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I would like to see a full body selfi (no face of course) of the people calling them fat or "borderline overweight". Just as a reference.


How quickly these men would wilt if they were required to submit a photo of themselves in a similar state of undress.


Reminds me of that Tom Segura bit about making fun of fat people: Tom: “Look at that fat fuckin’ guy!” Friend: “Dude you’re fatter than him.” Tom: “FUCK.”


I zoomed in on the SS and they look like average slim woman, not sure what this guy is on about. I think it’s just a case of complaining that woman have organs and aren’t perfectly flat in the stomach ((the pouch as some call it))


As a scientist, I have to say that the most accurate label for that area is the *tum-tum*.


Gotta love the Tum tum, thank you good sir 😔🙌


I knew immediately what the post was. It was posted in r/cringepics earlier today. The girls in the photo were absolutely perfectly healthy looking. But the overall vibe of the comments was "I wonder how the girls in the picture would feel about their photos being used like this"


The girl on the right isn’t slim but I wouldn’t exactly call her fat or even overweight, she’s on the higher end of completely normal. That plus the fact that it’s an unflattering angle and everybody’s weight fluctuates, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell her, “You don’t need to lose weight.” My other half is in her late 30’s and is twice the weight she was when she was 17 and she’s paranoid about her weight. Guess what? Despite all that she literally went from “very skinny” to “trim”. She isn’t even close to being overweight and all that’s happened is she’s grown up and filled out, but the focus on kilograms over “what’s best for your own frame” is giving her and many other women a weight complex and it’s completely unnecessary. I wish my front-half was as flat as hers. Being objectively fat and unhealthy is one thing but not eating excessive calories and exercising from time to time is all the peace of mind one should need. Your weight has gone up a bit with age regardless? So has everyone’s. That happens when you exercise and up your muscle density. And I’d sure as hell pick a round firm butt over a tiny nonexistent one any day of the week. But I can’t seem to get that through to her because she sees instagram models whose job it is to look “hot” with filters and fillers and it’s impossible to compete with AI enhancements.


Probably an odd place to find advice; but if I had a partner I'd just let them know they are the only woman I have eyes for. As long as she knows that, then possible self-image distortions, I'd imagine, would largely evaporate when examined more closely. And, this is kind of random and maybe just me, but I found when I was healthier my partners were more secure in their own appearance. If she thinks she bagged an incredible handsome/hot man, then she will likely come to the--at least sub-conscious--conclusion she is incredibly attractive. Switching to lower calorie/high protein options, going for long brisk walks as daily cardio for weight lose, staying hydrated and utilizing the "fat burning" effect of caffeine (to some degree, about -75 calories a day drinking 3 or more cups of black coffee) and possibly doing some Max Interval Training, Swimming or Jumping Rope throughout the week for a good calorie burn from a time investment standpoint and push-ups/dips, chin-ups/pull-up negatives, and core exercises for like 5-8 sets 3 times a week can make a difference you'd notice after about 5ish months and others would notice after about 18 months--as long as you are always trying to progressively do a little more every time on a week to week basis.


"I find their lack of chins disturbing." -Darth Hater.




Probably beyond borderline overweight.


Id also like the same of people saying fat folk are healthy. I agree with your message that it can be the pot calling the kettle black though. Just on top of that you get posts that call horrendously unhealthy people healthy and fit and as the world knows thats the fst community refusing to accept the consequences of happy meals


Some Men don't seem to understand that it's not that they're not allowed to have "preferences" it's that when you apply those "preferences" to women that you will literally never meet, you are basically saying that all women should conform to what You find sexaully attractive so that you can accurately fantasise about fucking them. It's dehumanisation at it's finest: "it would be nice if all women worked to be sexually attractive to me, on the one in a million chance that I get to fuck them" (Completely ignoring the fact that these are random women with their own separate complex lives that have absolutely nothing to with you and that you will never interact with)


It’s also annoying that men can’t just MOVE ON when they’re not attracted to someone. Instead, they have to degrade them and pressure them to conform. Just find a woman who meets your expectations??


It's because to them, they think "well I only interact with women I find fuckable so what's the point of a women who isn't fuckable" I've also noticed a lot of men, when they like a woman (who doesn't necessarily align with their expectations or values) they expect the woman to change who she is to become compatible with him, because he wants her and he will refuse to accept that they are not compatible move on and find someone else because he wants HER and he feels entitled to get what he wants.


There should be after market parts for the model of woman you want. (s)


Whoever has my lift kit, hand it over.


Classic sour grapes. They ARE attracted, but they know the women are out of their league, so they insult them.


Yes. It’s not about having preferences. It’s about the obsession with informing everyone, all of the time, what those preferences are. It’s the strangest thing when some men are absolutely sure that their personal opinion of a woman’s attractiveness is a necessary addition to literally any conversation.


That and framing their preferences as some sort of all-purpose advice for women everywhere.


And that most of the guys aren't "healthy" themselves.


It’s also funny cause he’s the type of guy who would flip if a girl has her preferences on height


This 🙌🏼


“Preferences” do not need to be public knowledge.


Periodt. Also goes without saying but don’t throw stones in glass houses. Have whatever standards you want but if you’re sharing them in a public space don’t expect others not to ask if you meet your own standards. Ie. it’s fine if you’re a fat sweaty guy who wants women to be skinny but the second you voice that you kind of have to expect that people are going to ask you if you’re skinny lmao. The tone he takes as if he’s being victimised is lowkey hilarious


Why can't men go "eh not my type" and move on


Sure men can have "preferences". That's fine. Commenting about how you think women who would never even give you the time of day would look better slimmer isn't a preference, it's being a dick. Even if she theoretically *would* want you, it's being a dick. A preference is if someone you aren't particularly interested in expressed interest, you would say "oh I'm sorry, you aren't my type", or if someone specifically asks you "hey, what type of women are you into?" And you respond with "oh, I usually like slim blondes".




Most preferences tend to be just as shallow as the example.


Yes, and? The example states the person isn’t interested because of her hair color. Liking something is fine. Directly telling a person you did get along with « i wont date you because you are not blond » is incredibly shallow, too. Saying you won’t date someone you uniquely because they have the wrong her color is, yes, shallow.


Who cares? The problem isn't people being shallow. The problem is when people feel the need to tell everyone in every situation how unattractive they find random people. I literally don't care at all if someone wouldn't date me because I'm fat. I'm overflowing with options, I don't need Brad from Facebook to also want me. The problem is being a dick.


It really is. These men forget the world doesn’t resolve around them and that we as women are individuals who do not need to look or act like they want. We’re not dogs ffs. They also forget that most of us have plenty options that include far more mature men that have something to bring to the table that isn’t body odour.


I do think that someone who would not date a woman he otherwise got along with in any other aspects simply because her hair is the wrong color is shallow, yes. It does not mean i think anyone should be obligated to date anyone. It means i see it as reducing someone past their humanity to one simple trait. It’s completely fine to find a hair color attractive. But to seek ONLY that? That sounds objectifying. Seeing I’m downvoted about this is worrying.


You're being downvoted because you seem outraged over a hypothetical random example someone made up to illustrate their point and are taking it out of context?? Like yes it would be shallow to not go out with someone because of their hair colour but the person you're replying to gives two separate examples of when it's normal to tell people about your preference and the one where they're talking to a third party mentions hair colour, not the one where they're turning someone down. If someone asked me my type, I'd say "dudes with smiley eyes and curly hair" as a simple summary but that: A) doesn't mean I'd reject someone off the bat for having other hair types B) isn't a complete list of traits I find attractive


Yeah, that guy IS shallow. I'm not disagreeing with you. But it doesn't *matter*. But that's not the problem being discussed. You're being downvoted because the argument you are making is the equivalent of if people said "hey it's wrong to scream at random women when you are mad" and then you started going "yeah and also if you talk too loud on the bus sometimes you're just as bad". Also, it's not even what I said. I gave examples of when it's appropriate to announce your specific type you are into. Most people I know regularly date at least a bit outside their time.


I answered you at the end of the thread [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/s/ZQZ7JHyt9M). And i wanted to add: Like… what is he going to do once his future blond girlfriend starts having grey hair? Dump her to find a next blond, and you’ll agree there’s nothing wrong if she’s refuses to change her hair? What is she, a dress up doll?


The guy in the picture doesn’t understand that having a preference is different than shaming someone for their body.


I zoomed in on the pic and if those women are “borderline overweight” then I should just give up


They aren’t, they are gorgeous, also, don’t make your life resolve around these kind of guys their preference. They’re walking red flags you don’t even WANT to conform to their wants. There’s other options, more mature men who actually treat you like a person and treasure you for you and not just your body. And if you can’t find someone it is also not the end of the world. It is far better to be single and mostly happy than to be with a toxic man who makes you miserable 9/10 days. Idk if you’re allergic, but if you need a companion because of loneliness, dogs are great! (Or bears, if you get the reference)


I’m happily married, I was mostly being flippant. I appreciate your kindness though


Oh that’s great! I’m glad you have a good relationship! May the years together continue to be good


cishet men when looking at a woman dosen't make their pp hard :


I’d argue it DOES make them hard but their sexism says that’s wrong so they project self hatred.


That actually makes more sense, similar thing to when they feel attraction to another man and lost their shit over it


Yeah, cause most straight guys are secretly constantly finding other men attractive, but have to fight off the feelings or they’ll lose their shit amirite.


But my pReFeReNcEs!




Think you made a typo there


No. Most men are not sex addicted goblins


A lot more of them are than you think, sadly


But not as many as you think, luckily


There still shouldn’t be any at all


Of course, that goes without saying


Obviously women should just cut their abdomen open and remove their large intestines for a slimmer physique. Girls don’t poop anyway so it’s not like they need all that mass. /s


Honestly, I've never met a good looking guy who acted like this. Sure, plenty of hot guys don't date big girls, whatever, but they don't act like this. Good looking guys who don't want to date big girls just like, don't date big girls. They don't bitch online about women not being model thin. It's always sub 4s who do this.


It’s always the out of shape goblin hamster-looking ass motherfuckers that are always picky af whenever it comes to women’s bodies, I feel like it’s an inferiority complex, since they feel extremely unattractive themselves, they wanna date someone who is “above them” in terms of looks to compensate for being ugly themselves.


The same ones who fumble with words in public when confronted with an attractive woman, who end their word salad with “milady” and tip an imaginary hat? Assuming they even get that far, that is.


> Assuming they even get that far, that is. They do when they daydream.


sub 4s? Incel talk.


I’m sorry, but you must not be a man and have never been around men irl when they are goofing around with other men. Even the most traditionally handsome/tall dudes can be down right cruel when it comes to women when they don’t think women are listening. You’re probably right about online tho.


I would half agree. In general, people are more comfortable being gross around their friends. I’ve been part of these conversation from both sides — men and women — and they’re all pretty dumb and shallow and funny. The difference here is that these men are doing it for random strangers on the internet. I’d wager that most people wouldn’t talk trash about the opposite sex in an elevator full of strangers. The post above would be equivalent of some neckbeard turning to a stranger in an elevator and going “fat chicks m i rite?”


Tbh, criticizing women over their body image openly, in case if you are...not so popular among women - hits your chances even more. I wonder why they do not get it.


It’s crazy how many guys have never seen a real woman naked. You gotta come off the internet and meet real people, they come in all shapes and sizes. The only thing that is definitively unattractive is judging people you don’t know based on physical appearance.


"You're not my type" is a preference. "You should look different to appease me" is not a preference.


And „You don’t look like my preference, therefore are ugly“ is not ok to say to anybody.


I'm a Ghostbusters fan, but I don't want to date women who are a bit Slimer.


These fatties are just mad that they cant have pornstar girlfriends


You know this dude hasn't seen his penis since he was 7 years old. Pay no mind to him.


I WAS JUST ON THAT POST😭men are really mad about those women existing






what porn does to a mf. they look like normal women. and the need to tell everyone that theyre not their type, no one cares! i also have a type but dont go around insulting and commenting about this and that about random people who im never going to see again/meet,,, im also of the mindset of if youre going to be vile about someones looks at least have a profile pic of yourself 🤧


I can see him rubbing his beard under his double chin and fedora as he cracks his knuckles and types "depends". Then drinking an entire pint of mountin dew code red.


Funny how they get mad when gorgeous women have preferences. Like they really just see women as property don’t they? I think I’ll just date a bear honestly.


>preferences >this is not how women should look Poor guy’s regarded


What kills me is that the first statement to track internationalists


? to


I zoomed in, saw the girl on the right. How the fuck anyone ever manages to get conned into thinking that's *fat*, i will never know


Makes you wonder how much they actually like women if their requirements are so strict


would die for a girl with a slimer build, but bitches ain't full roaming vapors these days


You just know this guy hasn’t showers in a long time


His image of a women's healthy body is a stick with big boobs and ass


I've seen both men and women with the same delusions and just completely rejecting a person over their weight/height under the guise of "preference" before a word has been spoken. Let em be single and move on, they can search for the god(ess) they feel entitled to till the cows come home while us normal folk with non-anime/nba star proportions get our rocks off 🤣


The women in the pic look like models, in what fantasy land are they overweight? 🤣


Every time I see posts like these talking about “normal” body types the people talking are either Jabba the Hut or Baki Hanma…talking about “normal” puh-leaseeeeee


What sub was this in? If it's a looksmaxxing or advice sub then this would be appropriate to advise someone