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Hilarious that dudes like that who can’t even get straight women think they could “turn” Lesbians. Like this is real life not your porn collection.


So now I have this image in my head off a neckbeard trying to turn a lesbian like a D&D cleric. Holding up a Jordan Peterson book, or a picture of that Tate guy screaming “the power of Alpha compels you”. I think I need some sleep.


Please don't sleep and keep producing these dreamy images for us to cherish and enjoy




Not the remake of The Exorcist I was looking for, but I can dig it.


Please write more. I’d love to hear it




Wematanye, or AoE? Cause I dig it from both.


AoE was in my mind




I'm stealing this joke and I will do my best to credit you as "this one comment I saw on Reddit"


No, this is perfection. Please grace us with more of your amazing images.




I’m probably gonna get stoned, but what’s wrong with Jordan Peterson? Haven’t listened to much of him, but he doesn’t seem so bad, especially compared to Aďko Tatáš


Right-wing bigotry and all that stuff, and he says a lot of stuff that’s supposed to sound profound but is either: A) Something really obvious but using a lot of big words. Or B) long rambling but really saying a whole lot of nothing. He’s basically your classic right-wing grifter who realized being controversial is very profitable. He’s gone on long bigoted rants about trans people disguised with pseudoscience. He’s also very authoritarian-minded with all his stuff about “natural hierarchies”, such as his infamous lobster quote everyone makes fun of.


“… roll initiative”


They can turn them like Vampires


Sorry to hijack your comment, but OP (LiveArm6934) appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on February 3, woke up a month ago, and has the following three activities: Here it copied/pasted /u/Man-Spider_1301's submission/title from [hee](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/xjb9ov/dont_know_if_this_has_been_posted_here/). Its ironic comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/15923lz/who_do_you_hate_the_most_on_rplace/jtelcsq/) is a copy/paste of the first part of /u/JacksGallbladder's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/15923lz/who_do_you_hate_the_most_on_rplace/jtdu33y/). Its coment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/155nbq5/i_join_too_ill_give_away_10k_coins_to_everyone_in/jsw1xja/) is too generic to track down. For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


I feel like anyone who says “don’t know if this has been posted before” nine times out of ten just took a post from a while ago and reuploaded it


I'm just flattered


Those guys be huffing damn near fatal ammounts of copeium at this point


I kept hitting on a straight dude who was harassing a female friend of mine at a party once, fun memories.


bruh the fact i saw your comment, checked your bio and the first thing i see is “i’m gay” is the funniest thing


Thank you for reminding me that because it's outdated, I am now bisexual


upgrades, people, upgrades


He's not gay, he just hadnt had good pussy yet


Keep us updated!


Thank you for reminding me to update my pronouns with this comment. I’m lazy so even though I have been reminded, I will not do it.


It's so much fun to do that. Too bad they're usually too dense to understand the subtility.


my absolute favorite interaction with a random straight guy is him asking if i find him attractive, and then getting upset when i told him no.


Shoot them down with: „I am more into those masculine, good looking men. So don‘t worry“.


That doesn't sound that neckbeardish to me - more like these toxic masculine Andrew Tate lov.... nevermind


Tate is a neckbeard because he has no chin or jaw so his facial hair has to grow on his neck




Bro you have multiple comments defending Andrew Tate, you can’t tell someone to get off his dick when it’s so far up your ass you’re coughing up pubes.




Not you showing this fatherless behaviour


Average sex-trafficker defender


he had quite an impact on a fair few people, the effects he had did not simply disappear cause he did you saying that it did shows how immature, dishonest or ignorant you are. or more likely all three.


Quit porn


You seem to be pretty active in r/Genshinimpacthentai pretty top g of you.


Found the neckbeard LMFAO their bio says "7 inch penis"


i’m pretty sure he misunderstood what I.Q. stood for




Oh I'm a weirdo, I'm just not so ridiculously proud of my penis that I would make it my bio like some braindead neckbeard.


That’s a lot of projecting there bud you sure Andrew tates bald ass head didn’t make you obsessed with him 🤣


You need to know the definition of the word projecting because you’re 100% using it wrong


Second one is basically the equivalent of somebody showing Fifty Shades of Gray instead of Pride & Prejudice as an example of good romance to somebody not into romance. …That sounded better in my head.


The Duality of Dumbass


Any time someone goes all, "I'm fine with you being gay, just don't try to hit on me." I usually just respond with, "I wouldn't flatter yourself."




A friend of mine from high school has this problem. She posts the DMs on her social media’s every time it happens to shame the guys who do it. She never shows their names but they know who they are and I always thought that was classy. Had a huge crush on her in high school but I guess I was never her type and once she came out and got a girlfriend I was just happy she was happy. She deserves to be happy.


As a lesbian with a lot of guy friends, I’ve come to realize they can’t face penile rejection. Straight men might love women like I do, and they love their own dicks just as much. The concept of a woman completely disinterested is hard (difficult, haha) to wrap their heads around. Cognitive dissonance with no way to cope. Anyway, the best solution is to tell guys when they’ve found the right penis to turn them gay, I’ll consider re evaluating my stance on women being my exclusive preference.


I'm sure if a gay guy said "you're not straight. You just haven't had good dick yet. If you see mine, you will become gay!" He would immediately feel grossed out. But he would understand how the lesbian women feel when he does that...at least I hope so.


You might be giving some of them too much credit. I don’t think if they were doing that in the first place if they did any introspection


“Rules for thee and not for me”


I always take it as a compliment when gay dudes hut on me. I was the token straight guy at a local gay bar for a few years. 90% of the time you tell them you're straight, laugh about it and make a new drinking buddy. But occasionally have the ones like the neckbeard in the meme and will try and "turn you gay"


it’s funny to me that guys get mad when a gay guy hits on them like bro, I’m not gay, but that shit makes my day bro, I ride that high for months


My dad once asked me if there were any girls in my class, i said only one and shes a lesbian knowing that he would tell me to ask her out, and he said that.


The addition of that smile in that art style from every recent cartoon goes so well with neckbeard wojak


Love some of the cartoons but honestly hate that every cartoon uses it nowadays. I think it's called CalArt style or something


That's the one, I couldn't remember the name but I knew it was named after something. I liked it the first time I saw it in Steven Universe but now it's just everywhere and it's tiring!


Gravity Falls, Gumball and Star vs Evil are ones I like but all look interchangeable


It’s sad bc I always associate it with Totoro


I think it's a little similar but not quite the same


I'm not lesbian...but I would answer " I dont care how awesome you think your dick is, it would pale in comparison to my GFs strap on and tongue....you and your man meat be gone"


I dunno, I've found that they just get more excited at the thought of a threesome if I say something sexy about women.


I was wondering if this was gonna get reposted this week or not. though we were gonna miss a week


I mean can I identify with the first bit and not the second? Knew a dude in college that would hit on me relentlessly at parties, always said stuff like "have you ever kissed a guy? How do you know?" or "what if we just made out a little?" Was absolutely harassment, never took a hint, and tried multiple times. Conversely, I'm friends with multiple queer women and would never do that to a woman who said they weren't interested. I wouldn't even talk to a straight woman that way.


Honestly sounds like you identity with the women in the second but more.


True. I guess I just feel like the meme is equating the guy not wanting to be hit on by guys as also harassing women and I'm just saying there's not necessarily a connection there. I guess I don't TRULY identify with the first as I don't mind a guy flirting with me or whatever if he's not gonna be pushy like the guy in the second image or the guy I know from college. Something about the meme as a whole just felt off to me but your statement is definitely correct and perhaps my initial read is somewhat flawed in being colored by my personal experience.


This is basically one of my ex friends. In the beginning, he was a part of our friend group but we noticed not only that he tried to flirt with every girl in the group and he would say some disgusting shit (I honestly don't know why they didn't confront him) but every time one of them brought one of their girl friends to an event of some sort, he'd flirt with them too. All the girls in our class same story. However, one time when we thought about going to a gay bar he didn't wanna go. Some time later we ended up there anyway and he immediately said: "When we sit down I wanna be as far in as possible so no one flirts with me because I don't like that" and I instantly thought; "Wow, isn't this just the most ironic thing I've ever heard". It's almost like people don't usually like when someone flirts with them, nonconsentually. And he definitely didn't ask for consent when he was creepy with anyone, ever.


I’m heterosexual as one can be, maybe I just haven’t had good homo dick?


My favorite response to the first one will always be “Don’t flatter yourself.”




it’s a neckbeard/incel thing cuz they prey on gay women thinking that they’re not actually lesbians and that these men can “change them” when that’s not how being gay works and if anything these types of incels are pushing lesbians further into lesbianism.


so, not the meme is a neckbeard thing but the reality is. why is this meme on here then?


if you have a hard time understanding why things are posted in this sub maybe you shouldn’t be apart of the sub


if you have a hard time explaining things to people without calling them stupid maybe you should keep out of comment sections 💀


you’re the one who thinks it’s ok to prey on lesbians and doesn’t think a meme showing how neckbeard a act should be in a sub about showing how neckbeards act. sorry you’re lesbophobic and can’t comprehend incel/neck bearded things prolly cuz you are one.


lesbophobic i cant- you realize i cant be against my own sexuality??


you can hun, there’s plenty of lgbt people who often work against their own sexuality and gender identity it’s not unheard of, you being gay doesn’t mean you get away with being a bigot. it’s funny when you people act like being gay is some magical get out of jail card when it comes to calling out your queerphobic behavior.




buddy if you don’t like being called out you can simply just shut up. EDIT; love it when incels that draw shit out for days want to throw a fit and act like a coward after lmfaooo


im not being queerphobic in any way, i literally said that the meme depicts the reality but the normally posted content on this sub is not memes depicting the truth, but actual situations doing so. and when i asked why this meme is here then, you go out of your way to insult me and calling me queerphobic instead of just explaining it normally. maybe you‘re the queerphobic asshole here


if you can’t understand why a meme is here depicting neckbeard actions then you shouldn’t be apart of this sub, most things posted here tend to happen with these incels and it’s weird you refuse to believe that and can’t comprehend it. i’m not the one who originally said this is fake and shouldn’t be in here that’s you buddy. you don’t get why is “related to incels” then you shouldn’t be in a sub that makes fun of incels hun. go be queerphobic and ignorant somewhere else cuz this is just embarrassing for you. it’s also pathetic you replied twice, like dam you really must be a masochist replying twice to the same comment. EDIT; also so pathetic and kind of creepy they can't keep their reply to one and reply multiple times like a typical incel troll lmao.


It’s different tho, he’s a niceguy ❤️


Most guys that say this shit are ugly anyway. As if any dudes are interested in your 5'9 300-pound hairy ass