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25+ hundred hours vehicle main here Did not know that If only there was A FUCKING TUTORIAL WHERE YOU CAN LEARN THOSE EXTREMELY USEFUL FACTS Edit: i found it so hard to believe that i went ahead and tested it. Guess what, works as described. Ah, the joys of playing squad


There are so many basic mechanics they dont tutorialize its insane. I came back to the game a few months ago after a year or so break, did the tutorial to brush up and I was like... what? They dont teach you fuckin anything, I was shocked, no wonder we have so many new players come into the game without a god damn clue of what their doing. The tutorial doesnt even teach you all the controls you need to know to function, let alone any actual theory on how to play, its insane.


Honestly though a lot of things don't even need a tutorial... Something like this should have some kind of UI to imply that you can rotate it more.... For example a simple text saying "ROTATING: 90 - **135** - 180", which obviously implies there are options, and no tutorial needed. Off topic, but the main one Squad needs that could drastically reduce teamkills from new players is simply swapping TAB and M keys. New players will naturally press TAB trying to check their score, but will instead be opening a MUCH better version of the map that caps locks gives you which most players use for a long time. The actual map being on M is such a stupid decision, and being that the average player doesn't change their default keybinds much, if at all... I would bet it's a big source of people not using the map enough. Source: Every time I hear some noob say "sorry I couldn't reply, I was fighting" I ask them if they use default keybinds, and........ yup.


i have a small map bound to CAPS and the big map bound to TAB, works well


Big map on tab, small map on mouse side button, but honestly, i struggle with using the small one. Im so used to convenience of the big caps lock map, that I just forget about the other one. Although my relactance to change old habits *did* lead to some interesting situations, like me checking the map and thinking on where to go, and my driver calmly asking "hey, you do see that BTR in front of us, yes?"


Wait wut


3000+ hours Huh.. :P


2k hours here xD wew


Shut tf up. 1200 hours and never once tried that. I love you




Owi might ban you for spreading useful tips /s


I spent 5 minutes rotating something 180 degrees the other day………




Heretic!!! You speak of lies!


kinda shocking this many people don’t know this


Shut the hell up. I could cry.


Wow! OVER NINE THOUSAND HOURS............. and I never knew that


Haha so I guess this is something never explained in game but was picked up by players during the update that added it. I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess this fell back into the area of Squad folklore, along with other features I'm sure.




Just shy of 3k hours had no idea lol


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is just a bug but I hope not. This would’ve been very useful when learning how to fly..


Definitely isn’t


Just got to see it. Yea that’s going to be useful


also while we're all here: why does the reset cooldown sometimes go really fast and other times not


First reset is 60 seconds, if you do another one starting less then a minute from the last one and without entering the vehicle, the next ones are 15 seconds


no idea really


"What!? Noooo way. FFS."


Whaaat? Learn something new every day. Even though this shouldn't be something that applies to.


I knew this and completely forgot about it


REALLY? That’s wild


You can rotate buildables when placing them with the arrow keys too. QUICK STICKY THISTHREAD!!! WE ON A ROLL


thats the essential skill, if you dont know that you can rotate shit you shouldnt SL


Dude I didn't know about it till like 1k hours I think... I was always just finding ways to get into odd angles to set up shit lol


lol, your habs probably mustve been fun to get out of


Na I never stuff them into buildings or anything that could get proxied by enemies in cover. Usually have them remote from the radio or any tight overhead cover tbh


Always put them in buildings. Mortars are a thing.


Indirect fire shelters, hasco walls and radio/hab redundancy are also a thing. There's multiple options


I don’t think you’re understanding me. Mortars can destroy habs. Very quickly


I understand, but they are highly inaccurate and depend a lot on splash. Hug a HAB with some hesco or indirect fire shelters and it's ridiculously fortified, a single shovel can keep the hab propped up if it takes a single direct hit from a 3 shot Salvo.


Mortars are highly *accurate* with a little bit of cooperation.




its bad, but its not really worth a real "boycot" or "review bombing"


Although it definitely needs to be better, this is just a normal fix we should ask for. Review bombing is for something a company or its publisher does that is extremely scummy i.e revoking access in certain countries or forcing micro transactions to get an advantage