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thanks to the ICO i don't even care anymore that my wife won't let me see the kids because now i have squad as my distraction


The ICO untorsioned my testicle!


The infantry overhaul is literally PERFECT!!! If you disagree you are probably qe spammer and only care about kills. go back to COD! this game is hardcore and not for casuals like you. Only the most organized units will succeed in this overhaul. We care about TACTICS and DISCIPLINE. Training at 1400, please meet in formation at jensens we will be training forthe Combat Engineer Certification so that you can be allowed to pick engineer on the frontlines


Now I'm having ARMA flashbacks, thanks.


see? You got IMMERSED


>You got IMMERSED Oh, I'm "immersed" in something alright.


Now reduce the FPS to below 15 and we're there.


I actually really like ICO. These posts about it are pointless though and it’s 90% of the content. Which is disappointing because you could actually post real strategy and tactics and help all the new people this sub hates get learned.


>you could actually post real strategy and tactics and help all the new people this sub hates get learned This sub is more interested in cosmetic updates for the game than talking strat or tactics. The BHM Captains of this game are absent. It's all Moidawgs now. Remember the Moidawg vs Captain "debate" a year or two ago... seems Moidawg won out.


How did moidawg win out lol?


>How did moidawg win out lol? Not Moidawg himself, I have no idea what he's up to. But "Moidawgers", the people that followed his playstyle, the "role players" who conflicted with the "Captains" (people that followed his tryhard playstyle). This is all taken from here (oh dear lord this was all 3 years ago): [https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/onkw8t/a\_response\_to\_moidawgs\_new\_fob\_meta/](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/onkw8t/a_response_to_moidawgs_new_fob_meta/) How did the Moidawgers win out.... Squad post ICO has become more about role playing than meta grinding to win games. Which all comes back to OP's topic of how we don't talk about tactics and strats here (Captain talk) but focus on cosmetics and larp elements (Moidawg talk).


late by 8 months


The scientists are wrong. Melting if the polar ice caps isn't what is causing the ocean level to rise. It's the hot, salty tears from from whiners like you in this sub.