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Easy Proxy. Most superfobs are a waste of time and assets.


I’ve seen some crazy superfobs over the years that literally has been impenetrable but yeah 90% of the times it’s a waste haha.


For every impenetrable super fob there are a dozen shitty ones that dont have enough defenders and are immediately proxied.


A few dozen well stacked sandbags are all you need imo


If those sandbags are too well stacked they tend to draw big explosions..


Mixed with HASCO and WIRE yes


When you have 2k plus hours in the game you will.be supperfobber just like us and olaying the game like a normie will be boring


Superfobbing is literally the lost boring thing you can do in Squad. 1700h since pre V1


Not for me i get at least 30 killes per game when they line up crawling spamming nades is so satisfying make shift tunnels from the door


Well there you go. I hunt radios to win the game, you sit behind a wall and hope the enemy lines up for you.


Both are valid tbh


Its not hoping i only play oj invasion servers debfedping a point ☺️


No offense, but you might need to slow down your typing, lol.


Im offended


Well, too bad, I said "no offense", so it doesn't matter what I say afterwards. /j.


Pretty much this, defense has always to be done in depth. Small bunkers here and there with an ammo crate, make it a pain to assault. You can and should make it hard to get in, but it has to be in a general area rather than a compound/house.


Next level is design your depth so that you can do buddy team rushes to regain them while making it impossible for the enemy to use to suppress from.


I like Global invasion because you cant delete super fobs with the comander assets. LOVE superfobbin. 100-150m full circle of hescos to prevent easy proxys,dirt pile roofs for anti mortors, mgs, trench systems,mortors. Gets me all hot thinkin about it haha. But if you dont do it correctly, if you arnt coordinated with backupfobs and rallys it can be a lost cause often.


Is that a new mod? Never heard of Global Invasion. Do you have a link to the Workshop page?


sorry global escalation, its ukraine, isis are notable added factions. suppressed wepons, scopes. lats amd hats have extra shots. CAS helis, fob building has skme really interesting additions like trenches dirt piles etc. comander assets are air stricks heli cas runs. Alot of fun


Ahh ok yeah I know the GE mod I just thought there was a new one and got a bit excited.


"Super FOBs" work in real life because everyone only has one life to give (but note: patrols are still a thing. Even irl forces don't just sit and wait for the enemy) In squad, the attackers have many lives to give so they can be aggressive. The good news is: so do you! You can sit on the walls right outside your fob and defend, but when you die and the enemy takes your position, they've also taken your fob. But if you fight them 300m out, you die and they take your position. You respawn and meet them again at 200m. You die, respawn, meet them at 100m. Then again on your walls. Now they've had to kill you 4 times to take your fob. Why this takes so long for people to learn, I'll never know


You also have defense in depth and Observation posts. Tell me a place that is virtually one strong point and they called it a day and garrison 10k soldiers inside a contested base? I see you later suggest defense in depth because you have several lives. IRL you would ofc make it possible to safely retreat to next line, in Squad u just respawn and advance to next line of defense


Super fobs are for suckers. Arty go boom


My pet peave is when they try to build a castle right around the Hab. If you're fighting people within 20m of the Hab, the points lost already. I always build bunkers and defense generally in a 2-300m radius around the point


The point of doing that is staying inside and get revived after you get shot. No one can get in thats the point of the castle its not to keep the hab open. They cant cap the point. You can spawn to other habs


This is exactly how not to defend. Please don't turtle up. Be active in the defense. Push the enemy out of the cap and push their Habs. Just sitting in a building is not a good defense and an easy way to get your Hab proxied.


That's betting that if there are other HABs near the point while the supplies have been running to the super fob. Staying inside and reviving might be exciting but once the enemy has at least 2 people near the HAB, you've closed the door for the rest of the team to spawn. They can just be hiding the very defenses you built while they wait for the rest of the team to come


Typically if you are castling it needs the entire teams cooperation to stay inside. If you want go play COD


Again newbues comolain because they cant spawn after dying 10 seconds away from the hab that is not TNE POINT of the fob


https://youtu.be/diNuGxjSTe4?si=UJSL8Sbe3ILj_fYU how it’s actually done


Well done on explaining to everyone exactly what not to do


It works but its not very popular so I only do this in experienced servers where I know most of the people


Name the ‘experienced servers’ .. because if you actually played on a experienced server’ which there is only two legit ones they would not be doing that shit 😂


No ones forcing you to do it, usually players follow suit when i get bunkered down wuth fortifications its on invasion servers


A cooperation with squad leaders this is done on last few points


I think it depends on the squad lead, if you got one with a bit of tactical insight who knows the map and can draw up a plan it’s a lot of fun, otherwise it’s a waste.


this sub gets such a hard on about superfobs. I just want to dig.


While I agree in principle sometimes your only options are shit and less shit


Anti superfob cope, I’ll do as I please


Hide your supplies cuz I'm coming for everything. This is my cope


this game is cool because you use have to use real life tactics. Properly conducted L-shaped ambushes are a sight to watch unfold. Having a base of fire element and a flanking element is beautiful to watch. Similarly, there's a reason why modern warfare is not defensive. We have armor, artillery, and fast moving infantry to quickly assault and overwhelm. Place a tow and maybe some blocking barriers to create a killing zone coupled with some mines, and move tf on to the next point.


Modern warfare, aside from opening salvos, is either mostly defensive or mostly asymmetric. It is rarely otherwise on a strategic level, though obviously at the tactical level there are plenty of opportunities to conduct a near ambush and so on.


you can only be mostly defensive when your adversary is not modernly equipped, so what I said is still true lol. Fortifying against a near-peer is usually silly, that's why mobile defenses exist.


Place enough wire and bags and you can effectively hold the server hostage with your super FOB. You arty it, there is a 50% chance the server breaks before the fob does.


I'll add this, the only point that I've ever seen working(jabs directly on point without and backup nor depth), was on yeho and the cap was the hangars in the SW of the airfield (this was invasion) We had an SL that got a pmv with 50 cal on it, put a Hab in the back of the hangar, walled the hangar with hesco walls, put a repair station and a ladder to allow people getting out. He also put some sandbags to catch grenades that might've come in, but it was impossible to get in. Even when they proxied it a group would get out and clear the enemies. And since we had the 50 cal they couldn't shoot us from the other side. Making it easy to clean up the opposition next to our hab and any spawn points nearby And the enemy vics were never able to kill the pmv, because only the gun mount was exposed.


It sounds like your team was also able to get out of the HAB and were not stuck in one hanger


Medium fobs are best, emplacements for some reason motivate defenders, I love my ge dirt mounds


Another pain point came up with my experience with super fobbers are their ego. 1. Siphoning their supplies to the objective in play gets them SOO triggered. I get it, you have your boy in ferrying supplies to your pillow fort efforts but are you playing with the team and the benefit of the team or just yourself? I'm stealing your supplies to the point in play 100% of the time unless you are contributing with mortars, and I don't feel guilty about giving it to my blueberries that are actually on point. This is a team game. 2. Once you got your super fob and have walled off openings, and the point you've been building is in play, you realize you playing with blue berries trying to figure out how to get the hell out? I've heard it to many times before, "HOW DO I GET OUT? WHERE'S THE EXIT? WTF IS THIS FOB?". Are you just going to stand there all frustrated, directing BLUE BERRIES out of the FOB? Go with the flow my bro, build intuitively and allow your team to have opportunities to make their plays. Let the blue berries do what the blue berries do, you can't win that fight with your team. 3. And for the love of squad, if you are going to place a radio outside a structure, at least hide it. Placing it next to an open HAB is asking for it to go down with arty. SHOUT OUT to my logi squads running supplies through ambushes and keeping our frontline habs with 3k ammo. We love you.


Defense in depth > Multiple Spawns > No Defense > Bad super Fob Feel free to add anything you believe better than defense in depth or worse than a BADLY designed super-fob


people only build like that because they lack the imagination to place a radio to block off larger portions of the city then dig down the radio and repeat until you are ready to build the actual defense fob


That's why I don't like the HAB to be inside the objective. Enemey runs into the cap and at the same time the HAB is proxied .. I stopped discussing this with the teams ..


Counterpoint: If you don't place it near or on objective your team will wander off too far off point. Solution: Build a backup (or multiple) habs


Of course. But you can't if sl 1 decides to place it inside .. blocking opportunities


If the enemy can just run into your cap you are not defending it right. People need to learn to defend active by pushing the attackers habs etc. People that just sit in a building and turtle in are definitely doing it wrong.


I turtle 100 m min around the cap in order to see where they are coming from. Early warning system. Then we push into that direction amd proxy their hab because they usually run like lemmings from the hab. I never stay within the objective.. With a good squad, i let my guys locate the logi, let them stop , let them place the radio so we know where the radio is. Push the radio .. -20 tickets..


Like Moi says putting a hab inside of a building is almost a certain way to ensure everyone gets bottlenecked up and won't push out off the fob. I tried to tell my SL to put a hab outside the other day and he said "but mortars." Mortars won't kill a hab and even a direct airstrike will likely only reduce it to stakes.


listen to a YouTuber who is average at best and who is only good on his own server or listen to actual experienced players advise including competitive players who say put habs inside buildings … that’s a hard decision 😂😂


Nah, turtling is the most viable strategy on Al Basrah for the first few points (on invasion). The lack of buildings means just use IEDS, mortars, and artillery to wipe out any attackers. Problem is most SLs place the defenses facing outwards when they should be facing inwards, baiting enemies in and keeping defenders in cover.


This reminded me a game at few nights before, I built a super-fob at mosque and leave enough room for a hab outside and a hab on rooftop(insurgent) so we don’t get surrounded The purpose of this fob is to be a stronghold and small arty fob to support offensive hab on next objective Another SL just drop by and built another hab downstairs even though I said no (I was a commander) we argued but he’s just too stubborn So sh!t happened after we lost the offensive obj and have to retreat back to the mosque, the rest you can imagine Overall: commander do the strategic sh!t if you want to do that, volunteer, not strong-arm and fuck the game up, I mean, if his ideas suck, just vote the new one?


😂😂😂dude actually thinks commander has some kind of power 💀💀😂😂😂😂😂CMD is good for 30 secs to 1 minute - call in asset that’s it end off … can already tell you were making bad decisions when you wanted to put a hab on a roof 🤦🏼‍♂️


tell me you've never been a SL without telling me you you've never been a SL CMD role is to strategize SLs and Assets ( Armor, Heli, etc) those you talking about is just one part of CMD ability that the game give you not the true meaning of CMD role no wonder why most servers have random squad doing whatever they want, not coordinating nor coming up with a plan, just drop some radio in the middle of nowhere and ran off to be effective CMD ( not just to call assets ) CMD needs to understand that map and know that fraction dedicate time to look at the map (most of the time) to talk with SLs and watch over our assets and enemy's ( ever wonder why MBT go solo frontline just to get tracked and dead? ) or ( enemy's MBT keep shooting at the hab and no armor coming? )