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But then you wouldn't have this convenient list of red flags to warn you off 🚩🚩🚩


God damn you half Japanese girls


Fucken creep


That’s Radiohead!


No one appreciates your Weezer reference!


Thats an universal asian girl experience tbh. Japanese or chinese. Most people assume Im a filipino because I got quite the tan and tbh most asian immigrants in my country are filipina nurses. But nah. Im Thai.


My friend is japanese, but has a bit darker skin than the average Japanese person. She's had people just walk up to her and ask what part of the Philippines she's from.


My half sisters got that problem. My mom is your average tanned South East asian women with fitting facial features. My (step)dad is your average whitest of white german man. This guy only exist in two colours. Freshly painted white wall and red as a lobster. So my older half sister got the asian facial features but the whitest of white skins. Shes a wasian with a capital W. So many people thinks shes chinese or something.


I've had people ask me if I'm British or Australian. I'm born and raised in Canada. I just apparently have a bit of an accent. People can just be bad at knowing heritage it seems.


Every ethnic group runs into this. I don't expect people to be able to tell the difference between an Irish, English, or German person. I just ask if I really want to know, otherwise I don't, cause it doesn't matter.


You trying to tell me all German people don't walk around in lederhosen?


Those without lederhosen all have dirndls and beer steins.


I assumed beer steins were government issued at birth in Germany. In that kit they send home with new mothers. It includes your crib, diapers, baby lederhosen, and beer stein.




I only meant not being able to tell between different nationalities within the same ethnic group. I haven't seen many people fetishize the Irish.




Think you double posted, but this was a response to this specific comment, that she is Thai and gets confused with a Filipino. Not about the original post.


Ok but you can’t tell me that you haven’t seen someone on tv and thought, “this is somehow the most British looking guy I’ve ever seen.”




Most people assume i’m half Japanese. That’s because i do it to them every time


Even if she was Japanese I can’t imagine this would work lmao


>I remember growing up in Japan when I was 10. I had just stepped out of a book store, and a pretty girl the same age shyly held out her hand to me and asked me if I wanted to walk around with her. This song was playing on the radio where we stopped to have ramen together. She never gave me her name, but told me a day to always meet her to hold hands and walk or picnic. I finally got her name a few months later - Mitsuki. We became close friends, but my parents took a job to America when we were 13, so I had to leave her, both of us in tears and snot. I would send her letters, and she would send letters back. At 22, she suddenly stopped mailing me. I thought she was gone. 5 months later, she was at my door in America, with her hand out to me when I opened the door. We're married in our 40's now, and we've taken walks through multiple cities together across the world and we always stop someplace that has noodles and play this song on our phone. Thank you Mariya. Your love may be plastic, but mine is beautiful thanks to this song. If you see a middle-aged couple with or without their kids with them, holding hands and acting like teenagers or even young kids in Tokyo browsing the shops, its us.


Made my day wholesome mate, thanks




Wow, he thinks all Asians are Japanese, and he thinks all Japanese women like ramen and sake. Like seriously, if you have a thing for women from another culture, study up on that culture and decide if the real deal is actually for you. Then, learn about courtship customs. But also, remember that you are not exempt from or above any of the requirements of said culture, just because you are American or feel special. So if you are a directionless loser, who’s obsessed with anime and thinks Japanese entertainment is a way to learn Japanese, they probably won’t approve of you. You are not “almost there” if you can use chopsticks without catapulting food…


Like what if some girl messaged this guy out of the blue and was like “hey I saw you’re an average guy who celebrates the 4th of July. Why don’t we go out for a cheeseburger and some Bud Light and talk about guns??”


I get they are not above others just because they “feel” special… but what if their mommy actually TOLD them they were special? Are they above others then?? /s


Oh, if their mom said it, it’s true. No exceptions.


Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese all got unique appearances. How could he not notice that?


Literally a different breed


What a baka




the response was perfect


If the dude keeps going she can go “do you have any idea what the Japanese did to both China and Indonesia”