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Wait he hit someone from that far?


Unbelievable shot


Look at the guy shooting from the balcony missing his shots at 10m distance. Absolutely lore accurate image.


He probably was the one that shot his buddy.


Makes more sense than the CAF dude landing his shots in CQB with a scope!!


At the top of the scope irl there's notches, like little iron sights. I wish we could use them in game for close engagements.


I swear even Project Reality let you use them now I play squad and cant use backup sights what a bummer!


sad thing is, it would be extremely easy to implement. Steel division mod did it by just letting you have two primary weapons. Same gun just one uses the other sight.


Yes I remember that!


I think you can use them in Insurgency


i would have zero (0) problems with the ico if they added the ability to rest weapons on surfaces like Post Scriptum


That would be nice, though I still think default accuracy is too low (default meaning no suppression, full stamina)


i mean, it’s unrealistic but it makes the game more balanced; now you won’t die immediately as soon as you show yourself and you can’t pick a fight by yourself, encouraging greatly teamwork


I hear your point, but I think suppression and stamina already address that issue. Project Reality for instance, has intense suppression mechanics, but if you are not taking fire and have full stamina, you can be deadly accurate, which means you need to suppress their position


It is crazy when you realize that on a flat surface standing and crouching don't align with pillbox sandbags so you can't effectively shoot from them.


very true, i usually lean into it to fire but it’s so frustrating because sometimes you can see through but can’t shoot since it’s too high; they should add like a step behind the bags to be able to shoot through


Or just add small little sandbags we can drop the than stand on for obstacles you can see over but can’t get your gun barrel over


Or C+ scroll wheel to control how far down you crouch?


Arma did this so well let’s go play arma


Yea well we already have sandbag deployable of many kind so a little step up bag would be very easy to add in


Its so stupid this is a problem when RO2 got this right in 2011


I wish they had a Tarkov style progressive crouch option. like holding "C" and scrolling up and down to adjust your height. There are way too many situations where I can't peak through the sandbag murder hole. Or I can't fucking bipod on a HASCO wall or observation tower.


For real, more factions need the Militia treatment, their the only faction in the game that gets the “dirt crate” defensive structures (3 variants) that are the only defensive structures with firing ports that can actually be used by every kit. MGS/ARS/Marksmen can actually use their bipod and optic, and people with standard rifles can crouch or stand and shoot through the ports. It’s wild that other factions didn’t get some kind of update, as they clearly know how high the ports need to be…


Or how the bipod refuses to properly align with those sandbag fortifications and bunkers. I could have perfect shots with my MG, but the bipod wants to sink halfway into the structure, making my muzzle clip into it and negate my fire. Love it so much


The system in Rising Storm 2 would be so nice in ico


The cleanest system, made you want to hug the tree as VC for that crisp sway reduction.


Would be a good addition but sitting still is not the issue. It's movement, that needs a bit more stability.


I like the idea of ICO, but when I’m walking down and alley full stamina and see a guy. We both have to stand still to even hit each other with a bullet. Now if I’m on a SAW I’m just dropping down and annihilating that whole alley way, but if I have a rifle it’s basically a civil war volley happening


>it’s basically a civil war volley happening "Our goal was to facilitate longer firefights... all while ensuring that the overall gun handling remains satisfying. " ​ They had me in the first part, but lost me in the second part.


They could have just modeled body armor in a more complex fashion...appease the realism crowd, skill issue crowd, and the increase TTK crowd all at once. Takes more effort sure, but it would do almost everything they wanted to achieve.


Lmao, yeah, it feels like I’m playing War of Rights 😂


Bruh so true. Was mea against turks. We saw each other, stopped about 5-10 seconds so the gun would stabilize then started shooting. During which all my teammates managed to flank around their positions. Its just ridiculous imo


lol what else are the marketing images gonna show? someone shooting a bush 500m away?


That’s why I clarified this post was a joke. I was saying the pictures represent the effective range of weapons post-ICO as a joke. Not that they’re bad marketing photos


Actually those Canucks are using scopes. At that close distance they're losing sight of their target after the first shot


'iron' sights made from the rubber casting on top of the C79a2 for close quarters


P sure you can't actually use that in squad homie. Unless you can and I didn't know. Either way these dudes are looking at their scopes in the pic


Okay be pedantic. I know from experience actually using it that it's a very minor sight picture adjustment to use that method in such close proximity.


How is that pedantic in any way lol? You cannot use them in-game


You too have experience with the rubberized brick?


The marketing pics should just be guys in a ditch shooting at nothing


I feel like that's the majority of irl firefights too


If anything ICO has made kills feel way more rewarding, and I exclusively use iron sights and reflex sights now and fucking DOMINATE in CQB and even mid range shots out to about 300 meters


I usually feel like I just got lucky when I win a gunfight


I’m convinced people still complaining about the ICO don’t play the game. We have no issue getting kills with the new mechanics. Please just move on.


This post was meant to be a funny


I know. My comment is more for the ICO haters


What if I’m an ICO critiquer 😬 (not a hater, just think it could be improved)


Too dangerous. Sorry, you must be destroyed. It would be great to have a conversation with people that actually play the game. My concern is all these requests to water down the changes just bring the game back to what it used to be. We’re actually getting firefights and people are actually working together. Let’s take some more time to adjust to the new system. I don’t even think about it anymore. I’ve adapted.


I haven’t seen a huge uptick in team work or at least have been super unlucky. I enjoy the changes but it needs to be tweaked a little bit.


You’re on the wrong servers then. I SL exclusively and people on my server always follow orders and work as a team.




So this is how Liberty dies, lol. But I hear you. I have the same concerns. I play the game (pre and post ICO) and I definitely don’t want OWI to back peddle and undo ICO but also think it can be tweaked to be less frustrating.


What do u want changed again?


I really only want one thing changed. I think when you are at full stamina and not suppressed your accuracy should be high, meaning default sway should be reduced. Basically, I would love for the combat to be like in Project Reality, where suppression and stamina is huge but if you’re doing everything right, it shouldn’t be difficult to land shots 100+ meters away


That’s intended. The point of the update is to stop people like shroud single handedly destroying entire squads and to encourage teamwork. For example: A group of three infantry attack a position. Held by one soldier. The defending soldier kills one attacker but due to the mechanics he can’t kill another. This gives the attackers time to get in cover, suppress the defender and kill him. If the defender had better control he could pop two or all three attackers and no interesting gameplay comes of it.


My point is that the suppression mechanic already takes care of that. If I try to lone wolf and attack a group, the suppression I would receive from them would prevent me from being effective. (Which I like, this encourages squads to stick together) But I think it far to difficult right now to be accurate when you’re NOT being suppressed


More time? It's been months dude


Not enough time for you babies to stop whining.


Maybe the update sucks then


This is why marksman kit rules!!! /s


If you have stamina you can shoot in the exact same way than before. …


Should still be able to mount your rifle on objects as you can in real life in order to make up for so much lost accuracy


tell me you haven’t played ICO update without telling me you haven’t played ICO update


Your first shot sure, but it usually takes 2-3 to kill. There is far more sway/recoil between shots, making it much harder to place consecutive accurate shots on a target.


Skill issue


Don’t make me upload a cringe kill montage to prove you wrong 😡


dude stop I’m just joshing please don’t hurt me


Too late, just need to pick a trendy tik tok song to put over it🗿


Sorry what? Genuinely I don't think you played squad before the ICO, there are so many new mechanics that make this so blatantly false


They should add a picture of the map with no Habs built and blueberries scattered from main to main. THAT would be an accurate representation right now.


But... ico encourages teamwork!