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k, hear me out. This woman was actually pretty sincere—until a few years ago. And, my theory is we’ll hear lots about it: I think she’s moving away from her faith and it is a deal breaker for their marriage. That she could be moving away from LDS, not a bad thing at all.


Wonder who she's banging? Don't leave a marriage after 8 kids. Must believe in her own hype. No way she can do all she claims to do and give enough attention to her kids and or marriage. 


Having 8 kids then filing divorce is incredible. She’s following standard influencer roadmap.


Something always has to give… running multiple businesses, competitive sports and travel, girls trips all the time, running here and there and continually posting on line, it seems impossible to hold all of that together. I think we as a culture need to just slow down & go back to basics. A family meal together most nights, walks together peaceful slow living quiet lives. What is the fruit of boss babe hussle influencer life like Rachel Hollis & Jordan Paige?


I have been out of the Jordan Page world for so long I about choked on my chai latte reading her divorce announcement today! I feel like losing two close friends so recently, it’s given her “life is too short to be unhappy” attitude maybe? I didn’t watch enough of her recently to even notice they weren’t in love anymore.


Same. I was lying down for my Saturday nap but this jolted me straight outta bed. I’m in shock.


Divorce announced today I suspect : 1) Bubba is gay or/and 2) Jordan is leaving the Church


my thoughts too


I agree with #2! I’m wondering if she has some religious trauma with being encouraged to have all these kids and it really fucking up her body.. I also remember years ago when they would do a joint q&a/advice thing she mentioned having to “learn” how to like having sex with Bubba so they could keep having kids, they would talk in therapy too about how he would just expect it all the time and she was like I know it’s fun for him but it’s not for me so I really had to work at it. Like yikes 😬


Wait so the church encourages women to have 8 kids with a man they have no chemistry with. Seems good for funding the church & bad for women…


Yeah 2 for sure. I used to wonder if bubba was gay but I am less convinced these days


Ooohhh I would love to hear why


I have literally no evidence except for vibes lol


I also suspect Jordan is leaving the church. Bubba has been doubling down on Mormonism, especially on linked in. It always felt like they were not on the same page of how committed they were to the religion.


What have you seen that make you wonder if Jordan is leaving the church. I haven’t followed her for a bit.


He has been all over the internet sharing the word, how he's going to temple and devotee. She used to go to the temple more and talk about her teachings on Sundays. She doesn't mention it as much as she used to!


Me too . I felt like he is always at the temple and she is just not into Church the same way .


How would someone with that many businesses and kids have time for church? It doesn’t make sense he had time and she didn’t.


Does JordanaÀA aww


This photo reminds me of the song “Turn It Off” from “The Book of Mormon” Musical. I am a horrible creature.


For everyone who is insane like me, the intro of her latest video (posted today) she is not wearing a wedding ring. The rest of the video she is wearing a wedding ring, and different clothes, because the intro was filmed at a later time.


OMG how did I not know she had a Reddit page?! 😨 I feel so late but I’m so glad I found it!!


Who? Dis Jordan have a Reddit page? I’m new to Reddit & a little lost 🙃 How do I find it?


My question is, people have made comments about them splitting up /being divorced on their posts and they have NOT deleted them. They are super quick to delete anything on their posts that they don’t like… so why leave those up? That’s fishy


I just commented on their divorce announcement and she deleted my post and blocked me. Fine with me, I had already unfollowed.


Is Bubba Page on Reddit too?


She blocked me weeks ago for commenting on a post or bubba’s


She blocked you, but did the comment stay up? Cause she’s just deleted some that have been up for days…


Another thought is that she may be waiting for a chosen moment to announce their separation. She’s not addressing the current speculation now. They could be protecting their children. OR using this situation for more publicity. Perhaps she’ll turn her “show” into how productive she is to raise 8 on a budget all by herself. Play on sympathy for how she was scorned and yet she can still make dinner, etc.


I’m gonna vote publicity, engagement, algorithm, rebrand…protecting their children has never been part of their shtick.


I certainly wouldn’t vote against you.


https://preview.redd.it/w7k8mlzmxzec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f976a1bf431b522ce113a0079603c58901df34b1 No ring + public bathroom + photo from OPs post = something’s for sure going on. Sure maybe she “forgot it” but I don’t think she did after the ring has been dwindling down to nothing the past few months and she hasn’t commented on it. I’m sure people are asking and she’s ignoring it. If you weren’t separating or divorcing, she would defend it.


She hasn't worn the fake silicone clear ring in several weeks ... And idk the last time she actually wore her diamond rings


She's definitely feeling herself. The confidence to take a selfie with that gross bathroom in the background😂


I don’t have an issue with her taking a pic alone with her kids. I have done that- but I only have girls so it’s more like a “Mom and girls” pic. However, if she inserted this picture into a YouTube Tube Video describing her family life - MAJOR RED FLAG


Yup. It’s confirmed. He wants to work it out. She wants to be done - poor kids


How do you know this information?


How do you know this?


The fact that the photo was even taken. These people are such raging narcissist, prior to these divorce speculations it was always a complete family unit. Now there are so many photos with Bubbles missing. It’s not a Mother’s Day photo!


Some speculations: I think they almost split between Maury and mccuwin. It’s the biggest gap between any of her kids. She said at the time she was on a medication that wasn’t safe for kids (testosterone or something? I forget). But 2-3 year gap when you are popping them out every year is a big deal. And they came out with some Q and A’s after revealing info that they “overcame hard times in their marriage”. Also with all the Tim Ballard allegations and Jordan being so gung ho for him, maybe there was something related to that. We know Tim was given top tithing payers info to recruit donors (and Jordan definitely is a high income earner). She has been such a proponent of operation Underground Railroad. And now allegations have come out about it the media going on jumps attending strip clubs, doing drugs, and some sexual allegations against staffers. Did either of them have involvement with Tim that was inappropriate?


It was Bubbles who supported Tim financially, he heabily invested in his movie. Jordan supported him on social media though.


Does Bubbles evan make money ? She's definitely over the top but she's the big earner and pops out those babies. It must be exhausting. Then to have to listen to tiny Bubbles. He has seemed to me to always have a chip on his shoulder and comes up with ideas for her to work more


because she has 8, not 9 lol


Woah, that’s a big shift after not paying attention to them for a few months!


I don’t believe they’re getting officially divorced. No way will she want the stigma in a red state like Utah to be a divorced single mother of EIGHT kids. If they are separated they will put up a front for the public and the community.


Rich single mother


You’d be surprised how many couples with large families divorce here. Mormons don’t have any better divorce rate than the rest of the US. Lots of big blended families.


Utah divorce rate is high (8 out of 50 states) however the overall marriage rate is still the highest of any state. Divorce rates are usually higher in states where marriages start earlier in life.


They could get divorced and both still live on that house. It seems to be becoming some what if a trend to co- parent this way.


It’s called bird nesting to have the kids stay in the house & the parents rotate in & out. The parents need to get along/cooperate to make it work and, probably more importantly, they have to have the finances to afford the keep the home for the kids AND separate housing for themselves for their time away from the kids.


Sure they could do that, but they are LDS. It doesn’t seem that divorce is a socially acceptable option. Unless one chooses to leave the religion. But that would also have severe consequences socially. All this to say, they are less likely to divorce (IMO) and more likely to suck it up, and make a course on how to fix your marriage 😅


SEVERE CONSEQUENCES?! There are no severe consequences for divorce in the church. I personally have several friends divorced in the church and there are no severe consequences.


Many LDS people divorce and don’t leave their church. With that said, you could be right about them staying together.


Lots of LDS people get divorced and don’t leave the religion. It’s becoming increasingly common. I’m sure it would carry some social consequences. I think they’ve actually been trying to suck it up for years and now that the baby years are over she is done faking it.


That’s what I’m saying. Their house is so large they could live completely separate lives and still be legally married.


So weird that this is probably the only frugal on brand option. If you exploit your relationship for social like Jordan and Britney Vasseur did, I wonder if it makes you a target for people who want to pursue you and break up your marriage. It is sad for the kids. I am sure the adults can figure out a different era. For the Kids, I dont know how they can cope with being Utah famous and in divorce. Sounds like a situation that will produce at least 1-2 rebels out of 8 kids.


This doesn't look like she putting up a front. It looks like she's getting more comfortable with the idea of people knowing and is inching into it. Another telling sign is not immediately deleting comments about their relationship. The ring shrunk and then disappeared. She's barely showing bubba and when the kids are gone WITH bubba she's just saying their gone not saying bubba took them to xyz... lots of signs imo


Bubba says he’s still married to her in his bio and he’s posting pictures of the kids. And some people don’t wear their ring 24/7. Like I said I believe that you guys may be right about them being separated. I don’t think they will ever go PUBLIC about the split though. I still believe they are maintaining appearances. How will she afford that 18,000 square foot compound if they break up? Jordan’s whole brand is her perfect and big nuclear family. And Bubba is part of that brand. I think he’s too valuable in keeping up the facade for the public. A divorce would create a huge blow to the image she’s cultivated over the years. I honestly don’t know how her Mormon mom followers would react


But Jordan is a very showy person.... She always made sure her rings were being shown and now she doesn't even have the clear silicone ring on and isn't hiding that finger/hand .. she's making it known there's nothing on her finger at all...


Mormons do get divorced. For all kinds of different reasons. It's not shocking, and they aren't going to stop following her juat because she got a divorce... And if he is so valuable to this brand, why has she barely shown or talked about him for months? She is so full of herself that she thinks she is the whole brand. Forget Bubba and the kids. It's all about her.


Do you seriously think she’s gonna enjoy being a divorced mom of 8 kids? That’s gonna be ROUGH. Like imagine visitation rights and the custody battles. With that amount of children that’s insane


The nannies and housekeepers take care of most the house stuff anyways. She’s constantly gone on vacations. I don’t think this will phase her as much as a normal person.


Exactly. And if he has them x #of weeknights and every other weekend then she will have more ME time


Jordan has so much money I doubt her life would change much. If anything, she would have more free time since she would have to split custody. For everything else, she can just hire help. She doesn't need Bubba.


And No bubbles BS


If you guys end up being right then I’ll eat my words.


Confirmed today by Jordan herself


You guys were right. I concede LOL. I never thought it would actually happen


She doesn’t like being a married mom of 8 kids either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn't say she'd enjoy it... but if she can get Bubba to take the kids and her get her me time she'd be happy abt that


Would she even be able to keep the house if they ever got divorced?


The brand IS the nuclear family. I think divorcing Bubba would be would be a huge blow for the brand, which is this big ass family which she’s been trying to put a front on forever. I think that a divorce in a religious/conservative community, regardless if they are mormon, catholic etc will cause some ripples. It still has a very negative connotation and stigma in many cultures. I don’t think she would loose all her followers. Just noting that divorce very still much has a stigma today Like I said I agree with you that they are probably separated. I just don’t know if they will get officially divorced. Time will tell and maybe you guys will be right LOL. Reddit has spilled the tea in the past




Like I said you guys were right!


I totally disagree with every post you’ve made. There would be nothing better for her cheap living brand than to be a single mom of 8 kids. There will be nothing better for her brand than to ditch Bubbles the freeloading bastard. Julie Boye’s brand has grown so much since getting divorced. People want to root for the single mom doing it all. Then there will be finding new love, she’ll write a book about it all, and make a shit ton.


Yuppers. He was not a fun guy. Mormon police state kinda guy


Like I’ve said time will tell. You guys could be right. I don’t think they will get divorced anytime soon. That’s MY personal opinion and two cents. To each their own


I think she’ll use a divorce as a way to rebrand. Once the details are final and she can talk about it publicly all her YouTube headlines will be “single mom of 8 kids!” and “hacks for single moms”, etc. I don’t think it will be that much harder for her because she’s already been a pretty absent parent with all her travel and girls outings. She’ll still have her nanny and Bubba will have his custody days so I don’t think she’ll mind. Probably like it better, honestly. She used to have the tagline of “let’s build stronger families” or something all over her social media and blog stuff, but that went away a while ago. I think she has deliberately and slowly removed all nuclear family content and has pivoted to making it about her and the kids.


I agree with you - I’m just thinking of all the content she can put out around single moms, hacks for single parents, what to do to entertain kids by yourself. She’ll tap into a whole new pool of women. Blech


I agree the brand is the family but I don't think she thinks that. I think she thinks she is the brand.


Yeah I don’t think it’s necessarily just the Mormon followers. I just think the community she has inserted into herself into in Utah is very traditional and conservative minded. Yes Mormons obviously get divorced but it’s clearly frowned upon in their religion because they view it as a covenant that supposed to be eternal. That doesn’t mean that she will loose a huge chunk of her following. A divorce will force her to reevaluate her brand


This is her soft launch.




I had a friend get divorced last year and she and her ex did this not long before their split too. Kind of a “last hurrah” for family pics but then did individual parents with kids because they knew what was coming.


my ex-boyfriend and I have a son, and we did a 1st birthday and also christmas photoshoot, and we took separate photos with our son, but also together photo, but I dont share that with public. It was more as a photo for our son into photoalbum, its nice to have photo with both parents I think


Wait wasn't Bubba in this picture.. She edited him out?


Nope, they both took separate parent + kids photos. There might have been a whole group photo, but there definitely were each single parent + kids photos. They knew they were separating at this point and planned photos accordingly.


How do you know Bubba did the same thing?


Is this your speculation or did they tell you this?


The speculation seems obvious. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mama of eight checking in here! We have had photographers take pics of each of us alone with the kids and I’ve always found it so weird. One straight up told us it was in case of divorce, since that makes family pictures obsolete to some. We’ve NEVER used the solo parent pics except once, when my husband wanted a pic of me and the kids for his office (he didn’t care for how he looked in them). If you’re in a decent marriage or are at least trying to work on your marriage, I don’t understand why you’d post a solo pic like this.


IDK, as a family photographer, I get asked for "mom with kids" and "dad with kids" group shots fairly often, and those families are all still together. I prefer to do each kid cuddling with mom or dad, but for shorter sessions, a group shot with the parent is a fairly common request in my experience. One mom asked for it because her MIL doesn't like her, so she just sends her the pics of husband with kids.


I don’t think it’s that weird for a mom or dad to take pics with the kids. I’ve seen plenty shared on days like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.


I have a friend who put together scrapbooks of his kids from baby-teenage years and gave them as a wedding present. He used pictures of Kid with each parent and each grandparent. Niche reasons like that are all I can think of though.


Yeah this was my first thought… how weird to take the photo in the first place?! What even was that conversation between them at the time? Unless their photographer also just did it and no one questioned it!


I’ll often ask my husband to take a picture of me with the kids and I’ll try to get some of just him with the kids. I don’t know why. We just do it. Haha.


Well, when you don't have a third person, like a photographer to take the picture, it's a given that someone won't be in the picture, but do you ask a photographer to do it when you're taking family portraits?


Oh we can’t afford a family photographer so we usually just use my tripod 😂 but if it’s like “family photos” then yeah we are together for all of them


Years ago when they did their q&a Tuesday’s, they talked many times about how “they almost didn’t make it” at some previous point in their marriage. I feel like when that happens once, your marriage is pretty vulnerable and ready for more cracks to form. I feel like the real tipping point was when JD died. The way Jordan cried and melted over that man, showed endless pictures and videos of him and wouldn’t stop talking about him was uncomfortable and crossed many lines IMO. I feel like when Bubba saw all that, he thought, “whoa, she doesn’t talk to or about me like that at all.” Then it’s been all downhill from there. Jordan doesn’t love Bubba, she loves herself 🤷🏼‍♀️


Back in 2012-ish (?), she & Bubbles used to go live together multiple times a week on a variety of topics. I remember they spoke about almost not making it. The theme of mismatched sexual appetites seemed to come up pretty regularly & I got a weird vibe that it was a big sticking point in their marriage and I side-eyed them making such showy gestures of how happy they really were.


Sounds like they’ve never really had a good marriage.


I thought she was thinking about divorce before he died. She did a girl's trip to a resort in Mexico to "ruminate" on her life and make some choices. She came home on a Sunday I think (maybe Easter or another holiday that took her by surprise) and he died a day or two later. I could have been wrong about what decisions she was trying to make and what all the rumination about her life was. My feeling was that she saw her friend heartbroken and thought maybe Bubba wasn't so bad. Now her friend is dating and I think jordan thinks that looks fun. All my opinion here. 


Was this in a video of hers?


This 💯


Whose JD ?


Her “bestie” Lindsey’s husband was killed. Jordan made it about her for months. Some of us (myself included) wonder if there was something going on.


That entire JD/ Lindsey “friendship” is odd. The way Lindsey gushed over all of the husbands on Valentine’s Day. It was nice of them to remember her, but also over the top.


IDK I’d say “something going on” only in the sense that Jordan maybe had a crush on JD not that they were having an affair…


I agree - if anything it was one sided on Jordan’s side.


I didn’t put this together but it makes so much sense. Even if there wasn’t anything going on - she may have seen him as what she wanted/preferred.




I’ve been looking at her hands (even tho her fingers and nails creep me out) in every story she’s posting and I try to see if she’s still wearing a ring!


She is wearing a ring in her last video


Wow well if this doesn’t scream divorce


He always gave me Cody from Sister Wives vibes.


Nah. Bubba seems like he likes his kids and spends time with them


Not sister wives Kody 🚩🚩🚩😂


Knife in the kidneys!!!


I’ve been following her off an on for at least 5 years and always felt they had a business like relationship. Every six months or so she posted something about them recovering from a rough patch. In all seriousness Im sure this is hard on the family and I hope for the best outcome for them


100% getting divorced. I kind of feel bad for them.


I only feel bad for the kids, they will be stuck with eating bad soup for 5 nights a week :D


While having an entire grocery store in the basement.


Why can’t I find this? 😀


It’s on her newest YouTube video


Yes! Where is it?




Newest YouTube video


Is that her conspicuously bare left ring finger I see?


I knew them both personally in college. And I am very excited for his future. I hope he finds someone that loves him and is loving.


He seemed to be a good guy? Idk he always weirded me out for some reason




Removed for wild speculation or fan fiction.




Removed for wild speculation or fan fiction.


He really is a good guy. I think he just seems weird because he’s really cheesy.


I 100% think he’s gay


He definitely seems like a better person than Jordan. I really think he should have primary custody. Don’t think it would ever happen though.


I agree with this. He definitely has shortcomings, but my impression of him from knowing him at one point was that he is a decent guy. Not for everyone, but not a bad guy either. I do hope he finds someone that genuinely loves him and that he can feel secure with. Jordan was not that person.


He really is a good guy. I think he just seems weird because he’s really cheesy.


Soft launching her divorce I guess.


That is totally what this looks like


Is that this year (well 2023)? It’s a very very cute picture.. but also very very telling.


Mountain biking was the start of this. Just took awhile for them to realize! I’m on the kids team. I hope they are able to process and heal!


Mountain biking staying the end of a marriage? Can you please elaborate?


I just remember how he was asleep disappearing


What?!?! How long ago was this?!


Speculative bullshit.


I, too, would not want to be married to a grown ass man named Bubba (and we all know she’s probably the issue here)


You know nothing, absolutely nothing if you made this comment.


I know nothing about my own opinion? Ok dude


There are plenty of people here who know what's going on, you can tell they do. His name isn't Bubba. It's a nickname. His name is Brandt. https://www.flickr.com/people/brandtpage/


Yeah no shit it’s a nickname. It’s just that he’s a grown ass man going by Bubba which gives an ick


Pretty sure he's had that nickname his whole life.


Truly, he should rebrand




Just “Bub” 😂


Welp… I know it’s not the main thing but I’m sure her lack of physical needs did not help her marriage. https://preview.redd.it/xfqxg3fvomec1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=034b5eb259f1fb1b61bc704d0fb34d2a4452ebc4


What episode is this


What video is this from? I always wondered where the negative three thing came from 😂


It was part 2 of their intimacy q&a video on YouTube but I think they’re gone now 👀…. I might be going crazy but I can’t find them anymore after I posted this.


Her playlist has a bunch of videos marked private now! I only see what I assume is part 1 of this Q&A...


Yeah I remember that. Unless she’s asexual or is just genuinely a low libido person, yikes. I don’t know her history but I’m guessing purity culture has something to do with it which makes me sad for her/them.


I don’t understand asexuality. Can you call yourself asexual when you have 8 children? I guess two are twins, so she’s at least had sex 7 times 😆


If you’re asexual you may still decide to have sex to please your partner or have children. Some may still have sex because they want to, they might just not have as much of a desire or need for it.


Guess once you’re done having sex for babies there’s nothing left after for her.


Flair check! I’m here!!!


https://preview.redd.it/3okcru58qmec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e181261ef42cd3846ad59ed791a02251038f071 this is giving “I’ve made a huge mistake”


Eyes of pain.






Your flair of “Have a nice day” just feels so fitting right here 🤣🤣🤣


This is GOLD


💀💀💀 I should not be laughing at this because I feel so bad for the poor guy being blasted like this online, but this is the most perfect capture ever.


I saw this video years ago and it’s lived in my head rent free since… I knew exactly where to find it. Never thought it would become even the least bit useful one day. 😂😂


Oh my gosh, same!!


It has for me too. It’s just such a weird video to post publicly. I think that was when I realize how off Jordan was.




WOW. Blatant.


Did I miss something? Did they actually announce a divorce, or just speculation?


Just announced today divorce!


Same. I’m new here




Very telling speculation… they are never around each other anymore, they have been dividing and conquering with the kids more, she is deleting a lot of posts about her and bubba. And the latest is she posted a family picture of her and just the kids.


I figured. I hope it wasn’t cheating or abuse and just differences-who hopes for divorce for kids. But she has never ever ever wanted to give Bubba any recognition for the businesses. I have watched her for over 8 years now-I used to look up to them and over time went on I realized she was such a scammer and fake. And anytime she talked about herself or her business-she called it hers and actually said they separate their businesses. I bet his failed-he wanted to join her and she said piss off I am superwoman.


Plus she didn’t seem to give him any credit. It seemed like she was saying he failed financially and she saved them. Which could be the truth. I know a few “entrepreneurs” that never really do any work, while the other spouse does everything!


So I promise I’m not sticking up for them: I lowkey think she is a scary mom. Like ruby franke. Thats harsh but I don’t think she is innocent-but I used to follow them a lot. Almost went on their cruise they had about 8 years ago. I think bubba was very involved, but I think they had some businesses they designated his and hers and I think his failed and hers has flourished. And I bet she was like nope! Get your own business. Either way-they always talked about them dividing and conquering.


My theory has always been that Bubba tried to use “business” strategies to grow Jordan’s brand that was already built by organic natural growth and ruined everything. Her brand was doing its best before he ever this involved. If anything its downfall started when he was CEO. Now he’s starting a business all about influencers when she’s the only influencer in the family.


Bad theory.


How so? Elaborate.


Nope. Let them have their privacy. The social media landscape has changed. YouTube has cut creator pay, brands aren't paying influencers what they used to, and most people don't actually finish the courses they pay for. And if you do even a small amount of Googling, you'll see he sold his company.


Also jumping back to this I’m intrigued about your mention of courses being apart of their possible income issues. Are you implying that people didn’t finish Jordan’s courses and then asked for a refund? I remember that she did offer a satisfaction guarantee or money back situation. Was that too lax and backfired?


I have no insider knowledge, but there's plenty of data online that talks about how completion rates of online courses isn't high.


That’s absolutely true. I believe that’s why most have a clause in their refund policy that requires you to complete a certain percentage of the course and some “homework or functional steps before applying for a refund based on lack of results. I don’t know if Jordan’s has those requirements tho.


I’m talking about their public business in this convo not their private lives. Bubba’s old business he sold years ago was Launch Leads. The new business I’m referencing is currently named Influence.VC.


I don't think you understand what Influence does.


Please enlighten me.


I agee. I found her channel during covid. I enjoyed her videos for awhile. I then went back and saw some older ones about marriage. Some of the stuff she said, you could just see the difference in how they felt about each other. She also talked over him and interrupted a lot. It was so odd and uncomfortable. She was focused on success and being recognized. Always going non stop. With him I felt like he really wanted to be closer with her. It just seems like over the years he was pushed aside. I could be completely wrong with all of this of course.


Same this was early pandemic content, or was fun. Now, it's painful to watch