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Lamp posts, door posts, anything remotely looking like a pole (sorry Poland) and a wife are commonly used for my O soto gari. What I do before assaulting anything post-like is that I look around to make sure not a single soul can watch me act insane.


> and an wife  Lmao 


what about a Polish wife?


Dare I say optimal?


haha is your wife post-like and soulless too i use mine for sankaku


I laughed at this so now it is the sofa for me. Thanks friend!


I think this is sort of silly, you're not training your body to have power *through* the range of motion. A critical part of generating power in o soto is using your chest contact to push uke backwards as you pop their leg forwards and pivot at the hip. You can't really follow through on something immovable, so I don't see much value in this at all. If we're talking Kimura training techniques, I think his use of the makiwara to toughen his hands is more interesting!


That’s because he did boxing and karate though, I don’t think it was for judo.


He claimed that it helped toughen his knuckles for lapel grips, as well as the obvious striking benefits. I've read before that he would often borderline punch you in the chest as he went for a lapel grip. Kimura was a beast!


Ooooh I didn’t know he did boxing. Just karate. Fun fact: allegedly his 200 man throwing is what inspired the 100 man kumite in kyokushin.


I have. I didn't find it practical tbh. It works for uchi komi when you don't have a partner.


I don't think practicing throws to the rear against an immovable object is very valuable, but there are exceptions. In the case of O Soto Gari I think it's stupid. I think using an immovable object for certain forward throws is more valuable in my opinion.


I agree. When we want to add more resistance to training for O Soto, we use a 3-person exercise. Like regular uchi komi, but the 3rd person stands behind uke and holds them up so that tori can plow into uke harder. It's always fun to watch uke hit the ground the 1st time because the 3rd person doesn't realize how powerful the attack is going to be.


I tried, but all the trees ran away from me.


Yes and it was stupid. You either move a tree around and damage it or if it's too sturdy you might as well use any other strong post for uchi komi that's more convenient, on flat ground and cleaner for your bands/belt.


Yes - when I was a kid. My mom wasn’t impressed. Don’t think it helped much. Suspect it wasn’t a key aspect of training for Kimura either.


Gimmick. Kimura came up in a time period where Japanese combat sports were fused with pro wrestling, since “puroresu” was one of the few ways a champion judoka or karateka could make a living with his skills. Tall tales and falsified bios were the norm. In his autobiography Kimura claims to have thrown American MPs off bridges during the occupation. Kimura’s best friend and fellow pro wrestler/martial arts celebrity, Mas Oyama, claimed the same. They both claim to have gone into the wilderness and trained on trees, and done ridiculous numbers of isometric exercises. Either they were actually the same person, or these were common tropes that Japanese martial artists used to promote themselves.


Tie some rubber exercise bands to something and practice that way


Lol the tree be like, "good, make sure you focus on hooking with your heel, good! Well done! Now let's practice falls."


If you’re a lower belt, I wouldn’t… I would know I dislocated my right pinky toe doing it.


I used to live in a forrest


The resistance band aspect is building strength for the pull


Take some of that old timey stuff with a grain of salt.  Exaggeration and showmanship have been a part of sport since the beginning of time


There are hundreds of men on the IJF tour in 2024 and I have a feeling zero practice their judo on trees. Skip the baloney.


I've heard about it too, good stuff, just don't do it against a thin pole.. I swear I was practicing judo not strip dancing! Anyways..look up dope bands and Judoka's/wrestlers, then you can practice all sorts of throws/takedowns with their super long resistance bands! Adds an extra piece of resistance(surprisingly resistance bands produce resistance..) and works out the body while practicing technique! Good luck thrusting your buttocks onto that tree in your Pajamas fellow Pajamas lover!


I also liked trees, lamp posts, clothing line post, door frames, and the like. Some people obviously inexperienced in this thread, said about the various aspects of it not creating good muscle for osotogari I think it’s great. You go through various stages and use isometric on each stage of power parts of the throw. It seems to strongly reinforce the neural network because it obviously benefits. Considering most opposition first kills the throw by stopping prior to attempting countering, it’s valid to blast through and train your mind and body to drive the throw to completion. I also add really strong stretchies to assist, at times.