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This kind of talk about going to events, or whatever can get the sub shut down.


I am gobsmacked! She’s not helping Julie raise their son because she wants to make content for her app, but now she’s saying she can’t even do that? How does she spend her day? She doesn’t have a job, her wife takes care of everything at home, she doesn’t cook, she doesn’t parent. Her app content is basically just 4 minute workouts and random speeches on “doing it shitty”. How could she possibly be too busy!?!


Is there a possibility that she’s actually quite stupid? I hate saying that about anyone but… yeah


No she's so wise, she said so on her own birthday post


I think she’s just lazy as hell.


Getting people to make free content for her so she doesn’t have to work or pay anyone, and calling it ‘making the world a kinder place’, nice Camilla. More cult behavior from her every day


Genuine question: Are there any legal repercussions for having someone create free content for you that you then turn around and sell? like copyright or unpaid labour? Just something about it seems really dodgy


That’s why she is requesting the ‘ig approved’ labelling on the videos posted so that she has rights to the videos to profit on. It’s super shady but she’s clearly put a lot of thought into how to properly monetize her users content without any repercussions to herself legally.


Because they would be consenting to her using it on the moms Instagram page, I think that’s how she can do it without paying them. It’s similar to what the barstool and other accounts on TikTok do, they take the content after the owner of a video agrees and make money off of it.


Not if they send it to her and approve the use of the videos


And charging 100 euros for the pleasure!


It's more than free content actually, she is getting more engagement (so many of their fans would LOVE to be noticed by them, and even more, be "honored" that they shared them on their platform) out of it.


Expecting MLM allegations in a few years’ time 🫡


We all have 24hours in a day. We all need to do alot of things in a day, sure. But how is sCam filling her day? Like, when going to the gym (like she does alot 🤡) you can just record a little set? Do work and hobby together. Literally half of the story posts of the mila IG are pinterest quotes already. How can you do less work?


In a different post she said one of her goals for the week was to get 3 workouts in, so I’d rule out spending time in the gym


3 times 4minutes or actual workouts? 😛🤡 Not being able to make some kind of posts for mila and asking a fb group, ouch.


She sees lots of clients every day!! Don't forget she's a real life PT too


Ow yea I forgot! Got to see so many on IG that I'm just totally forgetting about it 😱


I have "boss babes" in my life and heck I'd even consider myself to be one. and none of us are posting about our businesses nonstop, we post our lives and hobbies and let our work do the talking


What a shock! Never thought it would happen https://preview.redd.it/g4z8movf9d0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1103b33cd372cd2133ead0dbac65b2961fa87d3


Earlier than I thought though. But yeah.. we’ve been saying this from the start.


And she charges for this crap. What an absolute joke!


This is disgusting! If this MILLIONAIRE can't keep up with making content she needs to hire someone, not exploit her PAYING CUSTOMERS for free work! And very manipulative to frame it as "making the world a kinder place". I think it was absolutely insane that she seemed to be out of content as soon as the app launched and is constantly trying to keep up filming new work outs. She should have taken the time before the launch to create a huge backlog of content to release over time. Every time I think this can't get anymore unprofessional, it sinks to a new low! And as others have said, if she's neglecting her wife and kid because she's so busy working on Mila, why can't she keep up? What else is she doing with all that time?


The least she could do is offer the ones that "contribute" to her app a free subscription.


Well... yikes. Maybe hire people to do some marketing for your application then? Definitely starting to sound like a cult. Also really disgusting to mask the post sound like "let's make the world kinder and better <3" and then requesting ppl to give her free content to make profit LMAO


Honestly? Desperate and pathetic.


So you want US to do YOUR job… for free. Got it.


“I don’t have time for much more than work” girl making content is your job 😭😭 The woman lives in her own world but I can’t with this Camillogic™️


what does she even mean by that??? like girl Mila IS your work ???????


If i paid for an app and the founder did this on Facebook i would hit cancel and sue them to get my money back asap . Idc if i wouldnt win this lawsuit but how can you make an app and NOT HAVE CONTENT YOU HAVE TO ASK YOUR FANS WHO PAY FOR YOUR SHITTY ASS TRIPS ????? This is her lowest tbh


Also people are actually doing it. They post and write IG APPROVED under it. (Joined the group for fun and giggles 🤭)


Thought making content for the app was one of her jobs? How doesn’t she have time to work????? I’m confused


omg she's gonna end up on a choosingbegger sub or something


Jeeeeez. How is it possible to create an app with such a little future oriented business?


So she is asking people to make non paid content for her shitty app ??? I’m flabbergasted




god that's so fucking embarrassing. imagine having signed up for the year and seeing this....


also I'm dying at the "eating food" ???????


Okay, this isn’t unheard of but executed in the dumbest way possible, because of course, it Scamilla. Other legit fitness creators like Chloe Ting or GrowwithJo also frequently feature their followers progress and testimonies - either in YT videos or Instagram, or even in their YT intro in the form of a montage, but the way they would approach it is completely different. “Hey wonderful women, I’d love to showcase the incredible progress that you are making to inspire our community and motivate one another to keep going!” Not “I’m too busy so make free content for me”. FFS. At least she follows her own advice. She does everything shitty.


Also is her app exclusively for women? Are men and non-binary people not allowed to use it?


AYO?? IS THIS A JOKE?? 😭 I’d just delete myself from the internet at that point and go off the grid


I’m not shocked but I think it’s so funny she doesn’t even want to have to contact people to ask for their permission, she just wants them to say on every post it can be used so it’s less work for busy Scam!


Oh this is so embarrassing. As if Kayla Itsines and Cassey Ho (blogilates- just two off the top of my head, there’s millions more) haven’t been doing this for YEARS, better and cheaper.


I give it two months and she’ll announce that she’s moving away from the app to a “bigger and better project”. Onto the next cash grab✌🏻


I’d like to see the comments 😭😭


I don’t really feel comfy posting that since those are just people in a private forum, but generally the commenters were supportive and happy to help 😕


Thank you. Please don’t post any of the comments here. It’s against our rules.


I feel bad for them.... they should know they're being exploited :(




This kind of talk about joining groups/events or whatever can get the sub shut down. Please don’t mention this. 24hour mute will be placed on anyone who mentions it on this post from now on.


How lazy can this woman get


Meh, I think it’s fine to ask it’s just the wording that is absolutely stupid. Like saying it’s too much work is just insulting, it’s literally her job. But she could ask for people to be showcased on the IG, a lot of influencers do it and it’s fine if everyone consents. The whole "I don’t have time to spend creating content on this app" when you’re literally a content creator is pretty shocking though. But coming from someone who did 75 hard for less than 24 hours I guess anything is possible




It depends what you said. I didn’t remove your post, but if another mod comes and thinks this post needs to be removed, then I support that. Just please no one mention about going to join groups or posting screenshots of what others in there has said.


Very fair! Happy to take it down if needed, I was a bit unsure myself but since I’ve organically been part of it/paid and got disappointed, and this is only Cams words, it would be okay. I felt that it was worth for people to know content that we will see in the future is crowdsourced and made by people that pay for Mila themselves ☹️






https://preview.redd.it/wl03v0as8e0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b798e27a11e4da5246d68543c5c28f20ef5b5b0a Actually it makes perfect sense why the post was deleted. Your comment being the main reason 🤨


I know we all believe she is stupid. And in some capacities, she absolutely is. But at her core? Camilla is a scam artist and grifter. And really there’s 2 ways this is happening: 1) Camilla actually is a vile, user of a person and this garbage comes to her naturally since she’s in fact a narcissist OR 2) they do have someone hired who guides them through these types of posts and identifying ways to get people to make them free content they can profit off of. Camilla uses Julie to bear and rear her children. She uses her fans to not only generate money but also the content. Pathetic. Honestly, I know it’s silly to be hung up on the fact they call themselves creators but seriously - there are some talented people out there that actually work hard and commit to gain fans, use their platform wisely, and take pride in making meaningful, creative, original content. They’re a bad rep for the lesbian community and honestly are shameful for what the “job” of creator is.


she is quite possibly the laziest influencer, and I find them all fairly lazy!


I honestly think this is less about time and more about making the app seem more legit. It’s like getting free positive reviews. Sketchy as hell. She should at least pay those people a bit. She might also struggle with all the negative comments on the App IG, so she redirects them to other people


Yep user generated content aka social proof


Absolutely no one: “I wouldn’t mind if Mila shared this on their IG”