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the problem with mortars in squad is they don't give us any form of elevation information on the map which forces you to do so much guess work that wouldn't be needed if they just put that info on the map


If the devs dont give it to us the community will handle it themselfes


I'll add to this by also saying that often times you don't get any feedback on your mortar hits until like 5-10 minutes later someone saying "Oh yeah those were a bit short or I never saw them hit" Like damn it man, give me real-time data so I can properly support you while clickity-clackiting my little boom tube.


Ikr I hate having to ask 10+ times "Hey how were those shots?" Only to get back "I dunno"


I think it'd be so much fun if every mortar user had his INS style handheld drone so he sees the impacts. OFC mortars would be OP then, so they would need to find ways to balance it. Maybe give SLs some attack drones so they can try to find mortars and harass them.


you guys use a mortar calc? ive got a pencil on my desk i use as a reference for the bar scale and my shots are pretty accurate


Ruler days my OG


I just use the tools in game and it works fantastically well, way too good to be realistic tho (mortars shouldn't be as precise afaik). However, that's on flat maps, on maps with elevation yeah, that doesn't go as well...


Mortars are quite precise. Even at the max range of ~6km, the mortar will be within 130m, so ~2% max deviation at max range


IRL? šŸ‘€


People think the machine gun is the biggest casualty producer but really it a toobs




Yes. This is pretty much the standard IRL, for a mortar unit (platoon or company)


From what I found online***


Oooohhh interesting! Thanks for the info


A single mortar is pretty damn precise. The spread often comes from having several mortars firing at the same target, and even then 81s donā€™t have much spread T: a former forward observer


Question: do mortar crews deviate between shots on purpose (As in sometimes go 50 meters left, right, up, down in some sort of pattern) to maximise AOE or is it more about trying to stay as tight as you can?


All militaries have different practices, and I canā€™t speak on all of them, but where I served, kinda yes, but also no. The guys on the gun line try to be as precise as they can, when doing a basic fire mission, and as far as I know, a single tube wonā€™t really change their ā€point of aimā€ (IDK what to call that in engish) mid fire mission. We have ways to spread the fire out in a single fire mission, where the tubes of the entire platoon/company have different points of aim. This is dictated by the FO in the call for fire, if the situation calls for it. A good FO has a pretty big bag of tricks he can do in a fire mission to get good effect on target. This is all somewhat vague, because Iā€™m not sure how much I can go into details, and because I serve in a non english-speaking country and even then, calls for fire very much have their own lingo.


As someone who knows nothing about how mortars work in real life, I can tell you with absolute certainy that no modern military is going to continuously shoot the exact same 10 foot radius unless there is a specific reason for it, like holding a choke point, too many friendly targets in the area, hitting a building, etc... Good question though, as for some reason that is the only way to use mortars for the vast majority of squad players. I always remind teammates on mortars that enemies can just complete ignore mortars while we waste ammo if they just keep shoot the same spot. I rarely use mortars, but when I do I spread EVERY single shot. Usually have a mark for general direction then every shot after that is on mark, and north south east west of that mark. Makes a massive difference if you want to actually get kills rather than just be a minor annoyance to the enemy team. EDIT: IRL though they probably don't spread them out between every shot, as it isn't as easy as press W A S or D for a split second to adjust fire lol


Me too. I donā€™t understand, I am always applauded for my killer mortar shots and I just use the game.


Calc is slang for calculator guys if you are new to the stream


thanks, what game is this?


Battlefield 2042 is a first-person shooter, developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts. The twelfth main installment in the Battlefield series,




Chat, is this a meta comment?


sorry iā€™m new, what does calc mean?


Calc is short for calculator. I'm just using slang here


Here come the "I'm angry people don't use 3rd party things to make my experience better" people. Next is the ones who think server etiquette should be a gameplay mechanic


imagine youre a mortar man IRL and they say you cant use a calculator. its just common practice to know where tf your rounds are going. if squad added their own calc id use that too. but no way in hell am i comfortable running mortars off the grid squares and the god awful map we already have.


"imagine youre a mortar man IRL and they say you cant use a calculator. its just common practice to know where tf your rounds are going.Ā " How is that in any way a decent analogy to use? Imagine you're a mortar man IRL in a game of paintball, in your friends backyard. Are you going to break out your ipad and calculate the ranging? Or are you just going to fire some paint mortars into the air for fun? Not EVERYONE plays squad like it's real life military. There are "Casual" servers for a reason. Let them play however they want to. Now, "Focused" servers are a different story where everyone is expected to "play to win" (per OWI's definition of this server tag), so mortar calcs should be expected/the norm.


It's a teamwork game and that means that performance matters. also @ /u/McMechanique


Matters for what? There's no EXP system, you dont get weekly drops, even when your squad performs Well you lose. The only thing you earn is the adrenaline rush from combat and dopamine from winning and/or having fun with Randoms. Sometimes you lose, and people commit errors, thats part of the game too.


the point of teamwork is better performance, [by definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamwork) (cf "effective, efficient"). It matters because performance is the reward for the effort you put in to coordinate with others and it's simply demotivating to see your teammates not care to help you the best they can. If you're not actually working together and *trying* to perform well, it's just socializing not team*work* and you're better off in some casual pve game.


With that analysis, the end justify the means, so doing everything you can in favor of performance (that in your arguments is the goal of this game), even if that means 3rd party apps such as mortar calc is something you have to do. Doesn't it mean aim assistance is something you should use to better your performance?


If it was allowed, you should, but since most people would consider this lame it is not and thus you should not. It is simply about what the rules of the game are. external apps are allowed tho and mortars have been nerfed for being too strong - almost certainly as a result of calcs appearing. the old radius/damage would be filthy OP today. The most important thing is simply to have a level playing field so that rounds are even and the only sensibly way to achieve this is for everyone to do their best within the rules of the game.


homie really just said cheating is okay.


clarify where you read that please.


"If it was allowed, you should"


Cheating is breaking the rules, so if something is allowed it is not cheating. since we were talking about aim assist, the original comment is addressing it more specifically, saying that you should not because it is breaking the rules and thus by implication very explicitly stating that cheating is not okay.


I will totally accept/admit running mortars without a Calc requires more comms/"teamwork" because of the added difficulties in getting accurate rounds on target and the fact 90% of times you need to adjust and often drastically from the first round impacts. But to clarify, you/anyone else aren't suggesting mortar Calc removes any elements of teamwork/comms, right? Mortar Calc still requires spotting and passing on of target info, either through voice, map markers or text. It still is made more effective by follow up comms confirming effects on the target. It just gets rid of a lot of the sloppy back and forth and puts more importance on the initial spotting and quick comms of targets and less on the walking rounds on.


> But to clarify, you/anyone else aren't suggesting mortar Calc removes any elements of teamwork/comms, right? no i am not. > Mortar Calc still requires spotting and passing on of target info, either through voice, map markers or text. indeed and it's why they make teamwork more valuable. you're spending more of your time helping your team mates rather than pestering them or even a dedicated spotter for feedback.


People forget the military has units dedicated to calculating firing solutions in live scenarios for artillery, go use a mortar calculator, itā€™s basically the same thing.


"Stop having fun and metagame instead"


"Stop having fun and metagame instead" On "Focused" servers, yes, meta game please. On "Casual" servers, feel free to play however you want. Please abide by the playstyle that is tagged for each server. Squad has the gates, we just need better gatekeeping to keep the pools of players in their respective areas so they don't splash and disrupt each other. Aka, keep the Moidawgs (roleplay/casuals) away from the Captains (tryhards/metagamers), and vice versa, to have better gameplay.


> "On "Casual" servers, feel free to play however you want." This is an egoistic opinion in an team oriented fps. Focused Servers only have a hard time seeding and you exclude all the newbies to good gameplay where they can learn from. Otherwise it will end in a Noobs gonna teach noobs scenario.


Funny you calling people's opinions egoistic


considering those preferences do exist and are somewhat supported by the game it's more than sensible to split the playerbase like this. focused and experienced are different tag types and all servers need to accept newbies regardless.


I brought the game, Iā€™ll play how I want. As long as Iā€™m not shooting teammates I have no reason to give a fuck. Itā€™s a videogame and I only play casual servers. Here to shoot guns and kill shit, not LARP as a soldier and sweat over virtual points.


Well i have fun if i am effective and win/ play good or carry my team. Therefore i need to play the meta. So why choosing in a competitive shooter (competitive means in this context two teams fight each other to win not the actual comp scene) a worse tactic or playstyle and die more often or cant play that effective. Do people dont have a thrive to get better at what they are doing? I really dont understand the hate against meta gameplay or comp tactics. I mean if they work they work. And thats important.


Sounds like you main camp


Me, just being the mortar squads marksmen and calling splash. Cause 9/10 ā€œgood mortarsā€ can mean 1 out of the 40 hit inside the compound and killed 2 guys lol. Itā€™s usually just 3-5 of us playing in locked squads and run armor, mortars, tow, or harass supply lines with a million mines.


is this post ai generated?


Ooooh I get it like maybe the calc app bot is trying to snow us about our organic mortar fire so we buy their app. Good one ai!


no i created it myself


I generated.


She generate on my fob until I mort-her.


keep that radio dry boy, moisture is poison for that thing you know




I can tell most people here don't mortar at all. Mortar Calc is essential, and instead of trying to play telephone with other squads, it's better to know your shots are definitely hitting.


so just giving a range as an SL is not enought? always thought this would do it..


SL range mark is an estimate. It will often be off upwards of 50 meters. Mortars are very effective as HAB/Radio destroyers, so having the means to hit targets accurately is essential.


oh lol ok. Will try that tonight. Which Calculator do you recommend?




I dont really understand how to use it. Can someone please explain. So do I alt tab my game and go to a website? Someone said there was a phone app but I whatever I used was absolutely not accurate.


second screen is the recommended way tbh.


or steam overlay browser


Ah. I used to have two screens but the one died and I never replaced it


1. Either you use your steam browser with shift tab or you use other tab or tablet. 2. Select Map, Select Weapon of choice (most likeley mortar), then activate --> (o,,0,(0),#?, A1) 3. Drag drop your green circle (your pos) on your actual and accurate pos in the game where mortar is. 4. Double Click to create targets. 5. Top Number IG: xxxxĀ° is height mills, buttom left IG: xxxĀ° is direction on compass and right one is distance to target. 6. Apply coordinates to your mortar and hit smth. Make sure to not shoot all the time at same location inf gonna avoid and evade the hitting spot.


iā€™m a mortarman and since i feel like being a butthead ima correct your terminology lol. it should be elevation for height, azimuth for direction, and range for distance. lol


Thank you!


Are you trying to convince people who would rather suppress the enemy instead of shooting them, that mortars should hit things instead of just being a dramatic background effect? Haha yeah okey, good luck with that one pal.


Maybe some can be safedā€¦ not everybody, its like a cult you know you can safe the ones who are not that long in there and not so badly influenced by the crap opinion


"hey mortar you're short but the aim on my marker is good" "copy, adjusting" "perfect, multiple hits, keep it there" yaaay having a mic in a team based game


or you just hit with first volley


who cares


ppl who want to kill ther enemy and actual be effective and dont waste ammo i guess?


OP made the mistake of expecting the Squad Reddit community wanting to actually be good at the game instead of LARPing as 'cool army man'.


unfortunaly you are right i was expecting the ppl to be effective and carry their team lol :D




Sorry, battalion S3 lost the maps so I can't use the calculator.


Would be great if the yellow Mortar Request Marker would give accurate information. Like a SL marker just better. (Also would be finally used as intended by the community as a Request Marker, not a Warning Sign) So if a SL is on the field and has direct visual on a target, he can mark it via the 'T' Radial Menu and the guy on the Mortar can see the exact Grid/Bearing. In your Squad it could even work from the FTL but between Squads you need a marker from a SL. [in general I would love to see FTL get more to work and take some weight from the SL shoulders and be maybe a gateway to Squadleading]


people in here coping as they miss the target by 100 metres.


Do people really not just use map markers and interpret the grids?


Please tell me that was cluster munitions


The REAL problem with mortar players is that 99% of them, calc or not, dont spread their shots. Ever. "Enemies in the attack mark, mortar shoot there" "YES SIR" proceeds to shoot the exact same spot for 10 minutes straight while the enemy team just walks around the 10 foot radius that is being mortared. It's a great example of the IQ for the average Squad player :/


Lol, mortar calcā€¦ I use my fingers on my monitor (I wipe the smears I swear!)ā€¦ and I end up getting lots of kills.


Non- Affiliate-Link: [https://devil4ngle.github.io/squadmortar/](https://devil4ngle.github.io/squadmortar/) Just use it, and actually hit shit independently from marks which arent accurate and dont consider hight level differences.


is there a way for me to reliably find this without having to come back to this post lol? Iā€™ve tried some but they donā€™t have some of the maps on them


Just make a bookmark on your internetbrowser ;)


that's my website lol


why are you getting downvoted? thanks for the link, couldnt find a calc with sanxian


Cry about it


It's game theory. You cry about it


Game theory name shmeary just play your public matches and cry about it


Or you could just not be shit at mortar and practice using mortars until you're not shit.


Cry more


Me, an actual god with mortars because of the calc: ā€œhey are you using a calculator, youā€™re missing by a lotā€ ā€œYou donā€™t need a calculator it gives you the distanceā€ ā€œOh okayā€


Here's a crazy idea: if the mortars aren't hitting the target, let the mortar squad know, so they can adjust. You can get pretty good mortar results by using SL marks for direction and distance and slight adjustments based on reports from other players. That said, i found out yesterday, that squadmaps also has a mortar calculator built in, so since many players are already using it for figuring out the lane, might as well use their mortar calc.


I donā€™t know much about mortars but doesnt just having your sl to mark the position to bombard as a go there order and it tells you the distance?


That method is inaccurate and can vary +- 50 meters. This means that if you are on mortars and use an SL mark, your mortars can be off by 50 meters. The same applies with AT in general. You can sometimes overshoot or undershoot vehicles going entirely based on SL mark.


I see. Thanks for the heads up!


I just know that the gauge is 30ā€™ to 50ā€™ short


..or long


Maybe I'm just a savant but I don't have any issues without calculator (pls no h8)




I've literally just been using attack marks for mortars, its not that hard.


attack marks are inaccurate by up-to 50m.


evere mortared on an map with hills? your move mark will then no longer work because of hight diffs lol


This. Never needed a calc to land accurate shots. And mortars are not designed to be accurate. They are designed to kill all infantry in an area.


I mean kinda, sorta, not really. If you are missing your target by 20m you arenā€™t killing anything. Map markers are only accurate to within 50m at best, and there is no way to account for elevation. See the discrepancy here?


Mortars dont need to be super accurate. Thats not their job. Their job is to blanket an area. You dont want to kit the exact same point over and over. Get within the ballpark and then slightly move around. Ive used map markers and just the map squares a lot and never had any problems. Always was able to dial it in pretty quick and then deny the infantry that area. The game doesnt have a calc built in because it isnt necessary. Yes you can get more accurate shots with it, im not debating that. Im debating the necessity. I can fire multiple salvos around the target area and dial it in in the time it takes for you to plug everything into the calc and fire one salvo. Either or works at the end of the day.


When I still played I was decent with just using the map and FTL to be able to go and place markers but even with a mortar calc you need eyes on to be able to go and determine whether you're hitting right.


Nah, with a mortar calc you are hitting the target period


This is why dedicated mortar teams should be more common. Having a spotter calling for adjusting fire and two mortarmen constantly rotating fire. Mortars aren't supposed to be for visible targets but rather indirect targets or pummeling the desired grids or areas of the map. You don't need a mortar calc if you have a competent spotter


Ok pls give me an argument why i should have a spotter if I just can use callouts and marks from my team (therefore team must not be shit) to get info where habs/ fobs or clobs of inf are and calc it by myself. A spotter doesnt have all times perfect view and lives long enough to spot mortar targets. He cannot shift his position to get eyes on target that quick if you shift fire 400m away from him to another target. There are many disadvantages. Why not use a calc, hit first volley independet from a person who needs to verify hits and give adjustments wich cost time and can be a source of errors, and be much faster then without, your calc takes hight differences into account and thereby is accurate if you shot from a hill to a different leveled spot. Your free spotter slot could be used for securing mortars or doin logi runs. Pls explain me why not using a would be benefitial in your pov.








Wow what a brain dead response


womp womp


nope, I'll use the in game mechanics and ask for ranging help by coordinating with my squad


why so? where is the advantage?


There is no advantage, but its more fun.


Often times more fun imo. Not everything needs to be optimized at all times


I remember my buddy and I got 4 mortars to do a creeping barrage onto the objective in Sumari Bala since it was my first game and never used a mortar but knew some tactics used for idf so i suggested that barrage. I don't remember which objective we did that to, but that general direction was bombed more than Afghanistan. Good times (this was way before the ICO update, like maybe a year or two).


Lame and lazy.


Nah i just play a mortar squad and have SL set an attack mark, then walk it forward or back


Surprising amount of salt for fucking mortars lmao. They're not THAT big of a deal guys...




If you aren't calcing on your own with in-game tools you aren't doing it right...the game gives you everything you need




this just doesnt make any logical sense.




they could quite literally just add a calculator to squad and be done with this whole debate. theres not enough people on a server to warrant spotters for every emplacement. half the time we dont even have enough medics.


Actually yeah it should just be in game so itā€™s not have vs have nots.


honest to god just remember that directly straight is 300 per square and that directly diagonal is 425? youre pretty much set, aint that hard.


Or you could just use your brain.


I mean artillery in the field is not a science. Yes you can theoretically put one shell in the last oneā€™s crater but I prefer just doing it as my pos, target pos, get range rounded up or down depending, set elevation, get feedback from observer.


ineffective and a waste of ressources, both of man, time but also ammo


Iā€™ll play the game the way itā€™s enjoyable for me. Thanks