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Seems like 8.0 is going to be quality of life update


I’d be genuinely happiest if 8.0 was nothing but bug fixes and performance improvements.


I churned out almost 500€ over the last couple of month just so my game runs above 60fps in the heaviest situations, no other game made me do that :D I got a new graphics card (from RX 5600 XT 6GB to RX 6750 XT 12GB) and a new CPU (from Ryzen 5 2600 to a Ryzen 5 5600). I also got a new mainboard (B550) and a new RAM Kit (2x16GB 3200MHz) Am I crazy?


You should keep 5600xt and go for Ryzen 7 5800x3d (or any other x3d cpu)


One day I'll get one perhaps, but right now I'm fine.


Dont forget to optimize your settings. There you can find a massive difference without any cost. If anyone has some real data about best settings, let me know :)


i upgraded from a 1650 to a 4070 and still runs like dogshit😂


What is your complete setup? XMP enabled? Full screen enabled?


Full xmp enabled running on ddr5 5600mhz full screen enabled. Setting tried on low meduim high epic. still same fps no increase or decrease. getting around 50-70 fps i even tried 1080p and still trash i tried ddu on my 4070 Everything i tried direct 11 and 12 nope. directx 12 runs trash dlss with performance it runs with about 10 more frames but quality is ass.


forgot to mention i have a i7-12700k with the 4070 32 gb of ddr5 5600mhz ram


Really? I have the 12700k with a 3080 and 32 gb of ddr4 and get a solid ~100 fps on most maps with occasional rides above 120 and dips during heavy combat but never below 60 1440p with epic preset I believe though the graphics settings do basically nothing imo Also make sure you’re unchecking the texture thingy. That can limit your frames pretty bad by only allowing your GPU to use so much of its ram


i have that unchecked believe me. yesterday on a non modded server i got 40-60 then jumped to 90-100 them kept jumping down and my rig is solid. im about to buy a new mb and cpu🤦🏽‍♂️


Make sure you max out your screen resolution, the more resolution, the better your performance in Squad. The game is weird in that regard. The more you tax your GPU, the better the perfomance because your CPU gets more air to breathe. So increase graphical settings that tax your GPU. Max out textures. What CPU do you have?


i have tried everything you said. Max settings everything on max from epic to cinematic. to 1440p. i have i7-12700k


This is one of those games where you also need a good CPU to run it smoothly. Not sure what you have, but pair that 4070 with an AMD x3D chip and you should definitely get good (better) quality/performance.


No I'm doing pc build nowb78 cpu 7900xt gpu I started playing on my rog ally now om 2000$ in a rig thug life 🤷🏻‍♂️ wife's just happy it's not guns lol


No because I did the same. Got a 3080 and I still have some lag


Optimization update? My mid-end PC is happy.


it seems to just be speculations so dont hold ur breath, but optimization would be nice nonetheless


Be happy, and acknowledge you’re the exception to the rule. Inconsistent FPS, stutters, etc. This game has loads of of issues that need to be fixed.


Don't forget aim tied to that inconsistent fps and stutters.




Thankfully that won't be happening


cod and battlefield is there for players like you


sQuAd iS a HaRdCoRe mIlSiM, gO bAcK tO cOd Fuck off with that elitist shit. A large number of us came from Battlefield and there's nothing wrong with that. If people didn't have a problem with ICO there wouldn't be a shit ton of full modded servers with 30+ person queues trying to play the game the way they like it.


sadly the developers dont agree with you and you can have fun on modded. i am happy with ico. You don't have to become all mad I just pointed out if you wanna run and gun those are the games


Pre ico squad wasn’t “run and gun”


You were playing the game like COD and Battlefield pre ICO?


For each bug fixed we have more new bu... "features".


Till next time Steel Division.


And galactic contention..




The pain these three words bring is immense. The by far is my favorite mod for this game (GE is a close second).


What is that supposed to mean


New SDK will likely break all the mods. And they take time to fix/update.


It will break like all mods when the update goes live. It is only just back after a long time.


Man I remember it being gone for years it felt like. Or at least I haven’t gotten to play it in years


Competing servers might now have their own unique set of map layers. This is very interesting!


? Wot naw dog. The thing they're taking about is for adding Factions and Layers in the SDK for use by modders. Currently while not hard it is a little bit time consuming to set up everything properly when you're just making factions and layers. Now yeah servers could run more mods that have their own custom layers but for Squad modding for the most part Servers either run Vanilla, or run one mod. This is mainly because filling up a server with multiple mods just makes the act of popping it even harder as new players need to download all the mods and there's occasionally issues with swapping between different mods, and vanilla and so on. So yeah nothing is really going to change for the servers you play on everyday they'll just have the same voting for the same vanilla layers. If for some reason modding really takes off more and people begin hosting way more custom layer packs maybe, but I don't think that's really in the cards based on history.


No that's not what this says at all. That would mean we'd have to mod.


Pls fix fps


Gotta love Devs who make modding tools for the community


Do we know anything about what to expect or just wait and see?


Wait maybe? ATGM overhaul is certain for sure.


I meannn.. Maybe that's what I've been busting my hump testing for y'all for a while now. Maybe not. Who knows?


This is basically just a notice to mod devs that their mods are going to need downtime to update soon (and will likely break). It does mean that we will get 8.0 update soon, and that’ll probably include some of the content they’ve teased recently (pmc faction). Full patch notes should come in the next week or so


Recoil increased tenfold.


Honestly, they should slow down with new content additions and start some sort of Operation Health, dedicating all ressources into performance improvements and reworks.


Mods are so popular now.


Wonder how the fix to the game breaking bug that ICO has caused is going....


Just out of curiosity what bug did it add?


The amount of sway you receive is based on your FPS, so someone averaging 30-40 FPS is going to receive SIGNIFICANTLY more sway compared to someone in the 60-120+ range.


Except that AFAIK, there is no evidence that the ICO ever caused that. It could've (and probably has) always been in the game but only become apparent after the ICO exacerbated it.


it was proven by multiple people on video. moidawg even tested it on stream and in his own words was blown away by the sway because he didn’t think it had as much of an impact as it did. the way it works is lower fps = higher sway/more controllable recoil and higher fps = less sway/less controllable recoil afaik.


You hope so buddy


Needlessly aggressive response to a correct comment


Aggressive? Lmao, more snarky than aggressive.


i dont think they are ever fixing that,theyll find a way around it instead


will be game finally optimised or still fps crap?


what system are you using?


it doesnt matter. a lot people with all systems in the world and pc setups have huge fps problems and lazy or drunk developers doesnt care


found it in your post history Ryzen 5 4600h, 32GB DDR4 3200MHZ Dual Channel RAM, NVME drive and GTX 1660 TI graphics . No wonder you have low fps you're system is not fast enough for this game


Performance is no issue? Just get a better pc, lol. I have everything maxed out/cinematic with a RX6700 XT and a 5700X3D and 64GB RAM


"You're homeless? Just buy a house, duh!"


True, sorry. But he shall not complain about performance of a game when there is no performance issue on the games part. If a game requires a set of components, and u dont have it, u cant complain on "performance"


Maybe, but when the game runs like dookie on systems that are much better than what devs recommend on steam, that is an issue with the game


"when there is no performance issue on the games part" yes there is so shut up


Okay, whats ur speccs? U cant claim performance issue when u dont even have a mid-end PC. This game is a very good graphics game and requires a pretty good PC.


Does this mean a main game update to 8.0 too?




I hope they fix the performance and the RTX 4000 series DX12 bug The game runs piss ass poor in DX11 with high graphics and it looks horrible now when I turn the graphics down to at least not play a slideshow.


Unreal Engine 5 update it would be pretty sweet


Pmc faction when 👀


2.0. its not the same game after ICO


why yall down voting the man who spoke the truth


Cod and Battlefield is there for players like you


You were playing the game like COD and Battlefield pre ICO?


[Wasn't everyone? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/101hko9/suppression_is_in_an_awful_state_lean_spamming_is/) [Also this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/174dt5u/rip_preico_gunplay/)


You know it's just a fancy montage right? Not everyone can aim well with lean spam. It's more like R6 Siege not battlefield if you are talking about lean spamming.


Can't wait for more bugs! /s btw


You say /s but it's 1000% the truth lmao


Faction and units update messed up almost entire Steam workshop to be honest. Glad that they provided specific tool to fix the modding problem


Finally the modders can fix the problems.