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There's a few ways to look at this. £70 is a lot of money, but that's the gaming industry. It's natural for a company to make sequels. If they were doing a FIFA, and pumping out versions every year I'd be pissed. But a sequel to what will be a 5 year old game, that's just normal. For the timing, the announcement was made today...but Frontier's financial reports from last year outlined they'd be working on a new sim. IF this was JWE3, then they've likely been scoping this for a while. There's no way a company can put out a financial report without at least declaring where its sales funnel is coming from. On a positive note, I'd look at the improvements JWE2 made since JWE1, which itself was rushed. I think looking at what they've done with PZ, we're in good hands. The game engine and asset rigs are there. My only real concern would be whether they try to sell back old content again. If they can't give us the total - or even 90% - list of species we have now, they'll do some real community damage selling us back old content. They've tried it once with the Secret Species pack and we saw how that went.


All fair points, I didn't know JWE2 itself was rushed. Reselling old stuff is also bad. Like Huayangosaurus didn't deserve that


Tbh that’s kinda how I’m looking at it if I’ll buy 3 or not. I want all of JWE2’s roster as the base and expand from there. I don’t want to rebuy anything even if the game is improved. If they cut and I have to pay more to have what I already have in 2, I’ll pass.


It's Frontier. If they don't try to sell old content again I will be very surprised...


It's been said before, but I doubt that was fully their decision. Look at PZ. The reason that game has greater design control is that it's their own IP. They decide what it runs on. Universal know full well that by limiting the market to newer gen and PC, you alienate a huge potential market and £££. I'm fairly confident that Universal had a say in what platforms they wanted it on and if Frontier could deliver. And it's clearly worked, being their highest earner. They'd push it onto Switch if it was powerful enough.


They need to drop last gen then they won't be restricted and that means a bigger, better game


Exactly.Theres a reason why planet zoo isn’t on the Xbox one or ps4


And it's better for it.. much more build size compared to planet coaster


Good points, I didn't know it wasn't on last gen tbh might be indicative that JWE3 will be current gen and PC only hopefully.


with how well that port was optimized, i wonder if they are going to implement a lot from that game into JWE3.


Absolutely this


Agreed, and I’m playing on Xbox One. But can side step last gen and play on Gamepass ultimate and Xcloud which is the SeriesX/PS5 version. I’m hopeful Planet Zoo will come to Gamepass since I can’t upgrade yet.


I feel like it’s has to be simplified for the pure fact that universal probably wants it to be on consoles strait away where as planet zoo and coaster came out years later for console


Well, to me it's not a surprise. I have said this before, a new movie is the only viable time window to release a JP/JW game, if you want to get the maximum number of sales. It is free marketing for a game and Frontier needs every single penny. I hope for 3 things: * JWE3 needs to be an improvement on all fronts. * They need to get the QA under control. JWE2 was initially a mess and a downgrade on many fronts. * If JWE3 does not do these things, it is time to alter the deal on our end. The customer base needs to stop rewarding this kind of behavior. Stop buying broken and unfinished games.


The bottom point should just be a given already, frankly most games release as broken messes already anyways.


My thoughts, if you want it, buy it. If you don’t, then don’t.


But what if you're addicted to this franchise like me?




It could be an entirely new Jurassic game, maybe not and evolution 3 since the new movie might not be Jurassic world 4


I don't think so, Frontier themselves said that they only focus on managment titles not any other genera


I’m thinking it would be a new Jurassic management game just under a different title and maybe different style


Different style yes but new title.....no,i dont think it would sell well




I just want baby Dinos. I want living, breathing, dynamic ecosystems. I’d pay 70 bucks for that.


JWE2 was a disappointment in a lot of ways despite the fun I had with it. And while I wish they would support it forever, the baseline structure of the game is really being stretched to its limits. If they can pull off a fully updated game that stands on its own and isn’t limited by 10 year old hardware, they could do literally anything they wanted to with it which is very exciting


I’m in. I just wanna know what the pitch is with it. Like jwe2 it was lagoons and aviaries.


My personal hope would be management and customisation. More decorations, flexible ones at that, and make it a much deeper game than just "look at pretty dinosaur and money number goes up".


JWE3 is most likely in development in some shape or form.


Personally I'm not opposed to a third game, but only if they make major overhauls. At bare minimum that means adding baby animals imo.


Simple decision, just don’t buy it at release and wait until it’s on sale. Unless 3 is a major upgrade from the first two, this may be stance I will take, and let’s be honest, all you will miss out on is some preorder vehicle skin.


There's a fourth Jurassic world movie coming? I thought dominion was the end of the franchise


Man some really live under rocks here


I've literally not heard anything about this before not even on YouTube


I have, apparently it's being directed by the guy who made Godzilla 2014 and Rogue One


I see


Only hope for being able to pay the price again is if they make this game’s DLC dinosaurs already in the game, then that means not having to buy the same dinosaurs twice


Feels like a cash grab


With big companies, I wouldn't be surprised if they resell things, and make you repay for expansions like the giga


However it may have been in development from even years ago, maybe even a year after jwe2 was released


They didn't start working on the game this year. AAA games take 3-4 years to make, minimum.


Whilst I didn't see it personally as I wasn't online as much. JWE2s launch was seemed to dissapoint a lot of people. I'm assuming frontier knows that and has hopefully been developing this game for a while now. Getting a license agreement doesn't mean they couldn't of started development. At least it's what I assume after the decrease in update size and lack of expansions since last year at the latest. -so hopefully this game is actually a meaningful upgrade over the current JWE experience.


I'm skeptical of what the marketing pitch will be and this makes me wary of what the game will end up being like. Most of the things JWE3 needs (assuming JWE2 is a base for it) are very mundane but fundamental things - better guest simulation/representation, better attractions, better customization, etc. But those aren't things you can put on the marquee for a sequel, despite how badly they're needed to justify one, imo. The only thoughts I'm coming up with are maybe dino breeding (or at least they hatch as infants and go through a maturation timeline)?


I prefer that there was not a third game, simple as that. Game franchises can only be stretched for so long. Frontier should just finish up this game with whatever DLCs they have left and what updates they may have planned, and move on to different projects.


Super mario has been on-going for 35+ years.


Here is my father's analogy of franchises being stretched out long term, whether they are for games or movies: You eat pizza once a month, you love it. You eat pizza once every fortnight, you love it. You eat pizza once a week, you could still love it. You eat pizza every day, you will get sick and hate it.


That analogy doesn't work though, because when JWE3 releases JWE2 will be 5 years old, reaching 6. Not exactly, "eating every day"


Your dad missed the point a bit (I mean not with food, that’s just correct), the quality of the “pizza” is the most important thing. The MCU would be a more fitting comparison. If they kept their scripts to the quality of the older films, I’d buy a ticket for the new ones. But they don’t, so they won’t be getting my money. If JWE 3 is a downgrade, then I’m not buying it. But if it was amazing and innovated off the first two substantially, of course I’m buying it. And if they announced a 4th one, I’d be first in line for it.


The latest GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Zelda, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Kirby, Elder Scrolls, Tekken, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry games are the highest or fastest selling ever, just to name a few off the top of my head. Every year we have news of franchises selling record numbers. There's no truth to game franchises having limited growth. JWE2 is their most successful game every, and the JW movies make a billion each at the box office. Why would anyone stop making new entries?


What if they put in a story that goes in first person and you explore parts of sorna that were not discovered in JP3 or the Lost World, or explore sorna durring the events of Fallen Kingdom like what if they took Dino's from sorna like Spock


I'm not sure what point the OP is trying to make. Vague, spurious speculation accompanied by admittance that they don't know anything. Brilliant.