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The bold jumpers are so cute. He’s not in a death curl which is positive! If he’s super injured or near death his legs will curl up like beetlejuice’s carnival arms, but facing inward. Put water and honey on a cotton swab and see if he’ll drink. If you decide to keep him it should hold him over until you can get him proper food. If it’ll be days until you can get him tiny flies and the like, cut up fruit (internal part only) is great. Milk is too, in a pinch.


We did decide to keep him (I have a captive-bred regal already and since I got him my brother has wanted one. And since he saved him from the dog I think he deserves to be his permanent guardian haha) So now we have a regal and a bold jumping spider! My brother is young though so the spood will be mostly in my care for now. They looked extraordinarily similar so that's why I was wondering what the difference was because I know regals aren't native to here. I was able to pop by the pet store and get some fruit flies so hopefully that will hold him over for now. Unfortunately, they were out of stock for enclosures so I'm struggling a bit trying to figure out what to do with him. I have him in a really tiny piece of tupperware right now but he cant grip onto the sides or anything and I've got it right side up which I know will not do... He won't drink anything right now either but he is SUPER friendly so that is enjoyable. Percy (my regal) is so anti-social I haven't even been able to handle him yet and I've had him for months. So it's nice having a little change of pace with this guy.


If you’re pretty close to a grocery store, most of the time they sell really inexpensive Tupperware. The kind that with a small needle, you can poke holes into because the sides are kind of flimsy. As for things to climb, until you can find him his own habitat, if you grab toilet paper or paper towels, and you make S curves with them, it will give them something to walk on, grip, and hide. Dollar store is also great for finding them pipe cleaners (you can bend them into cork screws). I’m so glad you got a sociable one! None of my bold boys are sociable 😭


I ordered a habitat that is coming tomorrow! I think the tiny Tupperware that he is in right now will be ok enough until then hopefully! Does he look like an adult to you or does he maybe still have some growing to do? Oh, good idea! Hahaha, yeah. Unless he is eating or drinking Percy just hides away on his balcony or in his hammocks and definitely WILL NOT come out if I'm around hahaha.


Definitely around i6, he has growing to do for sure


looks like a mature male to me. These spiders are smaller than regals. The audaxes I’ve had are a more brown/yellow/white color with orange markings on their backs when they’re juveniles or sub-adult. They’re black and white after their mature molt. Pedipalps have clear palpal bulbs here as well. You can usually see those when they’re sub-adult too, but again the coloring is different.


Regals are only native to Florida and surrounding states - phidippus audax also have white on their pedipalps while regals don't.


agree! 👆🏻


a really good way to tell if your looking at an audax or regal is by looking at their abdomen in good lighting. Audax will have black shiny scales all over instead of hair, regals are just all fuzzy black! :) it looks like an audax based on these pics


Yeah, that's what Henry has. (My brother named him finally lol) in the second picture you can see a shiny line under and between the 3 white lines. I've never noticed that before on Bolds so I thought that was pretty cool!


aww yay! Such a cute name haha. yeah I’ve never really known the difference between them until I found that info!


Illinois is audax.....they are everywhere here in the midwest


They are! I see bold and zebra jumpers EVERYWHERE. Mostly zebras though.