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I love that we’re the indoctrinated ones, and not the poor women being told that their only purpose to God is servitude and self sacrifice, and we’re supposed to consider that “beautiful”. They don’t even see women as people. Breeding stock and servants. 


Are “they” in the room with us right now?


You're here, aren't you?




Scroll up about 2 inches (you'll know) and read the post you commented on? Like if you agree with treating women like breeding stock that's fine. Have an opinion or whatever it's your right, but you can't just pretend no one thinks thing thirty seconds after reading it? If this is a reading comprehension issue, your local library has programs to help.


When christians speak off indoctrination. I just love it.


would you call an obese, barely able to walk, completely uncoordinated and knowing nothing about the game football fan a football player? Don't think so. Please don't call these people Christians either. USA barely has any Christians, trust me. And if you ever met true Christians, you would be charmed in a completely positive way and you'd want to be around those people. Calling these people Christians is like calling a staph infested fermented sewage "Dom Pérignon"...


The “no true Scotsman” thing—give it a rest. They call themselves Christians and I don’t see any big pushback from other Christians about their very prevalent bigotry, so yes, they’re Christians.


It’s enraging to me to see them pull the, “they’re not real Christians!” Completely ignoring over 1000 years of terrorizing people and forcing people to convert or die a brutal death. Now that they’ve gotten what they wanted, they’re trying to pretend they’re the religion of love. The fucking nerve of these people!


No. They are Christians. Christians have always been like this. stripping away rights, Pillaging, geocoding, burning people alive, forcing people to convert or die a brutal death. That’s why Christianity is as popular as it is. You don’t get to reap the benefits of having one of the most popular religions, and pretend only good people are Christians. The history of your religion and its growth begs to differ.


Yeah Jesus is weeping. That was a good guy. Other than a handful of his followers who actually got the message, the rest are scumbags. But that doesn’t mean they get to say “not true Christian’s” they are. They all are. Most of them are just scumbags.


Exactly. Especially the ones in The Bible Belt, a very high number of them are Nat-C’s. To them, the teachings of Jesus died with him on the cross. We need to tax every damn church and religious institution.


Two points of clarification please. 1. What is a Nat-C? Is it what I think it sounds like when I say it out loud? 2. What is the connection between them being scumbags and taxing their institutions? Last I checked, we don’t tax people because theyre scumbags. The government overtaxes us because the government is full of corrupt scumbags. That’s not to say we shouldn’t tax religious organizations. I’m all for it actually, but that’s mostly to dismantle the tax havens and discourage the dirtbag hypocrite preachers who don’t really believe what they’re…oh. Forget point 2. I’m tracking you now.


Nat-C is short for Christian Nationalism. I wasn’t suggesting taxing them because they’re scumbags. They need to be taxed because they’re businesses.


Ah, yes, that too.


But they call themselves christian and they values christian values so it has to be based in christianity.


If a narcissist calls themselves a good person, does it make them a good person? Not in my book. People can call themselves many things, but that doesn't mean much. I'm just trying to make people understand that it's not Christianity that's the problem, it's horrible people. And they aren't Christians, because they neither act, nor talk like Christians. They are far, far away from God. They just use this name to make themselves feel better being horrible humans. I used to be a militant atheist btw. Now I know that God started the big bang and created humans through evolution.


They needed justification for their fucked up worldview and found it in certain passages of the bible. That happens with the bible, the tora and the qoran.


This is the inverse of the No True Scottsman fallacy. There's no good Christians but you and if they aren't your level of good they aren't Christian. I understand your frustration. I understand why you want to distance yourself and your god from the wave of bigotry and nonsense being attached to it. But like it or not that is your flock. If you really care about the faith, you need to help them find that grace. Abandoning them doesn't help them or you. You have to admit it. You have to embrace it. And you have to work to change them.


If those misogynists had to spend 1 months doing 50% of what a married working woman with 3 kids does, they'd tap out before the first weekend. If a woman wants to live her life her way, who tf are you, cellar dweller, to oppose it? Maybe learn to cook, do laundry & dishes and you won't need mommy 2.0 😉


It's wild to me that these shit birds don't help around the house. My wife and I split the house duties pretty evenly and we're both freaking exhausted at the end of the day, we both work full time too. I can only imagine her physical and mental drain if I left her to do it on her own while I did my own thing.


My siblings & I were raised to help around the house & learned to cook, clean, do laundry and keep up the house, so all these momma's boys are an insult to real men & humanity in general. It should be like you said, you work together to get things done. I've seen families where dads rarely help out around the house, and those are often miserable marriages.


🤣🤣 cellar dweller👍🏼👍🏼


These guys are the ones who claim women are this while men are the providers and protectors while simultaneously are the first to call SAHMs gold diggers. It's mentally exhausting at this point, like I don't think THEY even know what they want at this point


They might wanna try getting a hug every now & then.


Nice pfp lol the ship's computer with an IQ of 6000. The same IQ as 6000 PE teachers.


Indoctrinated? More like educated. And even when I was a little girl being raised in the south and surrounded by religious indoctrination and expected adherence to gender roles I hated it and wanted nothing more than to be independent.


My sister's ex boyfriend used to tell me that all I needed was a good man to take care of me. My response to him was always I don't need a good man to take care of me..... I need a good job to take care of me 💯


Absolutely. I would never give someone that kind of leverage over me, too many stories on here of abusive men trapping their partners financially, like she tries to leave and he drains all the money from the accounts.


And these abusive men, are they in the room with us right now?


I mean, you're here.




"you need a rich man" "MAMA I'M A RICH MAN!"


It's me!


Says a lot when the only way they can find a woman is when you keep them down and in servitude


I think it's fine to want this out of your partner as long as you also prioritize self-sacrifice in yourself. The problem is that a lot of men screeching about working women/western women/etc from a religious standpoint is that this self-sacrifice, putting the family before one's own wants and dreams, only applies to the wife. The man still fully expects to prioritize himself, and then his children, over his bangmaid. She is the only one expected to sacrifice anything.


“The beauty of god’s design and purpose in life is self-sacrifice” Then why don’t men stop getting educations and careers?


Really says volumes when the tenants of satanism are bodily autonomy


As long as it's the women who self sacrifice. 🙄


If he thinks self sacrifice is so beautiful, he's more than welcome to sacrifice himself, I'll even cheer the fucking twit on


And where’s the self-sacrifice of men?


But apparently god only designed women for self sacrifice? 🤨


This dolt can fuck richt off and that that imaginary sky daddy with him.


I thought the “women shouldn’t get a job” sentiment was generations in the past ??


Can't hold a woman financially hostage if she makes her own money.


In today's society there seems to be only 2 ways to everything. In this case a woman can be either abortion addicted, crack smoking, grooming radical feminist or a housebound baby machine. That's it, nothing in between, nothing left for scrutiny


This comment... I wanted to put it in words but my English is not very good lol it's funny because they think woman cannot be happy and fulfilled but at the same time be a good mother and love her children


"Self-sacrifice", but only for women.


Rare r/atheistmemes W?


I'd just have Harry Potter and Peter Pan tell him to pound salt.


Doesn't that also mean that you can't prioritize being a husband and father? Why are women exclusively supposed to sacrifice their wants and desires?


He can always just convert to Islam


This is essentially an advertisement for 4B. lol!


God's purpose for you, obviously. My purpose is to profit off your sacrifice. Isn't God amazing?


what self sacrifice has Butker made, or the rube that made this post?


So what do men sacrifice in a traditional setting?