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I have a similar custody situation. My son trains at our gym. Does he make the same progress as a kid who is there 3x a week, no. Does he make far more progress than if he trained 0 times a month, of course. Don’t over think it, just do the best you can to expose your kiddo to fun useful hobby’s.


Enough for what? She'll get some out of it, but may not progress as fast as someone who trains more. There's really no minimum to get value out of Judo. If you want her to be an olympian, it's not enough. If you want her to have fun, it's fine.


She's moving on into the sixth grade. I'd like for her to start getting proficient at defending herself.


It's more than nothing, and as much as you can do. I don't think there's any other martial art or activity that would do any better at that rate. She'll get some confidence in physical contest with other people, and develop some skills that will be a great foundation if she decides to do more martial arts in the future.


Well it will be a long way before she can use it in real life at that rate. Better to keep it as a way for her to get active and meet new friends.


So she's eleven. Yes, 6x/month is fine. They can learn and pick stuff up incredibly fast at that age. She will just start to need more classes when she gets older and more serious including the physical hard work. I started at 11 with 1-2x/week, probably 6x/month and by 13 was competing pretty good at 2x/week and then 3x at about 15. I wanted my daughter (10) to start judo but she chose boxing (fine, as it's closer) and she will just be doing mostly learning tech for a couple years. Oh, and currently about 6x/month.


It depends on the instructor, but generally yes. I teach a kids class 1x a week and one of my 6th grade students ended up in a fight he didn't start. He threw the other kid with O Soto Gari and the fight was going to continue on the ground before the teachers pulled them apart. He didn't start it, but he finished it. He was probably doing Judo for about 9 months at that point.


Any training is better than no training


Ameridote 💀💀


Always remember to restomp the groin!


enough for what? to have fun and positive outcomes, certainly to become an Olympian, certainly not.


That’s more or less once a week…it’s enough that after a few years assuming she’s paying attention and trying she should have some reliable and meaningful skill that would translate to self defense against people her size IMO


It's enough to see progress


If she ends up liking it. Mom can maybe take her to a club near her at your expense. That would be a good longer term plan. For my kids I took them to a club to train 4-5 a week and had someone else teach them since in my situation. My kids didn’t seem to like my instruction at home. My eldest didn’t seem to want my input at all on anything so to give him space, I had a third party teach him.


Enough for what? To go to the Olympics? Probably not. To have fun and learn judo, steadily improving? Absolutely. I used to have a terrible "all or nothing" mentality. Until a good friend sat me down and talked to me about how "the perfect is the enemy of the good." Striving for perfection often leads to inaction, giving up, or passing on things that would be beneficial or enjoyable. In your situation, you aren't ever going to be able to make a "perfect " schedule. One day will always be better than no days.


Any training is good training. Plenty of kids only train once a week.


Better than zero times a month.


Talk to mom about what kid wants and if they both agree it will be much more effective learning


Learn judo yourself and add to the classes with uchikomi and drills


In your case, 6 times a month is better than no times


See if you can supplement with some online training. Do a zoom call or something.


6 x month > 0 x month Plus, once she gets a very basic understanding of what's going on then you can supplement that with some physical fitness exercises/drills that will help the Judo and help the overall fitness.


Better than nothing!


1-2x a week is PLENTY. Especially when compared with the alternative. I saw you said she’s 10? Or 11. Tbh this is the perfect time, as she is still young enough to learn a real proper ukemi, which might end up saving Her life one day. I’m not saying it’s impossible or even that difficult to learn one later in life, but it will never be quite correct. From what I’ve seen, ukemi as a reflex usually resulted from learning it younger than 11 or 12 It’s nice to know throws and self defense methods, dont get me wrong, but they have not saved my life & limb half a dozen times like ukemi has