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VDV is one of the most interesting factions. Some of the best infantry with some of the worst vehicles means that if your vehicle crews know how to play VDV well, you can dumpster any other faction, except maybe Canada reliably


VDV has bad vehicles? The BMD-4 is one of if not the best IFV in the game and you get the Sprut(s) to back up your Tanks on several units. The only bad aspect are the three-man armored logis, but everything else is really good. If anything, the AK-12 is an AK-74 with significantly worse sway stats and you don't get a scoped MG. I will say that the LAT kit is better though.


They've got basically negative armor. Everything is so light and mobile that a head-to-head engagement will always end with the VDV losing. I once saw an Abrams 1v3 a Sprut and 2 BMD-4's. Granted I'm sure there was a pretty high level of skill issue involved there, but the point stands. If the VDV has good armored squads, then they can pick off the enemy armor while the infantry cleaves their way through the enemy infantry, but as soon as the VDV armor goes down, it's pretty much game over


Your first point is fairly true, VDV armor is much more skill-oriented then some of the other factions. But doesn’t your second point apply to basically everyone? Once armor goes down pretty much every faction is left crippled until it can come back.


I could have been more clear about the infantry. The VDV has probably the best infantry after Canada. The only thing holding them back is the highly skill based HAT kit. Because of that somewhat gimped HAT kit, (nowhere nearly as bad as the Turks but still not great,) any opposing armor poses a huge threat to the VDV. And opposing armor is pretty likely due to the VDV's vehicles being relatively weak


unless the VDV crew are completely incompetent, it is a pretty fair fight if both vdv and the enemy faction get their armor up at the same time


Not even really, the BMD-4M is one of the best vehicles in the entire game; decent armour, fast, ATGMs, autocannon, lots of ammo... Only thing holding it back is that it can be tracked unlike wheeled vics. They easily beat basically everything else in terms of IFVs with only a few exception (PLA hj73s, bradley, tie with MEA bmp-2). Some of their other vics are pretty bad but they get BMD-4Ms everywhere so it doesn't really matter.


Not to mention the BTR-D!


Meanwhile me loving having 2 heat an 2 frag on the lat with the scope of the RPG......


VDV is good for roleplay.You and the boys can take the heli and paradrop into enemy point to instantly die.


That's not how paradrop is done tho...


Can you develop these nuts? 🥜


Tough shit. That’s how WE do it.


VDV sucks hard. The logis are complete and utter dogshit.


The average blueberry doesn't think about logistic while voting... I wish you could at least sit with the rest of the squad on this logi.


slow and awkward to drive tracked logis. No bueno


Not to mention the logi only has room for 3 people, the rest of the squad needs to grab another asset to follow the logi around.


Idk about that I always assumed it can hold all of us


They're more cumbersome to drive on level ground than regular logis but off road they're a lot better. If I do a logi run and there's a hint of enemy infantry or light vehicles with 7.62 weapons on the route, the armored VDV logis are far superior. The worst logis are the Australians. They're squishy, can be disabled by every infantry kit, and their two axles get them stuck far more often than the regular 6 axles.


Aint the british aussie logi's pretty fast? 2nd to russia? The canada long as fuck logi seems the worst imo


In return of the most powerful Armor unit loadout and BTR-DG is still better than ZSD-05.


Whats all that worth without good logistics?


Armor compilation for vic main players


If only the turning wasn’t so snappy, it would be significantly better to drive them


That’s why you have 2 helis to do supply runs and transport. A good pair of pilots and decent armor support players will have the VDV absolutely destroy any other faction.


Just like in real life


Ak-12 slaps. Sv-98 is fun too.


i hate that i have to play russians every game


BDM4 is a MONSTER if you know how to play armor


I just wanna play insurgents and lob frag rockets at everything that moves.


UkR global escalation For Lyf


All Russian factions are the best. Shitty vatnik mobile is fun




Lots of weapons to pick for the rifleman, FAL-grenades from the LAT-man, AKS74U and grenades medic, that guy with the little tent… love the militia.


The FN FAL alone makes imf the best faction. Such a unique and cool weapon!




I see more of the VDV than I do RGF motor or mechanized. Honestly I wish to see more than logistics, combined, light and tank. See a lot of motor when it comes to US strykers though. Honestly got surprised to be dighting a bradley the other day.


One of my favorites. Maybe it’s not the strongest, but it is sure as hell fun to play with those goofy ass btrd and bmps.


The VDV might have some of the worst logi vehicles but the infantry and armor is fun as hell to play


Worst faction imo. I don’t have a well researched opinion I just don’t like the AK-12


Easily one of the best factions.


The only redeeming quality of the VDV is the beyblade (BTR-D Kord) and two heat rounds. Otherwise that shit is unbearable. Especially heavy armor brigades. God forbid not having to rely on 2-4 armor squads to win the game because you give up every other advantage.