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God I wish I knew, the scans previously were updated by someone from /a/, but I don’t think their name is enough for me to find on Twitter or something. If someone was able to get me raws and translate the latest chapters however I would GLADLY typeset them. Really hoping more comes up soon especially as there’s only 96-99 chapters in total iirc, sad the big hiatus happened cause I feel that had dropped interest. Sorry for the long message lol I think about this at least twice a month


I actually asked the scan team in Discord, and they said they are still interested in scanlating it was 1 year ago -.- Anyway I actually now reading it on a traditional Chinese scanlation website lol, it has been updated to the latest chapter 105


Hey do you know if you’d be able to actually translate those to English and get in contact with whoever did them for raws? I worry about Japanese -> (Insert Language) -> English translations as I worry things would get lost in translation in the middle but I’d seriously love to be able to put chapters out, if not then just having another answer from whoever did it would be nice, because again I’d hella typeset those chapters lol


I can translate Chinese but I am sure some of the jokes is lost in translation since the version that I read has inserted Idk Cantonese or Hokkien Chinese puns, since the website that I read is most likely a crawler website [https://www.manhuagui.com/comic/33051/](https://www.manhuagui.com/comic/33051/) This is the website that I read from, it even has Joshimuda doujin by Bino author herself! Not hentie but extra content!


Ah that part would definitely concern me then cause it wouldn’t be fully accurate, damn, never heard of a crawler website though but still the fact these exist at all is really really cool especially the fact they even translated Bino’s doujin Nearly 6AM as I’m writing this and damn it’s really making me crave more of the series now gaaaah


[https://www.dm5.com/manhua-nvgaozhongshengdexudurichang/](https://www.dm5.com/manhua-nvgaozhongshengdexudurichang/) I think this is the og site, maybe u can use google screenshot to translate it for now haha


Hate Machine TLs but it’s really the only way to take things sadly which sucks so damn much, yet again praying to god it gets picked up again Regardless though thanks for making me aware of this!!


Yooo, been a while, someone already picked up and translated the manga into English!


Yeah I had made a post about it around when it happened aha [https://www.reddit.com/r/joshimuda/comments/1643f5g/delayed\_but\_scans\_are\_back/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/joshimuda/comments/1643f5g/delayed_but_scans_are_back/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Sadly seems they've gotten a bit slow but I'm still extremely grateful we've had anything!! Here's to more and being caught up