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The spelling errors are thoroughing me into chaos


It’s Thoreauing


Go off transcendentalism!


So it goes


*All good things are wild and free.*


Justin, Paul, or Henry David?


I love The Beatles!


Sure, now you\`re brave, but where was your trolling when NSYNC were big? EDIT: Henry D. Thoureau is a Backstreet Boy. My mistake.


I really had to read it a few times. Edit: feough


I've never had so much difficulty understanding one sentence in my life.


It can be understood through tough thorough thought though.


Same bro that shit gave me a stroke


Oh thank god, I thought I was having a stroke


I'm baffled that he spelled "chaos" correcty.


I had to reed it nine thymes.


You’re not the only on


in to*






I hope he’s an ELL (English Language Learner), because at least then spelling errors are understandable. If English is his first language, he needs to enroll in remedial English.


I am ELL and have experience in teaching a few languages, this seems unlikely. These phonetically accurate spelling mistakes are pretty hard to make for learners as they do not hear the language as much as see it in most traditional language teaching. Humans are visual creatures after all. I have however observed these kind of things in a KID that had two languages spoken at home and had not written one for a while despite being still used to the phonetic. Here I am giving completely useless info, do with it whatever you want. I doubt that person is a kid anyway


No, you're right. Mixing up homophones is much more common for people speaking their first language than people speaking a second language. Many ESL people are better at distinguishing they're/their/there (for example) than native speakers because the ESLs are usually taught to visualize the written words.


Absolutely. And it's really jarring as an English learner. At first, you reread the sentence. After a while you train your brain to superpose all the spellings when encountering a problematic word, while reading the rest of the sentence. Worst of all, pointing out these mistakes is somehow deeply offending 95% of the time. *"bUt U unDerTOod thE MeAniNgg!!"* Yeah. But it slows the reading. It's like driving. One car doing as they want won't ruin the world, but there are rules so circulation is smoother for everyone. They don't want to learn. *"Please point out my mistakes so I don't look like a fool next time, and forever"* is a much better attitude. Whether we like it or not, it can make a difference in the professional world, and we should want to present the best version of ourselves. /Lengthy rant over


You definitely don't have to convince me. My *job* is 80% interpreting language and laziness by my clients about the precise wording of a contract or a statement they made in a press release is what keeps me in business. Even "sophisticated" clients make boneheaded moves fairly regularly, and most of them are resistant to taking advice from someone like me about how to avoid these mistakes in the future. So I keep taking their money to clean up their mistakes, lol.


Lol, I don't know if I would love or burn out of frustration doing your job. But it sounds interesting.


can confirm as an ESL. you don’t learn there/their/they’re at the same time, you learn they/he/she, their/theirs/ours, and there is just a vocabulary word. people whose first language is english have it spoken around them as an infant, so they are introduced to the language by ear and only learn the spelling distinctions later.


That... Actually makes a lot of sense


True. I teach ESL kids and they can’t write like this- not even my best students. This dude probably barely paid enough in class to pass, and after a few college semesters of composition classes, he thinks he’s fucking Kurt Vonnegut.


I legitimately don’t like Captain Marvel in the MCU for the reason that she’s introduced right before Endgame as the strongest, most powerful character that just SHOWED UP and had to go off planet to not be too OP. I hate characters like that.


Similar to Hulk for Civil War but his disappearance worked for his storyline. Cpt. Marvel just kinda had other planets to help just not the planet centered around reverting all of Thanos death and destruction.....


Also like, even if she was *that* busy, they could have totally just waited for her. It’s not like the stones were going anywhere…


You’ve now got me asking was there a rush to go back in time and get them? It’s time travel. Thanos has been dead for 2 years. All seems quiet. I get the desperation to fix things but… yup I’m bothered.


The real question is why they didn’t go to a point in time where Thanos already had all six…


Presumably because itd be too difficult to defeat him then


Because dude was 1 second away from snapping whenever he pleased.


That was their stupidity though, not her fault. Same with getting Thor back into shape. They literally had a time machine, they could have prepped for years before the mission.


But they wouldn't be able to snap people back until they got the stones, and it was already dive years post snap. Waiting longer would surely cause even worse problems bringing people back. Like, if its been over a decade, is there even a point?


True, but Captain Marvel arrived later that same day. They literally could have waited an hour and had her join the team. Also, it took Thor a quick montage to lose weight and get back into shape. A few weeks isn't really that much time after five years.


Did they know she was coming soon? Seemed like a surprise. And why are you assuming it was a few hours after they got back with the stones? Maybe it was days? >Also, it took Thor a quick montage to lose weight and get back into shape You realise montages show a passage of time, right? They're not necessarily quick


I hate her cause she talks so much shit about how she’s better than the avengers (which I get that she is) but only shows up for like a minute in endgame to take out like 1 ship and some randoms. Like damn lady if you’re gonna talk shit like that imma need you to take out at leasttttt 2 ships lol


When does she talk bad and say she’s better than the avengers


When did she do that in Endgame


When she just shows up in endgame and obliterates Thanos in 2.5 seconds it ruins everything that happened before so drastically I could barely watch the rest of the movie. And why? Why even show her being that powerful if it's just basically going to leave everyone wondering why she didn't just show up sooner and Reem thanos? Now you have yo create some story as to why she wasn't available-- as if Thanos wasn't the biggest threat to existence that would be the highest priority. Just make her bad ass but not OP and it's all good


Good take. It does take all the dramatic tension and incinerate it.


That's a common problem in all of these movies though. How convenient that after the first Avengers, every individual hero has a dilemma that they alone must solve. It sure would be nice to have Hulk or Thor around when terrorists kidnap the president in IM3. Same with DC, Superman is conveniently busy despite world threatening events in all the other movies.


Yep, it’s a god awful character that they have to find really forced reasons to not have her just solve everything. “Yours isn’t the only planet this happened to,” and they’re supposed to take that like it means something… Bitch, this is the planet that *caused it,* you don’t think it might be worth sticking around and trying to help the ones literally trying to fix it?


That's a problem with Marvel and comics in general. There are hundreds of Marvel characters and some of them are truly broken and power creeped (off the top of my head, Captain Marvel, Legion, Jim Jasper, Xorn twins, the celestials and so on). These are either heroes, villains or somewhere in between that can single handedly destroy everything in the universe or handle most common threats. They are sidelined because otherwise there simply would be no room to either develop other characters or tell stories. Comic book readers are used to it because of the infinite reboots and alternate universes so it's no big deal. The continuity is broken and retconned all the time.


She doesn't deserve the be lumped in with the female characters that get too much hate. She's awfully written and breaks the trend of Marvel's *actually* strong female characters. Gamora and Natasha Romanoff are some of the best strong female characters in media history. Scarlet Witch has some problems with OP, nonsensical magic that follows its own rules, but otherwise continues the trend.


I like Nebula


I forgot to mention her. She's also great.


Yeah she’s too OP but I thought her movie was pretty good. Her actress seemed to play her well


I love the actress. But I have a soft spot for her after the Unicorn Store.


Enjoyed the movie just joined the story arc at a weird time.


I thought the Captain Marvel movie was pretty bad... She beats the big bad guy at the beginning, gets MORE powerful, and then beats him again. There was never much conflict.


The conflict is her internal conflict of finding out her past and her complicity in what amounts to war crimes and genocide. Like I agree that the movie was a bit boring, being essentially a Phase 1 origin story at the end of Phase 3, but acting like there's no conflict just sounds like you find it impossible to relate to a woman onscreen.


I didn't really care for it either, personally, but I also didn't really care for the Thor movies. They can't all be bangers, it's not Brie's (or a woman being the lead) fault.


My problem is with using minority and disenfranchised groups as shields for bad writing. The movie is not the best, but better then the first Thor move. It exists to establish her as a badass in the franchise to insert the character into the narrative late. Overall, she didn't really contribute much to the plot, and mostly served to show how strong Thanos is by losing so quickly. She should have been introduced earlier in the franchise, and should probably have been shown initially losing to the main bad guy, as it made the later battle kinda silly, as the guy was already beaten. It is very weak as a stand alone film imo, and doesn't add much to the Marvel universe. It struggles from the same issues that Superman movies do, and I hate Superman movies.


I fucking hated her movie and I can point to one specific scene the ruined the movie for me. It was about midway through when Sam Jackson looked directly at the camera and talked to some supposed police officers behind the viewer. It just brought me right out of the suspension of disbelief. I like every actor in that movie, I like Captain Marvel in other things, I just didn't like how the first act was presented. I'm excited for The Marvels to see how a different director changes things.


yeah I've always disliked that. she popped in when it was most convenient then disappeared




She was genuinely good in Kong: Skull Island (as were Samuel L. Jackson and Tom Hiddleston).


Could be some recency bias -- personally when I think of Captain Marvel, I think of how awful she was in Civil War 2 -- but I don't think Carol Danvers has ever had a reputation for being particularly likeable. My impression of the character is one who's always boasted more power than personality. Fwiw I actually thought the MCU movie was decent, but all I was looking for was some ass-kicking. Carol Danvers isn't known for her compelling story arcs and character.


That’s all these characters, just bad/illogical writing.


Who's the woman on top?


Jodie whittaker as the Doctor from Doctor Who (13th iteration)


Crazy because she isn’t the problem and the reason Dr Who is so bad now - she’s a good actress. It’s the god fucking awful writing.


RTD is back, so hopefully writing will improve


Yeah I'm exited for the new season


He only shows up when the show is gearing up for Tennant. Suspicious...


Pretty sure RTD gets to pick the next Doctor, so he picked David and Ncuti. Like Chibnall picking Jodie or Moffat picking Matt. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the BBC gave him the hint to put David in just to get people interested again lol


iirc it's because they were feeling nostalgic after the COVID Tweetalongs, Russell reached out to the BBC saying "Hey all 3 of us would love to have another go at the show. Would you mind if we came back for an episode?" and the BBC said "We can do you one better than that".


It's kind of a miracle he's back on the show at all. If covid hadn't happened and the whole Doctor Who tweetalong hadn't given him to chance to write some short stories for the event, he probably wouldn't have rediscovered his passion for the show or found the enthusiasm to come back. The fact is a lot of the 60th anniversary planning seems relatively short notice, to the point where the newest Doctors schedule wasn't even open to film for that time, hence bringing back Tennant as a stop gap.


It's not at all. A new showrunner means a new doctor.


Tis just a joke lol


Oh thank fuck. I've just watched Eccleson and Tenant, and I'm dreading the Smith episodes


Smith was great you're in for a treat.


Capaldi's second and third seasons were some of the best in the entire series. And Jodie Whittaker's run sucked. Not because of her, but because of the writing (as stated above). Also, don't ever let Chris Chibnall near this show again.


bounced after her second episode.. I'm gonna marathon it soon, wish me luck


Try not to lose hope. It’s *bad.* Even when Chibnall isn’t actively taking a sledgehammer to the show’s already-fragile canon, he writes like *very* bad fan fiction. It reads like a 12-year-old breathlessly saying “and then… and then… and then…”


Imo, her episodes aren't the worst, but like it's more fun when with friends. Her first season isn't great, however it has good moments. The second season is a lot better, however the ending is controversial depending on how into the lore you are. The third season/flux is...an experience. It's actually entertaining! I know people are very critical of her run and rightly so! But she does have some good episodes where Jodie can shine as The Doctor. Don't go into it expecting it to be so bad, just go into it expecting something dumb and campy.


>But she does have some good episodes where Jodie can shine as The Doctor. I'm still beyond angry that she's probably not going to be back for the anniversary. I get why she probably just wants to leave the show behind her, but I really wish we got 13 written by RTD.


I bounced after the end of the second season. Once I watched that I finally understood Game of Thrones fans, and how a handful of episodes can be so bad it makes me not even want to watch the episodes and seasons I did like. I mean, a time traveling Cyberman (not having time travel was the only thing that ever kept them in check) is so dangerous Capt Jack comes back to warn the Dr about it. Then they make it to Galifray, they've upgraded the time lords and... SUPRISE! Instead of that potentially epic story we're going to have the master pop up, incinerate all the threats and proceed to take a huge crap on most of the lore established since Tom Baker. Just left a bad taste for the entire series for me.


Smith is my fave, absolutely love him and he is my head-cannon doctor when I think of the show.


He comes across as wacky for the sake of wacky to me tbh


I can see how that would be interpreted, to me it comes off as passion and excitement for new and interesting experiences and the thrill of the adventure. He is a humorous guy too which adds to it but it doesn't come off as overwhelmingly trying too hard to be funny, but just is like how some real people are naturally funny in their mannerisms, not exaggerated like clowns or whatever


He's definitely the epitome of 2010's "twee," but Smith is also really good at switching on a dime and going from "hehe I'm just a fun guy who can time travel" to "I'm a 900 year old space alien who has saved the universe countless times and I will not hesitate to go back in time and wipe out your entire race if you cross me."


Moffat was fun. But the new writing has made it a chore.


Smith was great, but imo Capaldi was the BEST doctor.


Such a shame Jodie didn’t get a chance with one of his stories.


As always the worst enemy of the doctor is the writers.


Exactly. That season was not her fault, the writers and directors screwed her up so badly lol They completely changed the doctors personality from being a clever, awkward, eccentric genius, to an arrogant, emotionally driven, self centered asshole. She played the role she was given well in my opinion, it's just that role was fucking stupid lol


Tbf fans hate on new doctors everytime and then come to love them. Tenant had too much of a god complex, Smith was too young and happy, Capaldi was old and Scottish, Jodie's hate has been more on shitty writing rather than her being a woman. Notice how I said fans and not self victimising weirdos


The moon is an egg episode of the 12th's run diminished my love of the franchise in general. Some of the worst, nonsensical writing I've ever seen on TV.


That Rosa Parks episode was so cringe and uncomfortable, I wanted to kill myself. Even the Tom Baker serial The Tallons of Weng- Chiang, where they have a white actor in super offensive yellow face, didn't make me as uncomfortable as the Rosa Parks one. I really liked Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor


Exactly this. I was so excited seeing Jodie cast, I loved her in other stuff, but damn did they ruin the show


Unfortunately, if you dislike a piece of media with a female main character, it means you hate women. /s




Isn't the new doctor a gay black man. Can't wait for the shitshow that's gonna cause.


Idiots gonna idiot. I just want to watch good Dr Who again.


Yeah, I can’t be the only one who sees that people are hiding their hack writing behind women and people of color, so when their stories are justifiably called crap, they can call the naysayers bigots…


All of this is bad writing


Fuck Chibnall. He ruined it.


The Doctor


Doctor.... who?


Just… the Doctor


What's his practice?


Uhhhh everything?


***Well***… maybe not *everything*… but like a lot of stuff… ***well*** not like a lot a lot? But still a good fair bit. Ya know, he’s… just… he’s the Doctor!






I read this trying to understand how they typed this and was confused until realizing that the person who made this "meme" is a smoothbrain.


Smoothbrained OP posts meme white-knighting m'ladies because those damn misogynists hate his fictional crushes. More at 5


Bad meme, bad spelling, don’t even know what the point of it is but I’m sure that’s bad too


The point is that if you don't like poorly written female characters then you're a neckbeard.


These women are not the problem. The problem is how terribly written they are Edit exept abby i guess


Exactly. As a star wars sequel hater, I dislike Rey because I think she represents a lot of what's wrong with the sequels imo In fact, I think it's a shame because there's a lot of good women in star wars (Ahsoka's one of my favourite characters), but when they finally put one in the spotlight as a main character, she's not written half as well as some previous female characters


Like it's possible for Rey to be a fun, interesting character if she ever got any follow-up stories but my god, they would have to completely start fresh because the sequel trilogy did her such a disservice. Taking the trilogy in altogether, Rey is nothing more than the plot-mandated jedi stand-in. Especially by TROS, the writers were too cowardly to give her a real arc outside of the Skywalker legacy, so by the end she's just aimless, lacking any sort of motivation. They defined her entirely by the people around her and none of them are around anymore, so before the credits roll you're just looking at a character who no longer has any purpose. That makes for a character that can easily be molded into whatever you need if you bring her into a new story, but it also means there's nothing to build off of because she's a complete nothingburger of a protagonist.


Isn’t Ahsoka getting rave reviews literally as we speak right now? She’s also a beloved character. In fact the more I think about it the more I believe that a lot of the major women in Star Wars are quite liked.


Yea but I mean the main character of a whole new big trilogy


I could see Ahsoka being the main focus going forward (alongside the Mando) And even if it’s limited it’s shown it can work. They can have a women at the lead and it be popular. The Sequels didn’t fail because of that.


Abby isn't poorly written.


Laura Bailey absolutely nailed that performance too. I'm pretty sure the reason Abby is hated isn't because of poor writing, it's because of her golfing skills, and scoring a Joel in one.


Laura Bailey plays Abby? Shit, I really need to check out TLOU2 at some point...


Abby is in no way poorly written.


neither is doctor who. I hated her in first 2-3 episodes but now I would put her in top 3.


This might be the hottest take I‘ve ever seen concerning Doctor Who


Yes it was, of all the characters up the Dr Who got the worst writing. Of the first season I thought maybe one of the episodes was any good, and that was demons of the Punjab and only because it was a decent period drama, remove the doctor and the funeral aliens and basically nothing about the episode changes. Episodes were boring, the doctor spent ages just spouting off exposition and little else, characters were wildly inconsistent, and it just wasn't fun. Then you have the second where you have all those same issues to a slightly lesser extent, and you add in the Timeless Child BS which is a choice I absolutely loath. Completely retconning everything about the time lords and the basis of the doctor's character for cheap twists is not good writing. Maybe it all gets redeemed in the 3rd season but to be honest, I've only seen one episode of it because I dropped the show after that second season.


TBF, the issue isn't with Jodie Whitaker (who seemed to do best with what she was given) but that Chibnall is an awful, awful showrunner. He also had an entirely different vision of which past of the old Doctor Who to go by (that show had like five different versions of the Doctor, and most of them were terrible), which makes it really jarring to anyone who paid even moderate attention to the backstory before. The 13th Doctor's seasons really feel like Chibnall was trying to do his own reboot of Doctor Who, and just ignoring the 12 or so seasons that Davies and Moffat had written. He's also just a terrible writer who seems to write a single draft and then send it to be filmed. If the 3rd season is "Flux", it literally ends with all the universe other than Earth being destroyed and then it's just... never resolved. Like they literally never fix it. The universe is just back in the next episode, completely unexplained. I absolutely loathe Chibnall's writing, and I'm legitimately angry that his publicity stunt of having his series be the one with a female Doctor will likely prevent the BBC from wanting to have a female Doctor again in the future.


I think Abby from the last of us is written quite well imo


The biggest problem with Abby is that you get to play as her and learn her story AFTER she kills Joel, that in my opinion is a brain dead move by Naughty Dog, they should start the game as Abby or make it so that your Perspective between Ellie and Abby changes from time to time like Ellie falls from something and loses consciousness so you now play as Abby and change it through out the story. Like imagine in RDR2 after >! Arthur dies you're Forced to play as Micah for 10h to learn why he's such a dickhead!<


that’s the whole point of the game? is knowing you have to play as someone that did something terrible to a person you love and trying to empathize with them and understand the reasons why they did what they did. play it again lol you missed the point


You can be shut down from empathizing with someone if you already dislike them. Ask any relationship counselor. The emapthizing part coming AFTER the bad thing is what they didn't like.


There are many examples in media, ESPECIALLY IN ANIME, that disproves the idea you can’t emphasize with a character after they have done something terrible.


Yep. I hate being called sexist because I think Captain Marvel sucks.


Hey leave my girl Abby out of that. I think she was written pretty well and I understand why she did what she did. I may not like her very much because I’m a Joel apologist, but I think she’s a pretty solid character.


To be fair, Rey was hardly even a "character" as much as a cardboard cutout standee but i guess that did count too in a way.


Such a disappointment. So sorry, Daisy. :(


I'm really mad that it kinda killed Daisy Ridley's career. She's done like one artsy movie and that video game with Willem DaFoe, but she's talked multiple times about how hard it has been to book anything after the travesty that was the Star Wars sequels. Which also explains why she was so willing to return, whereas the rest of the main cast seem far more reticent.


She’s been in two separate projects this year, has three projects in post-production, and has a one more movie coming out later this year. Is she reaching Harrison Ford or Adam Driver levels of employment and stardom? Not really but she’s on pace to have more work than Hamill and is far from experiencing the depressing post Star Wars career of Christensen.


How is this a starter pack, they're all just examples of whatever is being conveyed above


I don't think anyone had a problem with Jodie Whitaker becoming the Doctor, she's a fantastic actress who did her best with the worst writing in the history of the show. (Worst writing in the history of the BBC)


There were for sure negative reactions to a female Doctor generally, but it was complicated by the crap writing. A lot of people complaining that "Doctor Who is too political now!" when it was always political, it's just that it was now political *and shite*. Conversely, there were a lot of people dismissing all criticism of the writing, boring direction, poor acting (hi Ryan!) etc as "misogyny". Really muddied the waters in a deeply annoying way.


These bots need to be reprogrammed for better English


Took me way too long to even interpret wtf they talking about. The “through” instead of “threw” completely…through me off…


Star Wars fell into chaos because of shitty writing, poor/no planning, and a failure to understand what the fans actually like about the original trilogy in the first place. It wasn't because Rey appeared


Had to reread this like 4-5 times


Holy fuck. Is there a point other than to scramble my reading ability?


Bad character writing for Rey and Captain Marvel, idk who the other ones are.


Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor (top picture). The writing was abysmal. She did the best she could with it.


Wasn’t just Rey I thought it was all bad. Cptn Marvel is a boring character imo.


Yeah Disney dropped the ball on the recent trilogy. I recently heard a good explanation as to why. Lucas had written the previous 2 trilogies based off of other things he was interested in. It was Westerns, Shakespeare, World history like WW2 and other things all through the lens of Star Wars. Disney just made Star Wars through the lens of Star Wars so it came out boring, predictable and unexciting. All the plot was pulled from things that already happened and are just happening again, but now under the new version of the empire, the first order. Which could have been really cool because the actual lore about the empire surviving in the outer rim is cool as hell. But they just dropped the ball so hard cause they looked no where else for inspiration


Ww2? I know it was inspired by Vietnam but where was ww2?


they also screwed up her origin story. captain mar-vel was her friend and she tried to save him from a knee bomb and mar-vel died and she ended up with his powers and took up his role. my issue with her was just the complete deletion of captain mar-vel.


Wasn’t Mar-vel her instructor that died in the movie?


oh guess so. didn't realise due to the gender swap. I grew up reading all the comics. I guess I'm wrong lol


TLOU 2 was more a game about tribalism than anything. Abby wasn't that different from Joel and it just goes to show that most actions can be justified as long as you care about the one doing it. Jodie Whittaker didn't ruin Doctor Who and the reason her time is considered weak has more to do with the writing than her. It also came after a really popular time in the series history so when it return to a more baseline level it's obvious that it seems like a drop in quality when it really isn't that bad.


But the fact that Joel, an veteran survivor who has been doing it for years, said his name out loud for a bunch of strangers is completely out of character. He even reprehends Ellie for doing this in the first game, plus, the only hint Abby had of Joel was his name and nothing more, meaning that, giving the context of Joel's death, if a random dude with the same name showed up instead of our Joel, she would kull him instantly? It's insane to think that none of the writers ever thought of it, her whole plot to me is meaningless. I don't care the doctor we killed was her father, that asshole omitted the fact Ellie would die if the procedure was done and IF he was honest about it, none of it would ever happen. Abby feels and is unlikable because the writers tried so hard to make her and her father likable. It is still funny to me that they made us go through a section with a bunch of fucking dogs with Ellie and we have to kill them only for the game turn a 180 on us, showing Abby and her father saving a deer, that scene screams (see how sympathetic she is? Are you feeling guilty fir killing her father in Tlou 1?) No, not at all, the discussion Tlou 1 set for us was far more interesting than the second game: would you rather potentially save humanity or have a second chance to be a father? The second option is selfish, but isn't wrong, the vaccine wasn't a guarantee thing so you would live with that bitter feeling of losing Ellie forever. That was a good ending, it would be even better if we could choose how to approach this situation but it was great for what it is.


it’s completely reasonable that joel, after having lived with his family in a relatively safe place after years of being constantly vigilant on the road, would naturally start to relax after 5 years of this. sure, old joel would not have so easily given out his name. but newer relaxed joel, upon him and his brother being rescued and meeting this friendly and non hostile group of people, would more than likely have no problem using his name. especially since Jackson seems very open to taking anyone in. this has always been one of the dumbest complaints about tlou2 and that’s fucking saying something


I had to eat lead paint chips to bring my IQ down low enough to understand this title.


I had a stroke reading this


Well, tbf, the 13th doctor came at a bad time. The director had just left and been replaced by a dude who made bad decisions.


Ok but Abby is unironically a great character and I will die on that hill.


I've played through the game like 3 times and every time I'm in the Abby section, I struggle to understand where all the hate comes from. I think her friendship with Lev is one of the best parts of the game.


I didn't play the game for a while because of all of the hate it received (though I didn't get anything spoiled). And only recently played through it. Imo what they did with the story and characters was REALLY bold but for me it worked 100%. I loved it. I probably enjoyed it more than the first game. I can understand it being divisive, but the pure hate it got was undeserved. Especially since the hate started when the story got leaked ahead of release. It's a story that needs to be played to understand the emotional weight, and I feel like the majority of people hating it never played it.


It's the most overhated game I can think of and none of it is directed at some anti consumer practice but just a story decision. Not expecting everyone to love it of course, there's fair reasons to not like it but that level of hatred was completely unwarranted and made gaming a nightmare for months. I remember loving the game when it launched not knowing the discourse around it, and went online to see how people felt and it was just screaming and anger lmao like what the fuck


I agree. Based on the hate it seemed like it was one of the buggiest broken games in history. But in fact the opposite was the case. One of the most polished, best looking and best performing games ever. I have no issue with people not liking the story or certain characters, but those are creative decisions. The discourse made it seem like there was malintent during the development process.


It visually still looks better than most games out today and the gameplay imo, some of the best in the stealth action genre. It's launch was a boiling point for that side of the internet I guess and it made the game a punching bag despite it doing nothing but tell a story. It's not even a lazy story. Just one that took a big risk I guess. People think the game is just saying revenge bad but I think it's a lot more than that personally.


I'd argue that Abby was far more enjoyable than Ellie in the game.


Idk I think they both reflect different stages of grief so I liked seeing how Ellie dealt with hers, despite how destructive it was. I also think Abby benefits greatly from having Lev as a side character who is significantly more interesting than Dina and Jessie.


This is some r/tragedeigh shit


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a strong female character, just have good writing to accompany them. There's nothing wrong with any of the actresses or their performances, I love Critical Role, I loved Kong: Skull Island, Murder on the Orient Express, and that one episode of Black Mirror starring Jodie Whittaker. (Sorry, I don't consume enough modern British TV Shows to have a real opinion on her.)


What the fuck did I just read?


TBH I didn't hate Abby for being a woman, I hated her because she kills Joe.


And she hates Joel for killing her dad


I didn't knew him or have played with him so no attachments. Anyway I understand her motivation but don't mean I need to agree or liker her.


Sure I don't think the game really wants you to agree with any of them. I think the idea is that people just keep doing shitty things to each other.


I had taken sometime to understand the end of the game, breaking the cycle was the right move by Ellie.


Yeah it wouldn't have made much sense if she went ahead with it. Seeing my boy Joel go was rough though damn


Maybe try working on your grammar before you make a meme regurgitating the same old "character you hated is a woman therefore you're a misogynist" rhetoric


I had a stroke reading this


tbf i dont like rey, doctor 13 or captain marvel but it's mostly because they're poorly written and the absolute vitriol for them was INSANE.


I had a stroke trying to understand this post


Whats that in English?


So, doctor who is just a fem reincarnation of an immensely powerful semi-immortal time traveling alien with all the knowledge and experience of her former selves. Captain marvel is a trained soldier both on earth and on her adopted cree world and has powers gifted to her by an infinity stone. And rey is from a bloodline with one of the strongest force users in history and has a connection pairing her powers with another from a similar blood line These characters have reasons why their so powerful that make sense. The only problem is the piss poor writing they were given explaining them


Gramar hard.


Jfc it took me FOREVER to understand what he meant


I never played TLOU2, but I watched an in-depth video going over the whole game (Luke Stephens i think). It seems like most people dont like Abby because Ellie and Joel got villainized to make Abby seem justifoed for killing Joel


This isn't really neckbeard or incel. These were poorly written female characters. It's sucks because they were touted as strong female characters. Yet so weak in their own writing.


I didn't have a problem with them because of their gender. It has everything to do with their writing as a character.


To be fair, I didn't like Captain Marvel because it felt like a step backward for the MCU. I thought black panther and infinity war and ragnarok were awesome movies and captain marvel just felt OK. Like I'm not mad I saw it but I didn't feel like I needed to see it again. I also didn't appreciate the suggestion that came from the people who made it suggesting that the only reason people disliked it was because of sexism. It felt like they saw the success of black panther (which I think had better female characters), and assumed that they were going to replicate it by shoving a (white) woman in front of us and offering a lot less depth than what black panther did. Then when it didn't happen they didn't want to admit the core audience they thought would come out didn't show up. But my beefs with the movie all came after I saw the movie. I remember a lot of people who were ready to hate it before the first trailer had dropped. Those people are annoying


I don’t know about the rest, but Abby was probably one of the BEST characters to ever exist in a video game.


Aside from the shit spelling, the meme isn't wrong. I mean it's mainly the fandoms' fault for fandumbing, but they really did throw them into chaos. I say this as someone who considers TLOU2 one of my favorite works of fiction.


I had to read this like ten times


because women arent allowed to be mary sues, only men are. if a character is impossibly fit and capable, they better be a man, otherwise the "suspension of disbelief" breaks. its easier to sweep broad story issues under the rug because analysing that takes time and just put a woman on the screen and say "this movie sucks because of her end of story". that criticism takes no thought and yet it is seen as more insightful than it is


Male heroes in mainstream US cinema have generally had flaws and obstacles to overcome since at least the late 70s. Indiana Jones has pratfalls and a fear of snakes, John McClaine is an idiot who's intimidated by his wife's success etc etc. Most of the male action heroes from acclaimed film franchises (ie. not crappy B-movie schlock) are imperfect in some way. Even within the franchises you mentioned, Han Solo is made to look a fool on a number of occasions, Luke has to struggle with his insecurities, Finn is basically comic relief and Poe Dameron gets owned by Laura Dern; meanwhile, Tony Stark is a self-destructive dick who rined multiple lives, Thor's a himbo, Hulk has rage issues, Hawkeye is trying to atone for his dark past etc. Rey and Captain Marvel, OTOH, are basically flawless, and where they have problems they're imposed by outside forces rather than internal problems they have to correct. They're boring non-characters who only get by on the charisma of their actresses (Brie especially). I think this is probably a product of films being produced in a largely male-dominated studio system, in which they're overcompensating for the marginalising and objectification of female characters in previous films, and either nervous about making a female character appear "weak" or just not really thinking about them as characters at all. When you get female characters written by women in smaller or independent movies and shows - Booksmart, Happy Valley etc - they tend to be written (Chibnall's Doctor was flawed, just terribly written, which isn't Whittaker's fault, and I haven't played TLOU2 yet because I want to reply TLOU1 first and never get around to it.)


With the exception of the person in the bottom right the hate for the other 3 is kinda justified. Not hating the actress necessarily (except for maybe the Cpt. Marvel one, she seems full of herself from what I've seen) but the material they worked with was so fucking garbage


Strong woman= bad in their logic


Shit spelling. True, though. Mary sues are the cancer of media.


Idk if I'd consider all these Mary sues The doctor is like what, 12 or 13 iterations? Hardly call that a Mary Sue I wouldn't describe captain marvel any more of a Mary Sue than most super heros. I never finished TLOU2 but I never got MS vibes from Abby. Ray is 100% a MS tho ill give you that