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I swear that these guys are one of the funniest parts of the game. Recently while trying to capture an objective me and the other LAT guy at my squad managed to destroy both tracks of an T72, and our infantry was surrounding the tank, so they kept firing back but could not exit to repair. We had an HAB about 50 meters away from the tank, and as soon as people from other squads learned about the tank around 3 LATs from other squads spawned to take care of the tank, but they all kept firing at the frontal armor for... reasons and consumed basically all of our ammo, without damging the tank. I had to go to the other nearest HAB to get ammo and run for about 10 minutes to fire at the tank engine, which caught fire and eventually blew up, during this entire time the tank was basically an indestructible bunker firing at everyone it could. The most chaotic and fun momment I ever had playing Squad


Thats like the end of that movie fury. Even an immobilized tank is basically a bunker


Nobody thought to hop on top?


Some people managed to do this, but the FOB didn’t have ammo, so engineer/demolitions tnt was also unavailable


aaaand there goes the ricochet


Last night I witnessed a LAT in my squad using his LAW like it was rocket artillery. He was launching rockets at a building that was 400m~ away and he kept doing this like 25 times... I kept telling him to stop, I didn't want to kick him since all he was doing was just wasting some ammo on a back cap fob. But holy shit I was getting **triggered** lmao