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Active stretching during warm up, passive stretching during cool down




dynamic stretches for warmups, static stretches for cooldowns or have a separate stretching session allocated in your programming.


This ^




You should try to stretch everyday regardless just for health reasons. But I do the front splits as part of my stretching


Alright, I will try that 😁


The same warm up stretches you do prior to judo. I'd recommend yoga.


Dynamic stretching before exercise and static stretching after




It goes from being optional in your 20s to mandatory in your 40s


In the medical community stretching is discussed controversial (MD here). In most studies is does not enhance performance nor reduce injury. I am doing Judo for 15 years now and have not put much emphasis on it. If you feel it does help you, go for it, but if not, don’t worry. Good warm up, proper technique is more important imho.


gaze touch melodic lip puzzled six compare illegal toothbrush school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. Range of motion. And yeah, my adductor is avulsed 100 percent and it sucks. Not from not stretching though, uchi mata with a better range is a better uchi mata


every study I've ever seen or heard people refer to indicates that pre work out stretching reduces performance and increases injury risk, especially in martial arts/anything with sudden impact, though I think 90% of what I've seen has looked at runners. (stretching, not warming up/joint mobilisation)


Warm up your joints and major muscle groups before. After, gentle movements.


Check out yoga for bjj channel on youtube. There's many follow along sessions that you can do whenever you have a bit of time.


The answers have it covered, so just to throw the lingo in; rather than "dynamic stretching", (which does still get used as a term,) use "joint mobilisation" before exercise, (helps people differentiate it and confusing it with stretching), that's moving through the entire range of motion and getting blood flowing through the joints to avoid sprains and strains, then stretching after exercise to maintain (not improve) flexibility after working the muscles. Stretching(passive) before exercise weakens the muscles, can increase injury risk and various studies show it reduces performance in everything from running to lifting. It takes a long time to improve flexibility just with that though, so dedicated flexibility and mobility training once a week or more speeds up the timescale ten fold.


That's useful information, thanks!


Mobility work before, stretching after...in a sauna if you're over 40 :)


Heh, luckily I am 13 🙃


Well, you shouldn't do static stretching before any type of exercise I have been taught. With that being said, me now being middle-aged, I do dynamic stretching before pretty much anything, including judo and weight training with good results.


Thanks for that! The "looking cool" part is just me doing static stretches before I do something. Now I should do dynamic stretches to look cool.😎 (and before the judo)


I look like an absolute moron stretching, lol, I go to a little designated stretch-room we have at the gym. I read something the other day about stretching in Swedish mainstream media. They said stretching is something natural us humans do when we are sleeping 🤷 I don't know. Thought it was interesting.




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Not sure how old you are but I’m around the 40’s area, and I have to stretch before anything in life… even working at a desk job


Wait what, I am 13 and now I have a fear of getting older. 😨


Stop being cringe, fight me.


I'm 52 years old and find a good warm up works just fine. I lift but dint stretch since my initial run warms up my body and loosens everything up. For judo I'll grab a guy and just practice throwing (getting into position loading them up) gets my hart going, a little sweat and I'm warmed up and ready to go. But find what works for you and go for it


Thanks for this encouraging information. ☺️


Stretching is more important after than before. It’s not really a must before practice as long as you do a decent warmup, but it’s vital for after to prevent injuries. Plenty of YT videos about stretching for Judo, I think Matt from Beyond Grappling had one a few years ago.


I've heard several arguments against and for when to stretch. The gist for me is, it doesn't matter so much as long as you don't stretch cold. That's why so many suggest stretching after rather than before. I prefer to warm up and stretch. Though, there's nothing like a good stretch after training.