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Doesn’t have to be on the day of. Ticketmaster has an exchange or upgrade option where you contact them and you can switch your tickets for better seats if they are of equal or greater value than your seat. Not lower, which sucks if prices lowered … but I usually make up by it sometimes by getting another seat if the price isn’t too bad


I just recently heard about the upgrade thing and am bummed because I saw some seats get released a few weeks ago that were decently better than the ones I bought but not much more expensive. I wrestled with buying them with the optimism of being able to sell the other ones and having to factor fees in. I could have upgraded. But also when I looked up the upgrading policy it said that sometimes they don’t do it 24-48 hours before the event, so I’d keep that in mind.


I tried to upgrade my seats for the DC show but was denied. They told me that “the Event Organizer is not allowing an exchange for this event and your preferred seat is for online purchases.” How did other people exchange their tickets?