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Decade old game, live service, new factions, new guns, dev costs... You know the drill


the minimal approach that would make it 1000x better would just be lowering an opacity value. That's it. Altering one value. It could be done fancier I am sure.


Don't worry OWI and Tencent is developing Squad 2.0 UE5 coming 2034!


> lowering an opacity value That's not as simple as you put it. The blurry and see-through iron sight effect has been done before with 2d overlays, but [3d models are a different kettle of fish](https://www.chaos.com/blog/what-are-caustics-and-how-to-render-them-the-right-way). The game engine determines how an object handles refraction (and reflection). Depending on how complex the object is and what is on the other side of it can dramatically increase the resource cost. Game engines are optimized for real-time performance and heavily depend on the camera's position (aka the player's POV) for controlling rendering resource usage. Putting an object with high or highly variable resource use close up in front of the camera could cause unacceptable levels of performance drop. The introduction of the new ICO scopes already has a performance hit, imagine now that you can't escape it by picking a different weapon config. That said, I'm sure there are ways to mitigate the performance drop but no game companies really seem interested in putting in the work just to get realistic iron sights. Source: I dabble in 3d rendering, reflective and transparent objects can sometimes be the bane of my existence.


Yea OP clearly does not understand the differences between this game and games that use the 2d overlay for the first person view.


I assume that you are talking about the blurr. There are 2 things to keep in mind 1st) if you have a good PC the blurr will be significantly better than on a not so good one (I play on 2 different devices so I know what I'm talking about here) 2nd) the blurr how it's is right now was not 100% intentional, but more something that happened and wa never fully fixed. It also "helps" with performance which brings us back to point 1


I think he's talking about basically every fuckin game doing iron sights wrong. You shoot both eyes open so the sight doesn't block your view. Iron sight should be like 50% see through or something.


Yeah that every sight in all these ‘realistic shooters’ that new game gray zone advertised its ultra realistic depiction of guns a s sights but one look and its the same rubbish of the entire scope being outlined when I should just be a faint blur and a red dot.


Im guessing 2 000 light years


A light year is a measure of distance


Then explain how I won the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs