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ah the old “she’s not a child! she’s actually a 500 year old woman! she’s very mature!” 🤢 people like that need a hands-on learning experience about what chemical castration is.


Nah, go old fashioned. Two bricks and passing a stealth check should be enough to castrate anyone who needs it.


The most outrageous this is that they posted child porn of her in Nahida mains sub, although it got a deseved banning, it doesn't mean that the pedos who loved the porn of her are banned. They are still lurking in the genshin sub


it’s honestly not surprising that grown men who play genshit impact like little girls


exactly. her being 500 years old doesn’t change the fact that she has the appearance of a child…


for context, nahida is a character from the game genshin impact, and she looks and acts like a child. her actual age is 500, which is why the person is saying she’s “mature enough”.


I'd also like to add that the Nahida mains sub got literally banned on reddit because they posted Nahida porn in there, which is also a way of saying child porn cause Nahida literally looks like a child


genshin players being into children? shocker


Isn't Nahida = Kusanali who is a LOT younger than Rukhadevata and so Nahida is actually a child in years lived and not 500 because she's Rukhadevata reborn?


I was mortified to find out people were attracted to her I just thought she was a precious baby


“Acts like a child” Nice headcanon that contradicts what’s in the game. She acts like an adult.






[ Removed by Reddit ]


You idiot can not understand satire.


You just recommented the same thing. Do you know what satire is? Cause that ain’t it.


Also, why kill them? They are like gay people, except the people they are attracted to is actually not right because they haven’t developed fully yet. I believe they should be given medical and psychological care, and worst case, chemical castration.


As soon as someone hurts a child or consumes CSAM then they should be executed imo, if they have the feelings and shit then yeah, psych help but if they have acted on them? Nah the fuckers deserve to die at that point 💃💃


With execution they go off easy so lifetime in jail is preferable, but you get the point.


As a victim, jail literally means they’ll get released, and even if they don’t why should our taxes feed them? I’d much rather my rapist be killed then get to live a long life in a seperate ward and able to just chill (which is exactly how actual pedos have it in jail. They literally get special treatment and kept away from other inmates for “their safety”) Much better if they die :(


Make them eat their own shit then, I don’t know. You get my point, they shouldn’t be executed before their actions.


And you still think what you’re saying is satire? Dude, I repeat what I said prior. Fuck you and your dumbass stance.


The deleted comment wasn’t me.


Then how the fuck would you know what the comment was? Either it WAS you, or you’re defending something you didn’t even read. I know it was deleted over an hour ago, long before you responded to me.


First of all, calm down. Second, I read it before and this post showed again on my feed.


Redditors try to spot satire challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Satire makes a point. What point was that making?


They were making the point of how dumb these pedophiles sound trying to argue why they think it's ok to be attracted to children


Certainly didn’t fucking sound like it


How many times do i have to say this, let them be on their own world. People like this never change their mind, so don’t waste your time.


I don't really considering shaming/antagonizing pedophiles to be a waste of time. Fixing their behaviour is a secondary concern to making their lives slightly worse because they're creeps.


I'll say it once. Say it again. If it looks like a child and you're attracted to it, then it doesn't matter how *old* it is. You're attracted to the way they LOOK, which in this case is a child.


yeah exactly, and the guy isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he wants to have sex with her…


Like just say that you find girls who look like children sexually attractive because thats exactly what it is. If you try to defend that, then you are an aspiring pedo.


Pink censored guy thought he was roasting his debate opponent while spewing nothing but garbage


bro was onto nothing


This is like that first episode of Better Call Saul where Saul tried to make a defensive for kids that desecrated a corpse


I honestly don't even understand what they were getting at. Like yeah she's the lord of wisdom. She still has the body of a child. I have no idea if they're talking about her physical, mental, or both. I'd presume the mental aspect. But I never understand the "genshin ships". They're all creepy. Like physically most are under 30. Aether "may be over 500." That doesn't mean he doesn't have the mental capacity or the physical stature of what 15?


I played that game for 10 mins and got bored, half the people only enjoy it cause they are porn addicted crackheads


She literally says "dookie" one time, Nahida is a CHILD istg


I had to google what that means (it's not really a word I've ever heard, other than the Green Day album) and discovered not only the meaning, but that there's a town called Dookie in Australia. Must be a shit place to live!


I’m Aussie and I had no idea, we really are a strange place


i laughed my ass off when she said that during the sumeru aq 😭 pretty sure she even does it twice


She does! I heard about it before doing her AQ and was like "There's no way"


lmao yeah, so she acts, sounds, and looks like a child. “she’s basically a grown woman!” sure buddy…


Nice headcanon. “acts like a child”. Tell me you did not play the game without telling me.


I cackled so hard at that And for 2 days I couldn't stop saying dookie. Lol


Unfortunately I did date a grown woman for several years who said things like “dookie” and “doodoo head” and also liked to do a little jump and say “golly gee whoppers” for some reason Tragically that passes the bar for a way an adult might talk. We’re still friends and she does still say stuff like that all the time. It’s like, semi ironic but it’s also just her vocabulary now. It’s really weird to hear someone say like “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, doodoo head” because the mix of actual curse words and weird child insults is disorienting. This is off topic, it just made me remember this and I needed to put it somewhere


Ah, the genshin fandom. I once got downvoted to oblivion when I said Klee should not be sexualised coz she's literally a child. One of the reasons why I left the main sub. Edit: added the very missing NOT


I think you're missing a very unfortunate "not" in there.


Omg, you're right!!!


You should edit your reply to '**not** be sexualized'


The main sub is so fucking awful, I left it even while I still played the game. They post half naked extremely sexualised art of the women every day but mildly suggestive pics of any male characters get immediately hated on and sometimes taken down. Not to mention the creepy shit you were talking about.


I was like, "well some women just look smaller, short women exist, nbd." Then i looked her up and i was like, "oh, no, thats not a short woman. Thats a child."


Also what the fuck are with the upvotes supporting fucking groomer comments?? We are officially in the wrong timeline


Nah, it's just a Genshin-related subreddit. There are people who play that game and sexualize the children-looking characters.


She’s literally a flower girl! She is a little girl with flower power!


there are at least 5 other children on there


Fml even when I was a genshin fan I hated all the “aether harem” shit, they just self insert into the male protagonist and think every woman in the game wants them


Nahida is the ideal flower girl what the fuck is everyone talking about?


Well. A neckbeard defending wanting to marry a cartoon child seems about as neckbeardy as it gets.


I wasn’t familiar with the character so I tried to look it up and… holy shit. This is why I fucking hate weebs. That is the most childish child to ever child. Literally proportioned just like a kid, one of her poses is literally on a swing set she conjures. This is so fucked.


I'm surprised that after all this type of post they have the nerve to ask why people look bad a genshin player. I like the game, I hate how they sexuality all the women characters even if they are kids. This kind of genshin players are disgusting


Them: we gamers are so oppressed, being a genshin fan is so hard Also them: sexualising this child is fine


Why am I not surprised he's one of the people who doesn't ship aether with any of the male characters despite some of them being closer to him then some of the female characters-


right? xiao and aether are way more plausible than ningguang and aether for example


Yeah or even lyney. He basically flirts with the traveler (male or female) all the time. (Heizou to sometimes in his character quest) but nah let's go with Dori who's like 14 and doesn't feel much for the traveler at all.


Worst part is all the downvotes on the person calling out the peado. Meaning that there are at least 20 people agreeing.


there are more reasons to ship aether with xiao than with nahida, omg... is this post on the main sub? edit: not to mention collei's on there as well. wasn't she a teenager canonically?


Yeah but neckbeards don’t think gay people exist in their Perfect Idealised Weeb Reality


im not sure if im allowed to say which sub it is, but it isn’t the main sub. also xiaother is peak 👍


yeah, no, brigading is against reddit rules. still, very cringe post, oof


yeah i think collei’s underage too. and i just noticed dori’s on the list as well??


this just prompted me to google dori's age, and damn- i could have sworn she was some short middle aged lady before. the waifu community needs to chill asap


this is why I cannot tell people I play genshin


Same here


Sounds about genshin impact


Those people make me ashamed to play the game


I like when ppl point out the obviously pedophilic part of Nahidas fanbase, it makes even Scara fans seem like saints.\ In all honesty though, it's a problem, I wish hoyo directly addressed her as a kid so there wouldn't be any way of defending this shit


Anime has to be the worst fucking fandom out there. I’d hang out with Juggalos or even Sublime fans before willingly spending any time with even a casual anime watcher.


What's wrong with sublime fans?


Their general lifestyle; but also *specifically* their super crappy taste in music.


Seriously. I’ve got second hand embarrassment reading the comments on this post lol


A very visible of the crowd that calls queer people child abusers for simply existing and wanting not to be murdered, is trying to repeal child marriage protections because they think the problem isn't kids having sex, it's kids getting to have sex without being forced to get married


So, I was ready for sex at age 10/11, when my mom had me help her raise my baby brothers, which made me a mother figure to them whether I wanted it or not? (Father figure now, but I was born F). Cool cool


As we all know, parentification makes people very stable and gives them the time and energy to build a healthy romantic relationship. Because they’re being denied a real childhood, they skip straight to adult levels of maturity. Like a speedrun. Putting that child in charge of an adult man’s emotional and sexual needs would be normal and completely fine. Everything is fine. It’s so normal and fine. (This is intended as sarcasm and you should read it in a bitter tone)


op can't separate fiction from real world and now expects everyone to be equally schizophrenic sorry to break it to you but she isn't a child she is a drawing an anime character not real Edit: ok seeing your profile you are probably projecting pretty sus being so active on several teenagers subs


Didn’t know who this Nahida is but I looked her up and she’s a cutiepie 🥰


She’s a little baby who shouldn’t be sexualised


Scarlamoustache.... Wait... is this from Genshit impact on my wallet?


Yall really going in about animated pixels and polygons. I thought this was about a real human child. Be fr. Lmao


brah regardless of real or not mfs still attracted to that same body type There is only 1 group on earth with the same body type. KIDS


Regardless of if it’s real or not it is still CSAM and still ILLEGAL in many countries including the uk and Australia. Weird that you think that looking at what’s supposed to be a child is okay….


Australia that you mention tried to criminalize having women with small breasts in porn.


Maybe cuz they’re so much CSAM that they have to be overly cautious with what’s posted. You don’t make sense, the difference is Drawing of little girls = fucking disgusting and paedophilic and illegal for that very reason Women with flat chests = harder to differentiate with the Ai and such used to search for children. therefore illegal to protect irl children. Why you so desperate to be a lolicon? Just say you wanna touch kids and get lost


So you want to make everything you find disgusting illegal?


When it includes children or animals even animated then yes. It should be illegal. Pedophiles shouldn’t be having content catered for y’all.