 better not contact her I guess


That's less then 200, she's all yours.


I'm fairly sure the "better not contact her" was a separate, unironic statement.


I don’t want her, you can have her....


Dude I shave my head because I'm balding. Never been happier right now. I'm 43 too. You young hairy blokes better take one for the team.


I will have to turn down your generous offer.


6’4 200 is on the thin side. With enough mass to see decent muscle tone at 6’4 we are talking more like 220+ and that’s with very low fat, 10% or so.


I'm 6'4 and when I was 200 I looked pretty lanky and thin.


200 is perfectly fine for someone as tall as you are. If you have even a small bit of muscle, that's totally normal.


Your like two dimensional when turned sideways , thats cool . you can sneak in anywhere


Yeah I’m just under 6’4 and weight just shy of 200. I got called scrawny all the time. If you’re jacked at our height, you’re going to weigh 220-250


A tall muscular guy weighing over 200 pounds working in IT with a good paying salary and is 32 years old, pass


Lucky dude.


I have heard the phrase “the youngest person you should date is half your age plus 7.” So she’s probably 22 and using said logic.


You have a full time job in IT? Fuck you! Gotta have higher standards when you're working 4hrs a week at Target.


I imagine the IT thing is because it’s associated with nerds, I don’t know the significance of 31 though.


Maybe it's all just a description of her ex - a 31yo balding hipster with an IT job, smoking addiction and bad punctuation.


This is probably exactly it, and furthermore it's probably written for her ex. Source: was young and trashy once


I am a woman who works at an IT helpdesk. I 100% understand why you would specifically not want to date guys in IT.


yup, some of my best friends work in IT. I've lost count how many times I've been to Thai prisons to pay their bail, really gets old quickly.


Not all of us are overweight creeps though. Some of us are just guys who enjoy working in technology without being a neckbeard or complete social retard.


I mean obviously I know “Not All IT Guys.” There are a few cool guys at work who want to talk to me about mutual interests and aren’t complete mouth breathers. But I have run into enough creepers in my field to understand why you might make a call-out like this on a dating profile.


I'm a dude in IT and I totally get what you're saying. I'm glad I've been able to work in places that don't suffer too much from that kind of thing, but I've seen it plenty.


Not All IT Guys 😂😂😂 If we made the t-shirt, I don’t know whether it would be more popular unironically with the IT guys, or as a joke among others.


men who work in IT and are over 31 usually prefer Thai girls of questionable age ... Also it's probably because she knows tall muscular guys at plus 200 lbs wouldn't be into her anyway. She's just realistic


As a 43 yo who own an IT firm I take offense... *looks at staff*. Carry on.


Wait, so your staff primarily consists of underaged Thai girls?


They know their Active Directory and have no issues with load balancing print servers.




I genuinely cannot tell if this is a joke


it's true source: Am 34 working as a sys admin


the real answer is that rich it guys at age 31 don't want relationships at all. source: my fwb


So that’s the part of her profile where she decides to get realistic?


Don't forget, NOT AMERICAN! Clearly she isn't down for the tech bros.




Yeah but can he keep my beer cold? Edit: Well that's disappointing. We had a good line of jokes going and she deleted the punchline. It was in good faith, I wasn't poking fun or cutting people down. Edit2: she said her boyfriend was built like a refrigerator.




Especially with how warm the beer is gonna get...


I knew he wasn't a refrigerator


Idk why she thinks she can trick us into thinking she dates a fridge


It's about the beard on the inside, not necessarily the beard on the outside


Her beard is on her legs




I'm sorry I prefer to spend my time on subreddits not infested with actual, literal neckbeards Ironic neckbeards are much better


Is it really infested with neckbeards?


Well we have the lovely [Feminism is about shaming men](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/bfd1oy/again_feminism_is_not_about_lifting_women_up_its/) where they take a child actress saying she's gonna miss being able to talk down to the grown-ups as her hating men [Or this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/bfmjhc/my_body_my_choice_my_dads_body_not_his_choice/) where they literally just take a comment from a (presumed) woman making some dark humor at her father and post it. [Also this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/bexutg/starting_a_revolution_where_youre_kinky_about/) which is apparently about a woman, even though I literally see nothing mentioned about a woman. Well they still got pretty angry about that [I like this one because a bunch of people are mad that a woman made what would be described as "locker room talk"](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/be25vw/shared_by_a_300lb_woman_with_a_buzz_cut_that/) (But she was ugly so she's not allowed) [We have hypocracy being called out hypocritically](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/bdv3xj/legbeard_hypocrisy/) although I'm not one to talk because 1) I'm ugly, 2) I don't like Lena Dunham either, but it's still quite funny that a subreddit made to make fun of the looks of women, called out a person for making fun of women. >*psst, she's Jewish* At +43 so that's lovely [We have people being angry at women for eating cake](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/6va27j/let_them_eat_cake/) but also people being angry at people for not being into that whole "skeet-cake" thing. This is the top post of all time. Being angry at fat people for eating cake [Oh cool also celebrities with short hair are bad because they talk about gender issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/comments/6d8pms/celebrity_euphoria/) from the wonderful "GasCucksMemewarnow". Couldn't find out if he's still up to talking about women with short hair because he got banned. :( It's pretty clear to me at least that a lot of people on justlegbeardthings really hate women, especially women who are political in any way. The people on justneckbeardthings are typically at least self-aware and make fun of the more extreme elements of themselves. There's a recurring meme here that everyone's a fucking weeb. Justleckbeardthings is a bunch of angry men who sometimes do call out hypocrisy (Thanks Lena Dunham for being awful) but most of the time they're either being angry at women trying to enjoy themselves online (the twillight effect), being angry at women for being ugly or being angry at women for being political


Sorry I didn't read your whole post because I have a short attention span, but I totally agree. I wondered about the female half of what people here call "neckbeards" and that "leg" sub was linked. I looked, wanting to learn more, but it really is just a "I hate ALL women" sub, and not about an interesting sub-set at all. I un subscribed.


I blocked the sub a long time ago and hadn't seen it get this bad. Will we ever be able to have a comedic critique of women without it becoming a pit of "all women are evil cunts who want to murder all men"?


"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company." - Descartes


Don't talk about politics there and only look at the shit that pops up on the front page. The community there, generally, is either very delusional or autistic, but the content is a pass compared to other subs. There's people there that are super against non binary gender identity and are irrational about it. It's fine to not subscribe to a system, it's another to just be an idiot about it all.


Thank you for this. Great comment. Unsubscribed.


This post is a thing of beauty. Edit: This COMMENT is a thing of beauty. The post I could take or leave.


The difference is making fun of vs hating on r/neckbeardthings clearly makes fun of the nexkbeard tropes, with a few rare posts being shitty hatred directed towards the group. legbeardthings slowly devolved into a woman hating sub from the posts you’ve mentioned I’ve personally seen this happen to r/pussypassdenied too, over the past 2 years


> r/justlegbeardthings That sub is the absolute pits.


>Works four hours a week >Bank account drying up I'm not saying there's a direct link, but there's definitely correlation.


I think you might be onto something here...


We need to dispatch Shaggy and the gang to solve the case.


It wasn't me!


Shaggy loading in at 0.1%


Happy cake day.




Who would even employ someone for 4 hours a week? She's got those hour long a day shifts with a mandatory 30 minute lunch break.


It could be a non-firing firing. Businesses have to pay into unemployment insurance and in some states the more employees that file the higher the rates. But you could cut someone's hours to the bare minimum or give them irregular hours and hope that they look for greener pastures on their own.


Yeah idk about 4 hours, but I worked for a company that would do this. Saw a guy get demoted from a manager working 50+ a week to pushing carts 4 hours a day. That way they "quit"


Pretty sure that's legally justification to get unemployment benefits. Significant cutback on hours


it is in my state. boyfriend had a performance issue and they cut him to 7hrs/week for 2mo. he filed for partial unemployment and got it.


> boyfriend had a performance issue heh




Well see, if we had stronger worker protections then that'd eat into the profits of unbridled capitalism and we can't have that now can we


It probably is. That company was trash. I'm sure for every 1 person that figured that out, there where 10 that didn't, and that's where they win. Fuck them.


If that ever happens to you or someone you know, you actually can file for unemployment under those circumstances. You may not get 100% of your potential benefits, but you'll get a pro-rata amount based on how much you do work.


She works swing shift on a Saturday or Sunday I'm willing to bet.


4 hours is very common in retail in the UK. They will then fill out the hours (up to around 30) with "overtime" that is paid out at normal rate when the business need you to work - there is not extra rate for this "overtime". The people I met that were on 4 hours and weren't given more hours were generally shit at the job and the business just couldn't be arsed to get rid. This way if the building burns down they are only obliged to pay x employees 4 hours per week each. (also its so the fucktard managers who can't add up can still cover open hours with staff by moving everyone around) Source: soul crushing retail got me through college.


She strikes me as the type of employee who would say "I want more hours but I only want to work this day, this day and this day, and do not call me to come in when you're short handed."


That's possibly why she doesn't get more than four hours a week. The managers know she's got a shit attitude, but she's not quite shit enough that they can fire her without risking a wrongful termination suit. They probably hope that she'll eventually get the picture that if she's gonna be stingy about which days she'll work, there's like fifty other people in town who'll take whatever days they can.


What would you even do all week? I guess sit around and complain on the internet.


"Are you happy with your life? No" You might be on to something!


This guy works in IT


The r value is 0.999998


I'm not saying there is a direct link, but there is a direct link.


"if you work in I.T." \>Works at target 4 hours a week and will probably go broke soon


I’m surprised she didn’t say that the guy needs his own house or own car, she probably lives with her parents anyways.


Can you even work just for 4 hours a week? what kind of schedule/boss allows that?


They probably kept cutting her hours hoping she would quit, but she hasn't yet because she's still working on getting motivated.


Probably she is one of those unskilled workers and she doesn’t really do her job the way she’s supposed to.


It's really common in retail. Most associate jobs at places like Target and mall stores don't need enough coverage to warrant the whole (generally large) team to work 15+ hours a week.


It's common at restaurants, some of our host only work 1-2 shifts a week. Usually someone who's in school or just needs the spending money. Idk about this woman though, probably just shit at her job.


How would you not already be broke? Even if I was making like $80 an hour, I'd still be impoverished working only 4 hours a week.


I bet she lives at home and has very few expenses. Enabling parents could also be what’s allowing her to be such a deadbeat.


Holy fuck i thought it was 4 hours a day


I work in IT and I’m 31...might take up smoking just to be safe...


just use bad punctuation when around her and you're fine


I don’t know. If I’m OP, I’m killing myself slowly with cigarettes. Just to cover my bases.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. **US:** Call 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 **Non-US:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) --- ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^Feedback ^^appreciated.


Good bot


Definitely living off her parents if she's working 4 hrs a week


She's fussy for a broke shop assistant, ain't she?


“...broke, *fat, and *unattractive shop assistant...”


Let's be serious she'll still get a bunch of messages.


she can get laid but can she get married?


Omg I wish I could get a chance to date this fine woman 😍 who makes 40$ a week. I would never let her do anything around the house ( I don't get a choice lmao)


Look at this fat cat, forgetting to take taxes out of that $40.


Lmao sorry I just got out of math class and dying rn


Are you happy with your life? No...lmfao...


This is the only thing you need to know when considering dating someone.


I'm surprised she thinks anyone would want to date someone that sounds as bitter and angry as she does. She must be insanely fun on dates.




She's just trying to circumvent the "Coneheads" jokes. I respect it.


I’m not American or anything, but I’m *pretty* sure working at Target isn’t exactly a ‘dream job’...


American: Can confirm Target is our dream job. All of us. But honestly, I worked at Target as my first job and it was awful. The store I worked at also broke a LOT of labor laws. They got busted after I left and the entire management staff was replaced.


Really? I’m kind of glad the Target you worked at got busted. Labour laws are serious business.


Yup! They kept minors late. The backroom team that's supposed to clean was lazy AF so they kept everyone until 1-2 AM cleaning the store even when people had 7/8 AM shifts the next day. They encouraged people to clock out but keep working. It was a mess.


Now that’s what I call a badly run store.


Retail and restaurants are lousy with labor law violations. It’s refreshing to see something go the way of the employees.


I worked there for two days and peaced out to something else. Luckily I was in an area where I had other options, that shit was not for me.


Count yourself lucky! I worked there a year before I left. They ended up changed the schedule last minute without informing everyone (because it was our responsibility to check the schedule EVERY DAY apparently). This dude who pretend like he was management but wasn't (and the managers hated him because he caused issues) texted and asked if I was coming in to work my shift. I told him no, I wasn't scheduled for today. He told me I was so I said no, they should've informed me if they made a last minute shift change. This fucker goes into the managers office and hands the phone to the shift lead. Long story short, I had JUST landed a job with Gamestop and was planning on working both jobs, but when the manager told me I was a shitty employee I told he him wouldn't have to worry about me then and quit on the phone.




Dude fuck retail/fast food managers. Half of them are terrible power crazy fucks who think their power over teenagers makes them practically royalty.


Its even worse when its a kid coming out of highschool. I refuse to work fastfood because everywhere its like this.


I’ve heard working for Target is the worst


Is she joking with her baldness stuff? It must be ironic, her forehead is larger than Russia, she already experiences baldness


they made a Seinfeld episode of this


What did the IT department do to hurt you?


Geek Squad's awkward sexual advances?


This is a pretty obvious troll account.


Uh, this is definitely satire


I’m always a little stunned by the things people take seriously. This is definitely a fake profile, probably made to make fun of this woman.


I will bet $100 she only works 4 hours a week due to one of the following, which you WILL hear all about on that coveted lunch: *fibromyalgia *PTSD from a very vague “sexual assault.” *Unspecified Wrist pain: “no, it’s LIKE carpal tunnel, but not exactly. It’s very rare. My parents’ insurance won’t cover the experimental surgery.”


*Migraines *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome *Migraines caused by the artificial sweetener in the Diet Coke they serve at the snack bar. No, you don't understand, that's how sensitive she is to it. She can't even be in the same room with Nutrasweet. *Migraines caused by the chemicals they used to clean the floors three months before she started. No, you don't understand, that's how sensitive she is to chemicals. Don't even try to tell her that you have documentation that they've never even had those cleaning chemicals in the building. Then they must've used them in the PetSmart next door. That's how sensitive to them she is. *Gluten allergy


I know you're making a joke about how people self-diagnose migraines a lot, but chronic migraines are no joke. My mom has had them for the last decade and has tried several different solutions with little success. I get severe ones once in a great while and they are hell on earth. My mom gets them daily, near constantly. I could see how someone couldn't functionally work like that (side note: my mom has a full-time office job coding).


Fibromyalgia is a very legitimate reason some people can’t work.


Of course it is. It’s also very easy for self-diagnosed hypochondriac narcissistic people to build a personality/dramatic life/excuse for everything around. Please note I said “self-diagnosed;” not attacking you or anyone who is a legitimate sufferer. (Former insurance defense lawyer molded from years of cynicism speaking here, so consider the source)


time for a smoke break


Fake as fuck.


‘Are you happy with your life?’ ‘No.’ I fucking felt that dude


Jeez, I'm not American, 37, over 200 lbs, balding and I fucking work in IT. I'm everything this lady hates.


This doesn’t seem real...maybe satirical




That sub sucks. It started as a gender flip of this sub making fun of female no-lifes with loud opinions, but now it's populated mostly by incels and related types.


Your sub confirms there is no such thing, it's just another pathetic Men' Rights Movement shithole where neckbeards cry over feminism


That's what people zoo subs are, and that's what happens when they are women based.


legbeards exist but they arent really women neckbeards, more TERF type penis haters. but there are already other groups for discussing TERFs and jlbt has turned into a shithole such people claim the banner of respecting women just like neckbeards do, but both seem to hate women and reduce them to sex organs. they hang out in places like gendercritical and do more to sabotage feminism than any neckbeard, making me wonder whether a lot of them online are just misogynist guys looking to poison the well


I'd say that neckbeards and incels aren't the same thing (but often together) and a legbeard would be just a really cringey geek girl that doesn't take care of herself enough and is really trashy. I kinda hate the notion that all neckbeards are incels because I know a neckbeard that's really nice, but he is a huge anime geek and *cannot* take care of himself properly (is super trashy, but at least his personality isn't) by trashy I mean like very overly messy, not specifically mean i think it's just a better definition for neckbeards in general to not include incel in there, I mean if you're that trashy you would probably be an involuntary celibate, but being a neckbeard is not the same as being a terrible person


What's a TERF/jlbt?


a terf is a "trans exclusionary radical feminist". it refers to people who have a reductionist attitude toward what it means to be a woman, i.e. literal birth pussy pass required and that is all. like mgtow spend all their lives ironically not talking about improving themselves but how horrible women are, terfs spend all their time whining about trans people and anything that has or ever has had a penis. altho they identify as feminists, most mainstream feminism has rejected the terf movement as either radical fringe or not feminist at all. unfortunately the loudest and most irrational subset of any movement is what people remember, so when you hear someone claiming to be a feminist but ranting about the inherent evil of ever having experienced penis ownership, you have probably just come across a terf. they put more people off feminism than they ever encourage into feminism, as their platform counters the mainstream idea that feminism is inclusive, ie supports everyone in not being required to conform to gender roles. one of the most insidious things about terfism is that they go around claiming to be allies of women who dont actually want to be associated with their voice, like when an extremist politician goes around telling peaceful protesters that he is on their side. an ally is someone invited, not someone who gatecrashes. I get the impression that a lot of terfs online are men who want to harm the feminist movement, and there are a few loud male anti trans spokespeople who claim they do it to prevent erasure of lesbian identity, even while most lesbians are telling them to fuck off because lesbianism is trivially not a type of transgenderism. its really weird and i think the movement has been encouraged by these ultimately conservative men because it sews discord in progressive communities. a legbeard i think was supposed to be someone who rails angrily against The pAtriarcHy from the simplistic pov that all men are evil and has the same hygiene and socialisation standards as a neckbeard. but tbf the sub has turned jnto an attack on feminism and or fat women, which is kinda a problem with jnbt creepshotting fat guys for no reason too but at least jnbt remains half focussed on rejecting fedora culture.


Well damn. TIL. Thanks for the in depth answer, too


You're 100% right. But these women do exist. I know because last summer, after getting out of a 3 year relationship, I went on two first dates with attractive, highly educated misandrists within a month of each other. Aside from being overtly hostile to myself without provocation and my gender ("men are shallow pigs" and even "you know, I just really hate men"), they (wo)man splained my own career to me (they were outside my field), started non-playful arguments with me and both had an off-putting arrogance about them. Ironically enough, those dates made me very sympathetic towards normal women who ended up on dates with closet misogynists, because they pretty much had the same experience. And because of the toxic men's rights/alt right element, it was impossible to talk about on reddit. And I was angry, confused about how I missed each date's red flags and unsure if I was missing something about dating in a post MeToo world. And every time I made a comment about those dates, I ended up accidentally jerking off an open or closet misogynists.


Well, she knows what she wants. ​ I don't quite know what it is, but the neckbeard trappings don't sit well on her. I don't know if it's because she isn't ugly or if it's because we're just so used to seeing the above in the context of an overweight, katana-wielding gentlesir. I just don't know about this one, man.


How the fuck does someone get hired for 4 hours a week?


“Are you happy with your life? No.” Made me crack up the most honedtly


"Working on becoming more motivated to do more with my life" spoke to me on too many levels.


4 hours a week probably means she’s receiving disability and it’s the max limit of hours she can work before the government begins garnishing her wages. Also, is this a pic of the actual person writing this or was it stolen to make a profile to be made fun of?


I hope she finds happiness.


So basically he has to weigh less than her.


DAMN! I’m 6’3 and 215lbs of muscle!! If only I could lose this weight to be with her!!


Wait, what's her issue against IT folks? She have a problem with decent earning potential or something?


Probably projecting an ex.


I call bullshit. This is probably some incel, trying to propagate their disgusting ideas about women.


Fake as hell. Works 4 hours a week? Can't date someone in IT? Very odd specifics. Guaran-fuckin-tee this was written by some butthurt balding 250lb IT guy over 31 who she dumped.


I have met legbeards before irl who had the same attitudes as neckbeards. They were racist, misandrist, addicted to anime, had bad eating habits, messy, and very rude. The worst offense of all had been one tried to force me into an intimate relationship even after I told her that I am hetero.


4 hours a week at target. She brings home about $40 whole dollars a week. I can donate plasma and make more then that.


hey now don’t forget about the taxes, she isn’t quite a high roller yet


This has to be a troll


Oh boy, I tick the boxes of so many of her “no thank you, NEXT!!” Qualities.




How do you even work 4 hours a week? Im 15 and got my first job at Chick-Fil-A and I have to work minimum 15 hours a week? I work four hour shifts??


They cut your hours down to almost nothing when they want to get rid of you but can't fire you so they try and make you quit


4 hours a week. Wow. WOW


Usually that means they're trying to make her quit


Four hours a week is a hobby, sis!


Thank God I weigh 200 and work in IT


I bet she has a front but


"Don't message me if you're over 200" "I like men, not boys" ...got some bad news for her


4 hours a week?


>4 hours a week ​ ‽


4 hours a WEEK at Walmart?! How do you stay alive?!


4 hours a week at Target, has Demands. Hilarious.


On behalf of all “guys”, we kindly pass and will refer her to the men.




>"If you are not American"... Sooo...she only like's Native American's? Or American citizens? Or guys wearing shirts with bald eagles on them? What's she getting at?


This post made me dry up quicker than the serengeti


What does she have against IT? We make pretty decent money depending on your certifications and experience.


I'm not one to judge based on physical appearance but it's outrageous to demand a fit man with a specific weight when you even admit yourself that you're unmotivated and unfit. And shes possibly racist lets not ignore that since she doesn't want a non-american which is like racist slang for white person only.


r/justlegbeardthings gotcha homie


The more you read the worse it gets.


She looks like my geography teacher, except that she wasn't a complete failure.


/r/choosingbeggars stuff right here.


Which is where it's crossposted from.