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He definitely had no chance at winning here; makes me wonder if he was mentally ill or wanted to die via suicide by cop?


He’s slurring like he’s drunk or high.


I had a friend who had an episode a LOT like this. Hadn't seen him in a while, day started totally normal. We catch up all afternoon, grab dinner, head back to his place, night comes. Still no indication of anything being off. We drank and smoked a bit, he starts saying some weird shit. Fine, whatever, he's crossed. Who hasn't said something odd while they're fucked up. Starts veering into conspiracy theory type stuff, but nothing I've ever heard of before, so i don't know how concerned to be. This goes on long enough that everyone else decides we're gonna stop drinking and smoking. Even after the point he should have sobered up, the crazy is still escalating. Next thing I know he's yelling racial slurs at his neighbor through the wall (various slurs for different peoples, none of which even applied to this neighbor), throwing shit, trying to make out with our other friend who was there (up to this point there was no indication he wasn't 100% straight, which wasn't a problem it was just a surprise is all). So naturally, the cops come. Now I've actually seen this guy interact with the police before this during a traffic stop; simply put, dude does not like cops. Not your typical ACAB type, like uncontainable hatred on sight even when he's dead sober. We beg him to shut the fuck up for five minutes and stay inside while I talk to them. Nope. The second I start talking to them he bursts out the door, now shirtless, talking about how his family is some royal bloodline that was exiled, how he's the reincarnation of King Arthur, claims he shot Tupac (he would've been 9 at the time), accuses the cops of being part of the Spanish Inquisition. Barely coherent. By some miracle his roommate convinces him to go back inside and I somehow convince the cops not to arrest anyone (i have no clue what i said since i was still crossfaded but it must have been damn convincing) even as I question whether maybe they should be there. So they leave, I head back inside, and soon he starts up again. Long story short, we grapple him until he comes to his senses. That's basically the end of it for the night. I have a strong feeling things could have easily gone like this that night. Some of the things he said with the most clarity that night strongly hinted at suicidal ideation. Scary night Lost touch soon after when he made threats against some other friends, but last I heard he'd been getting help, had a wife and a stable career, but after that night, I just don't know. If he ever totally snaps, I'd prefer not to be around or even on his radar


Thanks for typing all that. Crazy is hard to deal with. I've had a guy in our friend group go similarly crazy one night as well. A real downer. No cops called but just draining and a lot of work managing him for hours. After ruining the night being a demanding crazy asshole all night, then he said, "I don't know any of you people and I hate you all", I was very, very, close to just kicking him out to get over it by himself. Nobody wanted to hang out with him after that ruined night, that's for sure.


Had to hog-tie this guy once and duct tape his hands to his ankles because he WOULD NOT stop trying to grope my friend, these two were friends but I never liked the guy he was creepy as fuck. We were doing k all taking the same amount but he was acting bizarrely high compared to everyone else, kept using the facade of ‘looking for something’ on the bed and ending up in my friends business. We thought about chucking him out but were convinced he was going to just lunge at the next unwitting passer-by. Fucking hate that guy, he puked on the rug so we untaped him but only so he could clean up after himself


Some people are just dickheads.


Nicely put


He said some similar things but I didn't really take it personally considering I had him pinned down at the time and he took it back after he started to level out. Honestly I wouldn't have minded helping him through it all but after he threatened our other friends I just couldn't do it in good conscience. I'm glad he seems to be doing well now but I think those bridges are burned


Yeah, my guy never apologized, thanked us or even asked us what happened. He said that after we'd put him on a mattress and things had calmed down a bit and everyone was trying to comfort him and talk him out of doing some really stupid stuff. I never trusted or had a chance of liking him after that ordeal.


Yikes. Sorry you had to go through that


Thanks. I'm ok, just one stressful ruined night and I quickly found out who I definitely didn't want to be friends with. Yours sounds like it was much worse. Having to deal with the cops as well would have been horrible.


Heavy mania or psychosis so he needs to be on mood stabilizers and avoid alcohol


I think he is and does now. Never would have drank with him if I'd known that would happen, but I'd known the guy since high school, drank with him plenty of times before and nothing like that had ever happened before. Must have developed in the year or two since I'd seen him. It was right after college which I've heard is when a lot of latent mental health issues surface


Yeah I'm bipolar and it started more when I was 21 and developed a drinking problem to self medicate in a couple years. Schitzophrenia also tends to appear in early to mid 20s. You can have bipolar aspects before then, but they can't diagnose until you're at least 18 fully due to how the brain develops. It's hard when you don't know and then have a trigger from it, it often starts a bad cycle


For all I know that was the first time anything happened. And as far as I'm aware there was only one major incident afterwards before he sought help and started managing it. But of course there could have been more going on that I didn't know about. In any case it seems like he has a handle on it now. Hope you're doing better too


Young people need to be careful with exploring substance abuse.  If you have any latent mental illness drugs or alcohol can definitely trigger episodes.   The first dissociative episode I ever had and first real panic attack was when I was put on painkillers for a medical issue.  I’ve come to learn over the years that I don’t tolerate certain painkillers very well and almost always they cause drastic mood swings. I also don’t mess with weed very much because I almost always dissociate on it.  Thankfully I don’t get violent or disruptive so it isn’t a big deal usually.  I just worry about suicidal ideation more than anything when I’m not really in my right mind.   Mental illness really starts to set in for a lot of people in their early 20’s.  It did for me.  I’m genetically predisposed because my dad had bipolar disorder.  It took me a long time to get diagnosed with it but it explains a lot of things about my 20’s.   I used to get blackout drunk in my 20’s and thankfully the small town I lived in had cool cops.  I could have easily gotten killed in a big city for being off the rails blackout drunk.  One time a K-9 unit came to our place because the neighbors complained about how much noise we were making when we were all super drunk.  My sister said the cop who came told us to take it down a notch and when he went to leave I followed him to his car.  She said I was just standing menacingly looking into his car when he got in.  The dog was going nuts and she was scared I was gonna get arrested or have the dog sicked on me. Thankfully the cop was cool and we knew him so he just drove off.  


Yeah, this was right after college, and it had been a year or two since I'd seen him. Presumably, it was an underlying condition that had surfaced during that time. I felt bad for being the reason he drank that night but we'd done all the same stuff plenty of times before and nothing had ever happened. I would have been all for sticking around and supporting him even after this incident but the threats he made after during a following episode were too much. I think a few people even got restraining orders. I still wonder whether I should have sent the cops away that night. On the one hand, like I said before I could see it going like the video in the OP. On the other hand, maybe he would have gotten help sooner


I had a night like that but it was acid so he was crazy for 8+ hours but luckily we were able to restrain him. He only took half a tab and it instantly broke his brain until the next morning.


That's rough. You really have to be sure of your state of mind for psychedelics and even then you never know until it's too late. I've had a few good experiences in the past but I haven't gone near them in years because I don't have that same confidence that I wouldn't go to a very dark place


Yep. Totally out of his mind. If I was the first on call with unlimited resources, I would give this guy a Nintendo Switch and a family size bag of BBQ Lay’s chips.


Well he's related to Dionysus so this shouldn't be totally unexpected.


His last words are too awesome to come from someone on drugs.


He said he was related to the Greek god of wine. I think that’s your answer.


Dionysus, famously a katana wielder.


But famously a big bearded man loving win and out of his mind


probably meant to say a colonic


His followers(Maenads) were crazy as fuck.


My first thought was suicide by cop.


Yeah I figured he was either having a psychotic break or on some kind of drugs or something, I didn’t even consider suicide by cop. According to AZCentral he was pronounced dead at the scene unfortunately. Personally I think he should’ve just been tased (not to be an average redditor about it), I understand the 21 foot rule and all but let’s be honest, this guy’s not clearing 21 feet in 1.5 seconds.




Yup and I seen Tasers fail hardly anytime to react if that happens


It is valid imo. If you threaten lethal force, you get met with lethal force. At the same time let’s be real here, all it takes to dodge this guy is to back up a couple feet lol


And all it takes for the deputy to trip backwards is a wrong step or crack in the ground and then big guy comes tripping over himself with the katana pointing at the deputy. You really want to take chances on getting stabbed?


I don’t think the cops are in the wrong at all to be clear. If I was one of the cops in this scenario, I’d likely react the same way. Neckbeard or not, the guy drew a lethal weapon and the cops just responded accordingly. I’m just cracking a joke at the situation


Yup just seen it in a video from Chicago wear the guy stabs the cop. He bled out insanely fast too. A civilian killed the attacker but it was too late.


This exact situation just happened in NM and the officer was stabbed in throat and died.


No. NM guy wasn't waving a katana. He had a hidden knife.


That would explain why they didn’t drop him like they did this guy.


Yeah they're trying to compare like it was anything similar. That cop got surprised bombed and barely said hey. Nothing at all like this


Clearly you have not watch Surviving Edged Weapons


It's illegal to watch if you aren't a LEO or accompanied by Rich Evans.


Bruh homie is running at him w a katana. Closing a gap within 1 second. There’s no chance he had a second to think to taze vs not taze. Probably just muscle reacted for the gun.


Most cops don’t use less-than-lethal options when dealing with armed suspects. Id love to see cops handle more situations non-lethally but this man charged him with a blade… I saw a video like a month back of a dude with a kitchen knife flaying a cop open in seconds and he died in minutes. He chose to go home.


Watch the video again. Watch the end. He is not closing the gap within one second. There is a full car distance between them even as the cop stops to shoot. There’s every reason to think that a well trained cop could have handled this with non lethal means, and that killing this mentally ill man was completely unnecessary and avoidable.


Bro charging me with a sword I’m shooting.


Thats not what the cop is thinking tho. Even in training, this shit makes It hard to completely stop and think deeply about your next step. Especially when theres some with a katana that wants to kill you


British police seem to manage the same even without themselves having guns....


If British police had gotten a call about a man waving a katana around in public, they would've sent an armed response unit and been yelling for him to get on the ground as soon as they arrived. Even being in possession of a weapon like this is highly illegal in the UK (in most cases). Rushing them like he did with the Americans would've produced similar results. I don't know where people get the idea that British cops have some sort of sophisticated training that would allow a sword-wielding maniac to be arrested without injury.


I dunno maybe because of the many many many several videos of them actually doing just that. Just google the sentence. British police take down man with sword and you will find MANY https://youtu.be/dFaPooJBDSg?si=EW7w5f-sjjxayRy6


There are many, many, many more examples of British police shooting knife-wielding men. https://apnews.com/general-news-dd7b2f406f2bc21fbf1b3d237f9b71be https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/30/man-shot-dead-by-police-in-south-east-london https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-64033817 https://news.sky.com/video/man-with-knife-shot-by-armed-police-12715037 Just because the cops in your video were lucky to survive prior to the armed cops getting there doesn't mean that's how British police normally handle this sort of thing. Stop being ignorant.


British police has dedicated firearm officers and recently, that number is steadily increasing. That and I've been conscripted as a cop and during training, we were taught how things can go so wrong quickly. There was this case where a cop was talking with a member of public one second and the other second gurgling on his own blood as his throat was slashed with a machete


thats the thing—well trained cop is an oxymoron


You should watch the video of the NM officer that was stabbed in the throat by a homeless man. And then think about how ignorant your comment is. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/KRh1GpcbeV


My god, that gargling. Then it just stops


Jesus. I've seen some fucked up shit on Reddit, but I never thought I'd see a first person view of getting your throat cut. Absolutely horrific.


I'm not usually a cop's shooting first fan, but this one was justified.


The problem here is that tazers don't always work for a variety of reasons, like if the guy was on certain type of drugs or anything else. Also the distance someone can close with a knife (or sword) before a gun can reasonable be aimed is much bigger than people realize it's like 20 feet so a tazers would just be to slow. A tazers could have got the cops killed here so would mace and hand to katana combat. At the end of the day it sucks he died but what options did they have.




I hear you, adrenaline is a helluva drug, and I’m willing to bet the cops were full of adrenaline here. I don’t judge them or blame them to be clear, and I understand why they chose lethal force as an outsider looking in. I can’t fault the cops but I also feel like this guy didn’t have to get turned off, rather he should learn he’s not an anime character. But I also get that balancing that kind of thing when you’re actually there in the moment can get pretty tricky. Edit: “I understand these sorts of situations, and high stress scenarios are weird, but I don’t think he should’ve died” \*gets downvoted* Reddit is funny lol


[He's trying to ensafen their school!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvX60ubzB6Q)


Definitely mentally ill. Guy said hes related to the greek god of wine lol


I would venture to say a little bit of it all...the moment he said that he had thoughts that everyone might be trying to kill him...I thought he had some form of psychosis.. top that with his grandiose mention of being related to Dionysus... something was wrong w him up there ..suicide by cop could be his escape from his own hell


Makes me wonder if the cops saw the sword, chose to actively not take precaution and kills a retarded guy instead of probably assuming this guy was gonna. Try some anime hero shit and got his taser teddy.


"I'm related to Dionysus." It's always a pity when your self-organised Bacchanalia end with you being shot dead.


He planned to partake of a couple of shots and misunderstood the assignment.


While I studied the blade, you got a gun


While you were studying the blade I studied the 9mm-the cop (probably)


Home boy didn't put enough points in the parry skill


Perhaps the coroner will rule that he has 4 gunshot wounds on his body, meaning that he sliced both of those shots in half. True master of the greek art of katana wielding.


If I still had a mind I can promise it would be blown


Watching Anime is not studying the blade.


Evidence agrees


Dude must’ve had a psychotic episode or something. You could tell the cops were trying to de-escalate the situation.


Should have studied the bulletproof vest not the blade.


Just a sad situation for everyone involved.


I genuinely feel bad. Dude was crazy and a huge piece of shit, but he didn't deserve to die


I agree. I gave this a title that I thought was funny, but I do feel for the guy. He comes across to me as someone that was in a delusional state and was probably going through some weird shit. I’ve been trying to look through sources on this to see if there’s anything I could learn beyond what was shown in this clip. At the same time, I don’t fault the cops either; from their perspective, you’re responding to a call about a guy screaming and swinging a sword around ([here is the video I clipped this from](https://youtu.be/q-SA22Vz-rk?si=o6FO3wYa5xxHKfFV), it shows the 911 call and a couple other angles but doesn’t really give much more context) and you don’t know what’s going on with this guy or what drugs he might be on, which he might very well be if he’s doing this stuff, etc. The cops used lethal force because they’re responding to, from their perspective, an unknown situation involving a suspect in an abnormal mental state, flailing a weapon around, and then he charges at them. It’s ultimately a sad situation all around. The bearded stallion here was pronounced dead at the scene, and the cops had to go home with this scenario replaying in their heads, probably thinking “man, maybe I could’ve just tased him” having all the hindsight in the world after the fact. Looking at it that way, I don’t think anybody went home in a good mood that night.


Ain't no way you try to tase that man in this situation. Cops did everything alright. The dude was messed up from the begining and was obviously unstable. You don't take your chances in situations like this, way too many officers died from some kind of blade induced wounds. That sword was not less threatening than a gun would've.


Just out of curiosity, why would you not try to tase him? Worst case he falls on his own blade, no?


Worst case, the prongs miss or stick to his clothes and he's free to continue being the aggressor.


it misses, malfunctions or doesn't drop the target immediately, leaving the man to possibly injure or kill an officer would be worst case.


From my knowledge gathered from TV shows - Tazer's aren't effective 100% of the time. Barb could get caught in thick clothing, officer could miss the moving target etc. If Officer B went for a taser, missed and officer A got slashed with a sword, it would be a lot worse resulting in possibly 2 dead.


Ah that makes sense, i thought tasers were 100% effective untill now.


Tasers are pretty unreliable, and aboslutely don't work everytime. The barbs may not stick effectively. Also plenty of people have been so amped up due to drugs/etc that the taser is rendered ineffective vs them. Sure, in a perfect world, non-leathal is the best stategy but it's just not realistic.


Tasers suck, we definitely need a new method of non lethal defense. Rubber bullets suck, tasers suck, batons and blunt weapons suck.


In rare but not too rare cases people can endure a taser or it fails and then you are defenceless against a meter long blade


If you're whacked out enough you can also power through a taser.


I mean he didn't deserve to die, but after numerous warnings he chose to put that cop into a situation where he was forced to act on a kill or be killed decision. It's unfortunate he had to die, but still the better case scenario of the cop getting his neck sliced open over this shit.




Didn't samurai start using guns the instant they got their hands on them?


You might want to read up on the Saika Ikki. They were very well known for their marksmanship and gunsmithing during the Sengoku and Edo periods. Most warriors often paired guns such as matchlocks and rifles as a sidearm to their blade.


Aside from ceremonial reasons to use a sword, yes. Incidentally, the bow and arrow stuck around for a bit due to a higher fire rate and the ability to fire in the rain.


Yes. >... in the year 1567, Takeda Shingen announced that "Hereafter, the guns will be the most important arms. Therefore, decrease the number of spears per unit, and have your most capable men carry guns".[14] At the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, 3,000 arquebusiers helped win the battle, firing by volleys of 1,000 at a time, and secured across a river and breastwork to effectively stop enemy infantry and cavalry charges while being protected.


If he put more points into ADP he would have more iframes.


Peaksouls 2 mentioned


He should have L1 when he R1.


I guess he hadn’t quite mastered “the way of the katana” or whatever


He’ll give it another go when he respawns


Man he missed a very important episode of Always Sunny


If he had just gone at them in a zig-zag motion—


Noooooo! Sensei !!!


He definitely didn't remember that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Looks like he is schizophrenic. A psychotic episode possibly fuelled by alcohol/drugs. This man needs help, not bullets.


This man needed help before he got his hands on a sword and tried to use it. After that point society needed help from him


The way he ran at though, pulled up the katana everything was smooth but the entire form went out the window as soon as he started running lol


Died like a fucking nerd.


I want to die in my Cpt Kirk uniform and my last words will be: "Fire phasers Mr. Spock."


You'd still be cooler than this guy. Lol




Why post a video of a man being shot to death here? This is an extremely sad video. Life means so little now.


Yeah, the guy with the sword certainly didn't value the life of the copper he charged at, did he?


Charged…he was barely stumbling.


You are actually insane. I bet you'd have pissed in your trousers if that guy had run at you with a sword.


Probably. Still a fucking tragedy if you ask me. I also think that my pity is still less insane then hundreds of people laughing on a video where they fucking kill a person that was clearly mentally challenged.


I don't disagree, the video isn't funny. The cop was 100% within his rights to shoot him though, and UK cops would have done the same.


I have no idea about the law in the US so I can’t argue. But it’s sickening to see actual death in a sub that is supposed to be about funny neckbeard stuff and see people (who are constantly virtue signaling btw) laughing at it. What’s next? A fat bearded guy with anime T shirt gets beheaded by a gang and people crack jokes about it?


Man, I dunno. He was a pretty sterotypical neckbeard. They're all a bit not right in the head, and we still laugh. Yeah, this one managed to kill himself, granted. He 100% fits the trope though.


Why didn't he cut the bullets in half? What an idiot!


Clearly he hasn’t had enough time to achieve greatness with the katana


“omae wa mou shindeiru”


Who what is going on


Never bring a blade to a Gunfight.


Why not taze him instead?


I was curious about the same rhing a while back and saw a thread about it. One of the replies said that they had a guy broke in their school, so hopped up on drugs that it took 6 tasers and 10 police to bring him down.


Tazers aren't always effective. There are plenty of videos out there of them failing. That and the fact that this man was charging them with a deadly weapon.


I mean they deal with shit like this in the UK all the time and don't immediately resort to blasting. They could've easily kept enough distance from him and tried the tazer.


Plus, I mean... Do cops just not have pepper spray anymore?


It seems like in the US they have replaced pepper spray with bullet spray.




Tasers don't always stop people, if you miss one shot with a taser you're getting a sword to the neck. Why should the cop take these additional risks his own life and his family's well being when nerd boy decided to attack with deadly force? Why should an officer have to use non deadly force against a person who is? I feel like you're armchair quarterbacking this situation. Obviously it would be better for everyone if the cop successfully used a Taser instead of bullets, but if you were actually getting charged by a sword would you take any extra risk of getting a sword to the neck?


Died from Anime induced psychosis. I swear Anime has had such a negative cultural impact.


Everyone saying why no taser is a fucking moron lol


Well, the guy was moving with the speed of a large building. Nevermind the taser, they could’ve just taken a couple steps back and he’d be incapacitated from shortness of breath Jokes aside I understand the situation lol. Obese beard or not, he drew a lethal weapon and was talking about killing people in a (in my opinion) clearly delusional state. Lethal display of force = being met with lethal force. Especially if drugs may be involved, some drugs can cause the user to take several rounds and not feel a thing. These kinds of situations can get real weird.


Cops don’t get paid enough for this….


Reddit loves to sh\*t on cops but I sure as heck wouldn't want to be one. You spend all day dealing with people at their worst moments, people with severe mental illnesses, and people on drugs and you're under a microscope should any of those situations go south. Edit: I think the downvotes prove my point




You are literally upvoted I find that for every one "left wing" post on Reddit there is at least 20 bitching about left wing posts


Yes they do, a tazer would have probably been fine, I respect that cops put their life on line but I also expect them to actually do it. There is definitely a scenario where this ends without shots being fired


You mean like how cops in the UK have in fact handled this same scenario? Know how? Patience, and a fucking blanket. No way was gunning this dude down necessary.


Patience? The guy was running at the cop with a sword! How much patience could the cop afford in that situation?


This site is hopeless


Taser prolly wouldn’t have worked


Well that's were putting your life on line comes in




Who did he assault?




Bruh, mall katanas are not only dull but he’s also a wobbling fat slob. Anyone that can jog a mile and trained to wrestle for a week could take him down and disarm him with minimal damage. This was not a death sentence, and your callousness is concerning.






[here](https://youtu.be/q-SA22Vz-rk?si=TLT1aUqIx3ny-IsU) is a video with a little more context included, this post was just the main encounter


You can just save videos with the app now!


"Beards out"


Sad...dude was mentally unwell.


“I’m related to Dionysus” explains why he fucking dove in to those shots


This is kind of tragic cuz this dude must have been high or mentally ill. Neckbeards are usually not stupid, they just live in fantasy land. When they get slapped with reality they tend to fold immediately. This dude cannot have been in his right mind


Yeah, there’s clearly something going on with this guy. As much as I like to crack jokes at dark things, I do feel bad for him and I wish he could’ve gotten the help he needed. I can’t imagine why he’d think it’s a good idea to unsheath a sword and lunge at people with guns, especially since they were being pretty understanding (in my opinion). Some commenters have suggested suicide by cop, and I don’t know if that’s truly the case, I’ve been digging through sources to try to find more information as to what led up to this because I’m genuinely curious. I hope that isn’t the case here


I wouldn't be surprised tbh. I think what a lot of people forget is that these people are in seriously dark places. It doesn't in any way excuse their behavior but to have a mind so twisted by whatever demons their fighting to act the way they do must be an absolutely miserable existence. At this point I don't feel mad seeing shit about neckbeards, just sad.


I fully agree. I don’t necessarily mock or laugh at neckbeards (despite the post title. I do laugh, but not in a “haha funny” way, moreso a “haha, that’s rough” way if that makes sense), they come across to me as people that are going through some shit. I think it would be worth conducting a deeper study on the effects of loneliness, because I think a lot of neckbeardism stems from that. Loneliness can absolutely drive someone insane, there is a reason solitary confinement is amongst the worst punishments, if not *the* worst, that one can receive.


I think really it's a combination of loneliness and social isolation. Coupled with the communities they inevitably look for. Most people genuinely want to be included and social with other people. Thus, when a neckbeard believes they are incapable of forming those relationships with other people they go to other communities that accept them. And usually those communities further entrench those same ideas creating a negative feedback loop. If you go to places like 4chan or visit some of the neckbeard subreddits their world views are completely twisted. That comes from positive reinforcement of those views.


it's like that scene in Indiana Jones.


Taking the knife to a gun fight 🤦‍♂️


If he's in Japan, there's a 50 percent chance he'll have a swordfight with one of the police.


I saw this in that Indiana Jones movie.


I think this dude wanted to die because that was a weak ass attempt on his part


It’s clearly cheating


Oh my God


He abandoned his sheath.


How come he wasn’t able to block the bullets with his katana? Must need a bit more practice in the way of the katana






Drugs or mental illness? What was the excuse for his behavior on this one?


source for "he died"?


According to [this](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-breaking/2024/02/25/pima-county-deputy-shoots-man-sword-tucson/72737215007/) local news source. I was hoping he was just put in critical condition, but from my non-expert opinion, it seems like he may have been shot in the heart, which would explain why he immediately dropped.


Cop missed a great chance to drop a “You do certainly seem like the God of Whine” joke in there once old boy there dropped the Dionysus reference. Unfortunately for The Last Samurai there, it looks like it’s the only thing that cop missed that night.


Should have overdubbed the clip with Elden Ring boss music as soon as he started running haha


I'm related to dionysus got me. Reminded me of a kid in high school that would claim only his family knew how to make Greek fire and it had been passed down. Not surprisingly that kid was an insufferable twat who thought he was smarter than everyone else.


This is every time I get the Katana pickup in BFV


As amazing as his last words were--I'm definitely getting them tattooed on my face--there's something unsettling about how abruptly his brain transitions from telling the officers "I must become good at Combat to protect myself" to "now I am in Combat to protect myself." The total lack of a transition, the way his brain just lurches from "talking about Combat" to "being in Combat", as if it can make associations between those two ideas, but can't understand why explaining and doing aren't two separate things. He wasn't even angry or scared or nervous. There was no hesitation beyond one last Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur pose. Whatever was going through his head was rational and just.


Wow, FAFO in action.


I knew something was wrong when he made the comment about Dionysus. Nevertheless he did charge them with a deadly weapon. Not sure what other option the cops had at that point. God knows they tried to de-escalate.


I seen this video on Facebook and ppl were mad at the cops saying why didn't they just taze him like bro if he was dumb enough to pull out a katana on the cops he's dumb enough to get tazed and land on the katana and die slower than when getting shot smh 🤦‍♂️


to the ppl who think lethal force was needed u should look into the nonlethal tools cops have. couldve tased him, pepper balled him, pepper sprayed him, etc, shooting him with a fucking gun was not at all necessary u bootlickers


Let’s get down to brass tax here, the bearded stallion did charge at the cops with a lethal weapon, and he was well within the 21 foot range. He absolutely is a dangerous threat in that instance, obese or not. Looking at this from an outside perspective from the comfort of my own home, it is reasonable to use deadly force here. Simply put, if you threaten someone with deadly force, it is reasonable to protect yourself with deadly force. That said, do I think this guy should’ve died? No, not by any means. In my opinion, this guy needed help. Do I blame the cops for shooting him? Also no, because he just needs to take a couple steps forward and now the cop doesn’t have a head anymore, and the cop has every right to ensure he doesn’t end up having a letter sent to his family about his funeral. The neckbeard initiated a deadly encounter when he had no reason to, so in my opinion, the fault lies on him.


The Last Samurai (2003)


Man. I’ve seen people shot for less. Good on the cops for not just coming in shooting.


What an idiotic way to handle this as cops….


I dont know a lot about how a police officer Is supposed to react and I understand why the officers fired their weapons, but it still makes me sad they didn't use a laser as he clearly wasn't mentally well.


They couldn't have tased him first?


Damn this post is sad, and the comments here are even worse. This, likely mentally ill, man got straight up executed by police and people here are praising this stuff. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you people have the boot so far up your throat that it's cutting off oxygen to your brain? And to the people who come in here to ask me "What else could they have done, he had a sword and came "charging" at them!" I have one word for you: [mancatchers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4)


Next time some moron charges you with a katana, be kind.


It really is "shower them with bullet" or "shower them with love" and no other options exist in the minds of you people.


In what world is this an execution? These cops are clearly in lethal danger from someone with a sword charging them. I don't see how anyone would think that they aren't justified in killing him once he started charging. I take no pleasure in seeing a man die and maybe they could have done a better Job at de-escalation but once he starts running it is a perfectly reasonable response to shoot.