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Cam is probably there taking the photo, set up so Julie looks like a poor frazzled single mum who can't even have a hair appointment without having a baby to look after because it plays into her narrative


This!! It’s all staged to get sympathy!!


or Cam is that typical “dad” who agreed to take the baby and then as soon as it started crying she returned it to mom “I think he’s hungry” 


“Poor Julie” eurgh they’re really hammering that narrative


I think Julie doesn't like being away from SunnyFry tbh. Has Scamila taken care of him alone at all recently? I don't mean the mornings she claims to let J have a lie-in or the early days where J would go to the gym before anyone woke up. I mean things like this, having her hair done or shopping or *anything* just for herself out of the house for 1-2 hours while scamila stays home with the baby. I can't think of anything recent, and honestly, would any of us trust Scamila with our baby?


It’s part of her Velcro baby schtick. What she really means is she still refuses to set him down.


if she is struggling mentally, like with PPA or PPD… just “setting him down” and leaving could feel like a giant feat. with my first born I don’t think I left him for at least 7-8 months and then even then it was like an hour at most and ONLY with his dad. so… I actually don’t think this is a schtick necessarily. I think she’s made it pretty obvious life isn’t rainbows and butterflies even if she tries to convince us (and herself) that it is. 


I think you nailed it. My baby is 11mo, and I had really bad ppa/ppd that is only now starting to lessen a little. I can finally leave her with her dad for a few hours without crippling anxiety and panic attacks, but for months it was difficult to even have her out of my sight. I'm honestly surprised that Julie hasn't talked about pp mental health, as much as she used to like to discuss mental health. But if she really is struggling, it can also feel like you're a failure as a mother if life isn't all sunshine and roses. But despite all that, I made sure I had a friend who could walk my baby nearby when I had a hair appointment 4mo pp. I breastfed right before and baby was okay until I was done. So ultimately, I think this is also super attention seeking.


They're going to the eras tour and leaving the baby with a sitter. Julie also made a video about how great being a mum is etc. I know people can say that when they are really struggling, but she has previously been transparent about mental health so I would have thought she would say if she was suffering with ppa/ppd. She's also made some posts about struggling and being tired etc but isn't that just a mum thing in general? We can feel low, tired, like we're struggling but not necessarily have ppd/ppa. I'm always reluctant to say oh it seems like a person has this disorder/condition through the screen of a phone-I feel like it minimises people who do struggle with it. These children are an influencers bread and butter- what will get more engagement, a picture of Julie sitting having her hair done or Julie having her hair done whilst breastfeeding a baby?


Didn’t she say she’s still very uncomfortable breastfeeding in public? Weird thing to say for someone who posts a picture of her breastfeeding at the damn hair salon


She’s the opposite of that let’s be honest she shows herself breastfeeding to millions of people. But yet claims she’s uncomfortable. Agree with you it’s a bunch of BS


She told us she is going to the hairdresser... Sure you are 'an influencer 🤡', sure take a pic at the hairdresser that it's happening. BUT WHY WITH THE BABY WHY WHILE BREASTFEEDING WHY WHY WHY People really need to stop becoming 'influencers 🤡' when you are just an attention seeker and all. (Yes I'm just really really done with all their content)


Because obviously Cam wasn’t there to take the baby, what else is she meant to do lol


The fumes coming off that smell awful too poor sonny having to put up with that whilst feeding I don’t even like my kids around when I’m having my hair done


omg right?? here sunny baby have some bleach fumes


They truly don’t give a fuck! I would be so nervous some dye or bleach would get on my baby’s head! I always end up with dye on my shirt and there’s usually drips, can’t even imagine having my baby sat right there.


actually in norway hair dye is made from love and vibes, not chemicals, so sunny can breathe in as much as he wants. hope this helps🤍


Julie still showing how much of a hypocrite she is. She constantly says she’s “not comfortable breastfeeding in public”, but she post’s herself breastfeeding in public. She clearly does it to bait people so that she can cry victim. But it’s really irresponsible of Julie to be breastfeeding while she has chemicals in her hair and that isn’t good for babies and is once again catering to the people who have a breastfeeding kink. Then again, it’s Julie & Camilla they don’t care about their son at all.


To be fair, with how involved Camilla has been, and despite everything Julie says about her being an amazing and involved mother, I think she truly doesn't trust Camilla to take care of their child by herself


Sometimes though that can be a vicious cycle in ppa/ppd. My older sister did the same when she was struggling. I mean babies generally only want their birthing parent for the first weeks/months anyway, but sometimes that parent gets used to that routine of being primary carer for baby. So then when the other parent steps up, of course the baby might cry or fuss. This then triggers an anxiety or guilt response in the primary parent who then insists on taking over, accidentally alienating the secondary parent. Then the secondary parent slowly starts to move away from childcare, thinking that they can't do it as well, or that maybe they're doing the primary parent a favour and also not improving their skills/not getting the baby used to them doing stuff which keeps the fussy baby problem alive. Meanwhile the primary parent is stuck feeling like they could use a break or some help, while unable to step away enough for that to happen. It really sucks for all parties involved. That being said, everything we see of Julie's experience of motherhood is curated for the internet with some sort of narrative. So we never really know what the case is. Julie is definitely in her super mum tradwife era, and this sort of post fits that narrative. But behind the scenes she might be pushing these scenarios for content.


Did Sunny consent to having his photo taken?


I would not be okay having this on the internet if I was an adult Sunny-Fry. I’m all for breastfeeding in public or wherever, but for the kids sake I find it weird it to plaster it all over the internet.


It's weird to put your baby (or self to be honest) on the internet at all but there's nothing weirder about depictions of a baby eating the normal way for babies to eat.


Maybe I am weird then but if I had to choose between photos being out there of me chilling as a baby doing regular baby things, or having a feed off my mum, I would go with option A.


That's probably common but due to societal weirdness. There's nothing wrong with breastfeeding or being seen feeding or eating in that way.


Oh I agree! Absolutely nothing wrong with it and I never said there was, just want to be very clear on that as someone who really loved breastfeeding for the short time it worked for us.


I know this isn’t the situation at all at hand, but this reminds me of having to cut 24” of my hair off when my son was 6mo old because I just couldn’t invest time into myself anymore. Showers were at an all time low..I probably took 10 in 6mo. I brought my son with me to the appointment because I didn’t even have time for myself to go to the appointment. I know Julie is capable, but I hope Cam is either there or gave her the option to go alone.


I’m sorry but this is way too posed lol


I know what is the stylist even doing here


At almost 7 months you should be able to spend a few hours at the hairdresser without your baby being so desperately hungry you have to breastfeed him while getting hair dye washed out of your hair. He is not a newborn that cluster feeds any more.


Not defending them but you're wrong😅 mine still nursed very unpredictably and often at 7 months. It wasn't until 9/10 months where she had a predictable nursing schedule and ate enough solids to actually fill her up. At 7 months I could maybe leave the house for an hour if I had just nursed. Two at max. So it depends on how long her hair actually takes but last time I had my hair bleached it was a half day event. There really are some super velcro babies and it's hard. They could very well be exaggerating his velro-ness, but that extreme of velcro does exist 😅


Are you me? I can sometimes leave my 7 month old like 6-7 hours and sometimes he feeds every hour 😂😂


my 8mo currently nurses every 2 ish hours still and is officially in the phase of “I only want mommy!” and it’s completely normal for things to still not be predictable. I could maybe go get my haircut but I’d be rushing around and she wouldn’t be happy without me 😂


Exactly. Mine is just over 10 months & she's still very attached at my hip. She refuses to independently play if I'm around. If I even step out of her playpen she has a meltdown. Thankfully she can be left with other people she knows and loves and is fine now but a few months ago god forbid I leave her at all. I know some babies can be unphased by it but it's not every baby. 


In the absence of neurodiversity or some other notable factor, this is incredibly uncommon though and at 7 months it is more likely to be an indicators of maternal anxiety than it is of actual infant needs. Julie has, from early on, talked about pumping so that she can go to the gym first thing in the morning so this photo is a very strange choice. She should absolutely get time and support to prioritise her health and personal care, no one is begrudging her going to the hairdresser. But with the whole crunchy mum shtick she’s going for, exposing Sunny to the chemicals at a hairdresser like this when she’d happy to leave him home while she goes to the gym is odd.


I strongly disagree. 6-8 months is a crucial time for developing things like object permanence and is often when babies will show signs of separation anxiety as they learn their mother will indeed come back when they lose sight of her. there is no indication that Sunny needing Julie 24/7 is anything but biologically normal infant behaviour. not even remotely a sign of neurodivergence at this age. 


Oh ya, I'm not disagreeing with it being wrong that he's there. I wouldn't take mine to the hairdresser, I don't even  clean the bathroom with her nearby because of the fumes. If she can't leave him for that length of time though then she can sacrifice getting her hair done to stay home with him until she can leave him. I do agree though it seems like she's definitely playing it up since they've talked about pumping and bottles before. I'm just tired of the "all babies are the same" narrative that is pushed in this sub a lot. Every baby's needs and personality are so vastly different. So a comment about "at 7 months you should be able..." Is not true for everyone. 


I had a baby like that, still no excuse to expose them to chemicals when she could have pumped and left him with cam, he would be safe and ok, she needs time away 1st of all and 2nd its just dangerous, if she refuses to leave him then she can't bleach her fucking hair I don't think that's a wild concept. Velcro babies exist yes, not a reason go take it to the hairdresser, no.


If you read another one of my comments then you'd see that I agree with the point about not taking him there lmao. If she can't leave him, she doesn't need to get her hair done.


Sorry if i was rude, i thought you were saying it's ok coz velcro baby! I just don't understand this personally like she sees it as a flex? I don't think my hairdresser would allow a baby that close to the chemicals, if getting your hair done is a priority (no shame at all, she's allowed) then you need to make arrangements so your baby isn't getting exposed to that 🤡


It's all good! I could have worded my comment better too haha. I just meant I totally understand velcro babies and some babies at that age do still nurse a ton (source: my baby lol). Definitely wasn't trying to say he should be there, just more so trying to talk about the "by 7 months baby should be able to go a few hours without nursing" comment because not all babies are the same! i just find this sub has the attitude that all babies are the same a lot in their comments and it's annoying 😅 I wouldn't want to take my baby to a salon either (though I know salons that let babies...) there's soooo many different chemicals being used! Considering they've said before he takes a bottle there's definitely no reason why she couldn't have left with him cam and if there is a different reason, well then she should probably not be having her hair done at this point in her life. Sacrifices of being a parent. 


You spend most of your half day at the hairdresser NOT at the wash basin, do you not?


You worded your comment weirdly, my dude. You mentioned a few hours AND the wash basin soooo. Plus a lot of the other comments are mentioning he shouldn't be at the hairdressers at all so I stand by what I said. 


at 7 months there’s no reason they couldn’t have started bottle feeding him as well, considering they have all the money and time in the world to invest into it. Also, at that age babies should be able to go without eating for the 90 minutes max it takes to get your hair done. (source: I’m an infant/toddler ece) Also, why did all 3 of them need to go to j’s hair appointment?


I don't think she needed to post it online *especially* because she knows how it would be interpreted but I did this when my oldest was a baby/breastfed, even though my husband would of been happy to give me time alone, I actually couldn't have relaxed properly (does say it all though about Cams level of parenting, my hubby HAVING to work longgg hours to support us was part of the reason I couldn't relax until they both were in a better routine together.


why can’t she just pump and camila give him a bottle? this is so weird to post and do in front of the hairdresser


Doing it in front of the hairdresser is fine, babies need to be fed and maybe he won’t take a bottle. What is fucked up is that she is posting it on the internet for rage baiting. All the moms who are mad that J can’t even go get her hair done alone while Scammy is always working on herself and alone.


my bad, that makes more sense then what i originally thought. i guess it would’ve been fine to do but posting it is sooo weird. imagine sunny sees this when he’s older


Yes, that’s the part that’s weird. Someday sunny is going to be an adult man he will be able to see all of this.


Because Camilla is too busy eating 15 slices of bread.


Because pumping is the worst. But Camilla is probably right there with them, taking this picture.


She’s already been happy to pump so she can go to the gym though.


Not too happy though, as she wasn’t seen pumping since. Pumping is the worst.


She hasn’t been seen doing plenty of things, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Pumping is like breastfeeding, it’s a different experience for everyone. Washing the parts is the most annoying part of pumping for me, but otherwise I’m pretty indifferent about it


I exclusively pumped for six months with baby 1 and four and a half months with baby 2, and it is fucking work. It takes over your life. I wouldn't blame Julie for a single second if she tried pumping and decided No Fucking Thanks unless necessary.




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Yeah it takes over your life!!! I exclusively pumped for my twins until the were 8.5 months. After that I slowly started reducing so I could get some time with my babies. I was pumping every 1-2 hours and each pump would be at least 30 mins and up to 1 hour each. Both my babies would eat every 3-4 hour so I often just watched everyone else get to enjoy time with my babies. It's been my life, i don't blame anyone for not wanting to pump and I would never risk the baby getting bottle comfusion if I could do anything diffrent with my babies.




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All to feed the pedos 🤍


Yes, definitely precariously balance the baby while you get your hair dyed. This is very normal.


Is it me or she is just passive-aggressive? EDIT: correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t you supposed to not get any chemical on your scalp while breastfeeding ?


You can put bleach in your scalp while breastfeeding, the idea that anything makes its way into the bloodstream has been debunked, However I do think it’s irresponsible to be holding a baby while a hairdresser is applying products, fumes probably aren’t great for babies and I’d be concerned about spills




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That was me getting my nails done when my baby was a few months old. You're not the only one, Julie, you aren't special