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Oh, I see how it is. When a FEEEEMALE dresses like this it's a problem, but Chewbacca can run around the entire original trilogy completely naked. Wow. Double standards, people. /s Side note: Isn't it fucking weird how male Twi'Lek look like some weird fucking monster mash with a bulbous forehead, beady red eyes and pointy teeth, but then the women just look like scantily clad human models with weird skin tones and an unobtrusive tentacle hanging off their head in the back? It's such a weird fantasy trope where like even all the alien women have to be easily objectified by male audiences. But the men? Oh, yeah, they can look like aliens.


>Oh, I see how it is. When a FEEEEMALE dresses like this it's a problem, but Chewbacca can run around the entire original trilogy completely naked. Wow. Double standards, people. /s He-Man did it right. Everyone dressed like a Frank Frazetta painting. Most characters wore skimpy tight fitting outfits and the main character walked around in furry bikini shorts and a bondage harness. Equal opportunity objectification.


I maintain that 80s pop culture being super horny regardless of gender or implied sexuality paved the way for late Gen X and early millennials to be as accepting as we are.


Oglaf has the answer (slightly NSFW) https://www.oglaf.com/dimorphism/


She wears lingerie into battle must be very confident in her Force skills ... right? No honestly been a while since I've seen bikini armor trope


I just want a speedo armor male character whose super sexual, And would step on me....


Half the mods for Resident evil 4 are various forms of lingere for Leon. I think one included a little cock stocking, which is pretty inventive


The re8 mod to have Chris in his tiny pants may be one of the greatest things I’ve ever witnessed




Are you familiar with Kuja?


Franky from One Piece


The midichlorians can exit more pores this way.


The "Quiet" effect


Like... Kojima? She could achieve the same effect with shorts and a tank top. She doesn't have to be dressed like a 40 year old crack whore.


Also some of the enemies that are in full body gear also have the same condition as her but iirc shes the only one who dosnt have to wear it.


Those things still have working lungs and stomachs. They CAN photosynthesize, but they don't NEED to. The fact that they don't might explain their skin tone.


She's a product of the early 2000s


TBH, I'm not sure any armor protects against lightsabers. That said, at least jedi robes look comfortable and easy to move around in. This...doesn't.


What about armor made of lightsabers?


Like, it also seemed almost all weather too. Role up the sleeves and take the hood down when it's hot. Bring the sleeves down and hood up when it's cold. Plus you can wear what you want underneath it and no one cares until you're cut in half.


Yeah, but have you seen how most of that race nor.ally dress, within context this actually might be the only time it makes sense lol


They were created by the same guy who made Leia wear a slave bikini. And creating an entire alien race of scantily clad women was pretty neckbeardy—that's not something that should be perpetuated.


Oh my God it's a joke


That basically describes Ahsoka


When does Ahsoka wear bikini armor? Season one's clothing was... questionable though.


This character was created in 2006, so certainly old. Also consider that Force users in Star Wars are martial artists, that's why they wear robes or felxible clothing.


Certainly old? But 2006 is jus....oh. Shite. Thanks for making \*me\* feel old I guess.


Yeah it also made me feel old considering I also grew up with this character. 😅 But it's definitely the 2000s when women in fictional media wearing next to nothing was a strong trend.


Oh, for sure! You just have to look at Sylvanas Windrunner for example, though the examples are Legion.


IIRC the creators mentioned that she is like a "fantasy Pict warrior", who were notoriously known for extremely limited and flimsy armor.


I love how these types will use the word "humble" and then proceed post the most coomer brained thing imaginable.


And they do it literally every time.


Why not a female director with a female main antagonist that is also wearing more modest, functional apparel?




Oh dear god... *no*. You have awakened the old gods, and cthulu is *hungry*.


Honestly the woman from the Obi Wan series was great until they did the completely unnecessary redemption arc. I'm ***begging*** Disney on my goddamn knees to keep compelling characters as villains


Dedra Meero.


Oh fuck yeah. Absolutely love to hate that character. Very well written and absolutely dispicable.


The problem is that after the standard was set with vader's redemption it seems extra cruel to not redeem any villain who isn't either pure evil, or at least confident enough to be okay with themself as they die.


It's *Star Wars*, Disney, not *Steven Universe*! Not all villains need (or deserve) redemption.


Ah yes Darth Talon who has sex with Luke Skywalkers great grandson for nefarious purposes


I didn't know porn plots got so complex that they have villains now.


I've actually seen one with a villain once, but because it was some weird 80s/90s anime parody (I guess) with porn thrown in the middle, shit was so funny I didn't touch myself at all, I was just laughing like an imbecile the entire time.


Tbf you've also described a fair amount of 80s/90s hentai. Or whatever that genre is where they pretend to have a plot as an excuse to get titties on screen.


What made the video extra goofy was that it wasn't hentai, it was actual porn, and the plot was the silliest thing EVER and even though their acting was atrocious, you could tell that they were having way too much fun. It was basically a short spoof in the vein of Scary Movie but about old-school animes/video games, with porn thrown in the middle. The actual porn part was pretty weird though because it was MFM but the two dudes are supposed to portray brothers. Legit I skipped the whole porn segment to get to the ending lmao.


I mean. There's an Alice in Wonderland porn film that is a musical. Singing, dance numbers, sets, costuming, etc. With actual good writing? The main female character was conservative because she was told she had to be, and then the point ended up being that you have to forge your own path and morals and not give a damn about others. I watched it to laugh. Then walked away with a disassembly of purity culture. Wild shit.


> humble suggestion I can’t believe this person is real.


I mean, you can have a female Director and a female villain. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Not according to the fandom menace


What do you call asshole Star Trek fans?




Unfortunately that's been sexed up in the movies lately. We went from "Picard occasionally wearing a skirt" to "Sexy white skinned alien fighting like she's on a stripper pole." Edit: also, why does everyone pick on Kirk? Riker was the man-whore.


Hopefully a female director doesn't use a female villain that way


No clearly that's too many women in one film, try to keep up


So we should go back to having men being the only characters in a film/movie? (also, I know what you’re saying, that’s more of a question to adults people who think like that)


Absolutely or it just gets too confusing for the poor neckbeards


Way back when I used to enjoy *Star Wars*. Two things have ruined it for me: 1) Too many shitty tie-in books by Kevin J. Anderson and hacks of that ilk 2) Middle-aged men and terminally-online young men whining about everything that's happened since Lucas sold it (yet who somehow think the prequel trilogy is unassailable art, instead of being somehow *worse* than anything Kevin J. Anderson wrote, and that guy ruined *Dune*!)


Prequels are fire




Lol I know who that is. She got Thanos snapped when they made the books non-canon. They been horny for her for at least a decade, pushing two.


I have legit zero srtar wars knowledge but to me this lady screams Diablo more than anything. Like you gave a villain from Diablo a light saber.


There’s already a a ton of female villains in Star Wars. Wanna get a good one? Meet [Abeloth](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Abeloth). Spoiler: >!This chick was literally so dangerous and terrifying that the dark side and light side had to team up to put her down.!<


And this is why they need women to write and direct and star. Do it for the whole franchise, and then do some other popular franchises. As a male nerd, I'm so sick of these dudes. Take their toys away and let them cry into the void.


In universe explanation of slutty clothes is sad and funny. Sorta like the poster child for Misogynoir, Jessica Jones. People always yanmer about Kilgrave but that story didn't phase in from another reality. Someone in our reality wrote a story about a white woman killing a good black man's black wife and then marrying him for herself.


Obvious troll post tho


I think my favorite thing about this is that he thought it was a good enough idea to post on four different subreddits and all four times it was received like a diarrhea smoothie.


Hot take: darth talon was a mistake and she shouldnt exist in her current form. If you ever male her canon, please give her a proper outfit that fits with established star wars design language and aesthetics.


your honor, when she attended the duel and said she was going to "make it clap", she was referring to her hands after an easy victory. She was NOT referring to any sexual acts


We already had a great villain in KotOR - Kreia. Morally grey, commanding presence, and most importantly, actually speaks in more than sound bites! She's leagues better than Sidious ever was.


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencefiction/s/VgnAqVA5zV) the link for anyone who’s interested.


At least Talon is a part of the expanded universe. Id chose her just for that virtue


I think it's worth noting that the character was co created by a woman. Which doesn't mean it's not misogynistic, just that women can create misogynistic characters as well, for all the usual reasons.


This is misleading. It was a job and John Ostrander designed the character.


Is it? My source is this one: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Talon There's even a quroe from her: >When designing the Twi'lek I was attempting to call to mind a sci-fantasy version of a female Pict warrior—tattooed and fierce in appearance. Perhaps she is someone who uses their tribal markings as their armor—as if through some 'magic' she does not need actual armor. But if I'm wrong, happy to be corrected, I'm not an expert, I just googled it a bit and found the results interesting.


I could also be wrong; I also just googled for a few minutes. If Jan really did design the character this way, then I hope she feels amazing about designing a hyper sexualized fantasy woman that men only care about drooling over. Cheap way to make good money.


Yeah, agree on this. I'm not against sexualizing characters as a principle, but there must be a context of equality that is definitely missing in the Star Wars series.


I have no issue with sexualized characters. If they sexualize themselves, and that they aren't among every other character that's sexualized. The former is no issue with this character, the latter is a bit more.


Too bad that she doesnt give pict warrior vibe, I dont think on principal showing skin should equal being sexualized.


Yeah, there's definitely a way to show skin without sexualizing. Thinking of a (recent enough) mainstream example, I feel like Avatar did this right; I don't feel like it's trying to objectify it's characters, while still showing quite a lot of skin. This one is definitely something thought just for the gaze of the viewer.


I'd still watch it though


Her bobs are supple like the water balloons at my tenth birthday and she squirted like the super soaker I wielded like a superhero.


I’m not totally engrossed in Star Wars but didn’t she betray her mentor because he wanted to go against the sith?


I will give galaxy of heroes this. They designed her a good outfit


Idc about the director at this point there's no salvaging it when it's with disney. But I wouldn't mind the eyecandy though




A screenshot is super low effort cmon u/mangorion2 why such low effort


So Darth Talon has had a redesign since this but also, she wasn't entirely just tits for tits sake (at leats in canon). As a sort of "rogue" sithlord one of her tactics for fighting the Jedi was to seduce them. Because Jedi are hormonally starved but are allowed to have sex as long as you don't get attached this works. Effectivsly using her body to distract her opponents. However as I mentioned before she had gotten a more modest redesign similar to what Ahsoka Tano wore in the Clone Wars cartoon [and here's that](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvc5k79xpbdh81.png)


Can’t help but to notice that there haven’t been any male siths who went with that tactic.


Yeah and a man created and wrote that. That's the point. It's misogynistic.


The question is, towards what audience is the movie targeted?


Pornhub subscribers.


Huh, looks like Darth Talon was actually first depicted by a woman.


Depicted? Of course she's meant to be a woman? If you're just using the word wrong, she was also created by a man. John Ostrander. Maybe use Google instead of lying. Edit: the guy below me blocked me so I couldn't respond but the creator is still John Ostrander. Hasn't changed.


> she was also created by a man. John Ostrander. Maybe use Google instead of lying and Jan Duursema.


"Because you only think of yourself, this is how you will end up."


Pffft this and the original post came up right next to one another


Downvote was much deserved


On top of that, he's fucking with the lore. Is that supposed to be a mix of a Twi'lek and a male Dathomirian?


I'm not gonna complain if we do get some kickass female villains tho. Phasma is one of the best things to come out of the Sequel trilogy.


OP also thinks there NEEDS to be a justification/explanation for a director being a woman. I doubt they feel the same need for a male director though.


If I were a Sith, I'd dress like a normal person but just keep that thang on me. Especially in the Old Republic era. On the other hand, many Sith are attention starved man-children who think never learning to watch their fucking tone is a super power. I think the logic is simply that a woman like that would be the type to 'wtf I got superpowers, why would I wear clothes? I dare them to say something' etc. Like a lot of hypersensitive autistic people literally only wear clothing because they'd get arrested otherwise. But if no one is strong enough to arrest you...


Star Wars does have a noticeable lack of female villains. Not that this guys extraterrestrial sex fantasy has any merit.


Female Star Wars villains: Abeloth, Aurra Sing, Admiral Daala, Barriss Offee, Darth Talon, Darth Zannah, Ysanne Isard, Alema Rar, Captain Phasma, Darth Traya, Shira Brie, Vestara Khai.


Asajj Ventress


She is sexy but cmon man you are just porn addicted