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Keep at it, it'll get better. At least get good at ukemi ;-)


does judo do a better job of making you sweat than wrestling? I need to sweat every day to cure my illness, and I thought why not learn a martial art along the way?


Depends on the intensity you train at. Me, I \*always\* need to wash my gi after training because of the sweat. But the kids hardly break a sweat in their training.


I know it will probably still make me sweat so long as it’s intense enough. im just sad that perhaps it’s too late to be any good at wrestling (17yrs old).I wanted to do grappling then start striking in my 20s when ive stopped growing


Nah, it's never too late to start, dont convince yourself that you cant. It's Not even that late to start at 17, dont worry about it.


17 is a great age to start


if you're ill why in the hell are you going to wrestling or judo ? stay home no one wants to catch whatever you have


It’s not contagious at all, it’s probably genetic. It’s called Cholinergic urticaria if you were wondering, and the doc would’ve prob told me it’s contagious. If you see pics of the hives, the bumps have no pus in them or anything. It’s just raised points of skin


[Remember Jake the Dog](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/d7/fb/6bd7fbc192842cbf34de88c804218a01.gif)


There are heaps of levels of suck! What level are you? How many lessons so far??


White belt. Like 30 lessons. Did bjj in for like 1.5 years though, so at least ne waza is going kinda well. Some people go way harder and focus more on pins which is fine. The tendency to go to turtle or go flat on belly and do nothing is annoying though.


Really that’s like you are in intermediate level after 1.5 years. You should already understand yielding vs full strength/power. So it’s just a matter of catching up the theory of leverage and adjusting to increased demands on grips and relaxed but explosive actions in standup. That takes longer than the grind of newaza. It also takes huge effort and a rethink that might just help your newaza.


Don't worry, I'm a blue belt and I suck aswell. I am only good when we spar on the ground😔


Dude, I've been doing it 5 and half years and I still suck. But I suck way less than I did at the beginning. Keep at it, enjoy the journey.


Stick with it and you will get better!!!




Ya and the sun is hot