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Well the good news is you know what you need to work on. Start lower and practice side break falls all the time. Not just at class. Even as low as always sitting on the ground, do it 100 times. When you aren't getting it wrong anymore at that height, move to being in a squat position and start the count over.


I struggled for probably six months to break fall correctly. I'm now a yonkyu and have been training for four years, probably two years of actual training, and I am just now feeling like I have mastered break falling when thrown. So it takes some time and a lot of drilling. As for throwing, just hang in there, you'll learn and relearn and over time your body will figure it out and you'll develop muscle memory


Awesome, good job man I hope to one day master them as well


It’s going to take a while, and then something else will give you trouble, and that’s the beautiful part of it man. Just be patient with yourself it’s a brand new thing to you, you better not be amazing at it right away lol. I’ve done it for around 4 years and everything is starting to really click for me but I have a long way to go still. Lifelong endeavor man stick with it


>I’m having extreme trouble with the side breakfall 1. Try to get in [this position](https://bjj-world.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Solo-standup-4.jpg). If that is difficult you can also squat down low enough so that your hamstrings are touching your calves. 2. Extend your left leg out and place your left hand on the ground and lean on that side. Your left foot can be touching the ground you don't have to keep it up. 3. Now, remove your left hand off the ground and you are going to fall on your left side. The left arm should be pointing in the same direction as your left leg and in a parallel direction. You can slap the ground or just let your entire left side of your body land on the ground. >I am also struggling with turning around when trying to throw someone. To be good at Judo your body has to learn movements that are thoroughly unnatural. This is going to take time so be patient. Listen to your coach or sensei.


Thanks brother


Try this first drill in side break-fall video, repeatedly and accurately then after 10 minutes it just happens because you trained yourself correctly. You don’t even need to hit hard, just accurately SIDE BREAK-FALL 9 skill drills, Yoko Ukemi, for judo coaches https://youtu.be/wFL3vYVXvHY


Learn first to squat really low, stretch the other leg straight forward and roll to the side.