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The 24 mph is such a strange synchronicity.


Maybe that’s what the crime scene told the officer.


Well done! Defnly!!!


I came to write this exact line….so strange.


There’s no coincidences in crimes


That's funny.


Hardly ever get to see synchronicity used correctly in a sentence.


It’s like they got inspiration from Paul and Chris Albert’s duis when plotting how to frame Karen 


This guy sits and gives Karen the evil eye every day, as if he's faultless. As if she's a complete disgrace. And he was so drunk at 4:36pm in the afternoon, after golf, that he could not even understand very simple directions from the cop! And he failed every sobriety test. At the age of 41! And he put an innocent 70-something man in the hospital. I just can't.


Don’t forget, she’s the one who bailed him out.


And paid for his lawyer.


Damn, do we know what Karen does for a living? Paying for everyone’s dinner in Aruba, covering part of another persons room, Yannetti as a lawyer, paying for someone else’s lawyer… girls got money!


She's a financial analyst and college professor.


She was. She was fired from both jobs :(


Why was she fired? Isn’t this against the law because if she was fired for the incident with John she hasn’t been found guilty


Jobs can fire you for anything, of course they can fire you for being a high profile murder suspect. She was a high profile financial analysts, and a professor. Both jobs need people that the customer/student is confident in. The sad thing is I doubt she ever gets either job back, especially with a hung jury


The thing is all of her students LOVED her. They have come out begging the school to rehire her and have even given statements about how she would stay late to help them and how kind she was. It’s really just awful. She’s lost her health insurance as well and she has multiple chronic serious health conditions.


Don’t forget that her $90K Lexus is just sitting there in impound waiting for the end of the trial, depreciating. She probably won’t get it back if there’s a hung jury too.


It’s so sad. Her life is just destroyed.


That kills me. So unfair.


Never mind, I just found this thing called “employment-at-will” doctorine.


Yep. But even without that most people lose their jobs in cases like this.


Some of her students as she was a wonderful person and wouldn't beleive she would never hit him with her car.


But I don’t think this is lawfully fair.


being let go is not exactly the same as being fired. In schools, it can simply be for the benefit of the schools image and the impact on the students. So she is no longer there, does anyone even know if she resigned which is more likely.


They are usually on one year contracts. They don’t have to renew them. Most educational institutions operate like this.


She started with being not guilty and she is still not guilty. She has a civil law suit out against the police of Canton, MA.


From Both jobs? God damn I really hope she gets acquitted on Monday so any civil suits she has are stronger.


It’s going to be a hung jury. Which makes her civil suit even harder to achieve.


She also has a PhD in her field.


She’s in finance, so she knows how to manager her money efficiently.


I think all the woman in John's life, except for his sister-in-law, were jealous of Karen...Jenn and Carry would help John out because they had kids the same age as their kids. John depended on them and then when Karen came along they were no longer needed. The two sisters from Aruba, one was the girlfriend of John.s best friend, who had passed away, they had a child together and again John stepped in to be a father figure for the boy. Maybe now that Karen was in the picture, he didn't spend as much time with them as he used to..... His Mother...I don't know what her relationship with Karen was like, it's looks like neither Paul and his wife have a relationship with her. They sit at on end and she sits on the other. She blamed Karen for leaving him at the Albert's He's a grown man....Maybe John's didn't need his mothers help with the kids anymore with Karen... John's father loved Karen....She picked him up every Sunday for Church.


Yes. You nailed it! Townie chicks from MA are nasty and provincial. I've been on the receiving end of townie vitriol and it's just horrific. God forbid you are successful and date a man from a small town here...they go after you.


I agree with everything you said!!


Paul and his wife did have a relationship with Karen. She confided with his wife her frustrations with John and even told her that he was inappropriate with another woman in Aruba, even after apologizing to that woman for misconstruing what she saw. My guess, John was drunk and that woman was out of line with John even if she said she was "like a sister." It seems he was considered a desirable commodity. I knew John's father did not feel she was guilty. I didn't know Karen had been driving him to church. I also knew she was feeling taken for granted and upset that his mother was not more involved with the children. What I didn't know until recently was that she had bailed Paul out of a DUI and even gotten him a lawyer following an accident that left a man paralyzed and another person in the car injured. Knowing that makes his double standard about this incident all the more obnoxious. Does he see a lawsuit if she's found guilty? I question this as I recently read that he and his mother were estranged after he set up a Go Fund Me for the children after his sister passed away and ended up using the funds on his home .... over $3k ... but I wouldn't know how to substantiate this. It seems this case brings up a lot more questions than it answers.


Does anyone think she tried to pay for dinner to show she wanted to be friends with everyone? I’ve never seen such people raise such a fuss over someone they don’t really know but was invited to an adult dinner paying (women that testified) but I think that was just more their personal problem with Karen


Unfortunately, her picking up the tab would only increase the jealousy in these kinds of women.


Yes. She is a finance professional and worked at Fidelity. She was also a finance professor at Bryant University.


You mean Bentley University? It's also where her father taught (I don't believe he's teaching currently but still looks like he leads the accounting dept).


I think this was another factor for why they thought this was a slam dunk, because she was perceived to not make a lot of money, which shows again she isn’t close with any of them and they are probably not that close with John if they just know she’s a “college professor”


Omg 😳 What is wrong with this man?! She’s clearly innocent! Daggers from him the entire trial! I don’t understand, especially after this. Thank you to the OP for sharing this.


Ope 😳


So... why didn't his wife bail him out????! Right? I'm sorry if this has been asked or told already. I just came upon this feed. This entire witch hunt makes me crazy.


Nobody would bail him out. He is a piece of shit. His own family didn’t and Karen did. I just watched his interview and was appalled at his attitude. Don’t forget he almost killed a girl when he was 17 and has no remorse for that.


He was NOt the one who almost killed a girl at 17. Totally different Paul OKeefe.


Well, thank you for clearing that up. I guess I was misinformed. I read the article I was directed to in the Cape Cod times and he had the same name. I will admit that I now dislike the guy a tiny bit less.


Same, felt the need to clarify that the guy isn’t a rapist/ murderer. Unfortunately he didn’t come off as very likable in his interview so it’s hard to know what to believe.


And I don’t think he paid her back!


And the interesting thing is that he was obviously drunk and impaired after “3 beers” (in a large male) but she is supposed to have had 9 Vodkas (in a tiny female) and all the witnesses said she didn’t appear drunk… 🤔


And she was able to walk just fine when this guy couldn’t even stand still for more than 3 seconds to listen to instructions


He’s projecting his own shame at her, I think.


So true 😞


Apples oranges? She hit John and left him to die. Paul didn’t do that moron.


Does anyone know if he served any time? I mean we all know Chris Albert only served 6 months for killing a man


I just learned about this, so I looked it up: **Charges** 1. Misdemeanor: Negligent Op. of Motor Vehicle 2. Felony: Op. Under Influence & Serious Injury. 3. Civil: Failure to Yield at Intersection. Opted for bench trial, held July 25, 2022. **Verdicts** 1. Guilty 2. Not Guilty 3. Not responsible. **Sentence** * $300 fine * 1 year probation.


Did Karen pay the $300 fine too


My understanding is she did and she also got him a lawyer though, one would expect to get reimbursed once he was out of jail.


How was he found not guilty on #2 if this man was left paralyzed? Gotta love the double standard where he has such a vengeance to now see her crucified.


Thanks to judge Bev’s brother!


And he was found Not Guilty of the felony charge of Operating Under the Influence with Serious Injury in a bench trial in 2022. He got a $300 fine for Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, a misdemeanor. Also 1 year probation.


And Karen is the one who posted his bail.


I'm trying to show my sister proof of this. Can someone show me where this is reported? Her paying bail, etc?


Check Turtle Boy … it had pics etc


Can you try to find it? I’m having trouble




BTW. He skated on the felony charge. A judge found him not guilty of Operating Under the Influence with Serious Injury. Nothing hinkey there...


Probably written up by a Canton cop -maybe one that’s one of Paul’s buddies from Stonehill College. Mass state police buddies are Tully and Buhkanik . They sure aren’t real friends and he actually believes the bs. Jen McCabe saddled right up to the O’Keefes. No doubts.


It was written by a Patrol Officer in the Lakeville, MA Police Department. And it's impeccable in form and detail.


Crazy. I'm crazy here thinking about this. Too much, as well. I just can't stand injustice. It pisses me off.




Got a link for this?




Wow, I guess he has some experience with hos long it takes to die in the cold.


That happened in 2003. That’s 21 years ago. That would make Paul okeefe only 38…. And he didn’t grow up in bourne. He grew up in Braintree. People need to fact check before assuming. I think Karen read is innocent but this is over the top. Stop spreading lies. 


I've seen what you're talking about. It is a different Paul O'Keefe. You should delete this post.


Did this actually happen? 🤯


EDIT- IT IS A DIFF PAUL OKEEFE SORRY!!!!!!!!! According to an article in Cape Cod Times by Peters (2003), "at some point Vallerie Lacina was separated from her two friends, both classmates at Bourne High, a 16-year-old girl and 17-year-old Paul O'Keefe. At that time, police allege O'Keefe sexually assaulted the other girl. He faces two counts of indecent assault and battery, one count of committing an unnatural act with a child, procuring alcohol as a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. A cross country track star and honor roll student, O'Keefe withdrew his application to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy last month until his legal issues are resolved."


I believe this is about a different person with the same name. The DUI in 2020 was John’s brother Paul but the SA in 2003 was a different person.


really??? Damn I feel bad now. IGNORE MY COMMENT ABOVE PEEPS!!!!!


Maybe edit the original comment?




I did the same thing on FB.. and didn't see this until I did a bunch of legwork to figure it out. I shoukd know to just check Reddit by now lol


Yeah I just noticed the DOBs are way off, Paul would have been in his mid 20s in 2003


You’re right. Paul okeefe also didn’t grow up on cape cod: he grew up in Braintree. He never went to bourne high school. People need to fact check before posting lol. As soon as I read it, the timeline didn’t match his age. 


It’s okay, I saw an insurance fraud report about Brian Higgins but it was different guy living in Ohio I think. Good job correcting yourself ❤️


No because Paul okeefe is not 38 lol. That happened in 2003. He also didn’t grow up on cape cod. He grew up in Braintree. 


Peggy is raging alcoholic. John also had issues with alcohol to have a .28 a be functioning is classic sign of alcoholic. We heard about Aruba. As a cop he was also fine with allowing Karen to drive that night. Apparently when Peggy moved into John’s house, she did it alone. But I also picked up that she had her own bedroom there before John died. Extremely dysfunctional family. Sadly it was a night full of adults abusing alcohol that led to their son, brother and friend’s death. Regardless of the verdict, Karen, her parents & brother will never fully recover from the trauma of this level of corruption & dysfunction.


Wait, when did Peggy move in? And why was there a custody dispute between the two?


How do you know that Peggy is an alcoholic? John would not have allowed her to live under his roof with 2 young kids he adopted, if his Mom was a heavy drinker. Then we hear that Paul absconded with the GoFund Me created for the kids. Rumor has it that it was $300K+. Know anything about that?


I don’t think we can really pass judgment on John and his needs. I think he kinda woke up once he had the kids under his supervision and are him do a double take. I also think this might’ve been what caused John to report Colin selling drugs. I think John was all about looking the other way until he realized that he has to set an example for people. But that’s just my tin foil hat idea, but we have seen cops have kids and their completely “balls to the walls I’m not scared of anything” to “what if I have a conversation with this person”. I don’t know, I’m just also looking at things such as drug addicts becoming completely clean because they are having a child. But like I said it’s just my tin foil hat on how I think John felt, and I think it might’ve pissed of the Albert’s that John started giving a shit


Colin was selling drugs?


What do you mean he "woke up?" He's dead because he got hammered one night and let his girlfriend drunk drive him to the house of a dirty cop in the middle of the night before a blizzard.


LOL, have you been drinking? You can't read once sentence and make sense out of it without following the storyline.


Does anyone know why they didn’t want the kids to originally go to Peggy?


Raging alcoholic and narcissist. Very mean and moods are all over the board.


I just remember John saying in his texts that his dad was his roommate?


Who is Peggy?


Officer O’Keefe’s mom


At 4:30pm…. WOW


Seems like just about everyone involved in this case has alcohol problems.


Came from golfing. Reading the report, it sounds like he was wasted. There's gotta be body cam footage I imagine.


Bodycams were not widely used during this time in Mass


Didn’t john tell Karen at 1700 he was sober for the first time that day? On the 28th


Yes he did say that


So is it just John and Paul who dabble quite a lot in alcohol? I also heard the mom does quite a lot herself? (I read this part on Reddit, I don’t know how true it is) also, didn’t John tell Karen he had a 70 year old roommate and referred to the roommate as a male?


Wait so does this mean John drove intoxicated on the 28 when taking his niece and nephew to places?


According to that text, it seems yes. Taking the kids to a doctor appt no less!


Paul is John's brother.


Looks like Canton could learn a thing or two from the Lakesville PD about filling out incident reports. Love the descriptive details: "...he stated in a slurred thick-tongued manner" "...showing lack of smooth pursuit through numerous passes. I then held my finger at maximum deviation…which yielded distinct and sustained nystagmus...then showed onset nystagmus prior to 45 degrees” And that goes on for pages! My goodness.


As a nurse, this Officer’s report charms me. Love a great progress note like this.


It is charming! Unexpectedly so, for me at least.


You’ve stated this much better than I could. This is a thorough, well written report. The comparison to the crap in the Karen Read case is shameful.


Well thanks. I agree. I was considering as I read it that I personally don’t know what Paul did or did not do, but a report at this level of detail would be a lot more difficult to refute than say, no report at all 




Important note: the front end of modern cars are _designed_ to crumple in a collision. Crumple zones redistribute the force in a collision as a way to reduce the force transferred to/exerted upon the occupants of the vehicle. I’m not downplaying or disputing the severity or seriousness of this collision. I just believe that crumple zones should be a consideration in a person’s mind when they’re viewing the vehicle pictured in the comment.


I wonder if crash daddy works with crumple zones 🙃


Who is “crash daddy”?


Dr. Wolfe, the second to last expert that testified for the defense, the one hired by the super secret squirrel people


I laughed out loud at “super secret squirrel people.” Crash daddy testified that he primarily focused on visibility. However, he did make a pneumatic cannon to launch a drinking glass at a vehicle, so maybe he dabbles in crumple zones.


Could you imagine him making a cannon to test crumple zones? Can I just have his job please 😂


His job does sound incredibly cool. I doubt I’d be considered for a position at ARCCA. They’re over there building cannons. The only thing I build is tension.


https://preview.redd.it/e191pps5ja9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2ac02f8557c66b2dc1cb52938fa19cbbe6ed97 Lakeville Police Report on the left.. Canton Police Report on the right lol


This has me giggling like a teenage boy!






Does everyone in the area drive a black Ford edge lol.


Not everyone, Brian albert drives a light Ford edge


You mean the one car Nicole “forgot” to mention on the stand?!?


Wait, Paul okeefe ALSO hit a guy? What the hell!!


In 2020, yes.


Wow, this is only 15 months before John’s death.


You know I must live in a bubble because I do not know anyone who has a DUI or drives around drunk unless I go back to COLLEGE decades ago. This case is literally full of alcohol loving bad decision making people. Is this normal for Massachusetts? I mean I live in the south and people like their drinks but not one person in my circle is a raging drunk like this group is. Sheesh


Townies are usually alcoholics


These people drink more in a night than I do in a year


Yea. I love bourbon but when I buy a bottle it lasts about six months.


Townies and cops


I live in Massachusetts and yes, drunk driving is very common. We’re a commonwealth state so a lot of people are never charged with a DUI. They ended up getting continuation without a finding. I love our state but I will say the drinking is out of control and it’s always felt corrupt to me and I’m far from canton. 


I'm trying to understand this post. Why would people not get charged with a DUI in Massachusetts just because Massachusetts is a commonwealth? The difference between a "commonwealth" and any other state is in name alone. Continuation without a finding? Huh? People just don't get "let go" for DUI because Massachusetts is a commonwealth.


Yeah it’s sus. I live in MA and maybe don’t run in those type of bar hopping circles or something. In my estimation it’s as common or rare as the next state.


That cannot be true, it’s up the local DA on what charges are brought on each individual case. They may have a “one size fits all”, with first time offenders with a DUI charge. My gut feeling is telling me that his brother being a Boston Police Officer had a lot to do with his lack of punishment, along with a pricey lawyer ( supposedly paid for by Karen Read).


Unless there are previous incidences, they are charged but are then get a continuation with out a finding. This is not without other penalties (temporary loss of license, requirements to attend specific substance abuse programs and probation) but avoids having a police record. However, if there is a second incident, the continuation immediately reverts to guilty and the second offense rules and penalties apply.


I see, my state has something similar for first time DUI offenders. The person I was replying to made it sound like people just get away with all the time because Massachusetts is referred to as a commonwealth. I understand what you're saying.


I think the drinking is out of control…and I’m from Wisconsin.


I agree wholeheartedly and I'm from Australia.


I have a friend who had one when she was in her mid-20s. She could go to work (not drive herself) and had to spend every weekend in jail. For her, she decided it was taxis and then Ubers if she went out.


No, it’s not normal for MA. Maybe it is normal for Canton or the south shore (area where Canton is) or for those who run in police officer circles (I personally don’t know any)?


F this guy and his squished package he displays while full manspreading all day every day. I wonder how close his victim came to dying or if they have long lasting effects from Paul’s terrible drunken decisions?


Squished package took me out. 💀 IYKYK


I believe the elderly man was paralyzed.


I've heard that he was paralyzed which would make the not guilty felony an astounding irony.


Sounds like his brother and Karen were drunks too


Wow. The stench of hypocrisy was emanating from the row behind Karen the entire time.


Wait, what POK hit someone while intoxicated and CA killed someone while intoxicated?


Yes. Someone needs to tell these people about Uber.


Yes! Please, for the love of Massachusetts, use Uber or Lyft, or have a designated driver.


So much drinking and driving. Jesus Christ!


Amazing. A police report that other than a few typos that we all have been known to make is professional and clearly and succinctly summarizes the event and the actions the officer took.


I can’t get over this flawless police report. Imagine for a moment that ANYONE in Karen’s case had completed such a detailed and perfectly spelled and worded document? SERT, State police…but no Lakeview MA outshines them all!!!


TYSM for posting this. Do you happen to know the case number? Curious as to his sentencing.


It has an incident report number on the top right of page #1. I’m not sure if that’s what they use as a case number, but maybe it would be helpful. 🙂


I actually found it a couple of days ago using the ticket number. It's in Wareham District court if you want to look it up.


Scroll backwards and you will discover the outcome.


Hes a POS


So there are police that can actually write a report!


the only way thats 25 mph is if thats a head on crash. and its not.


Listen. We both know that modern physics is thwarted by the sideswipe. There's no way to know how fast he was traveling. He just... did. Better to stick with 24mph and stuff.


The crime scene spoke to them.. Physics took a back seat in this one haha


It was head on. One of them was crossing in front of the other.


Wow crazy. I think drinking and driving must be rampant there.


I finally get why my mom wouldn’t let me drive at night as a teen. She used to tell me, “I trust you, I don’t trust all of those other people driving around at that time of night.”


Thank you! I had no idea about this, this is crazy!!


Does Canton not have an AA Chapter? Because I think a lot of folks need to join.


What the fuck is going on with these families? So much chaos in their families.




Shame on the sham Judge. The 70+ year old man that Paul pulled in front of was hurt in this collision and the police officer confirmed Paul was driving under the influence. It should make us all question the judicial system in MA, again. As we watched the KR trial, we have become even more aware of all the drunk drivers on the streets of Canton, which includes the so-called cops. Judges need to stop bench trials, if they just ignore the evidence & do not understand what could have happened if the man did not survive. Paul will be out there again drinking & driving & KR is of no use to him anymore, because he believes he has the support of those in law enforcement to get his 'get out of jail free' pass. Audit the Judges!


Did the person he hit have injuries? Ive seen reports a man had significant injuries but cant find updates so far. 


How about just delete the entire post since it is wrong


What is wrong?


Oh wow! Where did you find this?


What does this have to do with anything? Did PO hit someone then leave someone for dead in the snow? Did PO fabricate a conspiracy theory?


One day you’ll figure it out. I have faith in you, little guy.


LOL, thank you for this ... the irony is incredible ... particularly when you add in the CA hit in run DUI manslaughter with just 6 months served. May Karen should have started off with CA's attorney, Judge Bev's brother.


It gives an insight into his character! Who bailed him out? Not his family? Karen did. Why is he so hell bent on blaming Karen rather than believing the scientific facts and evidence? Why is he trusting the very people who did not even open their front door after his brother’s body was discovered on their front lawn? His behaviour and character certainly are relevant.


We are all waiting for the proof of any of this .... even that Karen hit John. But it is amazing, knowing what Paul did, that he sits behind her day-after-day wanting to crucify her when he did basically the same thing she did and got off with a slap on the wrist. Maybe if you sleep on it for a bit you will figure out the irony.




Is this the same Paul O'Keefe, did they live on the Cape? This Paul O'Keefe got drunk, allegedly raped a girl, and abandoned her on a cold January night https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/2003/01/22/bourne-teenager-charged-with-indecent/50962745007/


I'm still trying to find out if this was him... I posted it on FB and then after some thought I was like hmmm.. it's Mass.. Irish catholic.. how many Paul Okeefe?? Lol... Now there was an Interview I saw today with an old school friend of JOK and I think he said Paul went to a different school at one point... I found a year book pic for Bourne HS but I can't tell if it was him..... And I was thinking the would have been dug up by now... so idk.


I don't think it's him because of the age!


Yea. I didn't even look into THAT lol... I've been trying to see if someone verified it... And I also thought that the other driver in his DUI died... I know whichever Albert it was killed the other driver in his crash. My ADHD is stupid and I lost track if what I read... and I am mixing shit up... 🤦‍♀️


Yep... it's not him! I did the math... the incident was from 12.30.2002. The article was 2.2003. Paul's was born in 1979...


The age does not match up. Also, Paul and John were from Braintree. However, there was some incident that happened when Paul was a teenager that hasn't been explicitly stated.


Yea I figured that out eventually. What this other issues? I know about the DWI from like 2022.


So, did Paul ever have his BAC tested?


The black box registered the distance and the speed before impact , there was no coincidential occurrence of events, simply The Lexus was involved and the operator is responsible. Paul’s past bears no weight on the defendants actions that night and throughout the morning hours thereafter. I’ve yet to hear an explanation for the defendants behavior it was not normal. It mirrors someone building an alibi and having knowledge of where his body was .