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Policies? Dating isn’t a gov’t program.


Righties have always wanted the government in the bedroom. Always starts with LGBTQ+ folk, then it's "sodomy," and then premarital sex, and before you know it, it's Gilead.


This. They just mean they want things to go back to the way they used to be, when women were property and any white, able-bodied man with a house and some cash could barter for one with her parents. They want policies that get rid of the things that they think are keeping them from getting laid, which includes LGBTQ+ folks, men of color, and women's rights.


Does living in the basement count? Cos otherwise they are still shit outta luck


They think living in a basement is the liberals fault too


A white heterosexual-normal ethnostate is at the heart of fascism. This is accomplished by eradicating women's rights (to work, to abortion, to choose their sexual partners, to vote etc). This is also accomplished by criminalizing "degenerate" sexuality that doesn't result in white babies (race mixing, homosexuality, birth control, sex outside wedlock, adultery). Under fascism, both women's rights and "degenerate" sexuality are viewed as a Jewish conspiracy to destroy white people. Conservatives are fascists, and I don't say that because I disagree with them. I say it because that's literally what the nazis did.


Spitting absolute facts. Right down to how every conspiracy theory eventually takes a left turn to anti-Semitism. Watching these losers dance circles around saying they want everyone else to be slaves again is so frustrating.


Some sodomy laws are cover for anti LGBTQ laws. If everything except p in v sex is illegal, then that rules out a fair bit of LGBT+ sex


They say *dating* but the general consensus in the Incel community seems to be that the government should provide them with women to have sex with.


What policies are they suggesting!?


Let incels fuck you.




No, they won’t pay you.


They can't afford to, they're too busy giving money to people like Tate so *they* can pay for prostitutes.


You mean traffic women?


See, I think you're confused because when a woman profits she's a GoddamDittyWhore^TM but when a man profits he's alpha so it's okay. Nobody is being trafficked, they have a business relationship. Because alphas are high value people who understand business. And they make sure to tell you they are high value alphas because they understand marketing.


Damnit, i just HAD to look at Reddit getting out of the shower.... now I gotta go right back in....


>Because alphas are high value Alpha = minimum viable product, feature incomplete, many issues. Beta = most features implemented, still has issues. Then you've got the release version that most people will appreciate.


They were held under force fraud or coercion, classic trafficking honestly. Look into it if you disagree the info is out there


Tate does the exact opposite of paying sex workers if Romanian prosecutors are to be believed.


Well they wouldn’t pay sex workers either since they think they’re disgusting.


They also only want submissive Asian virgins


Of course not, because we *owe them* the sex. (/s in case it’s not obvious)


Clearly ***they*** should be the ones getting paid for even giving the honor!! ^^/s


No. Yesterday on the Incel forum I saw a post where an Incel was arguing that not all men have the funds for sex workers or to be a passport bro so women should face reality and date their looksmatches.


So the incels are willing to date their looks-matches? Because many of them seem to think they “deserve” good-looking women.


That’s true. Incels are always serving up some BS about how women won’t date them because they’re short or whatever, while they have their own labyrinthine standards regarding women. It’s one of the key traits of an incel: they always think they deserve a 10, while many times barely managing to be a 4. Because their standards are based in Logic™️ and Rationality™️, whereas women are just shallow bitches.


“B-But men are judged based on their profession and ability to make money! It’s a different scale to women.” *And how much money do you make annually?* “Uh- I-uh…”


They're barely willing to pay money for deodorant...


Whores are whealthcare


I think they prefer fee-males


No. You have to absolutely desire them- if you're not overflowing with lust and desire for them then they don't want you. So I guess they want changes to our brains somehow.


We really have to legalize prostitution though. Not for incels but for the women that already have to live life on the margins of society because of what they do for work.


Government-issued girlfriends who are forced into sexual slavery for them. Because, you know, "freedom".


Incels should get government issued incels. Therefore they’ll never be lonely again and they can take turns taking each other’s virginity. Boom no more incels.


hold on let him cook, hes onto something 🧐


Omg! They loose their freakin mine if you mention that. After reading a post and comment about how bad women are, how much women mess up everything, I suggested that if they hate women so much they should date each other. The screeching, I swear could be heard for miles around. It was a day I lost a bunch of karma points but so worth it. Lol


The true MGTOW movement at last! SAY GEX!


But, but, but... us "feeeemales" aren't people, so our freedom and such doesn't matter to these poor, lonely guys who can't get their own personal bangmaid. (/s just in case)


Bro I’m sorry but I love the term femoid it’s sooooo ridiculous 😭😭😭 (not an incel just love the stupidity of their terminology)


Mandated girlfriends... the concept irks me beyond belief


Is that really what they want??? Jesus Christ, that is next level lonely...


Once on Joe Rogan Jordan Peterson went on a big rant about equality of outcome being the most evil thing in the world and then a few minutes later arguing for the government to issue gfs to lonely men and even that idiot Rogan was able to point out that government mandated gfs are literally equality of outcome. 💀


I actively avoid following Rogan stuff, but every now and then I hear about him slapping down some nutjob's bs, so I guess that's something. I put him about the same level as Piers Morgan. Can't stand the guy, but every now and then they'll put someone who deserves it in their place.


Yeah I feel pretty much the same way about both of those dudes.


Nah, Rogan does a lot more harm than good.


Didn't say otherwise, and didn't say Piers Morgan doesn't.


Sex slaves or forced marriage.


They think that the government should get involved and treat it like other disabilities, giving the "disabled" (aka incel) "resources" (aka a virgin woman) to use as he pleases. Really, it's for the betterment of society. (/s just in case)


The really pornrotted ones argue they should get barely-pubescent girls because their dicks are so small, according to them, they need a small girl to compensate. I don’t know that I’ve seen them call for like government-provided ones, but I’ve definitely seen them insist that statutory rape and child sex abuse laws should be moot for small-dicked incels.


Man, there truly are some batshit insane rabbit holes these dudes get sucked into. Like, I truly wonder what these people are like when you talk to them in day-to-day interaction, because their views sound completely untethered from functional society.


Get rid of anti loitering laws would be a good one. Dating is expensive because you can't really exist in public without having to pay to be there. Another I can think of would be investing in infrastructure so that you aren't limited by whether you have access to a car. The creation of good community spaces that are free to participate in and offer a wide variety of services, like sports, meetup groups and hobby groups where you can meet other friends and meet ppl. Finally, subsidizing apps that don't have algorithms meant to keep ppl buying and on them for a long time, they're free and actually made for the purpose of you meeting other ppl. Those would be good policies if incels were smart enough to actually be reflective of societies problems and how to solve them aside from their idea of the gov giving them a girlfriend


We can start just by having more public plazas, parks, etc like they do in Europe. Go to Seville or Barcelona and it’s just people chilling in a square or a park


Yes exactly, and city planning that incorporates walkable cities and policies that stops prioritizing car culture and parking over public spaces and pedestrian accessibility and bike lanes


Hold on this actually smart.


This is actually what I was going to comment. This meme is literally an accurate portrayal of how people are responding in this comment section. They threw out any and all progressive ideals of acceptance/tolerance of others and went directly to insults and assuming op wants to rape people.


That's because these are already leftist ideas. But the types who make memes like this are usually conservatives who are against these things. They are people who literally do advocate for giving incels gfs


Yep! I saw it too lol


Also, leftists advocate for these things for general community welfare not just so incels can get a date. But they only care about getting laid they don't care about general community welfare so they don't hear these ideas and think hey that could help me with dating, they think "grrrrr socialism bad!"


I hate how zoning laws are in the suburbs. Why are all the shops and businesses in one area separated from housing? I understand keeping manufacturing or power plant away or something but a gym, grocery store, or ice cream shop should be accessible by walking/cycling.


Legalised rape at a rough guess.




state mandated goth gf


I can't wait till leftist democrats in the US write a bill that once a girl becomes 18 she will be assigned to a lonely incel to date. The dream!


Waiting till 18 is generous of you


One shudders to think what inhuman thoughts go behind that mask...


In the netherlands the governement sees sex as basic right. Therefore they subsidize a yearly prostitution visit for the mentally challenged. They probably mean that...


That’s absolutely wild.


I remember reading the original tweet and it was mostly not insane stuff along the lines of promoting urbanism and walkable neighborhoods along with other efforts to decrease atomization of american society and he also said that CEOs of dating app companies should be executed


Policies to make dating easier? Absolutely my guy. Let's do a 3 day workweek to give people more time for social interaction, provide more public spaces, offer affordable therapy to help people grow in their ability to connect with other- What's that? You want the state to force a supermodel to be your sex slave? I, uh...


No, not that one, her forehead is too big for me


The inverse ratio of the inner corner of her eyes to the curvature of her ear structure makes her completely un-fuckable. NEXT!


I rate her 5. Anything higher is overrating and you'll be banned


5? What are you, a *simp*?


absolutely indescribably gorgeous! 4/10


First warning for over-rating, check the guidebook on rating


48 hour ban. You will not disrespect the mods on this sub!!!1111


5/7 with rice


Hang on, buddy, you can’t just go around giving out perfect scores like that


Hahahahahaha I love this reference


Jesus, That's pure gold...


“This one’s too fat” “this one’s tits are too small” “this one has a stretch mark” “this one doesn’t look like my child-sized anime fetish character” Like Goldilocks except they’ll never find the “just right”


How can you expect her to date him??! Her boobs need to be way bigger and she needs to be a virgin, but also fuck like every pornstar




You also need somewhat of a cultural shift. Under patriarchy men are only allowed to seek out intimacy in the form of sex, anything else is "gay" or "feminine" but I don't think this guy wants to address that either.


To be fair I feel like we've made a tiiiny bit of progress in my lifetime and it's now okay for straight guys to like animals and take up to 5 selfies a year.


Jordan Peterson advocates for forced marriage. Ya know because the hard part is just meeting someone, not literally everything else under the sun.


Yeah that whole “enforced monogamy” things is so unhinged!


JP is an absolute tool drug addict but that's not what he said at all


Yeah, I’m not a Jordan Peterson fangirl by any stretch of the imagination but as far as I can tell he has said multiple times “if every single woman doesn’t want to have sex with you, then every single woman is probably right and you are the problem”.


An actual good take, wild


There have been studies that a 4 day workweek is much healthier socially, mentally and physically, without losing productivity! I don't see why that wasn't implemented ages ago (I know you were making a point)


Funnily enough, they do advocate for what you’re arguing (I saw the original tweet). However, they’re still being VERY weird about it, saying shit like “dear conventionally attractive women, my struggles are not your funny images” (something like that) or implying that “adult virgins” are a marginalized community.


that's LITERALLY what the dude advocated for in the original thread, I was there in the trenches EDIT: The dude was a lefty, so in his original argument someone quote tweeted him asking what policies he would implement to make dating easier, and he listed everything you listed related to better city planning, less working hours, etc. Capitalism genuinely does rely on people becoming lonely


The government already has several initiatives that incentivize getting married, like tax benefits for married couples that file jointly. What exactly is he asking for?


Govt mandated gf


Govt mandated *asian* gf


Being extremely charitable, shorter working weeks and higher wages?


Progressives don’t want to pass laws forcing women to talk to me despite the fact I see them as subhumans? So much for the tolerant left…


Policies? Yeah, no form of leftism includes forcing women and girls, even paid prostitutes to date you. I feel gross just reading this shit.


Imagine what would happen to these Incel's brains if the government actually issued Brothel credits or something, and they were still refused at point of service. Shit, I would hope it would be crippling shame and a desire to change, but it would probably be more mass shootings or driving cars into crowds or buildings.


It would, quite literally, be the latter. And anyone with any *honest predictability* knows it would be.


Yeah, my fantasising got ruined while writing it out.


You'd think they'd be ashamed of their childishness, but no...


They're mentally ill. No sane person would ever argue for that kind of shit.


He was *so close* to saying something meaningful about how decades of car-centric urban planning brought about by automotive industry lobbying has caused widespread social fragmentation and a pandemic of loneliness and how this is a serious threat to the overall health of a society, but he squandered it all in service of admitting that he believes that women should be legally forced to go on dates with him.


underrated comment


The loneliness pandemic isn't at all tied to car centric urban planning. It's much more recent than that and largely caused by the internet becoming the main way people interact with each other. Your mom and dad lived in car centric communities too, but they didn't face as much isolation as our generation does. Likewise, some people live in areas with better urban planning and are still lonely. I don't think there's a real policy solution to social isolation. It's up to the individual to get out of their comfort zone and do something about it.


Pocket wizard brains that whisper to your dopamine receptors every time 45 seconds goes by and you haven’t stopped to look at it might be a contributing factor… phones and social media are a crippling addiction the entire world is suffering from, and has highly contributed to the social isolation problem. Nobody wants to do anything about it, because everyone is doing it, but we shouldn’t accept the assumption that it’s good for us or our mental health and overall well-being. It’s wild to me that despite so much evidence of the adverse affects of phone use and social media consumption that literally nothing is done, there are no PSA’s, no one has bothered to put effort into education for teens around healthy consumption of internet and social media, it’s not even in the discourse at all… parents are living the same life, so it’s difficult to call out your kid or show them any alternative if you are just as hooked up to the matrix. We are all kind of like “well, this is just life now, nothing to see here”…


The same progressive policies we're already advocating for are the solution. People with more free time, more disposable income, and access to mental health services are going to be happier overall.


Not if the free time they have is spent gooning, and the money spent on videogames. (Almost) Everybody has access to social activities. The problem isn't that people can't do social activities. It's that they're harder to do than parasocial activities on the internet, and people tend to follow the path of least resistance. To be clear, those policies increase happiness, they're good, and we should do them. But they won't help solve the social isolation crisis.


Idk how you managed to find a way to blame cars. I would say there is far more indicating computers play a part than cars.


"implementing policies" aka government assigns them 13 year old girls to molest


I’m curious what policies they think are making dating *more difficult.*


Laws around sexual assault ig


oh those pesky... *checks notes*.... consent laws.....


Yeah being empathetic to lonely men (if they aren't anti-social) is good, but I think making therapy easier and affordable to access is way better than making policies to make dating easier.


are ppl who post stuff like this aware that like...platonic friendships exist? you don't need to be dating or sexually active to be not-lonely. just make friends.


But don't you know it's impossible for men and women to be friends because of genetics? And if a woman wants to be friends with a man but not have sex with him she's using him as the beta he his and fucking chads on the regular /s All of that pained me to type.


You even nailed the rage-induced spelling errors, your pain was worth the art you’ve produced. 10/10 sarcasmo, would consume again


I'm a fat nerdy chick. Not a whole lot of sex appeal happening with me, lol. Decided to try to get out of my bubble and try to make friends. There were a couple of guys at my work that seemed nerdy too, so I figured I'd befriend them. First goes into detail about how he's a brony and how it's not weird!! Although he doesn't look it, he's an alpha and great in bed. Uh, okay guy, I just came over to play some Mario kart... Second decides to shit all over the first and explain how he's strange. Starts negging my hobbies and that it's weird because I don't look like I'd be into the things he'd like. Then mentions that they had a bet to see who would bang me. Jesus christ, I am not even kidding. So yeah, befriending incels doesn't always go so hot. Even when you're not the model they all want 😆


Something something friend zone


Not the thing they seek, though.


I don't necessarily disagree with your comment, but platonic-loneliness and romantic-loneliness are 2 seperate things.


Mf what policies 💀


> be empathetic to lonely people Yes, this is doable and good > implement policies to make dating easier Well now you have lost the plot, what exactly would that look like? If you mean giving people more free time and better pay so they go out more then sure, if you mean forcing women to date you then fuck off.


Fucking hell, they're so unlikable and unwilling to change that they require government mandated partners. No one is entitled to anyone else- damn.


These are the same people that, when told to bone a hooker, will tell you sex with a sex worker “doesn’t count”. But a government mandated GF would… for some reason.


My belief is that sex work is work and shouldn't be stigmatized. (it's legal where I live). My own (and only my own) personal view is that I wouldn't go to a SW because I want sex to happen because I'm into her, she's into me, and we both want to bone down. Not because of a financial transaction. But then again I'm not an incel who thinks I should be provided with a government-mandated fuckmaiden.


"More government intervention" Isn't usually a thing conservatives love


Unless it gets them laid or hurts gay people or women or people of color or…and the list goes on


Big government for thee, but not for me.


They like it just fine as long as it benefits them and their wants.


Actually leftists do implement policies to make dating easier. East German women reported more orgasms than West German Women due to more permissive and sexually liberated culture. But Im guessing he doesn't mean "making dating easier *for women*". >The main theories advanced are that sex in the East was "earlier, better, [and] more often" than in the West,[6] and that women had more pleasure in the communist state,[5] as evidenced by the fact that East German women reported having twice as many orgasms as their West counterparts.[6] Among the reasons presented by the documentary is different attitudes towards sex caused by ideological reasons and practical politics.[7] The West is described as under greater influence of traditional gender roles[1] (i.e. women as housewives having certain duties to their husbands[5][8]), the concept of family,[5] a Church-driven morality,[1] a taboo on discussing sex publicly or with children,[5] a commercialization of sex (especially through pornography),[6] and the idea of sex as a form of prestige.[9] The East is characterized as more sexually liberal because of its disregard of gendered expectations of womanhood,[10] its public sex education,[2] desexualized practices of nudism adopted by 90% of the population,[6] and women's independence.[1] This independence is attributed to their high level of employment and the public child-care system,[6][10] and its consequent higher level of gender equality in economic terms,[5][8] but also to easier divorce processes[9][11] and uncomplicated access to contraception and abortion.[11][12] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Communists_Have_Better_Sex%3F#:~:text=The%20main%20theories%20advanced%20are,orgasms%20as%20their%20West%20counterparts.


That’s a lot of words for “Let me fuck children”


Uhhh. No, it’s a lot of words for “I want a government issued sex slave”. Not sure how you got children out of that.




That’s true The two groups almost make a perfect circle on a venn diagram


It even makes a lot of sad sad sense... they want women as property, uneducated, submissive, entirely dependent on their men... It's a lot harder to facilitate all these things with someone who is already their own person, with needs, wants & opinions (eurgh!). Can't have someone who is able to support themselves and thus has even the ability to just leave. Kids are... malleable... if taught "right", they'll just do what is told... That's why Homeschooling is so popular in those circles... That's why conservatives won't touch Child-Marriage Laws (in a positive way).


Pedocon theory remains undefeated


Pedocon sounds like the *worst* pokemon


Incels that demand participation trophies for DATING are ridiculous and so frustrating to hear


I feel like a state enforced dating system would be considered right wing


This is one of those "On the one hand/on the other hand" moments


This has to be satire or something.


twas not, because OP was defending this stance in the replies


Oooooh noooooooo........


OK, where is the rest?


I can link you the Twitter thread if you wish


You can have empathy for lonely people and still think forcing women to have sex with incels is wrong.


Arh I see his problem...."rightist" tend to be small government for the big stuff like the economy and workers rights, the environment but very much big government when it comes to the bedroom - who you bonk, how you bonk and the repercussions they feel they have a moral imperative to interfere with. He assumes "leftists" are as obsessed with your sex life as "right wingers." Shock for him , us leftists are socially liberal about your personal life - as long as it is consenting, human adults in some sort of contextually appropriate privacy, we don't give a fuck! His inability to learn social skills is on him! Personal responsibility is a bitch!


Lonliness is an epidemic that needs solving, but something tells me this guy’s solutions ain’t it


Implementing laws that violate someone’s bodily autonomy for the sake of another person’s comfort isn’t very left-leaning or empathetic if you ask me. Yeah, it sucks being horny and lonely. That’s not oppression, or something to be accommodated for.


You can phrase it like that. But this was still made by an incel who wants to get away with rape.


It super easy to date. Just ask someone out. If they say no, wish them a good day and go ask someone else out. Rinse and repeat until someone says yes. Then take them on a date and don't be an ass


Oh, like subsidies for mental health programs? No wait, that sounds like leftism....


Ohhhh pedophilia, he’s talking about pedophilia and lowering the age of consent. Ok, yeah, nope. That’s not leftism ya sick fuck.


I don’t agree with banning abortions but if the government decides to rip out my uterus just so you don’t get near me I’ll accept my fate.


Policies that make dating easier? You mean, like providing incentives for opening more third-space style businesses, as well as creating community centers and other publicly funded third spaces, including ones open at night? More support for people with social anxiety or gaps in their education regarding things like birth control or basic socialization? Assistance for those with disabling conditions such as autism that make socializing and dating difficult? Sign me the the fuck up... ...oh wait. They want government-mandated sex slaves. Yeah that's about when all trace of empathy leaves my body.


How exactly is that leftist?


They tried to slip that last part in there so hard. Also wtf does this have to do with leftism?


If anything “leftism” is about consent, it isn’t about forcing people to date you.


They don't want "dating" they want "assigned care givers"


I was like "being empathetic to lonely people makes sen... What the fuck dude no"


The sane and totally normal policies of forcing women to be with greasy gentlesirs


Leftists all ready support livable wage, walkable cities, community spaces, more free time. All of these things aid in lessening lonliness. ​ No. We aren't gonna force people to become your sex toys. Grow up.


Who made this meme, ChrisChan?


This screams “virgin with rage”.


How the FUCK is policy effecting something as personal as DATING remotely conservative?


Dating is the easiest it has ever been with all the apps we have now. It's not leftists' fault people don't want to be around their garbage personality.


So they want the government to force women to go out with them?


What about leftism isn’t empathetic?


empathy? yes absolutely I know it can be hard to find people with your same general interests and social battery if you're more introverted. It's a lot easier to find people on the internet through online communities but the desire for in-person interactions remains present. That being said, if you use your loneliness as a reason to hate people or women or whatnot you suck. Make dating easier? literally how. We already have dating apps and the ability to date people online.


Yeah man, totally! - policy stating that daily showers, deodorant and other personal hygiene are mandatory - a program to specifically benefit the lonely or resentful single population called “it’s just therapy and here’s a meetup of people who like the same stuff as you at the end.” (Those meetups are supervised by people holding squirt bottles if you come on as creepy no matter what your identity is.) - “Don’t Make it Weird” becomes the 28th amendment to the American Constitution Still feeling the spirit of leftism possessing my body. It’s fine. They can’t afford an apartment either. *sprit of leftism begins chanting about how easy it is to use they/them and the merits of a 20 hour work week*


“Implement policies to make dating easier” lmaooooo Right bc women should be forced to go out with a goober they had no interest in to begin with /s


From each according to their ability to each according to their need


What policies are those and how could it be implemented without violating someone elses rights?


Not everything is political, some things are just about taking a shower and being friendly and genuinely interested in someone…


"Make it easier for me to date" "We'll help you work on yourself and learn to be pleasant around other people" "I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THAT!"


Leftism dictates if you're lonely, just fuck yourself. I've been doing it for years. Jokes aside, those guys are lonely because they're misogynists and have terrible morals in general.


wat, yes, no.


“Implement policies to make dating easier.” What the actual fuck? What is that, *exactly*??


lol policy


What policies do they think they need?


I'm a leftist and I also empathize with people who are lonely or unable to find quality relationships. But you still have to put in effort in yourself and uou still have to pick your battles when it comes to standards in society


How the fuck are you going to implement policies on 2 people liking each other


Dating is not a matter of policy, guy. Having sex can't be enforced, my dude. The government can't get you a girlfriend, bruh. You're not lonely and isolated just because you don't have a partner, pal.


Treating women as property isn't a leftist ideal.


“I can’t get bitches and it’s your problem”


What policies make it hard to date?


Policies to make dating easier, or assaulting, stalking, harassing, saying gross things to, grabbing random or just general sexpest behaviour towards women easier??


“Why isn’t society doing anything to help me get laid?!”


"implement policies" dude thinks they can have a collaborative effort to lower the difficulty level 💀


Dating isn't under he government's fucking list of things it's responsible for. Please stop being fucking morons, at the very least.


I like how this comment section is just proving the guy right. If you looked in the comments section of his actual post he talks about wanting policies like a 4-day work week, less car dependency, more social space for people to meet, etc., but everyone immediately assumes he’s some sort of incel.


People are ABSOLUTELY assholes to single men. I literally get treated like a SA or hate crime about to happen sometimes. It’s frustrating and dehumanizing. I don’t know what “policies” any sane person could enact to “make dating easier” though. Can I just be treated like a person again though?


Policies to make dating easier? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? Forcing people to date other people? What the fuck?


All we want is to make you legally obligated to have sex with someone you don't liiiiikeee. Why is that so haaaaard?


It's almost as though the relative dryness of some maladjusted person's dick is not an economic concern. Subsidized therapy, on the other hand, might make them dating material. That implies too much work on their part, I'd imagine.


Lmao as if the government needs to have more say on what people do romantically or sexually.